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An Introduction to English Syntax and Morphology with Exercises

By Nicotinus

With a Booklist in Nicotinus' s Apellicon Library

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Structure of a simple sentence

Essential elements of a sentence

[A Sentence = Subject + Predicate]

Forms of a subject

1.A noun Reason governs the world.

2.A pronoun I think,therefore, I am.
3.An adjective The suppressed becomes the weak.
4.A to-infinitive phrase To err is human; to forgive, divine.
5.A gerundial phrase The cackling of geese saved Rome.
6.An another part of speech Under is a preposition.

7.A clause Whoever has an absolute power is a monarch.

Forms of a predicate Subject + Predicate

1.Predicate noun Fear becomes hate.

2.Predicate pronoun It is her.

3.Predicate adjective She looks courageous.

4.Predicate genitive This matter is of importance.

5.Predicate infinitive We are now to break friendship.

6.Predicate gerund She dislikes cooking.

7.Predicate participle The last question remained unanswered.

8.Predicate adverb The future is up to you.

9.Predicate prepositional phrase I am in a position to start a new job.

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1.Exercises in division of following propositions into subjects and predicates.
1.From weakness springs all cruelty.
2.Culture is the activities of thought.
3.Cowards die many times before their death.
4.The devil can quote scripture for his purpose.
5.The richest is he who is content with the least,for contentment is the wealth of nature.
6.The great hope of society is individual character.
7.The burden becomes light which is cheerfully borne.
8.Science discovers; art creates.
9.Life is possible only if one were very strong-willed.
10.The high-spirited are not easy to control.
11.Those who are too cowardly lack endurance.
12.Life is nothing without friendship.
13.All men by nature desire to know.
14.Anger always begins with folly,and ends with repentence.
15.Reason alone can make man noble.
16.When anger rises, think of the consequences.
17.Beauty is the highest aim of the art.
18.Nothing is politically right which is morally wrong.
19.Friendship is love without wings.
20.People don't find their liberty in obedience to the law.
21.Some of the rules and compulsions are essential to happiness.
22.We need freedom to attain our own lives.
23.Power,when uncontrolled,is always the natural enemy of freedom.
24.History is the nightmare from which we are trying to awake.
25.Great minds rise above the misfortune,but little minds subdue.
26.The secret of liberty is always, in the end, the courage to resist.
27.courage rises between reason and desire.
28.Hatred is the madness of the heart.
29.Sin writes history:goodness is silent.
30.An idle man's brain is the devil's workshop.
31.Ignorance is the night of the mind: a night without moon or star.
32.Man is arrogant in proportion to his ignorance.
33.Fate is dependent.
34.Action is the movement in the mind.
35.Contentment is the limited quantity in pleasure.

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Subordinate elements of a sentence

Subject and its grammatical attributes

1.Determiners A

2.Pre-noun adjective young

3.S-genitive student's

4.Pre-noun participle burning question was answered

5. Pre-noun adverb above.

Post-noun modifiers
1.Appositive noun Pythagoras, father of the Liberal Arts.

2.Adjective phrase a man , famous for his theorem.

3.Adverb a man , once on the island of Samoas.

4.Of-genitive a man of great science.

5.To-infinitive a man to enlighten other minds.

6.Participial phrase a man, founding the Liberal Society.

7.Prepositional phrase a man in pursuit of intellectual freedom.

8.Relative Clause a man that ever lived in ancient Greece.

2.Make the following sentences into subordinate phrases.

1.This water is standing.
2.That wall was made of stone.
3.Flowers are out in the garden.
4.A child is asleep.
5.This box is made of wood.
6.The dangers are hidden.
7.It's a bank for savings.
8.A teapot just broke.
9.There follow some chapters.

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10.A party has come to stand.
11.Such a punishment will not be deserved.
12.Pains are growing.
13.He is honourable.
14.There is a building on fire.
15.It was a look which surprised me.
16.It is a dictionary for school.
17.He teaches language.
18.The storm was violent.
19.He is such a husband as devotes himself to his family.
20.This city has a dense population.
21.They deal antiques.
22.Mg Kaung felt depressed.
23.Every dog may be faithful.
24.He sinks in debt.
25.Wake up your intellect!
26.Labour was forced in some countries.
27.Virtue is its own reward.
28.Vice is its own punishment.
29.She was politically imprisoned.
30.Judgment is diffucult.
31.There is a tourist walking about the city.
32.This voice must come from a man.
33.There followed the siege of city for a long time.
34.Silence keeps long.
35.Ego seeks pleasure and avoids pains and fear.
36.Define your point!
37.She is smiling at me.
38.This ticket is for return.
39.All things are numbers.
40.All numbers can be divided.

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Morphological process

Nominal Classification

1.Simple Nouns

2.Compound Nouns

3.Primary Derivative Nouns

4.Secondary Derivative Nouns

1.Simple Nouns are divided into

1.1 Proper Nouns: Euclid, Athen, Zeus, Apple, Smile

1.2 Common Nouns: Man, Universe, God, Fruit, Work
1.3 Collective Nouns: Family, Society, State, Food, Character
1.4 abstract Nouns: Point, Reason, Form, Beauty, Friendship, Virtue

Exercises in classification of the following words into their grammatical categories.

virtue,metaphor,syntax,law,scientist,figure,sublime,poetics,triad, beginning, cause, imitation, nature, middle,

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2.Compound Nouns can be formed from
2.1 Noun + Noun
moon light
chess board
arm chair
post man
rail way
air man
fire escape
jail bird
shoe maker
screw driver
tax payer
tea spoon

2.2 Adjective + Noun

sweet heart
noble man
black board
quick silver

2.3 Verb + Noun

break fast
tell tale
pick pocket
scare crow

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2.4 Gerund + Noun
drawing room
looking glass
walking stick
stepping stone
spelling book
swimming pool

2.5 Adverb(preposition) + Noun

out law
after thought
fore sight
over coat
down fall
after noon
in side

2.6 Verb + Adverb

draw back
lock up
go between
die hard

2.7 Adverb + Verb

out set
out cry
in come
out come
in put
out put

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3. Primary Derivative Nouns
3.1 Verb Noun

prove proof

speak speech

sit seat

bind bond

break breech

3.2 Verb Noun

Answer answer

use use

walk walk

change change

work work

3.3 Verb Noun

increase increase

insult insult

export export

record record

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4. Secondary Derivative Nouns
Stems(noun or verb or adjective) + Suffixes
teach er
meet ing
visit or
art ist
assist ant
music ian
employ ee
poet ess
move ment
differ ence
assist ance
exhibit ion
examin ation
major ity
cruel ty
victor y
brother hood
friend ship
pass age
free dom
liberal ism
dark ness
fail ure
meet ing
know ledge
grow th
analyse sis
submit ssion
cook ing

