Chapter 4

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And if all the trees
On earth were pens
And the oceans (were ink),
With seven oceans behind it
To add to its (supply),
Yet would not the Words
Of God be exhausted
(In the writing): for God
Is Exalted in Power,
Full of Wisdom.

……..Q 31 : 27

The Cardinal principle of the Islamic Faith is the Oneness of God. It is just
not possible for His subjects to define that Power, known as God, The Great. Such a
theory is beyond the compass of the human intellect to define and thereby limit the
Illimitable. Indeed, man endowed as he is with a limited knowledge, can only recite
His Beautiful Names and adore Him by His numerous Attributes. The whole body
of the Divine Book is embedded with His Beautiful Names and Sublime Attributes.
A passage of the Last Scriputre says:

God! There is no god

But He! To Him belong
The Most Beautiful Names. (20 : 8)

From these, man can, according to his own ability and intelligence form his
own idea of the Supreme Being. No words can describe Him. No vision can
contemplate or grasp Him fully. One can only say that God is the Light of the
heavens and the earth. High above our petty evanescent lives. He illumines our
souls with means that reach our inmost being. Universe is light, so pure and intense.
A passage from Al-Quran says:

God is the Light

Of the heavens and the earth.
The parable of His Light
Is as if there were a Niche
And within it a Lamp:
The Lamp enclosed in Glass:
The glass as it were
A brilliant star:
Lit from a blessed. Tree,

An Olive, neither of the East

Nor of the West,
Whose Oil is well-nigh
Though fire scarce touched it:
Light upon Light!
God doth guide
Whom He will
To His Light:

God doth set forth Parables
For men: and God
Doth know all things: (24 : 35)

As a matter of fact, the mystic passage as quoted above reveals spiritual mysteries
which can only be expressed by the phrase “Light upon Light!” It is an endless
chain of illumination in which ordinary knowledge dissolves as if it were ignorance.

Even the best of us may be betrayed into overweening confidence or spiritual

ambition not yet justified by the stage His mortals have reached. The case study is
that of Apostle Moses. He had already seen part of the glory of God in his Radiant
White Hand, that shown with the glory of Divine light. But he was still in the flesh,
and the mission to his people was to begin after the Covenant of Sinai. It was
premature of him to ask to see God. A passage from the Divine Scripture reads:

When Moses came

To the place appointed by Us,
And his Lord addressed him,
He said: “Oh my Lord!
Show (Thyself) to me,
That I may look upon Thee.”
God said: “By no means
Canst thou see Me (direct);
But look upon the Mount;
If it abides
In its place, then
Shalt thou see Me.”
When his Lord manifested
His glory on the Mount,
He made it as dust,
And Moses fell down
In a swoon. When he
Recovered his senses He said:
“Praise be to Thee! To Thee
I turn in repentance, and I
Am the first to believe.” (7 : 143)

That is to say, the Cherisher of all the creatures, treats even our foolish requests with
mercy, compassion and understanding. Even the reflected glory of Lord is too great

for the grosser substance of matter. The peak on which it shown became as powder
before the ineffable glory, and Moses could only live by being taken out of his
bodily senses. When he recovered from his swoon he saw the true position, and the
distance between our grosser bodily senses and the true splendour of God’s glory.
He at once turned in penitence to God, and confessed his faith. Having being
blinded by the excessive Glory, he could not see with the physical eye. But he could
yet sense a glimpse of the Reality through faith, and hastened to proclaim his faith.

As a matter of fact, Moses must have realized that being within Time and Place, it
would not be possible to view the Supreme Power. How beautifully it is said in

For tho’ from out our bourne of Time and Place

The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crost the bar.
………. Lord Tennyson

However, one point is crystal clear to His servants that the Sovereign Lord could be
visualized as “Light”. According to Pablo Picasso – “Everything you can imagine is
real”. We, as limited life forms have one foot in the past and one in the future. Our
“knowledge is limited but imagination encircles the whole universe”. --- Albert

For further elucidation on this point, one reaches to a point where he says that it is
the “Unity of the Vision” which counts. Unity of vision is necessary, but no unity of
any other kind need worry us. He is at his destination. Having reached to this point
it depends how far his insight reaches. Is he skimming the surface or has he powers
to fathom the depths? Nevertheless, meta physically speaking, there are two parts to
man’s existence – THE SPIRITUAL AND THE TEMPORAL. To begin with he
(man) is of earth – earthly, but in him is lodged the spirit of God which is the
transcendent element.

