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MALAYSIA RAIL LINK SDN BHD. APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT Photo Please complete this application form in capital letters Fostion apptea tor [Company ame: lfelephone number Home: Office: Jemait dares Facebook Adres (ony) IConespondence adaress & Telephone number Permanent adaress & Telephone number Date ofa lace of ih [Ratonaiy New ideniiy Crane: jncome Tax No: Race: [Sia aonty Cord No IPF Membenhip No: ISOSO Membership No: arta Sat Retoion IName of Parents [Nome & occupation of spouse INomber of dependent chicren Father bate: Fema Mother: opbIer & teres Tanguages- spoken ond wile: [Computer sks ony) Fyping ond shorthand skis iV any) Iba you have your own Wansportation® [Bo you posvess a wand Giving Ncensee Parson fo contact in care of emergency [please state name, telephone contact number and relationship) [EdocaTon: Pamory schoo! Peta [Guallication obtaned From: To: [Secondary Schoo! [aualfication oblaned: From: To: |Couege 7 universiy [aualfication obtained From: to: omer 7 Post graduate education |auailication obtaned From: To: [Other quatfications / warning Paxeloe Tere EMPLOYMENT HISTORY - details of present and previous employment (if any) (Start with the most recent employment) Date employed Name of Employer Postion hela Solory Reason for leaving Please provide paricuiars Of wo [2] responsible relerences who 76 not related 1o You -one of whom musi be your previous Jemployer/supervisor Name: Name: JOccupation: loccupation: [Adress & contact number: JAdcress & contact number: May we contact the two persons forreference? Dare avaiable to stan work Expected Salary: Have you previously applied to this organisalion for employment? If yes, please give details Pease dosciose any liness, medical o physical Guabilly which you have suffered or which you are suffering form which would affect your fitness for employment. Have you ever been convicted in the Court of law? If yes, please give delals [Are you prepared lo be relocated elsewhere when the need arises [Any relative working with this organisafion® If yes, please state your relationship. Page 2 of 4 Pease provide your reasons for wanting fo on this organisation: ‘Declaration | declare that the information given in this appication is ue and complete, and agree that the Company reserves the right to check on my past employment and activities. | understand and acknowledge that any misleading ‘and false information or wilful omission of information is suficient reason for my dismissal rom employment, Signature Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Interview outcome: Suitable for Employment / KIV / Not suitable / Second Interview Comments: If selected: Position offered: Department/Division: IGrade/Rank: Dete of commencement: Basic Solon lAtiowancets): Sianature of inierviewer Sianature of Interviewer Date Page sot 4 7107 960d art 2291010 yom Jo 24095 9 8104 100 anon 190 won ielor s9fojdw /woHD 10 no peu rah covepexbio tun pom Jo ad095 9 2104 NOK nr paford Need LW / WUOHED poued pasnbo:)s2600 ppo - 20010 yuane1 row Bui YUNA 1015) “paujp6 aduajiedxa 10m jo adods snOA ‘anjoA joefosd ‘s}D9{o1d Jo s}O}OP - FONANLIAXI 1D3FOUd / HOM JO AUVWWNS

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