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5. Secondary Derivative Nouns(contd)
Prefixes + Stems(noun or verb or adjective)
re construction

co existence

dis armament

ex minister

mis understanding

over estimation

in equality

under secretary

counter action

anti terrorism

sub division

inter course

un employment

con solidation

non sense

pre curement

trans port

auto biography

pro democracy

sym pathy

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1. Exercises in nominal formation,by using the following suffixes:

Stems + suffixes




















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1.Exercises in nominal formation(contd)

Stems + suffixes

















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1.Exercises in nominal formation(contd)

Stems + Suffixes



















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2. Exercises (Intermediate)
Ex. Many people visited us during summer. We had many visitors.
He suggested that I study French. I like his suggestions.

1. We couldn’t agree. We couldn’t reach an …………..

2. The detective investigated the murder. During his ……... he questioned dozens of people.

3. She described her trip. Her ……………………….. was very full and interesting.

4. We invited the Blacks to dinner.They accepted our …………

5. His health was improved since he’s been in the clinic. The ………… is very noticeable.

6. The lecture hall was almost empty. The speakers were disappointed at the ………………

3. Exercises(Intermediate)
Ex. He works at a plant. Is he a worker?

1. My friend drives vey well. He is a ………..

2. Mary has been taught to play the piano since five. She is a …………

3. Peter studies at the University. Is he a ……………

4. My friend teaches Geography at school. Is he a ………………

5. Beethoven composed many great pieces of music. Was he a …………

6. He gives lecture at Oxford. He is a ………..

7. Isaac Newton invented hundreds of things. He was a ……………

8. A lot of interesting things are exhibited here. Here is an ……………

9. My history professor has written many books. My professor is a …………

10. He has been studying music for years. He is a ...................

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4. Exercises (Basic). Form nouns by using the prefixes:
un-, dis-, mis-, in-, de-, anti-, pre-.

Ex. employment unemployment.






















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Adjectival Classification
1. Simple Adjective
2. Compound Adjective
3. Derivative Adjective

1. Simple Adjectives
1.1 Adjectives good,happy,ill, evil,political.

1.2 Nouns the weather forecast, a flower garden.

1.3 Genitives nobody’s matter,the world’s on a stage.

1.4 Participles the coming month, settled weather, the newly-arrived guests.

1.5 Gerunds a signalling device, a dining room, retiring age.

1.6 Adverbs the above statement, the then government, home match

2. Compound Adjectives
2.1 noun + adjective(participle)
blood red
sky blue
snow white
pitch dark
skin deep
life long
world wide
home sick
head strong
sea sick
heart broken
hand made
note worthy

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2.2 Adjective + adjective
red hot
blue black
dull grey
2.3 Adverb(preposition) + participle
in born
long suffering
ever lasting
never ending
thorough bred
well deserved
out spoken
down hearted
far seen

3. Derivative Adjectives
3.1 stems + suffixes
use ful
eat able
import ant
danger ous
child like
strongwill ed
home less
access ible
depend ent
revolution ary
boy ish
form al
disappoint ing
trouble some
poet ic
speed y
impress ive
material ist

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3.2. prefixs + stems
anti terrorism
un able
in dependent
dis couragous
sub conscious
post war
pre revolutionary
im possible
inter national
ultra violet

4. Exercises(Basic) Form adjectives by using suffixes.

Ex. care careful careless America possibility
wool woolen Asia beauty
Poland insist
stems + suffixes Spain significant
use Greece shame
frost Italy gift
rain whole learn
rock home wood
fog thirst fear
snow fruit bound
ice speed need
sun nature wealth
noise trouble joy
England hope red
Russia art
Europe true

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5. Exercises(Intermediate) form adjectives by using the prefixes.
Ex. Urban interurban
Practical impractical

Prefixes + stems
1. acceptable
2. national
3. continuous
4. possible
5. legal
6. appointing
7. complete
8. married
9. accurate
10. able
11. bearable
12. available
13. believable
14. conscious
15. stellar
16. marine
17. historic
18. war
19. capitalistic
20. aircraft
21. American
22. communist
23. democratic

6. Exercises(Intermediate) complete the following sentences with the adjectives made

by adding the suffixes ( -ous ) to the italised nouns.
Eg. The play was full of humour. The audience laughed at the humourous situations.

1. The artist got fame for his picture. He became ....................

2. I 've been reading a mystery novel. It was a ......................... book.
3. The song had a pleasant melody.It was ..........................
4. Bob hardly escaped the danger. The situation was .........................
5. Olaf hoped to earn fame for his book. Did he hope to become ............................
6 The boy was full of mischief. He was very ...........................
7. The flood in India was a disaster. It was very ............................
8. The soldier was given a medal for his courage. He was ........................

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7. Exercises(Intermediate) complete the following underlined sentences by adding the adjective
suffixes to the nouns or to the verbs. '-ed','-ful','-ent','-ant','-able'.

Ex. I need paper with lines on it. Could you give me some lined paper, please?

He helped them. He was very helpful.

1. Children depend on their parents. They are ......................... on their parents.

2. I'm going to wash my new dress. I hope it's .........................

3. Mrs. Black had stripes on her skirt. She was wearing a .................... blouse.

4. This blouse has short sleeves, but I prefer a long .................... one.

5. Give me all the details, I need ........................ description.

6. There were crowds of people in the streets. The streets were .........................

7. She was in a hurry, that's why we had a

8. I doubt if he was right. His story was very ......................

9. She always cheers other people up. She is such a ...................person herself.

10. Ann is such a beauty. She resembles her ........................ mother.

11. This show differs from all the other shows I 've seen this year. It's so ..........................

Exercises(Intermediate) answer the following questions, using a compound noun formed by

the two nouns.
Eg. A small boat saved his life. What boat was this? This was a lifeboat.