Islam attribute not less than 99 different Names to the Sovereign Lord. These names
sum up the attributes of God. Referring Surah Hashir (59:22 – 24), the Supreme
Power, in a most sublime fashion, has mentioned some of his attributes. This
provides His subjects a fundamental basis, to form some idea of the Great Creator.

He is the one with undisputed authority which is entitled to give commands and to
receive obedience; the power which enforces law and justice. Indeed, a Being free
from all stains or evil, and replete with highest Purity. He is the Source of Peace as
opposed to conflict, but wholeness as opposed to defects. He is the one who
entertains Faith, who gives Faith to others, who is never false to the Faith, that
others place in Him. He is the Guardian of Faith, Preserver of Safety. These are His
attributes of kindness and benevolence.

Nevertheless, all of God’s Names are great beyond any human description. One
Name which is hidden from His supplicanty by the Sovereign Lord is called, “Ism
Al-Azam” – The Greatest Name. However, scholars say that this Name is mentioned
in the Holy Quran, but no further identification, whatsoever is available. However, it
is certain whosoever reads the Noble.

1. ALLAH (The Sovereign Name of the LORD)

Repeating “YA-ALLAH” for 1000 times daily infuses confidence, removes

unnecessary doubts and confusions. The incurable patients may repeat this
name for several time and pray for the health.

2. AR-RAHMAN (The Beneficent)

“He Who gives blessings and prosperity to all beings without showing

Repeating “YA-RAHMAN” 100 times after each obligatory (fard) prayer (5-
times daily), will be free from any hardship, brings good memory and a keen

3. AR-RAHIM (The Merciful)

“The One Who bestows blessings and prosperity and is most caretaker and
merciful to His subjects”.

One who repeats “YA-RAHIM” for 100 times daily after every mandatory
(fard) prayer will be protected from the worldly calamities and the people
will be kind to him in dealings.

4. AL-MALIK (The Sovereign Lord)

“The Absolute King of the entire Universe”.

“One who repeats “YA-MALIK” for several times after the morning prayers
(fajr prayer), the Lord will enrich him and will enjoy self-sustenance”.

5. AL-QUDDUS (The Holy)

“One who is free from any error, absentmindness, incapability or defect. A

perfect One”.

One who repeats “YA-QUDDUS” several times post-noon time (i.e. after
zwal) shall be free from spiritual ailments.

6. AS-SALAM (The Source of Peace)

“One Who frees his servants from all sort of dangers and impediment.
Further, gives greetings to His righteous servants who shall be in the

Those who repeat “YA-SALAM” for several times shall remain protected
from the calamities of life. It is said he who repeats this Name 115 times and
breaths to a sick person. It shall help him to regain his health.

7. AL-MU’MIN (The Guardian of Faith)

“He Who fills faith and peace in the heart of His servants and protects those
who seek refuge in Him”.

He who repeats YA-MU’MIN at the time of a danger for 630 times, shall
remain protected from that impending danger. A faithful who keeps in
writing this attribute of God with his person shall remain protected.

8. AL-MUHAYMIN (The Protector)

He Who guards over and protects all things.

A righteous person, after offering two sections (rakats) of voluntary prayer
(nafl) as per usual normal conditions of ablution an cleanliness
and repeats “YA-MUHAYMIN” for 100 times his inner-self will be
illuminated. In certain literature it is said to be read for 115 times by which
even spiritual matters are revealed to the reader.

9. AL-AZIZ (The Mighty)

“The Exalted in Might”.

He who repeats “YA-AZIZ” for 40 times after Morning Prayer (Fajr) for 40
days will be independent of any sort of need from any one. He who repeats
this Name for 41 times after Morning Prayer every day will always be
respected by other and will always be self-sufficient in his needs.

10. AL-JABBAR (The Compeller)

“The Irresistible. He who who repairs all broken things, who completes that
which is incomplete, and who has the ability, with force, to make people do
whatever He wants”.

He who repeats “YA-JABBAR”, morning and evening for 226 times daily
will not be exposed to violence, severity or hardness of a tyrant.

11. AL-MUTAKABBIR (The Supreme)

“He Who shows His greatness in all things and in all ways”.

He who repeats YA-MUTAKABBIR several times daily he will be blessed

with honour and dignity. If one repeats this Name several times before
starting any fresh undertaking he will be blessed in it.

