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James D. Bjorken Sidney D. Drell Awoclat Profesor Prafewor ‘Stanford Linear Accelerator Canter Stanford Unteorlty ‘MoGraw-Hill Book Company New York San Francaco Toronto. London \ Relativistic Quantum Mechanics ac Fe “p52 - Relativlete Quantum Mechantes Copyright © 1066 by McGraw-Lil Ine. AM Rights Reverved. Printed in the United States of America. This book, or parte thereol, may not be reproduced in any form without perlsion of the publabers. Labrary of Conren Cataig Cord Number 6221778 -MP 087 Preface ‘The propagator approach toa rsativato quantum theory pionered in 1049 by Fayaman has provided practi, et wall a intuitively ppeaing, formulation of quantum eeetradyeamice and o feril spproach to bread clas of problems inthe theory of elementary Particle, ‘Tho enti renormalization program, baie to the preset tenfidence of thoorit inthe preditions of quantum eeetrodyoarie inn fact dependent on Feynman graph anslyi, a8 ie alo con fierable progr inthe proof of enalytc proper roquird to write Aipesion relation ded, one may go 10 far aa 10 adopt the xtreme view thatthe at of al Feynman graph i the theory. "Wo do not edvocato thi view in this beck nor in ia eorpanion " Preface volume, “Relativistic Quantum Fields" nor indeed do we advocate ‘any single view to the exclusion of others, The unantinfuctory status ‘of present-day clementary particle theory dooe not allow one auch a luxury. In particular, we do not wish to minimize the importance of ‘the progrow achieved in formal quantum field theory nor the con- siderable understanding of low-energy menon-nucloon process given bby diapersion theory. However, we give frst emphasis to the develop- ment of the Feynman rules, proceeding directly from a particle wave ‘equation for the Dirae clotron, integrated with hole-theory boundary conditions. ‘Thrco main convictions guiding us in this approach wore the primary motivation for undertaking this book (Iter to become books): 1. The Feynman graphs and rules of calculation summarize ‘quantutn feld theory in a form in close contact with the experimental hhumbers one wante to understand, Although the statement of the theory in terma of graphe may imply perturbation theory, use of graphical racthods in the many-body problem shows that this formal- fam ie flexible enough to deal with phenomena of nonperturbative chareeter (fot example, euperconductivity and the hard-sphere Bose mu). '2, Some modifcation of the Feynman rules of calevlation may well outlive the claborate mathematical structure of local canonical ‘quantum field theory, based aa it is on such idealizations as filde ‘defined at pointa in spacetime. ‘Therefore lt us develop thete rule frat, independetly of tho fild theory formaliam which in time may come to be viewed more as superstructure than as a foundation. ‘8. Buch a development, more direct and loss formal—if las com- polling—than s deductive fild theoretic approach, should bring ‘quantitative calculation, analysis, and understanding of Feynman frapbe into the bag of tricks of « much larger community of physicists than the epetialized narrow one of sceond quantized theoriste, Tn particular, we have in mind our experimental colleagues and studente Interested in particle physica. We believe thia would be a healthy development. ur original idea of one book has grown in time to two volumes. Tn the first book, “Relativistic Quantum Mechanios;” we develop « propagator theory of Dirac particle, photons, and Klcin-Gordon masons and perform serie of calculations designed to illustrate various useful techniquos and eoneepta in electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions, ‘These include defining and implementing the renormalization program and evaluating effeets of radiative correc Preface r tion, wh 2 the Lars abit in low-order caleulatonn, The noe lackground for thie book la provided by a eoure io nontlativt quantum mechanice