1. She went to the shop to buy a hat. Which shop did she go to?
2. I drank some tea from the cup.what cup was it?
3. This store has a lot of different departments.How can we call such a store?
4. Throw any waste paper in this basket! How can you call a basket for waste paper?
5. He gave her a ring for their engagement.What kind of ring was it?
6. I got these books from the library. What books are they?
7. I need a coat to wear in the rain. What coat do I need?
8. This paper appears in the evening.What do we call such a paper?

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Exercises(Intermediate) form abstract nouns by using the suffixes.
Eg. wise wisdom
child childhood
1. brother 19. just
2. free 20. prudent
3. happy 21. ignorant
4. feel 22. excel
5. real 23. live
6. know 24. choose
7. liberal 25. think
8. false 26. please
9. jealous 27. expect
10. one 28. infinite
11. act
12. judge
13. create
14. move
15. marry
16. friend
17. cruel
18. true

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Verbal Classifications
1. Simple Verb

2. Compound Verb

3. Derivative Verb

4. Phrasal Verb

1. Simple Verbs

2. Compound Verbs

Over grow

Over take

3. Derivative Verbs

3.1 Stem suffix

Organ ize
Black en
Just ify
Decor ate

3.2 prefix stem

De compose
Dis like
Mis understand
Re write
Un pack

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4. Phrasal Verbs

Verbal stem particle

Give up

Give in

Bring up

Do up

Do away

Put up with

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Abandon Act Age

Able Actual Agent

Abnormal Adapt Aggressive

About Add Ago

Above Address Agree

Abroad Adequate Agriculture

Absence Adjective Ahead

Absolute Adjust Aid

Absorb Administrative Aim

Abstract Admire Air

Absurd Admit Alarm

Academic Adopt Alcohol

Accept Adult Alert

Access Advance Alike

Accident Advangtage Alive

Accommodation Adventure All

Accompany Adverb Allow

According to Advertise Almost

Account Advice Alone

Accumulate Affair Along

Accuracy Affect Aloud

Accuse Afraid Alphabet

Achieve After Already

Acid Afternoon Also

Acknowledge Afterwards Alter

Acquire Again Although

Across Against Always

Ambition Amuse Ancestor

Among An Ancient

amount Analyse And

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Anger Argue Attack

Angle Arm Attempt

Angry Armour Attend

Animal Arms Attitude

Ankle Army Attract

Anniversary Around Audience

Announce Arrange Aunt

Annoy Arrest Author

Annual Arrive Authority

Another Art Automatic

Answer Article Autumn

Anxious Artificial Available

Any As Average

Apart Ash Avoid

Apparatus Ashamed Awake

Apparently Aside Award

Appeal Ask Aware

Appear Asleep Away

Appetite Aspect Awkward

Apple Assemble 160

Apply Assert

Appoint Assess

Appreciate Assist

Approach Associate

Appropriate Assume

Approve Astonish

Approximately At

Arch Atmosphere

Architecture Atom

Area Attach

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Baby Bear Bicycle

Back Beat Bid

Bacon Beauty Big

Bacteria Because Bill

Bad-tempered Become Bird

Bad Bed Birth

Bag Bee Biscuit

Bake Beer Bishop

Balance Before Bit

Ball Beg Bite

Ballet Begin Bitter

Band Behalf Black

Bank Behave Blade

Bar Behind Blame

Bare Belief Blank

Bark Bell Bleed

Barrel Belong Bless

Base Below Blind

Basic Belt Block

Basket Bend Blood

Bat Beneath Blow

Bath Benefit Blue

Batsman Berry Board

Battery Beside Boast

Battle Best Boat

Be Bet Body

Beach Betray Boil

Beak Between Bold

Beam Beyond Bomb

Bean Bible Bone

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Book Bright

Boot Brilliant

Border Bring

Bore Broad

Born Broadcast

Borrow Brother

Both Brown

Bottle Brush

Bottom Bubble

Bounce Bucket

Boundary Build

Bow Bullet

Bowels Bunch

Bowl Burn

Box Burst

Boy Bury

Brain Bus

Branch Bush

Brass Business(have,be engaged

in,be occupied with,go out
Brave on,transact,mean,mind,quit)
Bread Busy
Breadth But
Break Butter
Breakfast Button
Breast Buy
Breath By
Breed 146