12. AL-KHALIQ (The Creator)

“The Great Creator of the things who has created everything from nothing
and have the knowledge of what will happen to them”.

If a righteous repeats “YA-KHALIQ” 100 times for 07 days daily he will be
protected from any sort of calamity. Further, an angel is detailed to pray up
to the Day of Judgement. The reward of this angel’s prayers will be
transferred to this person.

13. AL-BARI (The Evolver)

“He who creates all things in due proportions”.

14. AL-MUSAWWIR (Bestower of Forms)

“He Who designs all the forms”.

If a barren women who desires a child, fasts for seven days and each day at
the end of the fast (iftar), she repeats these two Names “YA-BARI, YA-
MUSAWWAR” (some say “YA-KHALIQ” be added at the beginning also)
21 times and breathes into a glass of water. She then breaks her fast with this
water. Inshallah, the Mighty will bless her with a child.

15. AL-GHAFFAR (The Forgiver)

“He Who is all forgiving”.

He who repeats “YA-GHAFFAR” for 100 times after “Friday Prayer”, he will
be forgiven his sins.

16. AL-QAHHAR (The subduer)

“He Who is victorious and dominant in a way that He can do anything He


He who repeats “YA-QAHHAR” several times daily his soul will conquer the
desires of the flesh. His heart will be made free from the worldly attractions.
He will gain spiritual peace, tranquility, righteousness and turn towards his

17. AL-WAHHAB (The Bestower)

“Giver of everything to his creatures”.

A righteous person who repeats “YA-WAHHAB” seven times after appealing

(dua) to God, his appeal will be answered. He who has a desire or a person
who is captured by an enemy, or some one who is unable to earn enough to
sustain, if he repeats this Name for 03 or 07 nights 100 time after offering
two rakat voluntary (nafl) prayer (nmaz) at mid-night with proper ablution,
etc complete; God will bless him with all his needs.

18. AR-RAZZAQ (The Provider)

“He Who provides all things beneficial to His creatures”

He who repeats “YA-RAZZAQ” for 10 times before the “Morning Prayer

(fajir)” and breaths this at the 4-corners of his residence (starting from the
right-hand corner) and face towards the holy Ka’ba. The Almighty will
bestow on him abundance of sustenance and will not leave him penury.

19. AL-FATTAH (The Opener)

“He Who opens the solution of all problems, and eliminates obstacles”.

He who repeats “YA-FATTAAH” for 70 times after “Morning Prayer” with

both of his hands on his cheast, his heart will be luminous with divine light
and thus will be spiritually elevated.

20. AL-ALIM 00

“He Who is all-knowing”

He who repeats “YA-ALIM” many time daily, he shall get advancement in

his knowledge and see the things as they are (i.e. a genius)

21. AL-QABID (The Constrictor)

“He Who constricts or squeezes sustenance”.

He who writes “YA-QABID” on 4 pieces of mouth-full of bread/roote and
eats these one-by-one and repeats this process for 40 days continuously, he
will be free from any sort of hunger, thirst or any injury or pain, whatsoever.

22. AL-BASIT (He who is the expander of sustenance”)

He who repeats “YA-BASIT” 10 times with his hands towards the sky after
salat-ul-ishraq (optional prayer also known as salat-ul-chasht max. 8 min. 2
rakats offered 2-2 ½ hrs after sunrise). He then rubs his hands on the face.
God will make him self-sufficient and shall not be in the state of any sort of
want or deficiency.

23. AL-KHAFID (The Abaser)

“He Who diminishes or decreases or degrades”.

He who fasts for 3 days, and on the 4th day sitting alone repeats “YA
KHAFID” 70 times he will win over his enemy. Further, it is said that he
who repeats this Name for 500 times daily, God will remove his hardships
and satisfy his wants.

24. AR-RAFI (The Exalter)

“He Who upgrades”.

He who repeats “YA-RAFI” for 100 times every month at mid-night of

every 14th day of the lunar calendar, God will make him higher as far as
honour, riches or merits are concerned.

25. AL-MU‘IZZ (The Honourer)

“Bestowal of honour, glory and dignity”

He who repeats “YA- MU‘IZZ”for 40 times on Mondays or Tuesdays after

“Evening (Mughrib) Prayer”, he will rise in the honour and dignity amongst
his community.

26. AL-MUZILL (The Dishonourer)

“He Who degrades and put one in abasment”.