at the general level of Shifts vext "Quast Mechanica” Th the second book, “TReativiati Quantum Field," we develop canonical field theory, and after constructing clos expremions fs propagators and for seattring amplitudes with the L82 reduction technique, return to the Feynman graph exparaon.. The prtirbatio expansion of the seattering amplitude contructed by eanonical Bel theory is shown to be identiea! with the Feynman flee in the fe look. With farther graph analyae we wudyanaltiity properties Feynman amplitudes to arbitenry orders in the coupling parameter tnd illustrate diperson rsation methods. Fieally, we prove the fives of rencrmalied quautun elctriynamnic to each order of Ae interaction, : ‘Without dweling further on what we do, wo may fat the majo topica we omit from discussion in thas books. "The development et scion prineplos and a formulation of quantum field Geory fom a ‘variational approsch, spearhcaded largely by Schwinger, aro on the ‘holo ignored. We retro ation variations only in veaech of y= Inetie. "There ian detailed dicuaion ofthe powerful development in axiomatic field theory on the one hand and the puray Semattx sppreach,divoreed from feld theory, on the other” Auld from 8 dlacusion ofthe Lab sift and the hydrogen atom epectrum in frat book, the boundatae problem is gnared, Dynamical 8 tione af the aperion telatione are explored oaly minimally. A formulation of «quantum fed theory for messive vettor mason fe not gven—nor ins formulation ef any quantum Bld theory with dtivar tive couplingn nally, me have not prepared bibliography of al tho signicnn original papers underying many of the developments recorded in these Booka, Amang the following recent exelent books Gr monograph ie to be found the remedy for one or more of thee ‘efcienln: Scorer 8: “A Introfucton to lati Quant Fall Theory" New "Yr Herp Row, Fula fey 104, x Jud Me and F Habs fhe Toyo Then and Elton” Came trie, Sea, Aédbn-Weaey Putting Company nn 158, Began, Hs and BV, Son: atretaen te Teey of Qual alla” Now Yak Inrcnee Falter ne, O86 ‘ike, A, 0 VB, Berea: "Quatcs Bltedpoamiy" 2, Now meme, F.: "Quantum Fld Theory," Amatordam, North Holland Fublebing "Company, 1686, Peefece 4 Thay of Hementary Paras” Lande, Oxerd Vater ‘Mas, F:“Inteduetion to Quantum Flald Thery;" Now York, aterlence Publabry, fae 100, Roman, Ps Theory of Bhmantary Particeg," Aratardam, North Holand ullebng Company, 1960, Wintel, Gu: Quantam‘Thery of Fl” Now York, Intraence Publihers, Te, 1040, Sibwlage, B “Quantum Eletrodynamiey," Now York, Dover Publkatios, iss. ones BPs “Quaten Batolyamia New Yor, W. A Bans i ER, ‘isa 1): "Diapers Relation andthe Abstract Approach o Feld They’ ‘New York, Oord and Brose Blsnoe Pubabary toe, 108), Sereten, G. it (od): "Diperion Retatens; Sotlah Ualveniea Summer cl" Now York, Intreinee Publier, Io, 1061, Chew, G. Fs "BMatrie Theory of Strong Ioeraciony” New York, W. A. Beajamie, Yn 1062, In conclusion, we owe thanks to the many students and colleagues ‘who have been invaluable eritios and sounding boards as our books ‘evolved from lectures into chapters, to Prof. Leonard 1. Schiff for Important intial encouragement and support to undertake the writing ‘of these Looks, and to Rosemarie Stampfel and Ellen Mann for marvelously cooperative seretarial help. Tomes D. Bjorken Sidney D. Drlt Contents preface ull chapter 1 ‘The Dirac Equation 1 14 Formulation ofa Relativistic Quantum Theery 12 Eanly Attanpta 4 18 ‘The Dire Equeon 6 14 Nonrltviae Csrependance 10 J chapter 2 Lorentz Covariance of the Dirac Equation 15 21 Covariant Form of the Dirac Bquation 18 22 Proof of Covetiance 18 Space Reflection #4 ‘ilinear Covariants #5 ‘chapter 3. Solutions to the Dirac Equation for a Free Particle 37 1 Plane Wave Soltis 28 2 Projection Operators or Energy and Spin ‘33. Phyoial Interpretation of Free-partile Solutions and Packets 85 ‘The Foldy-Wouthuysen Transformation 45 Introtuction 48 Frooparticle Treneformation 