Sandhya Vedic Details

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By these actions the various parts of the body are sanctified and the person is made fit to proceed with
the worship.
Ganapati Dhyan

For the removal of all obstacles I meditate on Lord Vighnesvara who is clad in white, is all-pervading, is
white like the moon, sports four arms and is always of serene aspect.

Om is all the lokas - bhuh, bhuvah, suvah, mahah, janah, tapah, satyam. We meditate on the adorable
effulgence of the Lord who creates everything, so that it may energize our consciousness.

Om is water, light, the earth that yields tasty food, the air that sustains life, the all pervading either and
the mind, intellect and the 'I' sense marked by the terms bhuh, bhuvah and suvah.

I begin to worship the goddess of sandhya in the morning (at noon/in the evening) in order to merit
God's grace which destroys all the sins acquired by me.

It is well-known that you, the deities of water, are the cause of great happiness. Please nourish us with
the divine vision which brings glory and loveliness. Please make us worthy of imbibing the auspicious
bliss even as a mother feeds her children. We approach you with eagerness for that bliss to distribute
which you have taken a form and are shining. Bestow on us the boon of a next life sanctified by
आआआआआआआआ - आआआआआआआआ

May the sun who stimulates everything, anger which enslaves all and the gods who preside over anger,
protect me from the sins committed through anger. May the deity of the night absolve me of the sins
committed by me at night with the mind, lips, hands, legs, stomach as also of whatever other sins may
linger in me. This "me" devoid of all sins, I offer as sacrifice in the effulgence of the sun who is the source
of immortality. May this sacrifice be well done.
May the deity of water sanctify the earth which is its base. May the sanctified earth purify me. May it
sanctify the teacher who is the channel for the Veda. May the ever pure Veda purify me. May the deity
of water absolve me from sins incurred through consuming food left by others or food unfit to be eaten,
through bad contact and through receiving gifts from the wicked. Thus purified I offer myself as sacrifice
in the Supreme effulgence.

May the Fire who stimulates everything, anger which enslaves all and the gods who preside over anger,
protect me from the sins committed through anger. May the deity of the day absolve me of the sins
committed by me at day-time with the mind, lips, hands, legs, stomach as also of whatever sins lingering
in me. This "me" devoid of sins, I offer as sacrifice in the effulgence of Truth who is the source of
immortality. May this sacrifice be well done.

By these actions the various parts of the body are sanctified and the person is made fit to proceed with
the worship.

आआआआ आआआआआआआ

I make obeisance to the Supreme Person who supports, rules and sustains all the worlds, who is ever
victorious and who has taken the form of Hayagriva the repository of all knowledge. May He make our
faces and other organs fragrant. May He protect our lives continuously.
It is well-known that you, the deities of water, are the cause of great happiness. Please nourish us with
the divine vision which brings glory and loveliness. Please make us worthy of imbibing the auspicious
bliss even as a mother feeds her children. We approach you with eagerness for that bliss to distribute
which you have taken a form and are shining. Bestow on us the boon of a next life sanctified by
आआआआआ आआआआआआआ
Om is all the lokas - bhuh, bhuvah, suvah, mahah, janah, tapah, satyam. We meditate on the adorable
effulgence of the Lord who creates everything, so that it may energize our consciousness.

Om is water, light, the earth that yields tasty food, the air that sustains life, the all pervading either and
the mind, intellect and the 'I' sense marked by the terms bhuh, bhuvah and suvah.

Om is all the lokas - bhuh, bhuvah, suvah, mahah, janah, tapah, satyam. We meditate on the adorable
effulgence of the Lord who creates everything, so that it may energize our consciousness.

Om is water, light, the earth that yields tasty food, the air that sustains life, the all pervading either and
the mind, intellect and the 'I' sense marked by the terms bhuh, bhuvah and suvah.

आआआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआआ ( आआआ आआआआ आआ आआ )


This sun is Brahman. I too am Brahman.

By these actions the various parts of the body are sanctified and the person is made fit to proceed with
the worship.

आआआ आआआआआआ

By these actions the various parts of the body are sanctified and the person is made fit to proceed with
the worship.

आआआआआआ आआआआआआआआआ
Ganapati Dhyan

For the removal of all obstacles I meditate on Lord Vighnesvara who is clad in white, is all-pervading, is
white like the moon, sports four arms and is always of serene aspect.

Om is all the lokas - bhuh, bhuvah, suvah, mahah, janah, tapah, satyam. We meditate on the adorable
effulgence of the Lord who creates everything, so that it may energize our consciousness.

Om is water, light, the earth that yields tasty food, the air that sustains life, the all pervading either and
the mind, intellect and the 'I' sense marked by the terms bhuh, bhuvah and suvah.