One who repeats “YA-MUZILL” for 75 times in a prostrate position and

then appeals or prays to God. He shall be free from harm by those who are
jealous of him and wish to harm him. God will protect him.

27. AS-SAMI (The All-Hearing)

“He Who hears everything”.

He who repeats “YA-SAMI” for 500 or 100 or 50 times after optional prayer
of Ishraq on Thursday-evenings without speaking in between with anybody,
God will answer his appeals and bestow upon him his special blessings.

28. AL-BASIR (The All-Seeing)

“He Who sees everything, whatsoever”.

He who repeats “YA BASIR” for 100 times after “Friday Prayers”, God will
give this person esteem in the eyes of others.

29. AL-HAKAM (The Judge)

“He Who judges and provides what is due”.

He who repeats “YA-HAKAM” many times at night in ablution anhd

cleanliness, many spiritual mysteries will be revealed to him.

30. AL-ADL (The Just)

“Full of just One”.

He who writes “YA- ‘ADL” on 20 pieces of bread/roote on Thursday after sun

set or on Friday and eat these, the people will obey that righteous person.

31. AL-LATIF (The Subtle One)

He who knows even the most delicate meanings of every thing. He who
creates things most subtly, which cannot be understood by people, and He
gives blessings to people in the most subtle ways.

He who repeats “YA-LATIF” Name for 133 times, his sustenance will
enhance. His worldly lawful dealings will be completed as per his righteous
desires. Any worries, loneliness, doubts or disease will vanish. If he is in
some type of serious trouble, he should pray 2 rakat optional (nafil) with all
preliminaries performed as per the prescribed directions. Then keeping in
mind his appeal, he should repeat this Name for 100 times. Request God for
His mercy. Inshallah, his desire will be fulfilled.

32. AL-KHABIR (The Aware)

“He Who has complete knowledge of everything in the entire universe.

Nothing exhists beyond His knowledge.”

He who has a bad habit which he does not like, and continuously repeats
“YA KHABIR” , will be quickly freed from this habit.

33. AL-HALIM (The Forbearing One)

“He Who is clement, gentle, merciful”.

He who writes “YA-HALIM” on a piece of paper, wash it with clean water,

drink it or sprinkle it on the thing which is to be blessed. Inshallah, no harm
will be done to it. If this paper is put in a field where seed is sown, no harm,
disaster or calamity will befall his crop.

34. AL-AZIM (The Great One)

“He who is magnificent”

He Who repeats “YA-AZIM” Name many times daily, will gain respect.

35. AL-GHAFUR (The All-Forgiving)

“He Who is most forgiving”

He who “YA-GHAFUR” excessively will find himself spared by worries or

any other sort of problems. He will be blessed. He who has headache
problem or fever and is despondent, may continuously repeat this Name,
will be relieved of his ailments.

36. ASH-SHAKUR (The Appreciative)

“He Who is grateful and gives rewards for deeds done for Him”.

A righteous person who is engulfed in monetary problems or any other sort

of troubles and discontentment, he should repeat “YA-SHAKIUR” beautiful
name for 41 times daily. He will find himself relieved of the problems.
It is also said, he who has a heavy heart, and repeats this Name 41 times,
breathes into a glass of water, then washes his face with this water, his heart
will lighten, and he will be able to maintain himself.

37. AL-‘ALI (The Most High)

“He Who is most high in every sense of the word”.

He who repeats “YA-‘ALI” many times daily and write it, keep it with
himself will find himself up-graded, achieve his goals of life, shall be well-
off and happly placed in life.

38. AL-KABIR (The Most Great)

“He Who is very great”

A righteous person who has been suspended from his duties, he should fast
continuous for 07 days and daily repeat “YA-KABIR” for 1000 times with all
the parameters of neatness and cleanliness. Inshallah, he will be back on his

39. AL-HAFEEZ (The Preserver)

“He Who take-care and preserve all things from calamities”.

He who repeats “YA-HAFEEZ” for many times and write it and keep with
himself he shall escape from misfortunes and any sort of calamities. It is also
said that he who repeats this Name 16 times daily will be protected against

40. AL-MUQIT (The Maintainer)

“He Who maintains all”.

If someone with a bad-mannered child repeats “YA-MUQIT” and breaths into

a glass of water and gives this to the child to drink, the child will maintain
good manners. It is also said that repeat this Name for 07 times and breath
into a vessel with a lid. He or others to drink or even smell the water.
Inshallah, they will achieve their rightful aims and objectives.