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Cable Carriage Challenge

Cage Carry Chance

Cake Cart Change

Calculate Carve Channel

Calf Case Character

Call Cash Charge

Calm Cast Charity

Camera Castle Charm

Camp Casual Chart

Campaign Cat Chase

Can Catch Cheap

Canal Category Cheat

Cancel Cathedral Check

Candidate Cattle Cheek

Candle Cause Cheer

Canvas Cave Cheese

Cap Ceiling Chemical

Capable Celebrate Cheque

Capacity Cell Chest

Capital Cement Chicken

Captain Cent Chief

Capture Central Child

Car Centre Chimney

Card-game Century Chin

Card Ceremony Chocolate

Cardboard Certain Choose

Care Certificate Chop

Career Chain Church

Cargo Chair Cigarette

Carpet Chalk Cinema

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Circle Cold Component

Circuit Collapse Compose

Circumstance Collar Compound

Citizen Collect Compromise

City College Compulsory

Civil Colony Computer

Claim Colour Conceal

Class Column Concentrate

Clause Comb Conception

Clay Combine Concern

Clean Come Concert

Clear Comedy Conclusion

Clergyman Comfort Concrete

Clever Comic Condemn

Client Command Condition

Cliff Comment Conduct

Climate Commerce Conference

Climb Commit Confess

Clock Common Confidence

Close Communicate Confine

Cloth Community Confirm

Cloud Companion Conflict

Club Company Conform

Coach Compare Confuse

Coal Compensate Congress

Coast Compete Connect

Coat Complain Conscience

Code Complete Consequence

Coffee Complex Consider

Coin Complicated Consist

[Type text] Page 30

Consonant Correspond Critical

Constant Cosmetic Crop

Constitute Cost Cross

Construct Costume Crowd

Contact Cotton Crown

Contain Cough Cruel

Contempt Could Crush

Content Council Cry

Contest Count Crystal

Continent Country Cultivate

Continue Couple Culture

Contract Courage Cup

Contrary Course Cure

Contrast Court Curiosity

Contribute Cover Curl

Control Cow Currency

Convenient Coward Current

Convention Crack Curse

Conversation Crash Curtain

Convert Crawl Curve

Convince Crazy Cushion

Cook Cream Custom

Cool Create Cut

Copper Credit Cycle

Copy Creep 265

Cord Crew

Corn Cricket

Corner Crime

Corporation Crisis

Correct Crisp

[Type text] Page 31

Damage Delay Devote

Damp Deliberate Diagram

Dance Delicate Diamond

Danger Delight Dictionary

Dare Deliver Die

Dark Demand Diet

Data Demonstrate Differ

Daughter Deny Difficult

Dawn Depart Dig

Day Depend Dignity

Dead Deposit Dimension

Deal Depress Dinner

Debate Descend Dip

Debt Describe Direct

Decay Deserve Dirt

Deceitful Design Disadvantage

Deceive Desire Disagree

Decide Desk Disappear

Decimal Despair Disappoint

Declare Despite Disapprove

Decorate Destination Disaster

Decrease Destiny Disc

Deed Destroy Discharge

Deep Detach Discipline

Deer Detail Discomfort

Defeat Detect Discourage

Defend Determine Discover

Define Develop Discuss

Definite Device Disease

Degree Devil Disguise

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Disgust Dot

Dish Double

Dishonest Doubt

Dislike Down

Dismiss Drag

Disorder Drain

Display Drama

Dispose Draw

Dispute Dream

Dissolve Dress

Distant Drink

Distil Drive

Distinct Drop

Distinguished Drug

Distort Drum

Distract Dry

Distress Duck

Distribute Due

District Dull

Disturb During

Ditch Dust

Divide Duty

Do Dye

Doctor 145







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Each Else

Eager Elsewhere

Ear Embarrass

Early Emergency

Earn Emotion

Earth Emphasis

Ease Empire

East Employ

Eat Empty

Eccentric Enable

Economy Enclose

Edge Encourage

Edible End

Educate Endure

Effect Enemy

Efficient Energy

Effort Engage

Egg Engine

Eight Enjoy

Either Enough

Elaborate Enter

Elastic Enterprise

Elbow Entertain

Elect Enthusiasm

Electric Entire

Electronic Entitle

Elegant Envelope

Element Environment

Elephant Envy

Eleven Equal

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Equip Excuse

Equivalent Execute

Error exercise

Escape exhibition

Especially exist

Essay expand

Essential expect

Establish expenditure

Estate expense

Estimate experience

Even experiment

Evening expert

Event explain

Ever explode

Every exploit

Evidence explore

Evil export

Exact expose

Exaggerate express

Examine extend

Example external

Excellent extinct

Except extra

Exception extraordinary

Excess extreme

Exchange eye

Excite 115


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Face Feel Flash

Fact Fellow Flat

Factor Female Flavour

Factory Fence Fleet

Fade Festival Flesh

Fail Fever Flexible

Faint Few Flight

Fair Fiction Float

Faith Field Flood

Fall Fierce Floor

False Fifth Flour

Fame Fight Flow

Family Figure Flower

Fan File Fluid

Far Fill Fly

Fare Film Fold

Farm Final Follow

Fascinating Find Fond

Fashion Fine Food

Fast Finger Fool

Fasten Finish Foot

Fat Fire For

Fate Firm Forbid

Father First Force

Fault Fish Forecast

Favour Fit Forehead

Fear Five Foreign

Feather Fix Forest

Feature Flag Forget

Feed Flame

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Forgive Funeral

Fork Fur

Form Furniture

Fort Further

Fortune Fuss

Forward Future

Found 126
























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Gain Glue Grip

Gallery Go Ground

Gamble Goal Group

Game Goat Grow

Gang God Guarantee

Gap Gold Guard

Garden Golf Guess

Garment Good Guide

Gas Gossip Guilt

Gate Govern Gun

Gather Grace 64

Gear Grade

General Gradual

Generation Grain

Generous Grammar

Gentle Grand

Genuine Grass

Gesture Grateful

Get Gratitude

Ghost Grave

Gift great

Girl Greedy

Give Green

Glad Greet

Glass Grey

Glove Grief

Glow Grind

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Habit Heel Horse

Hair Hell Hospital

Half Help Host

Hall Hen Hostility

Hammar Here Hot

Hand Hesitate Hotel

Hang Hide Hour

Happen High House

Happy Hill How

Harbour Hip Huge

Hard Hire Human

Harm History Humour

Harmony Hit Hundred

Harsh Hockey Hunger

Hat Hold Hunt

Hate Hole Hurry

Have Holiday Hurt

He Hollow Husband

Head-dress Holy Hut

Head Home 75

Heal Honest

Heap Honey

Hear Honour

Heart Hook

Heat Hope

Heaven Horizon

Heavy Horn

Hedge Horror

[Type text] Page 39

I Increase Instrument
Ice Independent Insult
Idea Indicate Insurance
Ideal Indirect Intellectual
Identify Individual Intelligent
Identity Indoors Intend
If Industry Intense
Ignore Inevitable Interest
Ill Infect Interfere
Illegal Inferior Internal
Illusion Inflict International
Illustrate Influence Interpret
Image Inform Interrupt
Imagine Ingredient Interval
Immediate Inhabitant Into
Impact Inherit Introduce
Implement Injure Invent
Imply Ink Invest
Import Innocent Invite
Important Inquiry Involve
Impossible Insect Inward
Impress Insert Iron
Improve Inside Irrelevant
Impulse Insincere Irritate
In Insist Island
Inability Inspect Isolate
Inadequate Instance Issue
Inch Instead It
Incident Instinct Item
Include Institution 91
Income Instruct

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Jacket Keen
Jam Keep
Jaw Key
Jealous Kick
Jelly Kill
Jet Kilogram
Jewel Kind
Job King
Join Kiss
Joke Kitchen
Journalist Knee
Journey Knife
Joy Knit
Judge Knock
Juice Knot
Jump Know
Just 16

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Label Leg Load
Labour Lend Loan
Lace Less Local
Lack Lesson Lock
Ladder Let Lodging
Lake Letter Log
Lamb Level Log
Lamp Library Logic
Land Licence Lonely
Language Lid Long
Large Lie Look
Last Life Loop
Late Lift Loose
Laugh Light Lord
Launch Lightning Lorry
Lavatory Like Lose
Law Limb Lot
Lawn Limit Loud
Lay Line Love
Lazy Link Low
Lead Lion Loyal
Leaf Lip Luck
Lean Liquid Lump
Learn List Lunch
Least Listen Lung
Leather Literature 82
Leave Litre
Lecture Little
Left Live

