Chapter 1

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The Life

“Those persons who admitted the Unity of Allah and the

Apostleship of the Prophet with their heart and tongue, and they
are prominent in obeying Allah’s Orders, such persons will never
be mislead” ……… (Shah)

Mohammad, son of Abdullah, son of Abdul Muttalib, was

born in Mecca, 53 years before the Hijrah, 12th Rabi ‘I, 20th
August in the year 570 of the solar calendar. His father who
belonged to the clan of Bani Hashim of the tribe of Quraish, died
before the birth of his son. The boy was protected first by his
grandfather, and after him his uncle, Abu Talib. According to the
custom of the nobility of the Quraish, the child when only 8 days
old was handed to the Bedouin nurse called Haleema. She
belonged to the tribe of Bani Sa’d. At the age of 5, Muhammad
returned to the care of his mother, Amina, She was daughter of
Wahb, the Chief of the clan of Bani Zuhra. She died a year later.
His grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, was Chief of Bani Hashim and
the leader of the Meccans, died when Mohammad was 8 years of

His uncle, Abu Talib, proved his shield and protector

some thirty years later when Muhammad’s preaching brought
upon him the enmity of the Meccans. At the age of 12, he
accompanied his uncle in a merchant’s caravan to Syria.
Muhammad, who had no school learning at any age of his life,
earned his living when his uncle’s business began to dwindle. At
the age of 25, Muhammad was employed by a rich widow,
Khadija, the daughter of Khuweilid.He was given the charge of a
caravan conveying merchandise to Syria. Khadija was so pleased
and attracted by the young man’s nobility, that she proposed her
hand to Muhammad. Although she was 15 years senior to him, he

accepted the proposal. Their 26 years of married life were
exceptionally happy. With this duration, his reputation as a noble
human being enhanced and was titled as Al-Ameen or the
“Trustworthy” by the Meccan.

At this period of the history, the Arabs were steeped in

ignorance, worshipped idols, starts, stones, fetishes and were
perpetually at war with one another. Arabia was also the seat of
every creed before the rise of Islam. Judaism, Zoroastrian system
and Christianity. No period in the history of mankind was so dark
as the time through which the Arabia was passing The Meccans
claimed descent from Abraham through Ishmael, and tradition
stated that their temple, the Ka’bah had been built by Abraham
for the worship of One God. It was still called the “House of
Allah”, but the objects of worship were number of (360) idols
which were called “Daughters of Allah”

(The Pagans), leaving Him,

Call upon female deities:
They call upon Satan
The persistent rebel! (Nissa : 117)

Whenever the iniquities of his people oppressed him,

Muhammad retired to the solitude of a cave in Mount Hira
outside Mecca. Solitude became a passion with him. Every year
he would retire to the cave in Mount Hira for the whole month of
Ramadhan to mediate. It was there one night that first revelation
came to him through Archangel Gibriel. He was than 40 years
old. He heard a voice say:

Proclaim! (or Read!)

In the name
Of thy Lord and Cherisher,

Who created –

Created man, out of

A (mere) clot
Of congealed blood:

Proclaim! And thy Lord

Is Most Bountiful,-

He Who taught
(The use of) the Pen, -

Taught man that

Which he knew not (Iqraa : 1-5)

Verses 1-5 of this Sura were the first direct Revelation to

the holy Prophet. Thus the foundation of the mightiest system of
monotheism the world has ever known – Islam was laid. After
that there was in interval or break (Fatra), extending over some
months or perhaps over a year. The remainder of this Sura came
soon after the Fatra, and that portion is joined on to the first five
verses containing the command to preach, because it explains the
chief obstacles to the delivery of the message to man, viz. :man’s
own obstinacy, vanity, and insolence.

Alarmed by his experience, Muhammad rose trembling,

and hastened home to seek solace in Khadija’s tender care. She
was the first to accept the truth of his Mission.

For a year or two Muhammad preached among his

immediate friends and relatives, and made several converts. But
the Meccans as a whole regarded him with indifference as one
who had become a little mad. Struggling in his mind and clouded

with doubts and depression as to the divinity of his Mission,
lying covered in blanket when he heard the Divine Voice calling
upon him to arise and preach:

O thou wrapped up
(In a mantle)!