41. AL-HASIB (The Rekoner)

“He Who keeps account of everything”.

If one is afraid of being robbed, afraid of the jealousy of another, or being

harmed or wronged, he to repeat “YA-HASIB” 70 times, day and night,
beginning from a Thursday for 08 days. The reading words shall be:
“Hasbiallh-ul-Hasib”. He shall find himself free from all the fears and

42. AL-JALIL (The Sublime One)

“Highly great and inspiring One”.

He who writes “YA-JALIL” on a piece of paper with musk and saffron,

washes it, and drinks the water from a ceramic container made of earth; he
will be revered among men.

43. AL-KARIM (The Generous One)

“He Who is very generous”

“He who repeats “YA-KARIM” many times at night before his sleep will
have esteem in this world and Hereafter.

44. AL-RAQIB (The Watchful)

“He Who is keen observer of all creatures with total control on these”.

He who repeats “YA-RAQIB” 07 times daily and breaths on himself, his

family and property, it shall come under God’s protection.

45. AL-MUJIB (The Responsive)

“The One who responds to every call or appeal by his servants”.

One who repeats “YA-MUJIB” for several times daily, his prayers or
supplicates will be answered.

46. AL-WASI’ (The All-Embracing)

“One with limitless capacity of every thing”.

If one who has difficulty in earning, repeats “YA-WASI’ ” several times

daily, will have good and easy earnings.

47. AL-HAKEEM (The Wise)

“One with exalted wisdom in all orders and actions”.

He who repeats “YA-HAKEEM” several times daily, his entangled and

difficult tasks will be solved and made easy.

48. AL-WADUD (The Loving)

“He Who is full of love and compassion for His creation”.

If there is a quarrel between two persons (may be husband and wife), and
one of them repeats “YA-WADUD ” 1000 times over some food item and
breaths on it. Then he offers the other person to eat (or both eat) there shall
be inshallah, no dis-agreement between them.

49. AL-MAJEED (The Most Glorious One)

“One most honourable, magnificence”.

If a person is infected by a disease he to fast on the 13 th, 14th, 15th of the

lunar month. After breaking (iftar) the fast in the evening, he to repeat “YA-
MAJEED” for several times and breath in a glass of water and drink it.
Inshallah, the disease will be cured.

50. AL-BA‘ITH (The Resurrector)

“He Who gives life to all the creatures on the Day of Judgement”.

He who repeats “YA-BA‘ITH” several times every day shall acquire fear of
God in his heart.

51. ASH-SHAHID (The Witness)

“He Who is ubiquitous”

He who has rebellious dependents. Put his hand on their fore-heads

individually and repeat “YA-SHAHID” 21 times. Then breath to them.
Inshallah, they will become obedient and meek.

52. AL-HAQQ (The Truth)

“He Whose existence has no change”

If one has lost something and repeats “YA-HAQQ” many times, what is lost
will be found.

53. AL-WAKIL (The Trustee)

“He Who provides a means to solve all problems in the best way.”

He who repeats “YA-WAKIL” for several times at a danger of a forth-coming
calamity or disaster, he shall remain under the protection of the Almighty.
No calamity shall touch him.

54. AL-QAWI (The Most Strong)

“The Omnipotent One”

He who is afraid of his enemy, repeats “YA-QAWI” with the intention of not
to be harmed, will be protected from the harm of the enemy.

55. AL-MATIN (The Firm One)

“One Who is very strong in every respect”.

If one is surrounded by troubles, he repeats “YA-MATIN” several times

daily, his problems will disappear.

56. AL-WALI (The Protecting Friend)

“He Who is helper and a friend of His righteous servants”.

If a person is not happy with his dependents’ habits, he should repeat “YA-
WALI” several times when meeting them.

57. AL-HAMID (The Praiseworthy)

“He Who is the only One to be glorified and praised”.

He who repeats “YA-HAMID” for 93 times, 45 days continuously at a lonely

place, his bad habits and behavior will disappear.

58. AL-MUHSI (The Reckoner)

“He Who knows the number of all things although they cannot be counted
and knows each of them”.

He who repeats “YA-MUHSI” daily for 20 times and breaths on these pieces
and eats these, the people will be agreeable with him in matters of daily

59. AL-MUBDI (The Originator)

“He Who has created for the first time all beings from nothing and without
any model”.