[Type text] Page 42

Machine Mature
Mad Maximum
Magazine May
Magic Meal
Magistrate Mean
Magnificent Means
Mail Measure
Main Meat
Maintain Mechanism
Major Medicine
Make Medieval
Male Medium
Man Meet
Manage Melt
Manner Member
Manufacture Memory
Many Mend
Map Mention
Marble Mess
March Message
Margin Messenger
Mark Metal
Market Method
Marry Metre
Mass Metric
Mat Middle
Match Midnight
Material Might
Matter Mild

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Mile Monkey
Military Month
Milk Mood
Mill Moon
Million Moral
Mind Morning
Mineral Mostly
Minister Mother
Minor Motion
Minute Motor
Mirror Mould
Miserable Mountain
Miss Mouse
Missile Mouth
Mist Move
Mistate Much
Mix Mud
Mock Multiply
Model Murder
Moderate Muscle
Modern Museum
Modest Music
Moment Must
Money Mutual
Monk Mystery

[Type text] Page 44

Nail Noble
Naked Noise
Name None
Narrow Nonsense
Nation Normal
Nature North
Naval Nose
Navy Note
Near Nothing
Neat Notice
Necessary Noun
Neck Novel
Need Now
Needle Nuclear
Negative Number
Negotiation Nun
Neither Nurse
Nerve Nut
Nest Nylon
Net 47

[Type text] Page 45

Obey Opponent
Object Opportunity
Obligation Oppose
Observe Opposite
Obstacle Or
Obtain Orange
Obvious Order
Occasion Ordinary
Occupy Ore
Occur Organ
Ocean Organize
Odd Origin
Of Ornament
Off Other
Offend Ought
Offer Out
Office Outcome
Often Outdoor
Oil Outer
Old Outline
Omit Outside
On Outstanding
Once Outward
One Oven
Onion Over
Only Overcome
Onto Owe
Open Own
Opera Oxygen
Operate 60

[Type text] Page 46

Pace Patch
Pack Path
Packet Patient
Pad Pattern
Page Pause
Pain Pay
Paint Peace
Pair Pen
Pale Penalty
Palm Pence
Pan Pencil
Panel Penetrate
Paper Penny
Paragraph People
Parallel Pepper
Parcel Per
Parent Perfect
Park Perform
Parliament Perhaps
Part Period
Participate Permanent
Particular Permit
Partner Person
Party Persuade
Pass Pet
Passage Petrol
Passenger Philosophy
Passing Photograph
Passion Phrase
Past Physical
Pastry Piano

[Type text] Page 47

Pick Poison
Picture Pole
Pie Police
Piece Policy
Pig Polish
Pile Polite
Pillar Politics
Pilot Pool
Pin Poor
Pink Pop
Pipe Popular
Pitch Population
Pity Port
Place Portion
Plain Portray
Plan Position
Plane Positive
Planet Possess
Plant Possible
Plastic Post
Plate Pot
Platform Potato
Play Pound
Pleasant Pour
Please Powder
Plenty Power
Plot Practice
Plug Praise
Pocket Pray
Poem Precious
Point Predict

[Type text] Page 48

Prefer Private Propose
Pregnant Privilege Prostitute
Prejudice Prize Protect
Preliminary Probable Protest
Prepare Problem Proud
Present Procedure Provide
Preserve Proceed Province
President Process Provoke
Press Produce Pub
Pretend Profession Public
Pretty Profit Publish
Prevent Program Pull
Previous Progress Pump
Price Project Punch
Prickly Prolong Punish
Pride Prominent Pupil
Priest Promise Pure
Primary Promote Purple
Primitive Pronoun Purpose
Prince Pronounce Pursue
Principal Proof Push
Principle Proper Put
Print Property 194
Prison Proprtion

Qualify Quarter Quiet

Quality Queen Quite
Quantity Question Quote
Quick 11

[Type text] Page 49

Rabbit Reflect
Race Reform
Radio Refuse
Rail Regain
Rain Regard
Raise Regiment
Range Region
Rank Register
Rapid Regret
Rare Regular
Rat Regulate
Rate Reject
Rather Relate
Raw Relax
Ray Release
Reach Relevant
React Relief
Read Religion
Ready Reluctance
Real Rely
Reason Remain
Receive Remark
Recent Remember
Recognize Remind
Recommend Remote
Record Remove
Recover Renew
Red Rent
Reduce Repair
Refer Repeat
Refined Replace

[Type text] Page 50

Reply Return Role
Report Reveal Roll
Represent Revenge Romantic
Reproduce Reverse Roof
Reptile Review Room
Republic Revive Root
Reputation Revolve Rope
Request Reward Rose
Require Rhythm Rot
Rescue Rice Rough
Research Rich Round
Resemble Rid Route
Reserve Ride Routine
Residence Ridge Row
Resign Ridiculous Royal
Resist Right Rub
Resolve Rigid Rubber
Resort Ring Rubbish
Resource Ripe Rude
Respect Rise Ruin
Respond Risk Rule
Rest Ritual Rumour
Restaurant Rival Run
Restore River Rural
Restraint Road Rush
Restrict Rob 143
Result Rock
Retire Rod

[Type text] Page 51

Sacred Section
Sacrifice Secure
Sad See
Safe Seed
Sail Seek
Saint Seem
Sake Seize
Salary Select
Salt Sell
Same Send
Sample Senior
Sand Sense
Sandwich Sensible
Satisfy Sentence
Sauce Sentimental
Save Separate
Say Sequence
Scale Series
Scatter Serious
Scene Serve
Scheme Set
School Settle
Science Seven
Scope Several
Score Severe
Scrap Sew
Scratch Sex
Screen Shade
Screw Shadow
Sea Shake
Seal Shallow
Search Shame
Season Shape
Seat Share
Second Sharp
Secret Shave

[Type text] Page 52

She Simple
Shed Sin
Sheep Since
Sheet Sincere
Shelf Sing
Shell Single
Shelter Sink
Shield Sister
Shine Sit
Ship Site
Shirt Situate
Shock Six
Shoe Size
Shoot Sketch
Shop Skill
Shore Skin
Short Skirt
Shot Sky
Should Slave
Shoulder Sleep
Shout Sleeve
Show Slender
Shower Slice
Shrink Slide
Shut Slight
Shy Slip
Sick Slope
Side Slow
Sight Small
Sign Smart
Signal Smell
Silent Smile
Silk Smoke
Silly Smooth
Silver Snake
Similar Snow

