Injustice in Justice The 5000usd Lawsuit Lawyer Wanted The

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contact: Ember Autumn Rose
250 South Lyon Ave Ste. E -108
Hemet, CA 92543

Thursday, January 25, 2018

5000USD Offered to sue the Courts in CA

Denial and Disparage of Constitutional Rights:

Freedom of speech denied by a Judge that swore an oath to uphold the consitution. Public court
should be on or

Monopolies on Canteen Phone Systems which make calling 411 aka 555–1212 impossible and
its impossible to leave messages on answering machines or any digital system — Since the called
person must press 1 to accept the call. Attorney contact DENIED — When you are KSA (kept
separate from all) for your own protection by POLICE that injuried YOU -you get one hour out
of your cell try to make phone calls at 2am.

Minimum Wage Denied — Try to work for a newpaper or write a book or somehow earn
minimum wage and your mail is read and sometimes not even delivered. I tried to pay for a
certified letter using stamps. A lawsuit filed in San Diego with a Declaration of Co-

Right to pay bills — Impossible no way to pay your bills or even bail yourself out without 3rd
party intervention — Even when I could post the full bail amount not just the 10% I had no
method for doing so. Access bank funds requires an authorized representative necessitating a
Notarized Document yet its impossible to pay a Notary let alone have them gain access into
americas grand human profiteering ring scheme headquarters — COUNTY JAIL. So bail is then
Illegal as it is synonymous with the Crime Ransom!

Flaw with law changed the word and its not illegal. Gay marriage wasnt legal before but Happy
Marriage was Illegal?? Bail is Ransom and Indentured Servitude is now called Community
Service or Debt to Society and Restitutions. Yet you cannot work for minimum wage to get a
lawyer or even access the internet. The right to assemble in peace (US CONST ART 1 SEC 1)
would be best asserted “As the right to use the internet” — When denied all other constitutional
rights like Life (unless sentenced to life and yet also not so) Liberty (Access to daylight for
vitamin photosynthesis) or Pursuit of Happiness. What is pursuit of happiness? You may only be
GAY! because you have to live with another person of the SAME SEX. WTF!!! I wanted
freedom not Freedumb — what a stupid misspelling. I believed in rights boy was I wrong. and
contact: Ember Autumn Rose
250 South Lyon Ave Ste. E -108
Hemet, CA 92543

So then you voted to legalize Slavery Penal Code 181 in the form of Probation and Parole! There
is an exchange of money here as Probation/Parole Officers — The new slaveholders are paid to
take “custody” of Human Patriots in Prison. See the symbolism on the flag a blue square of
patriots in a box which the bars on two sides and the free white stripes that have surrendered
some rights and are forced to live a linear life under the guide and rule of the red! (lobster Backs
and poppycock! yanky doodle in jail is all they can do)

So is America the land of the free — WITH THE MOST INCARCERATED PERSONS PER
CAPITA? or would it be cheaper to not put a Homeless person in jail for 65,000 a year but
instead pay someone 2,400 dollars a year in food stamps. Its like 27 food stamp recipients for 1
person we take out of jail. Of course the homeless people probably have priors like refuse
tampering — digging in the trash or illegal lodging or loitering or public urination. And once
registered as Sex Criminals for public lewdity or nudity the courts can guarantee another
homeless person that cannot find housing or work. Cha-ching!! PRISON INDUSTRY IS

type guy who supports crapitalism! or written in a book called Scamerica or How To DESTROY

Now for the book INJUSTICE IN JUSTICE:

The peoples rights -are disparaged by a single District Attorney representative which claims to
represent the people. One of the peoples rights is the right to appeal another is probably veto but
that right is not asserted even a votable topic and the people cannot yet pardon unless a Peoples’
Amenders’ Office is made to give lots of jobs and possibly standardize laws or law numbering
between states and list ratifications. A whole new field of work can be made as Law
Enforcement Will be forced to learn the laws so they know the law and are able to
“enforce it.” And by the very word enforce we imply the use of FORCE and the DEPRIVATION

On Freedom of speech in court- my mother was kicked out of court and not allowed to speak in
court and my brother “danny lee california” was shot 7 times while naked with bean bag guns
suffering bruises under his arm pits where his hands could have been raised. My mother was his
conservatorship and had a notarized letter to be power of attorney. Yet she was kicked out of the
courtroom and not allowed to speak. She is dead now and my brother is missing at least 6 social
security checks in his name have come to my moms old address and I dont know if he’s dead
too. Died on Nov 3rd, 2016 is that day of the dead? and
contact: Ember Autumn Rose
250 South Lyon Ave Ste. E -108
Hemet, CA 92543