If “YA-MUBDI” is repeated for 99 times at a time before the call (azan) for
the Morning prayer (i.e. sahri time) and breaths to a pregnant women, she
will have on easy birth.

60. AL-MU‘ID (The Restorer)

“He Who restores all beings”.

If “YA-MU‘ID” is breaths in the 4 corners of the house each time repeating

for 70 times, at a time when all the family members go for their beds, a
person who is lost, will return home.

61. AL-MUHYI (The Giver of Life)

“He Who gives life and health”

A patient who repeats “YA-MUHYI” several times or any righteous person

breaths to him he will be cured. Same is true for any person who has to seek
refuge from those who practice secret acts or envious behavior.

62. AL-MUMIT (The Creator of Death)

“He Who creates death”

A person who cannot control himself from undesirable behaviour he to put

his hand on his cheast, repeat “YA-MUMIT” for several times, before night’s

63. AL-HAYY (The Alive)

“One always to exist”

Anyone who repeats “YA-HAYY” for 1000 times daily will have a healthy
life free from any disease.

64. AL-QAYYUM (Self-Subsisting)

“He Who holds the entire universe”

He who regularly repeats “YA-QAYYUM” will not fall into inadvertency.

65. AL-WAJID (The Finder)

“He Who finds whatever He wants in the time He desires”.

He who repeats “YA-WAJID” will have richness of heart. The Name may
better be repeated at the meal times.

66. AL-MAJID (The Noble)

“One most honourable, beneficient”.

He who repeats “YA-MAJID” in a lonely place, again and again daily, his
heart will be enlightened.

67. AL-WAHID-ul-AHAD (The Unique – The One)

“The One and only One and has no partners of any kind”.

He who repeats “YA-WAHID-ul-AHAD” alone in a quiet place will find

himself free from fear and delusion of any one. One who is childless to right
this name and keep with them.

68. AS-SAMAD (The Eternal, Absolute)

“One Who has absolute existence and is dependent on no person or thing,

but all persons and things are dependent on him.”

He who repeats “YA-SAMAD” many times daily, God will provide his needs,
and as a result he will not need others, but they will need him.

69. AL-QADIR (The Able)

“He Who is able to do anything in the way He wills”

He who repeats “YA-QADIR” regularly, all his just desires will be fulfilled.

70. AL-MUQTADIR (The Powerful)

“He Who is more powerful than any one or thing”.

He who repeats “YA-MUQTADIR” several times, atleast for 20 times, after

getting up from the night’s sleep, his all dealings will be easy and happy for

71. AL-MUQDDIM (The Expeditor)

“One Who pushes forward”.

He who repeats YA-MUQDDIM” several times a day, his sub-ordinates will

be obedient to him. Further, at the battle ground the righteous fighters to
repeat this Name, they will find themselves advancing to the enemy’s

72. AL-MU’AKHKHIR (The Delayer)

“He Who delay whatever and whenever He wants”.

He who repeats “YA-MU’AKHKHIR” 100 times each day, only love of God
will remain in his heart. No other worldly love can enter.

73. AL-AWWAL (The First)

He Who is present at the existing of anything anywhere, whatsoever.

Anyone who has no male child, he to repeat “YA-AWWAL” 40 times for 40
days, Inshallah, his desire will come true. A person on a foreign land likes to
go back to his home, he should repeat this Name for 1000 times on Friday.
Inshallah, he will be united to his family.

74. AL-AKHIR (The Last)

“He is the First and the Last in Time and Space”.

He who repeats “YA-AKHIR” many times will lead a good and a useful life
and will have a honourable death.

75. AL-ZAHIR (The Manifest)

“One Who has a clear entity”.

Anyone who repeats “YA-ZAHIR” for 500 times after salat-ul-Ishraq,

divide light (noor) will enter his heart.

76. AL-BATIN (The Hidden)

“One Who is everywhere but nobody has ever seen Him”.

He who repeats “YA-BATIN” for 33 times daily, will experience latent divine
mysteries and his heart will be filled with the divine love with his heart
turning away from the worldly pleasures.

77. AL-WALI (The Governor)

“He Who directs, manages, conducts, governs, measures, plans every action
which happens at any moment in the entire universe.

He Who repeats “YA-WALI” and breaths it into his house, his house will be
free from danger or he will be free from worldly troubles.