[Type text] Page 53

So Spirit
Soak Spite
Soap Splendid
Social Split
Sock Spoil
Soft Spoon
Soil Sport
Soldier Spot
Sole Spray
Solemn Spread
Solid Spring
Solve Square
Some Stable
Son Staff
Song Stage
Soon Stair
Sore Stake
Sorry Stall
Sort Stamp
Soul Stand
Sound Standard
Soup Star
Sour Stare
Source Start
South State
Space Station
Speak Statue
Special Status
Species Stay
Specific Steady
Spectacle Steal
Speed Steam
Spell Steel
Spend Steep
Spice Steer
Spin Stem

[Type text] Page 54

Step Style
Stick Subject
Stiff Submit
Still Substance
Stimulate Substitute
Sting Succeed
Stir Succession
Stitch Such
Stock Suck
Stomach Sudden
Stone Suffer
Stop Sufficient
Store Sugar
Storm Suggest
Story Suit
Straight Sum
Strain Summary
Strand Summer
Strange Summon
Strap Sun
Straw Superior
Stream Supervise
Street Supply
Stress Support
Stretch Suppose
Strict Suppress
Strike Supreme
String Sure
Strip Surface
Stroke Surprise
Strong Surround
Structure Survey
Struggle Survive
Study Suspect
Stuff Suspend
Stupid Swallow

[Type text] Page 55

Swear Technique
Swim Temper

Swing Temperature
Switch Temple
System Tend
301 Tendency
Table Tennis
Tail Tense
Take Tenth
Talent Term
Talk Terrible
Tall Territory
Tank Test
Tap Text
Tape Texture
Target Than
Task Thank
Taste That
Tax The
Taxi Theatre
Tea Theme
Teach Then
Team Theory
Tear There

[Type text] Page 56

They Tissue
Thick Title
Thief To
Thin Tobacco
Thing Today
Think Toe
Third Together
Thirst Toilet
This Tolerate
Thorough Tomorrow
Though Ton
Thousand Tone
Thread Tongue
Threat Tonight
Three Too
Throat Tool
Through Tooth
Throw Top
Thumb Topic
Thunder Total
Thus Touch
Ticket Tough
Tide Tour
Tidy Toward
Tie Towel
Tight Tower
Time Town
Tin Toy
Tiny Trace
Tip Track
Tire Trade

[Type text] Page 57

Tradition Twelve
Traffic Twice
Trail Twist
Train Two
Transfer Type
Translate Typical
Transmit Tyre
Transparent 149

[Type text] Page 58

Ugly Unless Vegetable
Unable Until Vehicle
Unacceptable Unusual Vein
Unaware Unwilling Verb
Uncertain Unwise Verse
Uncle Up Version
Uncomfortable Upon Very
Unconscious Upper Victory
Under Upright View
Underground Upset Vigour
Understand Upstairs Village
Undesirable Upward Violent
Undo Urge Virgin
Unemployed Use Vissible
Unexpected Usual Visit
Unfair 39 Visual
Unfortunate Vivid
Uniform Voice
Union Vacuum Volume
Unit Valid Vote
Unite Valley Vowel
Universe Value Voyage
University Van 28
Unknown Vary

[Type text] Page 59

Wage When
Waist Where
Wait Whether
Wake Which
Walk While
Wall Whip
Wander Whistle
Want White
War Who
Warm Whole
Warn Why
Wash Wicked
Waste Wicket
Watch Wide
Water Widow
Wave Wife
Wax Wild
Way Will
We Win
Weak Wind
Wealth Window
Weapon Wine
Wear Wing
Weather Winter
Weave Wipe
Wedding Wire
Week Wise
Weigh Wish
Welcome With
Welfare Withdraw
Well Within
West Without
Wet Witness
What Woman
Wheat Wonder
Wheel Wood

[Type text] Page 60

Wool Yard
Word Year
Work Yellow
World Yes
Worm Yesterday
Worry Yet
Worship Yield
Worth You
Wound Young
Wrap 9
Wrong Zero
85 1

[Type text] Page 61

Rhetoric of figures
Figures based on Similarity Simile

Figures based on Difference Antithesis

The condensed sentence

Figures based on Association Metonymy


Figures based on Imagination Personification


Figures based on Sounds Paronomasia


[Type text] Page 62

Figures based on Indirectness Innuendo

Figures based on Construction Interrogation


Simile He came like night.

Justice, said Aristotle, is more glorious than the eastern Star or the Western Star.
Errors,like straws,upon the surface flow.
He that would search for pearls must dive below.

Metaphor He bridles his anger.

He was a lion in combat.
The fact is clear.
Hope is brightest when it dawns from fear.
The tree of liberty only grows when it is watered by the blood of tyrants.
A ray of hope,a shade of doubt,the head of a family,financial prospects,rooted prejudices,

[Type text] Page 63

Nicotinus' Apellicon Library
24. Oeconomica
The works of Aristotle 25. Atheniensium Respublica
26. Meteorologica
1. Politica 27. De Anima
2. A Treatise on Government 28. De Mundo
3. A Treatise on Education 29. De Spiritu
4. Man in the Universe 30. Parva Naturalia
5. Ethica Nicomachea 31. De Sensu et Sensibili
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7. Poetica 33. De Somno De Somniis
8. Rhetorica 34. De Divinatione per Somnum
9. Rhetorica ad Alexandrum 35. De Longitudine et Brevitate vitae
10. Categoriae 36. De Juventute et Senectute
11. De Interpretatione 37. De Vita et Morte
12. Analytica Priora 38. De Respiratione
13. Analytica Posteriora 39. Historia Animalium
14. Topica 40. De Partibus Animalium
15. De Sophisticis Elenchis 41. De Incessu Analium
16. Physica 42. De Generatione Animalium
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18. On the Heaven 44. Mechanica
19. De Caelo 45. Ancient Greek Philosophy
20. De Generatione et Corruptione 46. Philosophy of Mathematics
21. Metaphysica 47. Dramatic Works
22. Magna Moralia 48. Prophesying by Dreams
23. De Virtutibus et Vitiis 49. Magicus
[Type text] Page 64
50. Logical Treatise on Problems 76. Treatise on Inanimate Things
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52. Logical Treatise on Categoriae 78. Treatise on the Face
53. Logical Treatise on Dissertation 79. Treatise on the Mouth and its Parts
54. Logical Treatise on Contraries 80. Treatise on the Eyes
55. On the Good 81. Treatise on Ears
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57. On the Philosophy of Archytas 83. Treatise on the Colouration of the
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84. Treatise on Chill and Shivering
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86. Dialogue on Rhetoric or Gryllus( 1
61. Treatise on Perspiration book )
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73. Treatise on Fatigue
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74. Treatise on the Effects of Touch
100.Dialogue on Pleasure ( 1 book )
75. Treatise on Animate Things

