113 - Sura Falaq

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Sura Falaq (The Dawn)

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

This Sura and the following one (Sura Nas) is said were revealed
simultaneously. The Sura Falaq provides an antidote to superstition, sorcery
and evil plotting by satnic forces active against the mankind on earth.

In this Sura Allah directs His Prophet (SA) to say to the evil forces that
he (the Prophet) seeks refuge with the Lord of the Day-break from the
mischief caused by what He has created, and from the mischief of the dark
night when it encompasses, and from the mischief of the magicians blowing
on knots. And finally from the mischief of envy practiced by the envious

This Sura directs the Prophet (SA) and through him the mankind, that
His Divine Grace should be invoked against four types of common mischief
caused on earth. First, the mischief which is created by Satan and his
confederates. Second, mischief caused in the darkness of night. No doubt
night-time is a haven for crime and other antisocial activities. Third, the
mischief caused by the satnic persons who recite some magical formula on
knots etc. and then put them in a well and bury them in earth. It may be
mentioned here that this sort of magic was practiced on the Prophet (SA) and
the Prophet (SA) became ill. Angle Hazrat Gibril informed the Prophet (SA)
and the spell was completely neutralized. Fourth, the mischief of envy caused
by envious persons. An envious person always desires that the benefit enjoyed
by another person may be withdrawn and transferred to him. As such he takes
some action to implement his desire.

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