Arise and deliver thy warning!

And thy Lord

Do thou magnify! (Muddaththir : 1-3)

Convictions now replaced doubt, and Muhammad arose

and girded himself for the task ahead. Standing alone, he
proclaimed the glory of God, publically denounced the idolatry
of his people and their evil ways and called them to God and the
better life:

Verily this is the word

Of a most honorable Messenger

Endued with Power,

With rank before
The Lord of the Throne,

With authority there,

(And) faithful to his trust.

And (O people!)
Your Companion is not
One possessed;

And without doubt he saw him

In the clear horizon.

Neither doth he withhold

Grudgingly a knowledge
Of the Unseen

Nor is it the word

Of an evil spirit accursed.

Then wither go ye?

Verily this is no less

Than a Message
To (all) the Worlds:

(With profit) to whoever

Among you wills
To go straight: (Takwir : 19 – 28)

The Quraish were the guardians of the Ka’aba, the holy

place to which all Arabia made pilgrimage, and it was a source of
great prestige to their city, Mecca. They were therefore seriously
alarmed and assumed active hostility towards Muhammad, who
was now publically preaching against the worship of idols in the
Ka’aba, which ranked first among their vested interests. The
early converts of Muhammad, who were mostly humble folk,
were subjected to great oppression, and in spite of his rank,
Muhammad himself would have been killed if the Quraish had
not been deterred by the fear of blood vengeance from his
powerful clan, the Bani Hashim.

The Meccans’ fury now knew no bounds. Feeling deeply

grieved at the sad plight of his followers, Muhammad advised

them in the 5th year of his Mission (615 of Christian era) to leave
the country and seek refuge among Christian people of
Abyssinia. This is known as the first Hijrah. Muhammad and a
few stalwart followers remained in Mecca. However, the number
of the followers continued to increase. All sort of terrible
hardships were inflicted to Muhammad and his companions. In
the 9th year of his Mission lost his uncle and protector, Abu Talib
and his beloved wife Khadija. Persecution grew fiercer and
fiercer, and Muhammad, seeking refuge in the neighboring city
of Taif, met with great hostility and barely escaped with his life.
This was the most tiring moments for the apostle. But the turning
point in his career was at hand. However, in a party of pilgrims
from the prosperous city of Yasrib (200 miles from Mecca),
Muhammad made several converts. In the following year, at the
time of pilgrimage, 73 Muslims from Yasrib came to Mecca.
They vowed allegiance to the Prophet and invited him and his
companions to migrate to their city. The invitation was accepted.
The companions left gradually and unobtrusively, the Prophet
remaining to the last. Muhammad (SAW), with Abu Bakr, left
Mecca and eluding the pursuers, reached Yasrib on Friday the 4th
of Rabi ‘I, the 2nd July, 622. This event is called the Hijra
(Hegira) or emigration. It marks the greatest crisis in the history
of Muhammad’s Mission. The Muslim calendar is named after it.
The Caliph Omar, who instituted the official Muslim era, naming
it after this event, dated it from the 1 st day of the first lunar month
of that year, Moharrum, equivalent to 28th April, 622 of the solar
calendar. The city of Yasrib, was being now known as Madina
(short for Madinat-ul-Nabi, the City of the Prophet).

The Meccans organized three great expeditions against

the city, but were beaten back. First, during 3 A.H. the battle of
Uhud, during 5 A.H. the battle of Trench, and during 7 A.H. the
battle of Khaibar. It was after the 8th year of Hijra that Muslims

were able to put an end to this war by gaining a bloodless victory
over Mecca.

