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How to calculate sizing of vacuum circuit breaker

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mooyong Guest

Hi- I am looking for some help/ advice please. I'm confused about how How to
calculate sizing of vacuum circuit breaker.
This project I work on it use 40m0A TP Vacuum circuit breaker to support pump 800
kW 11kV

I calculate the current just 49.4 A (800*1000/1.732/11000/0.85 ) I don't know why it

use 400 A Someone know please explain me

Sorry for bad english i'm not native language

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Knobhead Guest
It’s the smallest size made by most manufacturers. For most the smallest size is now

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mooyong Guest

Tony said: ↑
It’s the smallest size made by most manufacturers. For most the smallest size is
now 630A

Thank you for answer but I would like to know I calculate that (49.4A) correct ot not.
There have any factor I must consider or not.

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Knobhead Guest
Other than efficiency your calculation is correct.
But you asked why a 400A VCB.

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caddy Guest
Tony said: ↑
Other than efficiency your calculation is correct.
But you asked why a 400A VCB.

I think he is asking why a would a 50A motor have a 400A breaker protecting it.

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mooyong Guest
caddy said: ↑
I think he is asking why a would a 50A motor have a 400A breaker protecting it.

Yes, I mean that why a would a 50A motor have a 400A breaker protecting it.

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Knobhead Guest
caddy said: ↑
I think he is asking why a would a 50A motor have a 400A breaker protecting it.

Ahh it all becomes clear now,

400A is the current carrying capacity of the VCB, protection is provided by a

combination of the Current Transformer (CT) ratio and the Overload (O/L) relays.

Protection relays are normally rated at 5A = 100%

So for your 800KW motor with a Full Load Current (FLC) of 49A you could use 50/5A
CT’s with the O/L’s set at say 110% or 100/5A CT’s with the O/L’s set at 55%. Both
will give 110% overload protection.

By changing the C/T ratio the O/L’s of the VCB can be set to anything up to 400A

The transformers show in the schematic 1500KVA @ 11000V will have a FLC of 79A
so you could use 100/5A C/T’s with the O/L’s set to 90% this will give slightly above
110% O/L protection. (The protection relays I’m used to dealing with are the old PBO
& TJM10 inverse time mechanical relays, so setting them to within 1 or 2% isn’t easy)

Sorry for the confusion.

Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2010

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nguyenkhoadung9 Guest
Other than efficiency and voltage drop (at CB) your calculation is correct
Tony was right, just forlow tony's instruction

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GMES Chief Gorilla Staff Member Trusted Advisor

Thread closed due to it being 6 years old.

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