78. AL-MUTA‘ALI (The Most Exalted)

He Who is above any thought a being can have. This beautiful Name
indicates that God is higher than the most evolved thought of any human

He who repeats “YA- MUTA‘ALI” many times will gain the benevolence of

79. AL-BARR (The Source of All Goodness)

“He Who is tolerant to His servants, to all creatures, and is good to them”.

He who has some defects of character, such as alcoholism or sexual

immorality, etc should repeat “YA-BARR” for 07 times daily, he will get rid
of such unethical habits. Also repeating this Name for several times, one gets
rid of the love of the worldly pleasure and think for Hereafter. Further,
repeating this Name for 07 times and breathing to a newly born child,
dedicate the child to God, the child will be free from any sort of calamities
till reaching to the adulthood.

80. AT-TAWWAB (The Acceptor of Repentance)

“The One Who forgives our sins and accepts our apology and repentance”

He who repeats “YA-TAWWAB” for 360 times after performing the optional
prayer of salat-ul-ishraq (2 rakats), his repentance will be accepted. Inner
purity is a must. The name be repeated again and again daily. Such a person
will see his difficult tasks made easy.
If a person repeats this for 10 times and breaths on a tyrant, he will get rid of
the tyrannical environment.

81. AL-MUNTAQIM (The Avenger)

“He Who punishes wrongdoers”.

He who repeats “YA-MUNTAQIM” many times for 03 continuous Fridays,

God will Himself subdue his enemy.

82. AL-‘AFUW (The Pardoner)

“He pardons all who repent sincerely as if they had no previous sin”.

He who repeats “YA-‘AFUW” Name very sincerely all his sins will be

83. AR-RA’UF (The Compassionate)

“He Who is benign”.

He who repeats “YA-RA’UF” many times will be blessed by God. People

will be kind to him and he to people.
It is said he who repeats this Name for 10 times after repeating darud
(blessings on the Prophet) for 10 times, his anger will disappear. If one
breaths the same to an angry, his agitation will vanish.

84. MALIK-UL-MULK (The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty)

“He Who is the Sovereign Lord of the Universe, Time and Space”.

He who repeats “YA-MALIK-UL-MULK” often will gain esteem among

people, will always to self-sufficient and bounteous.

85. DHUL-JALAL-WAL-IKRAM (The Lord of Majesty and Bounty)

“He Who is the Sovereign Lord of the universe and the most generous to His

He who repeats “YA-DHUL-JALAL-WAL-IKRAM” many times daily will be

man of respect, dignity and fortunes.

86. AL-MUQSIT (The Equitable)

“He Who manages Time and Space in a balanced proportions”.

He who repeats “YA-MUQSIT” will be free from the harm of the satnic
persons. If any righteous aim is to be achieved, one to repeat this daily for
700 times. Inshallah, his aim will be fulfilled.

87. AL-JAME’ (The Gatherer)

“He who collects things, gathers them, anywhere He wants, at any time”.

He who repeats “YA-JAME’ ” for several times and then tries to find the
thing he has lost, the lost item will be found.

88. AL-GHANI (The Self-Sufficient)

“The One who is Sovereign, Absolute and Self-Sufficient in every aspect,


He who repeats “YA-GHANI” for 70 times daily, he will be blessed with a

abundance of wealth and will be self-sufficient in his wants and worldly
requirements. Breathing this Name on body shall cure from visible or hidden

89. AL-MUGHNI (The Enricher)

“One Who makes others self-sufficient”.

Repeat “YA-MUGHNI” for 11,11 times with darud repeating 11 time at the
beginning and at the end. It is advised to perform this either after the
mandatory Morning or Night (Fajir or Isha) Prayers. God will open His
treasures for him and the person will become self-sufficient in every respect,
whatsoever. It is also said to repeat this Name 10 times for 10 Fridays, the
one will become free of any wants or needs.

90. AL-MANI (The Prevent)

“He Who prevents the happenings if He likes”.

Any bitterness or dispute with the wife, repeat “YA-MANI” 20 times before
going to bed. The uneasiness will be dissolved, instead love and affection
will develop between the partners.
Further, repetation of this Name daily will evolve a good fami9ly re3lations.

91. AN-NAFI (The Propitious)

“He who creates all things which provide goodness and benefit.

He who repeats “YA-NAFI” as many times he can, no harm will come to


92. AD-DARR (The Distresser)

“He Who creates that which makes one despondent”

Those who are in a low class, if they repeat “YA-DARR” on Friday nights
(i.e. after sunset of Thursday), their status will be up-graded.