48 ‘The General Transformation 48 ‘The Hydrogen Atom 68 chapter Mole Theory 68 51 The Problem of Negatveenerty lutions 64 82 Charge Conjugation 00 53 Vacuum Polariention 70 4 Time Reveral and Other Symmetion 71 4 chapter 6 Propagator Theory 77 81 Inteduetlon 78 82 The Nonrslatviele Propagator 72 {63 Formal Definitions and Propertie ofthe Green's Functions 89 64 The Propagator in Poitron Theory 89 chopter7 Applications 99 7A Coulomb Beatetng of Hleetrae 100 72 Some Trace Theoret; the Spla-averaged Coulomb ‘Cros Beetion 108, 72 Coulomb Seattering of Positrons 108 TA etron Seatterng from a Dieus Proton 108 1. Higher-order Correction to Eletron-Proton Seatering 118 78 Brerasrablung 180 1 Compton Seateing 1#7 78 Pair Ansiilation into Gamma Ray 188 19 Electron-Electron and Eletron-Poaltron Scattering, 185. 110. Polarisation in Electron Sextering 140 wchopter 8 Higher-order Corrections to the Scattering Matrix 147 81 HletronPesitron Senter 82 Vacuum Polrsation 168 8 Renormaliastion of Extoraal Photon Linee 161 84 Sellmae of the Fleetron 168 85. Ranormaliastion ofthe Electron Propagator 104 88 The Verlax Correction 108 87 TheLamb Shit 177 in Fourth Order 148 achapter 9 The Klein-Gordon Equation 183 1 Introduction 184 92 Tho Propagator for Klein-Gordon Partidea 182 03 Introduction of Flectromagnetie Potntaly 188 84 Seattring Amplitudes 100 95 Low-order eatering Process 121 0 Higher-order Procemea 106 -07 Nonrelatvitc Reduction and laterpetation ofthe Kii-Gordon Equation 108 chapter 10 Nonclectromagnetic Interactions 209 10.1 Introduction #10 102 Strong Interactions #11 103 Isotopic Spin Formaliom 88 104 Conserved Currenta 288 105 Approximate Calelations; Nucleco-Nuceon Getteing #87 108 Meson-Nueoon oattring #81 107 Projection Operator for Isotopic Spin tnd Angular Momentum #84 103 Crom Sections for Pi-nucleonSeatering £90 109 FlectromagnatleBtrueture of Mesos and Nucleons #41 10.10 Weak Interactions 840 OL Bota Decay ' 847 10:12 Two-component Neutrino Theory 887 10.13 Murmeson Decay #01 10.14 Pemason Decay 04 10.5 Two Neutsinee 268 10:16 Conserved Vestor Curent ypothaia £70 1017 “Partlly Conserved" Axial Veetor Coupling 473, Appendiz A Notation 281 Appendis B Rules for Feynman Graphs 285 Index 291 The Dirac Equation 1A Formulation of « Relativiatie Quantum Theory Since the principles of special relativity are gonerally accepted at this time, a correct quantum theory should satisfy the requirement of relativity: lawe of motion vali in one inortal ayeter must be true in all Inertial yrtoma, Stated mathematically, relativistic quantum theory must be formulated in a Lorents covariant form. Tn making the transition {rom nonrclativistic to relativistic ‘quantum meshanies, we ehall endeavor to retain the principles under~ lying the nonrelativitio theory. We review them brioly:+ 1. For agiven physical aystem there exists a state function @ that ‘summarize all that wo can know about the system. In our initial evelopment of the relativistic one-particle theory, we unually deal directly with a coordinate realization of th stata function, the wave funetion y(qr +++ te = + 0. ¥(@a0) if a complex function of all the clasial degroes of freedom, gx" * + Qu of the time ¢ and of any ‘edditional dagroes of freedor, auch as spin a, which are intrinsically ‘quantum-mechanical, ‘The wave function has no direct physical Interpretation; however, [(au* =~ gutt ++ aaf)" 20 is intor~ preted an the probability of the aystem having values (q «= 8) fat time Evidently this probability interpretation requires that the eum of postive contributions i forall values of gy = * + & at ‘time t bo fie for all physically acceptable wave functions y. ‘2. Every physical obaervablo is represented by a linear hermitian ‘operator. In particule, for the eanonieal momentum p, the operator correspondence in a coordinate realization is at OT aR 4 A physaal ayaers ain an eigenstate of the operator if 10, = ants aay where @. is the nth eigenstate