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1. Eurotech vs Cuison 2.

Rallos vs Felix Go Chan

 Art. 1897. The agent who acts as such is not personally  Sale was void.
liable to the party with whom he contracts, unless he (1) No one may contract in the name of another without
expressly binds himself or exceeds the limits of his being authorized by the latter, or unless he has by law a
right to represent him (Art. 1317 of the Civil Code).
authority without giving such party sufficient notice of
(2) Simon’s authority as agent was extinguished upon
his powers. (1725) Concolacion’s death
 In contract of agency, one binds himself to render some
service or to do something in representation or on behalf  Extinguishment
of another with the latter’s consent. o Generally: among others 1, By the death, civil
interdiction, insanity or insolvency of the principal or
 The basis of agency is representation, that is, the agent
of the agent
acts for and on behalf of the principal on matters within - death of the principal effects instantaneous
the scope of his authority and said acts have the same and absolute revocation of the authority of the
legal effects as if they were personally executed by the agent
o Exceptions:
 (Art. 1930) if it has been constituted in the
 Elements of Contract of Agency: common interest of the latter and of the
(1) Consent, express or implied, of the parties to establish agent, or in the interest of a third person who
the relationship has accepted the stipulation in his favor.
 (Art. 1931) agent acted without knowledge
(2) Object, which is the execution of a juridical act in of the pricipal’s death and that the third
relation to third party person was in good faith (both these reqs
(3) The agent acts as a representative and not for himself should be present)
(4) The agent acts within the scope of his authority
 2 instances where the agent becomes PERSONALLY  The sale did not fall under the exceptions to the general
rule that death ipso jure extinguishes the authority of the
LIABLE to third person: agent
(1) He expressly binds himself to the obligation o Art. 1930 inapplicable: SPA in favor of Simon
(2) When he exceeds his authority Rallos was not coupled with interest
 Edwin’s participation in the Deed of Assignment was o Art. 1931 inapplicable:
reasonably necessary or was required in order for him to
protect the business

1 See Art. 1919

 Simon Rallos knew (as can be inferred his principal or cestui que trust. Whatever a trustee does for the
from his pleadings) of principal advantage of the trust estate inures to the benefit of the cestui
Concepcion’s death que trust.
 For Art 1931 to apply, both requirements
must be present
 Yes, agent’s knowledge of principal’s 4
death is material.
 Respondent asserts that: there is no provision in the
Code which provides that whatever is done by an agent
having knowledge of the death of his principal is void
even with respect to third

3. Severino vs Severino G.R. No. 18058 January 16, 1923

Defendant Guillermo Severino, after the death of his brother
(Melecio Severino), was the latter’s administrator and as such,
continued to occupy the land owned by Melecio. Eventually,
cadastral proceedings were instituted for the registration of the
land titles. Guillermo claimed such land and since no opposition
was presented, the court decreed the title in his favor.
Melecio’s daughter and sole heir, plaintiff Fabiola Severino,
compelled Guillermo to convey to her the land. It bears noting
that Fabiola was a minor during the time of the cadastral

Whether or not Guillermo can be compelled to convey the land to
Fabiola, even if there is already a title in Guillermo’s name.

Yes. The relations of an agent to his principal are fiduciary.
Guillermo’s position as agent is analogous to that of a trustee and
he cannot consistently, with the principles of good faith, be
allowed to create in himself an interest in opposition to that of

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