आआआआआआआआआ आआआ
आआआआआआआआआ (10 times)

Om is all the lokas - bhuh, bhuvah, suvah, mahah, janah, tapah, satyam. We meditate on the adorable
effulgence of the Lord who creates everything, so that it may energize our consciousness.

Om is water, light, the earth that yields tasty food, the air that sustains life, the all pervading either and
the mind, intellect and the 'I' sense marked by the terms bhuh, bhuvah and suvah.
आआआआआआआ आआआआआआ
आआआआआआआ आआआ

Om is all the lokas - bhuh, bhuvah, suvah, mahah, janah, tapah, satyam. We meditate on the adorable
effulgence of the Lord who creates everything, so that it may energize our consciousness.

Om is water, light, the earth that yields tasty food, the air that sustains life, the all pervading either and
the mind, intellect and the 'I' sense marked by the terms bhuh, bhuvah and suvah.
आआआआआआआ आआआआआआआआ
आआआआआ आआआआआआआआ

The Sun guides all and He watches every one of our actions. Surya mandala is sathya and has a unique
tejas – only yogis are fit to attain this mandala. Those who propitiate Sun with havis (anna soaked in
ghee) is gifted with food and a healthy long life. Sin will not approach him either from this birth or an
earlier birth.
Sun is self effulgent. As we behold this tejas let we all be blessed with Brahma tejas. Sun induces
everyone to do their actions and awards fruits of action depending on the merit. He is present
everywhere and comes around in a golden chariot.

Sun is the repository of all knowledge. He is visible to all creatures in the world and helps to have atma
darsana to those who are qualified. The sun rays take Him everywhere like the horses. Sun is the eye for
the devas Mitra, Varuna and Agni. He is the atma of both animate and inanimate things in the three

One who is the eye of the devas, who is effulgent and who rises in the east – let us see Him for hundred
years. Let us be happy for hundred years. Let us be happy and live with keerthi, without fear of enemies
and listen and extol His greatness for a long time.

The sun rises as if it comes out of a big ocean. He who bestows boons to one who worships Him let Him
cleanses our mind to be fit for Divine Knowledge.
Oh Varuna kindly listen to me. I surrender unto you by invoking Veda mantras. Make me happy right
now. Due to ignorance I have left doing the vedic karma for which please don’t get angry with me. Do
take mercy on me and do not reduce my life time. Pardon me for having committed himsa to fellow
beings, devas and other creatures.

Those who play gamble will implicate others without any reason. Likewise my enemies may charge me
with wild allegations as also the sins that I have committed knowingly or unknowingly – kindly destroy
all these as if they have no substance! I must become very dear to you oh Lord Varuna.
आआआआआआ आआआआआआआआ


(आआआआआआ, आआआआआ , आआआआआआआ)

आआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआ
आआआआआआआ (South)

आआआआ आआआआआ आआआआआआ (West)

Janamejayan has performed Sarpa yaga by which he wanted to annihilate the Snakes in the world. The
Yagna was stopped by Rishi Astikar who is the son of Jarathkaru rishi and his pathni named Jarathkaru.
Snakes gave a solemn promise to rishi Astikar that they will not do harm to anyone who recite the
following prayer.

आआआ आआआआआआ (North)

My salutations to the One who is the essence of beauty, satya who pervades all beings, who is the
parabrahmam which is an admixture of black Vishnu and red Shiva – also interpreted as Ardhanari
swarupa of Umamaheshwar or simply Parabrahman and whose retus is turned upwards (a special yogic
आआआआआआआआआआआ आआआआआआ


By these actions the various parts of the body are sanctified and the person is made fit to proceed with
the worship.

Oh Lord Surya you must have been happy with the performance of this karma. Let us be blessed with
children and grand children and please remove any effect of our bad dreams! Bestow on us what is good
for us.

Before we start the meal, a line of water is drawn as a boundary around the banana leaf/plate to
basically avoid crawling insects which may enter the food in the gross sense. In the subtle sense, its a
way of honouring the food and fortifying it with goodness.

Aposhanam OR Aabhojanam
We first sprinkle the food with water reciting the gAyatri mantrA in order to offer our food to the
"antaryAmi" bhagavAn who resides within us.