correeponding to the eigenvalue ws. For a hormitian operstor, ws i real. In & coordinate realization the equation corresponding 10 (1-1) ia = Maa b¥a(e0) = wabalaad) 14 for example, W. Pall, “Handbuch der Phy” 24 a, vl 24, p 4. Serogr, Bain, 13. LT. Bei, "Quantum Mechanle” Bie, MeCraw. iat Beak Compary, Inn, New York, 1085." A. SM. Dies, The Pencil of uistom Mecano” dite, Oxford University Prem, London, 188. The Dirac quation 3 4. Tho expansion postulate states that an arbitrary wave func- tion, or state function, for a physical nystem ean be expanded in & completo orthonormal set of eigenfunctions ¥ of a complete act of ‘commuting operators (0). We write, theo, ¥= Downe where the statement of erthonormality i Df@a lanl recorda the probability that tho system isin the nth eigenstate, 5, The result of a mansurenent of a physical observable is any ‘one of ite eigenvalucs, In particular, for a physical system described by the wave function ¥ = Zap with Of, = wap, Meneuroment of ‘ physical observable renlts in the cigenvalue w, with a probability lel Tho average of many measurements of the observable on identically prepared nyatems is given by ya Df va oor DMO © SONG Oba + he Oldgy s+ = Dieta 6. The timo development of physical system i expressed by tho Schrédinger equation and any a2 ‘hare the hamiltonian 11 is a linear hermitian operator. It has no explicit time dependence for a closed physical aystom, that is, 4H /8t = 0, in which case its eigenvalues aro the possible stationary statce of the aystem. A superposition principle follows from the linearity of 1 and a statement of conservation of probability from the hhermitian property of if: HD ferven= FY fee tenses — ecw -0 as) We strive to maintain thoee familiar six principles as under ‘innings of a relativistic quantum theory, Relatsletle quentum mechanics 12 Early Attempts ‘The simpleat physical systom ia that of an isolated free particle, for which the nontelativsti hamiltonian is . nok, an ‘Tetrion quanta hassel ih he sertn : nang as aby which leads to the nonrelativistic Schrédinger equation GD ET yea cm) Equations (1.4) and (1.6) are noncovariant and therefore unsatio. factory, Tho left- and righthand sidea transform differently under Lorentz transformations. According to the theory of special rele ivity, the total energy B and momenta (p.PyiPs) transform a8 com ponente of a contravariant fourvector w= to'zton = (Spann) of inesiant length SowanenS-ppame an ‘mia the reet mass of tho particle and ¢ the velocity of light in vacuo. ‘The covariant notation used throughout this book is diacuaed in more detail in Appendix A. Hero we only note that the operator tran- seription (1.8) is Lorents covariant, since it is « correepondence ‘between two contravariant four-vectors' pr —+ th 2/@r,- Fellowing thin i in natural to take as the hamiltonian of a relative isto free particle Ha POF HS a8) We dein of = (tt) and 0» Otay The Direc equation 5 and to wrt fora relativistic quantum analogue of (16) nS = VETTE my as) ‘Immediately we ae faced with the problem of interpreting tho aque root operator onthe right in Bq. (1.9). If wo expand it, we obtain an ‘equation containing all powers ofthe derivative operator and thereby « Snonlcal theory. Such thooriea are very dificult to handle and present an unattractive version of the Schrodinger equation in which the epace and time coordinates appear in uneymmetrcal frm. Jn the interotof mathematical simplicity (Chough prhape with 4 lack of complete physical engeney) we remove the square-root ‘operator in (1.9), writing . Hee pet met (110) Equivalently, iterating (1.0) and using the faot that! if [4,6] = 0, Ay = BY implice AN = BAY, we have AM = (= 10 + meng ‘Thin in reoognized aa the classical wave equation [o+@)]-2 ‘ afore looking further into (1.11), wo note first that in squaring the energy relation we have introduced an extraneous negative-energy root - Vere where aan) . " In ordor to gain a simple