The Meccans, who had relentlessly oppressed

Muhammad and his followers for 21 years, expected dire
vengeance, but in the hour of their defeat they were treated with
the greatest magnanimity. “Go, you are free!” were the words in
which Muhammad gave them general amnesty. The Prophet
removed all the idols which were in the Ka’aba saying:

And say: “Truth has (now)

Arrived, and falsehood perished:
For Falsehood is (by its nature)
Bound to perish”. (Bani Israil : 81)

The surrender of Mecca was followed by the submission

of the surrounding tribes and the acknowledgement of
Mohammad’s spiritual and temporal leadership over the whole of
Arabian Peninsula. However, during the same year the battle of
Hunain was fought and won. During the 9th year A.H. an
expedition was led to Tabuk. The Christians avoided the war and
the muslim forces returned victorious. The message of the
Prophet spread by leaps and bounds and the conversion of the
Arabs was complete. His Mission was fully accomplished and the
prediction of departure delivered:

This day have I

Perfected your religion
For you, completed
My favour upon you,
And have chosen for you
Islam as your religion. (Maida : 4)

During the 10th year A.H. the Prophet performed Hajj and
delivered his famous sermon on the hill of Arafat (the mountain
of mercy).

This enlightening, soul – stirring and epoch – making

sermon occupies a unique place in the history of mankind. It
emphasizes explicitly on universalization, socialization and
moralization of the humanity at large Per se the farewell sermon,
on the whole, is a message of piety, equity and fraternity for the
entire world.

In the same year on 12th Rabiul Awal, the Prophet died at

the age of 63 years. He was buried in the same chamber where he
had lived and breathed his last. It was in the mosque at Madina
(Masjid Nabvi). May his soul remain in peace. He was survived
by his daughter Hazrat Fatima only. His three sons and three
daughters had died earlier.

Quran, given to the mankind by the Prophet is the general

code of Muslims. The social, civil, commercial, military, judicial,
criminal, penal and yet religious code; by it every thing is
regulated, from ceremonies of religion to those of daily life; from
salvation of the soul to the health of the body; from the rights of
the general community to those of society; from morality to
crime; from punishment here to that of the life to come. Quran

The Religion before God

Is Islam (submission to His Will):
Nor did the People of the Book
Dissent therefrom except
Through envy of each other,
After knowledge had come to them,

But if they deny the Signs of God,
God is swift in calling to account. (Al-i-Imran : 19)

The honour and respect God has for the Prophet is

manifest from the following verses:

A similar (favour
Have ye already received)
In that We have sent
Among you an Apostle
Of your own, rehearsing to you
Our Signs, and sanctifying
You, and instructing you
In Scripture and Wisdom,
And in new knowledge. (Baqra : 151)

Whatever good (oh man!)

Happens to thee, is from God;
But whatever evil happens
To thee, is from thy (own) soul.
And We have sent an Apostle
To (instruct) mankind.
And enough is God
For a witness.

He who obeys
The Apostle, obeys God:
But if any turn away,
We have not sent thee
To watch over
(Their evil deeds). (Nissa : 79, 80)

Muhammad is not
The father of any

Of your men, but (he is)
The Apostle of God,
And the Seal of the Prophets:
And God has full knowledge
Of all things. (Ahzab : 40)

God and His Angels

Send blessings on the Prophet:
O ye that believe!
Send ye blessings on him,
And salute him
With all respect. (Ahzab : 56)

Oh mankind! The Apostle

Hath come to you in truth
From God: believe in him:
It is best for you. But if
Ye reject Faith, to God
Belong all things in the heavens
And on earth: and God
Hath all knowledge and wisdom. (Nissa : 170)

Say: “Oh men! I am sent

Unto you all, as the Apostle
Of God, to Whom belongeth
The dominion of the heavens
And the earth: there is no god
But He: it is He that giveth
Both life and death, So believe
In God and His Apostle,
The unlettered Prophet,
Who believeth in God
And His Words: follow him
That (so) ye may be guided. (Araf : 158)

Now hath come unto you
An Apostle from amongst
Yourselves: it grieves him
That ye should perish:
Ardently anxious is he
Over you: to the Believers
Is he most kind and merceful. (Tauba : 128)

Say, the Holy Spirit has brought

The revelation from thy Lord
In Truth, in order to strengthen
Those who believe, and as a Guide
And Glad Tidings to Muslims.