Then using your thumb, middle and ring fingers, take ghee-mixed riceand swallow it without hitting over
the teeth. This process has tobe repeated six times, each time accompanied by a manthra as given
Utharaabhojanam OR UttarApOshanam
After eating the meal we say,
Yagnopaveet Sanskaar

Mama Shroutha smartha vidhi vihitha nithya karma sadacharaanushtana yogyathasiddhyartham
(Jaata/Mruthaasoucha janitaprayaschittartham) Brahma TejobhivrudhyarthamYagnopaveetha
dharanam karishye. OR

Put one yajnopavItam on at a time. To do this, Sit squatting (kukkuTTAsanam) facing east. Hold
the yajnopavItam with both hands, with your right palm facing up over your head, and your left
palm facing the ground. The top of the brahma-mudi (knot) should be on your right palm and
should be facing right. Then say this mantra, while touching the scalp with your right fingers:

 In case of Brahmachari only one Yagnopaveetham is prescribed.
 It is said that Brahmachari (unmarried person) should wear only oneYagnopaveetham
that has three strands. A Grihastha (married person)should wear two such
Yagnopaveethas. It is in practice to wear threeYagnopaveethas by a Grihastha, the third
one that acts as an Uttareeyam(upper dhothi).
 Grihastha should wear a second one after reciting the sankalpa as,( Mama
Grihasthasrama Yogyatha Siddhyartham dwiteeyaYagnopaveetha dhaaranam
karishye) and reciting the above manthra.
 Similarly Grihastha should wear a third one with the sankalpa as,(Mama
Uttareeyartham) and then recite once again the above manthra.
 Yagnopaveethams should be worn one by one as said above and everytime
Aachamanam should be performed and Gayathri should be recited.


By these actions the various parts of the body are sanctified and the person is made fit to proceed with
the worship.
Put the second yajnopavItam on at this time. To do this, hold the yajnopavItam with both
hands, with your right palm facing up over your head, and your left palm facing the ground. The
top of the brahma-mudi (knot) should be on your right palm and should be facing right. Then
say this mantra, while touching the scalp with your right fingers:
Perform Aachamanam again and Recite Gayathri Manthra as per ones capacity (10/100/1000 #)
Brahma Yagnam

By these actions the various parts of the body are sanctified and the person is made fit to proceed with
the worship.

Ganapati Dhyan

For the removal of all obstacles I meditate on Lord Vighnesvara who is clad in white, is all-pervading, is
white like the moon, sports four arms and is always of serene aspect.

Om is all the lokas - bhuh, bhuvah, suvah, mahah, janah, tapah, satyam. We meditate on the adorable
effulgence of the Lord who creates everything, so that it may energize our consciousness.

Om is water, light, the earth that yields tasty food, the air that sustains life, the all pervading either and
the mind, intellect and the 'I' sense marked by the terms bhuh, bhuvah and suvah.

Ved Parayanam

By these actions the various parts of the body are sanctified and the person is made fit to proceed with
the worship.
Dev Tarpan

(If you wear a Yajno-paviitam it should be changed to be worn around the neck like a necklace for Rishi
TarpaNam . Then do aachamaniyam: women obviously do not do this because the thread that initiated
women wear in this lineage is tied around the waist)

By these actions the various parts of the body are sanctified and the person is made fit to proceed with
the worship.

Rishi Tarpan
By these actions the various parts of the body are sanctified and the person is made fit to proceed with
the worship.

Pitru Tarpan
(If you wear a Yajno-paviitam it should be worn on the right should for pitR^i tarpaNam.Then do

(Make an offering of water for each. Some traditions omit those who are not living, but it is still
apropriate to make offerings on their behalf. This is done as a part of karuNaa tarpanam. It is sometimes
not the tradition for women or for people whose father is living to perform pitri tarpanam. These people
may be bound by the karmas of their family (for example they may be suffering from some genetic
health conditions). It is right for all people who wish to bless their relatives and who wish to be free from
family karmas to make this offering. If according to their tradition they are not qualified to perform "pitri
tarpanam" they may make these offerings as a part of karunaa tarpanam. Make pitR^i offerings pouring
tarpaNam from the right palm between between the thumb and index finger. Yajnopavitam is worn over
the right shoulder.)
(Now one should perform kaaruNya tarpaNam for other dead relatives, friends, respected elders,
animals, plants, insects etc. Satguru Venkataraman from Tamil Nadu taught that it is important for men
and women to make offerings for all their dead relatives. He taught it was important to make offerings
for the souls of all who we had been close to in life and for all plants and animals we cared about or
killed. He taught it is extremely important to make offerings for animals consumed as food. This karunya
tarpana mantra comes from his teachings. Offerings could be made with this mantra followed by the
name of the person, or a description of the animal etc.)
(this process should be repeated three times for each person, amimal, or plant.)

(If you wear the Yajno-paviitam, make it to the normal position over the left shoulder:)


By these actions the various parts of the body are sanctified and the person is made fit to proceed with
the worship.

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