93. AN-NUR (The Light)

“He Who can only be compared with light, provides divine light to the entire
Universe the mind and the faces of His servants”.

Those who constantly repeat “YA-NUR” will be bestowed with the divine
light in his inner self.

94. AL-HADI (The Guide)

“One Who leads to the righteous way of life”.

He who often repeats “YA-HADI” daily, will have spiritual knowledge and
shall be lead on the right path.

95. AL-BADI‘ (The Incomparable)

“He Who creates un-imaginable wonders without any prior model”.

He who repeats “YA-BADI‘ ” 70 times in the following way, his troubles will
vanish. Ya Badee’i as-smavat wal-ard (Oh He who is the creator of
incomparable things on earth and in the universe).

96. AL-BAQI (The Everlasting)

“He Who is Eternal in nature”.

He who repeats “YA-BAQI” 100 times daily before sunrise, will be

protected from all worldly disasters or mishaps and will be shown mercy in

97. AL-WARITH (The Supreme Inheritor)

“He Who has everlasting ownership of all the things. Finite man can claim
only temporary ownership. Everything belongs to the Supereme Infinite”.

He who repeats “YA-WARITH” often shall have a long life.

98. AR-RASHID (The Guide to the Right Path)

“He Who guides, with His wisdom, to the straight path according to His
eternal plan”.

He who repeats “YA-RASHID” 1,000 times between early Evening

(Maghrib) Prayer and Night (Isha) Prayer, all his tribulations will vanish.

99. AL-SABUR (The Patience)

“One with the absolute patience”.

He who is in any sort of trouble or distress, “YA-SABUR” repeated for many

times daily shall rescue him from that type of situation.

It is said, an eminent saint by the name of Bishr al-Hafi, of Baghdad, saw a

peace of paper lying in a litter at the side of a road. His sight saw the Divine Name
written in one of the sentences on the paper. Out of love and reverence for his
Creator, he lifted the paper, cleaned it, perfumed it and placed it high in a cavity of
the wall of his house. That night in his sleep he heard a voice addressing him: “O
Bisher, you have made my Name fragrant in this world and I will make yours in this
world and the next”.

Eminent scholars say that there are neither ninty-nine nor one thousand
Beautiful Names of God. The exact number is only known to the Sovereign Lord.
Appendix at the end of the book shows the Names in a tabular form from www.

They have mentioned that there is one “Greatest Name of God” (Ism Allah
al-a’zam). It is not let known to ordinary humans – the apostles of God may be
knowing this name. It is further said that if any one supplicate by that Name, his
righteous supplication will definitely be accepted. However, some blurred
reflections do occur in the religious books.

Quran, will have read the Greatest Name probably without knowing it. This
is true in the light of the Sayings of Muhammad (pbuh). Further information from
the Hadith refer the following verses of the Holy Scripture:

And your God

Is One God:
There is no god
But He,
Most Gracious,
Most Merciful (2 : 63)

A. L. M.

God! There is no god

Except He, - the Living,
The Self-Subsisting, Eternal. (3 : 1-2)

“There is
No god but Thou:
Glory to Thee: I was
Indeed wrong! (21 : 87)

Another Hadith says that the Greatest Name is in the following Chapters of the Holy

Baqara (Surah 2), Al-i-Imran (Surah 3), Ta Ha (Surah 20) The following Names
are also mentioned by the religious scholars:-

 YA-HAYY – (He is all knowing and His strength is sufficient for everything)

 YA-QAYYUM – (He Who holds the entire universe)
 YA-DHUL-JALAL-WAL-IKRAM – (The Lord of Majesty and Bounty).

It may be noted that the first word in the Names is “YA”. It refers to the appeal to
that Attribute of God.

Some of the scholars also refer “Allah” – the only Name of the Greatest
Creator – as the Greatest Name. This Name occurs in the very first foundamental
cardinal ‘Articles of Faith’ in Islam. This is the declaration of:- “La illaha illallah
Muhammad-ur-Rasoolullah” (There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His
Prophet). However, the mystery about The Greatest Name of God remains there
where it was on the day one.

To conclude the writing, let us express a representative couplet that is closest

to our hearts. The thought expresses the inherited human weakness:

Where should we go after the last frontier?

Where should birds fly after the last sky?
………. Mahmood Darwish


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