We know indeed that they

Say, “It is a man that
Teaches him. The tongue
Of him they wickedly point to
Is notably foreign, while this
Is Arabic, pure and clear. (Nahl : 102, 103)

We sent thee not, but

As a Mercy for all creatures. (Ambiyaa : 107)

We have not sent thee

But as a universal (Messenger)
To men, giving them
Glad tidings, and warning them
(Against sin), but most men
Understand not. (Saba : 28)

By the Quran,
Full of Wisdom, -

Thou art indeed
One of the apostles,

On a Straight Way.

It is a Revelation
Sent down by (Him),
The Exalted in Might,
Most Merciful,

In order that thou myest

Admonish a people,
Whose fathers had received
No admonition, and who
Therefore remain heedless
(Of the Signs of God). (Ya – Sin : 2 – 6)

It is He Who has sent

His Apostle with Guidance
And the Religion of Truth,
To proclaim it over All religion: and enough
Is God for a Witness.

Muhammad is the Apostle

Of God; and those who are
With him are strong
Against Unbelievers, (but)
Compassionate among each other.
Though wilt see them bow
And prostrate themselves
(In prayer), seeking Grace
From God and (His) Good pleasure.

On their faces are their
Marks, (being) the traces
Of their prostration.
This is their similitude
In the Taurat;
And their similitude
In the Gospel is:
Like a seed which sends
Forth its blade, then
Makes it strong; it then
Becomes thick, and it stands
On its own stem, (filling)
The sowers with wonder
And delight. As a result.
It fills the Unbelievers
With rage at them.
God has promised those
Among them who believe
And do righteous deeds
And a great Reward. (Fat-h : 28, 29)

Have We not
Expanded thee thy breast? –

And removed from thee

Thy burden

The which did gall

Thy back? –

And raised high the esteem

(In which) thou (art held)?

So, verily,
With every difficulty,
There is relief:

Verily, with every difficulty

There is relief. (Inshirah : 1 – 6)

The Religion preached by Muhammad is “Islam”. The

word Islam means “absolute submission to the Will of God”.
Islam is derived from a root word which means “peace”. The
greeting of the Muslims is “Assalam – o – Aleikum”, which
means “Peace be unto you”.

Muhammad, according to Muslims was only a Prophet

divinely inspired – a mortal man:

Muhammad is no more
Than an Apostle: many
Were the Apostles that passed away
Before him. If he died
Or was slain, will ye then
Turn back on your heels?
If any did turn back
On his heels, not the least
Harm will he do to God;
But God (on the other hand)
Will swiftly reward those
Who (serve him) with gratitude. (Al-i-Imran : 144)

The soul of Islam is its declaration of the unity of God; its

heart is the inculcation of an absolute resignation to His will.
Muhammad did not claim to be the founder of a new religion, his
mission was to restore the earlier religions to their pristine purify:

Say ye: We believe
In God, and the revelation Given to us, and to
Ismail, Issac, Jacob,
And the Tribes, and that given
To Moses and Jesus, and that given
To the other Apostles from their Lord:
We make no difference
Between one and another of them:
For we bow to God (in Islam). (Baqra : 136)

The same religion has He

Established for you as that
Which He enjoined on Noah –
The which We have sent
By inspiration to thee –
And that which We enjoined
On Abraham, Moses and Jesus:
Namely, that ye should remain
Steadfast in Religion and make
No divisions therein:
To those who worship
Other things than God,
Hard is the (way)
To which thou callest them.
God chooses to Himself
Those whom He pleases,
And guides to Himself
Those who turn (to Him). (Shura : 13)

The Muslim believes in the message of of Lord Jesus but

not in his divinity or sonship:

Oh People of the Book!
Commit no excesses
In your religion: nor say
Of God what is untrue.
Christ Jesus the son of Mary
Was (no more than)
An apostle of God,
And His Word,
Which he bestowed on Mary,
And a Spirit proceeding
From Him: so believe
In God and His Apostles.
Say not “Trinity”: desist:
It will be better for you:
For God is One God:
Glory be to Him:
(Far Exalted is He) above
Having a son. To Him
Belong all things in the heavens
And on earth. And enough
Is God as a Disposer of affairs. (Nissa : 171)