[Type text] Page 65

101.Dialogue on Nerinthus ( 1 book ) The Works of Plato
102.Dialogue on Eroticus ( 1 book ) 1. Republic or On Justice
103.Dialogue on Protrepticus ( 1 book ) 2. The Laws
104.Dialogue on Menexenus ( 1 book ) 3. Timaeus or Music of the Universe
4. Mathematical Imagination
The Works of Pythagoras 5. Statesman
1. Treatise on Philosophy of Nature 6. Politicus
2. Treatise on Liberal Education 7. Parmenides
3. Treatise on Theoretic Number 8. Symposium
4. Treatise on Astronomy 9. Theaetetus
5. Treatise on Politics 10. Rival Lovers
6. Treatise on Statesmanship 11. Apology
7. Biography of Pythagoras by 12. Euthydemus
Theano,wife of Pythgoras
13. Redivivus or On Government
14. Erastae or On Pleasure & Philosophy
The Works of Euclid
15. Protagoras
1. Elements
16. Philebus
2. On Astronomy
17. Charmides
3. On Music
18. Euthyphro
4. On Optics
19. Phedrus
5. On Definitions
20. Sophist
6. On Divisions
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22. Theages
8. On Data
23. Phaedo
9. On the Bones
24. Critias
10. On Catoptrics
25. Lysis
26. Laches
27. Crito

[Type text] Page 66

28. Cratylus
29. Ion
30. Menexenus
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32. Hipparchus
33. Alcibiades
34. Epinomis
35. Hippias Major
36. Hippias Minor
37. Alcibiades Junior
38. Meno
39. Epistles

1.Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements by Thomas L. Heath vol.1 pp. 424

2. Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements by Thomas L. Heath vol.2 pp. 436
3. Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements by Thomas L. Heath vol.3 pp. 554
4. Greek Geometry from Thales to Euclid by George J. Allman pp.237
5. A History of Greek Mathematics by Thomas L. Heath vol.1 pp. 446
6. A History of Greek Mathematics by Thomas L. Heath vol.2 pp. 586
7. Theology of Arithmetic by Iamblichus pp.140
8. Harmonics of Aristoxenus pp. 303
9. A Short History of Greek Mathematics by James Gow pp. 323
10. Proclus' Metaphysical Elements pp. 201
11. Greek Mathematical Works by Ivor Thomas vol.1 pp. 540
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13. Theoretic Arithmetic of Pythagoreans pp. 252
14. The Pre-socratic Philosophers pp. 487
15. Ancilla to the Pre-socratic Philosophers by K.Freeman pp.156

[Type text] Page 67

16. Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy by E.Zeller pp. 363
17. Works of Archimedes by Thomas L. Heath pp. 326
18. Elements of Harmonics by Aristoxenus pp. 303
19. Elementa Rhythmica by Aristoxenus pp. 98
20. Euclid' s Elements of Music by A. Barbera pp. 316
21. Method of Archimedes by Thomas L. Heath pp. 60
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28. Greek Thinkers by T. Gomperz vol.2 pp.
29. Greek Thinkers by T. Gomperz vol.3 pp. 386
30. Greek Thinkers by T. Gomperz vol.4 pp.
31. Aristarchus: Greek Astronomy by Thomas L. Heath pp.444
32. Composition by Aristarchus pp. 396
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34. Essays on Ancient Greek Philosophy by J. Burnet pp. 266
35. History of Greek Philosophy by Eduard Zeller vol.1 pp. 520
36. History of Greek Philosophy by E. Zeller vol.2 pp. 512
37. Euclid' s Division of the Monochord by T.J.Mathiesen pp. 12
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40. Aristotle and Earlier Peripatetics by E. Zeller vol.2 pp. 512
41. Politics of Aristotle by W.L. Newman vol.1 pp. 580
42. Politics of Aristotle by W.L. Newman vol.2 pp. 418
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[Type text] Page 68

44. Foundations of Arithmetic by G. Frege pp. 119
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56. Philosophy of Ancient Greece by Walter Anderson pp. 585
57. Dialogue on Oratory by Tacitus pp. 396
58. Harmony of the Spheres by Godwin pp. 495
59. Music and Mathematics pp. 189
60. A History of Mathematics by F. Cajori pp. 500
61. The Philosophy of Anaxagoras pp. 167
62. Plato's Doctrines of Ideas by J.A. Stewart pp.206
63. Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy by E. Zeller pp. 363
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70. Proclus's Two Treatises by T. Taylor pp. 175
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72. Aristotle: His Life and Works by W.D.Ross pp. 322
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74. Golden Verses and Symbolism of Pythagoras pp. 444
75. The Fragments of the Lost Writings of Proclus by T. Taylor pp. 113
76. Charmides,Rival Lovers, and Epinomis by Plato pp. 490
77. The Life of Pythagoras or Pythagoric Life by Iamblicus pp. 252
78. The Commentaries of Proclus on the Timaeus of Plato vol.1 pp. 482
79. The Commentaries of Proclus on the Timaeus of Plato vol.2 pp.
80. Treatise on Rhetoric and Poetics by Aristotle pp. 500
81. Manual of Classical Literature pp. 682