equation, we have sacrificed positive definite ‘energy and introduced the difficulty of “extra” negative-enorgy ‘solutions, This diffculty is eventually surmounted (as we skal tudy jn Chap. 5), and tho nogativecnergy solutions prove capable of Physical interpretation. In. particular, they aro associated with ‘antiparticles. and the existence of antiparticlos in nature lends strong ‘experimental support for this procedure. So let us for a moment con sider Iq, (1.10) and the inferred wave equation (1.11). Our frst ‘ask is to construct a conserved current, since (J.11) isa second-order “Throughout, we we the nolan (A,Dlm AB ~ BA for commutator brackets and [4,8] me AB + BA for aslommetator banka, Relatieletle quantum mechantoe wave equation and is altered from the Schr6dinger form (1.2) upon which the probability interpretation in the nonralativitic theory is basod, This we do in analogy with the Schrédinger equation, taking ¥* times (1.11), 9 times the complex conjugate equation, and subtracting +(0+(#)}o-+[o+(¥)|* PHT — ¥eY") = 0 ° S[k (H -0%E)] + ae hwo —vepnr-0 9 We ws ke ite ane (49 8) a robuilty day power, tha a impo snc i ent & Poste dito exon or Ut reno we flow the path history! and temporarily discard Eq. (1.11) in the hope of finding an ‘equation of frst order in the time derivative which adraita a etraight- {rear probity interpretation ann the Sebdiger case Wo Shall tun to (however Aheugh we sal a ft-order ‘equation, it still proves impossible to retain & positive definite probs- bility density for # single particle while at the same time providing a physical interpretation of the negative-energy root of (1.10). ‘There Tere, (ily do fered to equity the Kis Gordon en te," an ely ron nc ora cote qua tmohre sth ove wih we now de The Dirae Equation, Wo follow the historic path taken in 1028 by Dias in socking « rolativistcally covariant equation of the form (1.2) with postive defiito probability density. Sino such an equation is linear in the time derivative, it is natural to attempt to form a hamiltonian Tinear in the apace derivatives aa well. Such an equation might assume a aM M2 both sdk) tance ty (un "B,Sehrnger, Amn Phu 3, 100 (1998); W. Gordon, 2, Phy 4 117 (0900); 0, Kil, 2, Phy, 407 (030 TB. A. M. Dias Pro Roy. See. (Landon), AL, 610 (1028); i, ANIA, 301 (1928); "The Fisciple of Quantum Mechaoi,” op. i ‘The Dirac equatlon 1 ‘The coefficients a, hero cannot simply be numbers, since the equation would not be invariant even under © spatial rotation, Alao, if we ‘wish to proceed et this point within the framework stated in Boe. 1.1, the wave function y cannot be a simple scalar. Infact, the proba bility density » = ¥*¥ should be the time component of a conserved four-vector if its integrl overall apace, at fixed fe to bean invariant ‘To free (1.13) from those limitations, Dirae proposed that it be considered as a matrix equation. The wave function y, in analogy with the spin wave funetions of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, is written esa column matrix with N components ve on. ‘and the constant coefficients ay 8 aro N XN matron, In affect ‘then, Eq, (1.18) is replaced by NV coupled first-order equations £3 (a dtadrad), a+ § some - 5 Hebe aa) Hereafter wo adopt matrix notation and drop summation indices, ‘which ease Fg (1.14) appears a8 (1.13), to be now interpreted 08, ‘8 matrix equation, If thia equation isto serve as a satisfactory point of departure fia, it must give the correct energy-monventum relation Bla pet + mit for « free particle, second, it must allow a continuity equation and a probability interpretation for the wave function y, and thir, it must be Lorents covariant. We now discuss tho fret two of thea ements, In order thatthe correct energy-momentum relation emerge from Eq, (1.18), ench component Y. of y must satify the Klein-ordon second-order equation, oF ov. WB = (mee + mee a8)

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