Of all the great reformers and teachers, Muhammad

(SAW), is the only one who not only expounded the theories, but
also had the opportunity of testing these in his lifetime.
Nevertheless, he has a unique distinction to pass through all the
phases of life. From orphan to king from idealist to the man of
the world. His amazing career embraced the positions of a son, a
father, a husband, a neighbour, a herdsman, an employee, a
tradesman, a preacher, a persecuted fugitive, a friend, a warrior, a
general, a conqueror, a judge, an administrator, a prayer – leader,
a giver of laws, a statesman and an emperor. One need not
confine his estimate of him to the sublimity of his teachings or

the loftiness of his sentiments. But he can be judged by his
actions and reflect him in his majestic deeds. Scintillating
inspirations of the Prophet of the the Desert will continue to
inspire and guide generations to come till time ceases to tick. It is
obligatory on all the faithful to visit the tomb of the Prophet at
Madina, preferably after the performance of Hajj (Pilgrimage) to
Mecca, for he has said: “Whoever (of my followers) visits my
tomb it is binding on me to plead for (Mercy and Forgiveness) on
his (or her) behalf (on the Day of Judgement)”. Every muslim
love the Prophet and pay greater respect to him than to any other
human being including their parents. Jami, the great Persian poet,
praises the Prophet (SAW) as:

“O you who are the lord of beauty and

ideal human being! Your countenance
is radiant and verily it sheds like the
moon. It is absolutely beyond me to
praise you adequately. Hence let me
remain content with the expression that
you rank next to Allah alone”

The Islamic Literature is full of praise for the

Last Prophet, Muhammad (SAW).

The persons who testified to

Oneness of God
Also sincerely believed in the
Apostleship of Muhammad
For him was the world created
Such believers will never go astray
……. (Shah)

To wind up this discussion, let us quote few
Saying of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Saadi:

“Do not exceed bounds in praising me, as the

Christian do in praising Jesus, the son of Mary, by
calling him God and the Son of God. I am only the
Lord’s servant; then call me the servant of God,
and His Messenger.”

“Convey to other persons none of my words,

except those ye know of a surety”

“My sayings do not abrogate the word of God can

abrogate my sayings”.

“Whoever has selected a path contrary to that of

the Prophet, he shall never reach his goal”.
…… Saadi


Al-Qur-an is the last Word of God – The Sovereign

Omnipotent – dictated to His, The Last Prophet – Muhammad.
This Glorious Book was revealed bit by bit, through an Archangel
Gibriel during a period of twenty-three years of the Prophet’s life.
The first revelation was in the solemn month of Ramdhan on a
certain night which therefore received the name of Lailat al Qadr
is preserved and guarded from any sort of corruption
(additions/alterations): “We have, without doubt, sent down the
Message; and We will assuredly guard it”. (Al-Hijr : 9).

“Nay, this is a Glorious Qur-an, (inscribed) in a Tablet

Preserved”. (Buruj : 21 – 22) God’s Message is not ephemeral. It
is eternal. The “Tablet” is not to be understood in a material sense,
made of stone or metal. It is “preserved” or guarded from
tempering. That Message is the “Mother of the book”. Says
Quran, “By the Book that makes things clear, – We have made it
a Qur-an in Arabic, that ye may be able to understand (and learn
wisdom). And verily, it is in the Mother of the Book, in Our
presence, high (in dignity), full of wisdom (Zukhruf: 1 – 4).

The Mother of the Book, the Foundation of Revelation,

the preserved Tablet, is the core or essence of revelation, the
original principle or fountain-head of God’s Eternal and Universal
Law. From this fountain-head are derived all streams of
knowledge and wisdom, that flow through Time and feed the
intelligence of created minds. The Mother of the Book is in gods
own Presence, and its dignity and wisdom are more than all we
can think of in the spiritual world.

The Quran judged by any spiritual or literary standards is
no ordinary book. There is no doubt to think that its impact will
be decisive on the soul-life of the readers. However, this is subject
to the condition that unless one comes with reverence, nothing
will be open to him. It is just on the Quran says: “That this is
indeed a Quran most honourable, in a Book well-guarded, which
none should touch but those who are clean. A Relation from the
Lord of the Worlds”.(Waqia : 77-80).

