Lab 1 Solid II

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Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

LCK Faculty of Engineering and Science

Mechanical Engineering

UEME2163 Solid Mechanics II Practical Laboratory (Session 2018/01)

Application of strain gauge for identifying the metal alloy from stress-strain curves in
uni-axial tension-compression tests.

In this experiment, students shall learn how to apply the strain gauge to obtain stress-
strain curves and thus shall be able to apply engineering knowledge of solid
mechanics to identify and determine the mechanical properties of any given metal
alloy materials by carrying out a series of uni-axial tension-compression tests.

Experimental Procedures:
1. Collect the unknown materials of test specimens (metal alloy cylindrical
pieces) and put each one (one-by-one) on the Universal Testing Machine
SHIMADZU 5kN with a rigid spacer. Position the specimen so that the
specimen will sit right at the center of the pressure plates to avoid eccentricity
of force when carrying out the experiment.
2. Attach a strain gauge on the test specimen (This requires skills, please check
your supervisor to ensure before doing).
3. Operate to slowly move the cross head of the machine so that the pressure
plates touches each other to completely close the gap while observing the
indicator where force value shows 0kN.
4. Connect the PC with the data logger DBU-120A unit through the USB cable.
5. Observe the data logger to ensure the green LEDs is lit for „POWER‟ and
„MASTER‟ which indicates the connection is ready.
6. Connect the two wired leads of the strain gauge to terminal 1 and 3 of the
DBU-120A unit, respectively.

Data logger setting

1. From the Windows menu “Start” –> “All Programs” –> “DBU-120A”, move
the mouse cursor to select “measurement”. The application program will then
initiate the hardware communication.
2. Ensure the green ID lamp is lit to show below the section “DB0”.
3. Select the „Save Condition File‟ to create file by giving your group name and
save it under your group‟s own folder. Click „ok‟ to save the file.
4. Select the „Set Recording Data File‟ and save the filename of your group
name. Then click „ok‟.
5. Select the „Balance‟ icon and then click „ok‟. Subsequently, click „ok‟ on the
following pop-up window messages.
6. Check the graph setting is set to „Y-time 1 Graph‟ (Located beside the „Set
Recording Data File‟) and click „Change Display‟ icon.
7. Select the „X-axis‟ and „Y-axis‟ icons on the bottom right. (Beside the graph
8. Ensure the „Sampling Frequency‟ is set to 100Hz and also the „Number of
Data‟ is 500. Ensure the „Meas Mode‟ is set to „manual‟.
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
LCK Faculty of Engineering and Science
Mechanical Engineering

UEME2163 Solid Mechanics II Practical Laboratory (Session 2018/01)

1. Double-check the following
a. The test specimen is properly inserted between the pressure plates of
the compression tester.
b. Ensure the strain gauge leads are properly attached and its wire is not
tangled with any parts of the universal testing machine.
c. Ensure the strop of strain gauge is properly attached to the test
2. Press the „Monitor‟ icon to begin the test. It will take a few seconds to online.
3. Once the status line (at the bottom portion of the window) shows
„monitoring‟, press „Rec‟ button on the control panel.
4. Observe the specimen. Do not get too close because fracture of the specimen
librates all stored energy in the specimen.

1. To obtain results, from the Window‟s menu „Start‟ – „All Programs‟ - „DBU-
120A‟, select „Reproducing Data‟ and click it to start up the application for
reproduction of your stored data.
2. Select the data file, click the „Read Data File‟ button.
3. Select one of your data file saved previously to reproduce and click „Open‟.
4. Select the „1-Graph Disp‟ icon.
5. Select the „X-axis‟ and „Y-axis‟ icons on the bottom right (besides the graph
display). Ensure both icons are immersed.
6. Select „Convert into the CSV Format‟ button for data saving. The data will be
saved as ASCII format which is compatible to Excel. Name your file
appropriately for clear indication of the test.
7. Plot the graph accordingly.
8. Based on the results identify the type of metal alloy used in this experiment.

Discussion & Conclusion:

The task is to analyse the experimental results by processing the data to show the
stress-strain relations. Later, indentify and determine the material properties of the
given specimens by applying extensively the engineering knowledge that you have
learned from Solid Mechanics to complete the lab report.

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