I have 5000USD for this case visit or for

case detail: 5000USD to sue the court system for such problems as freedom of speech in court
and denial of the peoples rights (false representation of the people by a District Attorney
representative. Lawsuit for those poor folks denied minimum wage and access to the internet to
assert the right to assemble in peace (US CONST ARTICLE 1 SEC 1) I was denied habeas
corpus. My appeal for mental incompetency (citing PC28) was ignored and I was not allowed
represent myself on appeal — [defend my liberty (Const Art 1 Sec 1)] I was punished double flat
time punched in the head. Incurring a hospital bill of 10k from UCSD Hospital. The judge
refused to allow me to use my bill as evidence. Please note that theres no way to get your mail —
 like all the attorney case spam mail because you are in jail and theres not a way to file a change
of address or retrieve ones own mail. Or pay your bills like lease contracts or buy the penal code
book from Thomson West in Eagan MN who copyrighted the laws which are plagiarized in Case
Law citiations. I was not brought to a mental hospital for 72 hr evaluation so the entire grounds
of lawful arrest are a “question of law”; additionally the “detainment” was made from a mental
health program in Mission Gorge CA called Catalyst from Providence Community Services.

Assault and Pepper Spray Knuckle sandwich! I was charged with battery when I was injured —
 and unlawfully convicted without a jury trial because the Officer attempted to knee me and
sustained injury when Her knee hit the pavement instead of my torso! So that was evidence for
resisting arrest I moved from the location where I was going to be drop kicked after all the
witnesses were told to vacate the area and enter the mental health building Oasis Clubhouse. I
could not even subpoena the persons mentioned in the police report. Which was so heavily
redacted I coouldnt decipher officer 1 from 2 it was black spot and black spot and smudge and
two officer reports timestamps minutes apart hours later.

Attorney YOUR FIRED! I fired my public defender —  I was not part of the Public at that point.
The judge said I was not allowed to represent myself during the interim of finding me a new
attorney even though I wanted that ferretta motion. I pictured the Judge enjoying his game of
Whack A Mole -Smacking his Gavel Of Justice like Thor superheroism and saying Extra Life!
And I LOVE THIS GAME -but lets 1050 for VACATIONS! So after firing that mofo he stated
in court that I was guilty and the court entered a guilty plea on my behalf without my consent
after grabbing my finger and pressing it on a paper also without my consent or understanding.
CASE SCD223160. Having served 1yr and 18 days I was Sentenced to 1yr the maximum for
resisting arrest as set forth in Penal 69 (unlawful arrest wo 5150 eval). Then I spent a year in
prison for refusing to sign documents and refusing to talk. This was called failure to follow
orders which proves slavery and duress and violations of contract law. Then all my art I work on
was stolen from me and I was released as Americas next Homeless Person the reality TV Show
like Urban Survivor. Also my drivers license was taken and my ids even my flip flops that I was
beat up in — Shows up in police photos of their injurys in the background. As they mentioned I
kicked once or twice but I was barefoot an officer claimed to bite my toe. and
contact: Ember Autumn Rose
250 South Lyon Ave Ste. E -108
Hemet, CA 92543

penalty of perjury

I Ember Autumn Rose Leona Declare Under Penalty of perjury(see above) and while
acknowledging all the punishments for the laws which are forced upon me without legal contract
on this very date January 26, 2018, my father’s birthday, that I wrote this document and
everything I have typed onto this document is truth at the time of writing; For example the laws
could be changed to punish one for something that wasn’t a crime before but that’s called ex post
facto law and the penal code books aren’t given to prisoners like graduation requirements.

I, Ember Autumn Rose Leona, (my initials are AR like Augmented Reality) make a public
demurrer “Objection your Honor” Three Strikes and your Out!; For concealment of documentary
evidence; by striking evidence from the record! I set forth that the word perjury should only be
enforceable if the implied jury and jury trial should review such matter and decide upon it. And
offer solutions to change profiteering off humans to making jobs for humans to fix things that are
not publicly heard. I suggest so that courts may be public places and comments can
be written so freedom of speech is not denied and that courts are not interrupted and so that
illegal court proceeding and reese hearing be made public knowledge and for docket number
serialization and recording instead of laze faire. I still appeal the courts and think that I have been
wronged - I will haunt you! And for being placed in prisons which were once slavery
encampments I haunt you! And for being place in Mental Hospitals that were once Tuberulosis
Sanitoriums I haunt you! and for the realization that sickness and influence may be directly
proportional to elements of time travel I haunt you!

As for being deemed mentally incompetent I am not allowed to own Real Property like the idea
of owning The Lakers, Los Angeles basketball team.

Signed above and under penalty of perjury,

Ember Autumn Rose Leona on Venus.January.26th.2k17

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