Thus, as a matter of fact, certain degrees of inner purity

and preparedness are a pre-condition before even genuinely great
literature can take-possession. That is to say unless we come with
reverence, nothing shall be open to us. We may read the Scripture
as our reading goes but it is only as a cat plays with a book, or a
donkey carries the load of them.

Know then, God’s Mercy descends through the words that

best of servants speak. Verily their hearts are the chosen channels
through which the Divine Grace flows in the direction of uplifting
and enlivening of lives of its votaries and listeners. The Quran
says: “And We have indeed made the Qur-an easy to understand
and remember. Then is there any that will receive admonition?”
(Qamar: 17, 22, 32, 40). The verse is interspersed 4 times among
its 55 verses. This speaks by itself. Emphasis is on reading,
understanding and obeying the Commandments. Nevertheless, the
Quran is the real foundation on which the whole superstructure of
Islam rests. It is the only absolute and final authority in every
discussion related to the principles and the laws of Islam. That is
to say that the Holy Quran is the sole source from which all the
teaching and practices of Islam are drawn. The Message is
universal: “This is no less than a Message for the nations”.
(Anam : 90).

The cardinal articles of Faith (Eman) as laid down
by the Quran are:-
To believe in the Oneness of God.
To believe in all His Angels.
To believe in all His Books.
To believe in all His Prophets.
To believe in the Day of Resurrection.
To believe in the Day of Judgemenht.
To believe that the power of doing all actions
(whether good or bad) proceeds from Allah, but that
we are responsible for our actions.

Focusing on the Fundamental Principles of Islam, these

are five in number, viz:-

i. The declaration of “La ilaha illallah Muhammad-ur-

rasoolullah”. This means: there is no god but God,
and Muhammad is His Prophet.

ii. The observance of the obligatory prayers five times

a day.

iii. Distribution of Zakat (Islamic alms-fee) among the

deserving amounting to one fortieth in one’s
possession for a complete year.

iv. The observation of fasts during the day time in the

month of Ramdhan.

v. The performance of Hajj (Pilgrimage) to Mecca, at

least once in a lifetime, if circumstances permit.

As a matter of fact, the composition of the Quran
circumvents the following three subjects:-

 The Unity and concepts of Allah

 The Divine Orders
 The Stories of some relevant Past Happenings

Nevertheless, all the subjects are inter-linked. The Quran is

divided into 30 parts (Parahs). To facilitate its perusal from the
beginning to the end the, 7 stages are earmarked. It is composed
of 114 Chapters (Suras), 7840 words (qalma),307064 letters
(alphabets) and 6338 verses. The details are given in the
Appendix. Each chapter has its individual rubric. The language of
the Holy Quran is Arabic. There is nothing Ajmi (non-Arabic) in
it. The Quran was not dictated for a particular occasion only, but
for all the times since then till the eternity. The particular occasion
is now history. The chief interest now is to see how it can guide us
in our present life span. However, the fact remains that rainfalls
on all places of God’s earth but not in all places become green.

The Word of God is a beacon light for all the times to

come. Not a single word has ever been changed or ever can be
changed. For the dissenters Divine challenge is established:

And recite (and teach)

What has been revealed
To thee of the Book
Of thy Lord: none
Can change His Words,
And none will thou find
As a refuge other than Him. (Kahf : 27)

This is a challenge for all times to come up to the eternity.
It is repeated in sura Qasas, Subhan, Hud and Yunus also. Reading
or reciting the Quran should be understood both literally and
figuratively, as the symbol of the earnest desire of the soul to
know and understand Divine Will and act in accordance
therewith. Man is weak at best, and he should seek strength for his
will in God’s help and protection. Evil has no authority or
influence on those who put their trust in God. The believers
should seek God’s protection from Evil always but especially
when reading the Quran:

When thou dost read

The Quran, seek God’s protection
From Satan the Rejected One. (Nahl : 98)

The Glorious Quran has to be read in a spirit of “wise

passiveness”, by a heart that is willing to listen, to be influenced,
to be transformed. This is possible only when one has a certain
degree of inner purify and summons the best light that his intellect
can provide. It is only then the Quran opens spiritual doors of our
inner being. The mental lights glow brighter and brighter. Leads
us into an environment other than our own – virtually before the
Lord of the Words! As a matter of fact faith is like a radar that
sees through the fog, the reality of things at a distance that a
human eye can not see.