[Type text] Page 69

82. Plato and Older Academy pp. 629
83. Origin and Growth of Plato's Logic pp. 527
84. Commentaries on the First Book of Euclid's Elements by Proclus pp. 139
85. History of Mathematics pp. 514
86. Historical Introduction to Mathematical Literature pp. 302
89. On Education by Aristotle pp. 141
90. Epicureanism pp. 272
91. The Story of Euclid pp. 176
92. Appendix to Euclid's Elements by Issac Newton pp. 93
93. Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos pp. 240
94. Fathers of Greek Philosophy pp. 429
95. A History of Greek Classical Literature pp. 487
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97. Aristotle's On Fallacies pp.
98. Outlines of Philosophy and Literature pp. 662
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100. A Brief History of Mathematics by W.W.Beman & D.E. Smith pp. 333
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102. Discorsi or Republic by N. Machiavelli pp.
103. Music of Ancient Greece pp.
104. The History of Music pp. 683
105. Greek Tragedy and Political Philosophy pp. 192
106. Theology of Greek Poets pp. 365
107. Historical Dictionary of Ancient Greek Philosophy pp. 345
108. Historical Dictonary of Medieval Philosophy and Theology pp. 389
109. On the Immortality of Soul by Cicero pp. 206
110. Philosophy of Music pp. 153
111. Pythagorean or Science of Numbers by G.Oliver pp. 262

[Type text] Page 70

112. Numbers: their Occult Power and Mystic Virtue pp. 64
113. Trinities of the Ancients: Pythagoreans and Platonists pp. 254
114. Lavius Egyptus or Pythagorean Senate by T.S. Spivey pp. 210
115. Republic of Cicero by G.W.Featherstonhaugh pp. 171
116. Pythagorean Mathematics and Music by Crocker pp.
117. History of Music pp. 679
118. Masters of Political Thought: Plato to Machiavelli pp. 294
119. Greek Political Theory by E.Barker pp.
120. Heraclitus by Philip Wheelright pp.
121. Treasury of Mathematics by H. Middonick vol.1 pp.
122. Treasury of Mathematics by H. Middonick vol.2 pp.
123. Greek Philosophy: Thales to Plato by T.V. Smith vol.1 pp.
124.Classical Literary Criticism: Aristotle,Horace,and Longinus pp.

[Type text] Page 71

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1. The Seven Liberal Arts by Paul Abelson pp. 150
2. Elements of Rhetoric by Henry Coppee pp. 348
3. Elements of Logic by H. Coppee pp.
4. Books of Fallacies by J. Bentham pp. 411
5. Analysis of Plato's Logic by Reid pp. 149
6. Aristotle's Theory of Style pp. 460
7. Essays on Liberal Education pp. 384
8. Outlines of Sematology: Grammar,Logic, and Rhetoric pp. 252
9. Aristotle's Treatise on Rhetoric by Thomas Hobbes pp. 373
10. Rhetorical Grammar pp. 392
11. Old and New Logic pp. 224
12. An English Grammar by Alexander Bain pp. 220
13. A Higher English Grammar by Alexander Bain
14. Philosophical and Practical Grammar by Noah Webster pp. 223
15. Rudiments of English Grammar by Joseph Priestley pp. 202
16. Theory of Language & Universal Grammar by J. Priestley pp. 526
17. An Advanced English Syntax by C.T.Onions pp. 166
18. Analysis of Mill's Logic pp. 167
19. Logic and Language pp. 298
20. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax by Noam Chomsky pp. 249
21. Pure Logic by W.S. Jevons pp. 87
22. Semantics: A Coursebook pp. 350
23. Philosophical Grammar by Wittgenstein pp. 495
24. Syntactic Structures by N. Chomsky pp.
25. Introduction to Transformational Grammar pp. 284

[Type text] Page 72

26. Handbook of Logic by J.D. Morrel pp. 103
27. Logic: Deduction by Alexander Bain vol.1 pp.
28. Logic: Induction by Alexander Bain vol.2 pp. 477
29. Syntax: A Generative Introduction by A. Carnie pp. 479
30. Studies in English Syntax by C.A. Smith pp. 92
31. Historical Outlines of English Syntax by L. Kellner pp. 335
32. Principles of English Syntax by W.Richardson pp. 61
33. A Handbook of the Practical English Grammar(Morphology) pp. 442
34. A Glossary of English Grammar by Geoffrey Leech pp. 133
35. A Short History of Logic pp. 175
36. Traditional and Modern Approaches to Syntax pp. 55
37. Introduction to English Syntax pp. 96
38. Language, Proof, and Logic pp. 587
39. Introduction to Syntax pp. 239
40. Logic made easy pp. 256
41. English Syntax and Argumentation by B. Aarts pp. 312
42. Basic English Syntax by M. Newson pp. 463
43. Functional Elements of English Sentences pp. 117
44. Syntax and Style by C.E. Schneider pp.
45. Essentials of Logic pp. 253
46. Modern Course in English Syntax by H. Wekker pp. 201
47. Introduction to English Morphology by Cartiers pp. 151
48. Grammar and Language according to the Principles of Logic pp. 185
49. The Art of Argument by Kee pp. 151
50. The Rhetoric of Rhetoric by Booth pp. 206
51. Core Syntax: A Minimalist Approach pp. 349
52. Outlines of Theoretical Logic pp. 88
53. English Syntax: An Introduction pp. 292

[Type text] Page 73

54. Syntactic Theory: A Unified Approach by R. Borsley pp.
55. Modern English Linguistics (Structural and Transformational grammar) pp. 260
56. Principles of Practice of English Grammar by G.O.Curme pp.
57. Sentence Analysis by Diagram by H.C. Edgar pp. 112
58. Handbook of Morphology pp. 391
59. Grammar of Logic pp.
60. Grammar of Rhetoric pp.
61. Exercises in English: Accidence, Syntax,and Style by H.I.Strang pp. 92
62. A System of Logic by John S. Mill vol.1 pp.
63. A System of Logic by John S. Mill vol.2 pp.
64. Grammar of the English Tongue by Thomas Coar pp. 264
65. Principles of Rhythm in Speech and Music pp. 220
66. Argument: Language and its Influence by J.M.Sproule pp.
67. The Art of Rhetoric pp.
68. Principles of Argument pp.
69. An Improved Grammar of English Language(Inductive System) pp. 215
70. Rhetoric and English Composition by Alexander Bain pp.
71. Philosophy of Rhetoric by G. Campbell pp.
72. Introduction to Transformational Grammar by K.Johnson pp. 284
73. English Syntax: An Introduction by J.B.Kim and Peter Sells pp. 293
74. Greek Foundations of Traditional Logic by E.Kapp pp. 95

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