As a matter of fact, every Muslim must be aware that the whole

religious, moral, social, and political fabric of Islamic society
rests of the ‘Book (Al-Quran), the Saying and Acts of the last
Prophet, Mohammad-SAW (Sunnah), and analogical deductions

The Ways and Wont of Muhammad (SAW) and his
utterances form a living commentary on, and a supplement to the
Holy Quran. These have acquired the force of law. A Muslim may
question the genuiness of an individual saying. But once its
authenticity is proved, it is as binding upon him as the injunctions
and prohibitions in the Quran.

Rightly said by Dr. Israr Ahmed that the Holy Quran

bears five rights on every muslim. He enumerates them as:

He should have complete faith on its authority as Book

from the Almighty.
He should read it.
He should try to understand it.
He should act according its commands, injunctions and
He should try to convey the Divine Message to others for
the purpose of welfare in this life and the life beyond.

One can quote number of ayats from the Glorious Quran to

elucidate the above five points. But let us quote only a single
verse as for each as under:

The Apostle believeth

In what hath been revealed
To him from his Lord,
As do the men of faith.
Each one (of them) believeth
In God, His angels,
His books, and His apostles.
“We make no distinction (they say)
Between one and another
Of His apostles”. And they say:

“We hear, and we obey:
(We seek) Thy forgiveness,
Our Lord, and to Thee
Is the end of all journeys”. (Baqra : 285)

(We sent them) with Clear Signs

And Books of dark prophecies;
And We have sent down
Unto thee (also) the Message;
That thou mayest explain clearly
To men what is sent
For them, and that they
May give thought (Nahl : 44)

If any do fail to judge

By (the light of) what God
Hath revealed, they are
(No better than) Unbelievers. (Maida : 47)

Here is a Message for mankind:

Let them take warning therefrom,
And let them know that He
Is (no other than) One God:
Let men of understanding
Take heed. (Ibrahim : 52)

However, if a muslim fails to realize his share of

responsibilities towards the Last Heavenly Book, the Almighty
reminds him and says:

The similitude of those

Who were charged
With the (obligations
Of the) Mosaic Law,

But who subsequently failed
In those (obligations), is
That of a donkey
Which carries huge tomes
(But understands them not).
Evil is the similitude
Of people who falsify
The Signs of God:
And God guides not
People who do wrong. (Jumua : 5)

This verse is about the Children of Israel. They were

chosen as special vehicles for God’s Message early in history.
When their descendants corrupted the Message and became
guilty of all the abominations against which prophets like Isaiah
inveighed with such zeal and fire, they merely became like beasts
of burden that carry learning and wisdom on their backs but do
not understand or profit by it.

Nevertheless, although the following verse is in reference

to the unbelieving Quraish of Mecca of the times, but indeed this
is also for those people who establish no relation with the
Glorious Book.

Then the Apostle will say:

“O my Lord! Truly
My people took this Quran
For just foolish nonsense”. (Furqan : 30)

Thus, it is vividly manifest that a muslim has to never

ending relationship with the Holy Quran. Let us quote here few
stray verses, picked at random and relying that the reader is one

of those who is able to see from a straw which way the wind
blows. These are of this affect:

Continue to recite the Quran with sincere mind,

Particularly to the convenant with Allah,
His Unity and the Prophet hood of Muhammad
……. Shah

They merely read but do not contemplate and act

according to what they read
The result is that they commit more sins every time they
…… Shah

Consult the Quran itself for its elucidation.

…… Roomi

There is nothing doubtful about the contents of the Quran.

It is not susceptible of alteration or misinterpretation.
……. Iqbal

The strength of faith raises your life. You should believe

in the Quranic words that no fear shall come to them to
them who are humble and submissive before God and
who do good acts.


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