Australian Brain Alliance Steering Committee (2016) Australian Brain Alliance

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Australian Brain Alliance

Australian Brain Alliance Steering Committee*

A proposal for an Australian Brain Initiative (ABI) is under development by members of the Australian Brain
Alliance. Here we discuss the goals of the ABI, its areas of research focus, its context in the Australian
research setting, and its necessity for ensuring continued success for Australian brain research.

History and Purpose (see Figure 1). Discoveries in each of solutions in areas such as health, educa-
The Australian Brain Alliance (ABA) is an these areas will be essential for success- tion, and 21st century industries (Kosik
initiative of the Australian Academy of Sci- fully achieving the following four grand et al., 2016). However, the widely
ence with a vision to coordinate and boost challenges, which lie at the heart of the acknowledged ‘‘valley of death’’ in trans-
strategic brain research across Australia. initiative: lation is testament to the fact that basic
The goal is to lead paradigm-changing research alone is not enough. While
research into the brain and its disorders, (1) To optimize and restore healthy Australia’s recent record in moving from
in collaboration with global brain initia- brain function throughout life, discovery to application is poor (Watt,
tives. Since its establishment in February (2) To develop neural interfaces to re- 2015), we have demonstrated successes
2016, the ABA has successfully united re- cord and control brain activity to in a number of disciplines, including in
searchers across the breadth of Australia’s restore function, the convergence of basic neuroscience
neuroscience and behavioral science (3) To understand the neural basis of with engineering (see Playing to Our
communities, with early involvement of learning across the lifespan, and Strengths, below). This is an area of focus
both the Australasian Neuroscience Soci- (4) To deliver new insights into brain- for the ABI and one that the ABA believes
ety and the Australian Psychological Soci- inspired computing. can play a key role in Australia’s future
ety, and the support of over 28 member prosperity.
organizations engaged in brain research. As other brain initiatives have recog-
This alliance has developed an integrative nized, brain science is still in a discovery How Will the ABA Deliver Its Vision?
brain research agenda that builds on Aus- phase whereby understanding basic ner- To facilitate the translation of fundamental
tralia’s strengths, with the aim of revolu- vous system structure and function is a science into practical outcomes, we pro-
tionizing our understanding of the brain crucial precursor to delivering meaningful pose a new approach that incentivizes
through a coordinated and collective effort. outcomes. Increasingly, it is being real- and enables a collaborative discovery
The ABA’s vision is to create a program ized that investment in basic research, process between industry, universities,
with broad appeal by ensuring that both technological and experimental, is and other research institutions. Specif-
research and infrastructure are developed essential for the discovery of innovative ically, we suggest that dedicated, multi-
in conjunction with govern- disciplinary science incuba-
ment, funding agencies, indus- tors be set up to facilitate
try, and philanthropic organiza- linkage between discovery
tions. The goal is to secure and industry. The expecta-
investment in an Australian tion is that this will lead to
Brain Initiative (ABI), with a a pipeline of applications
mission of creating an innova- that stem from the founda-
tive and healthy nation by tions of blue-sky brain
cracking the brain’s code. research.
This approach will enable
Cracking the Brain’s Code new and existing com-
The overarching goal of the ABI panies to capitalize on the
is to ‘‘crack the brain’s code.’’ work of the ABI as well as
This is defined as understand- other large-scale brain ini-
ing the mechanisms or ‘‘codes’’ tiatives, which are united in
that underlie how neural cir- their aspiration for discov-
cuitry develops, how it encodes eries that will help crack
and retrieves information, how the brain’s code. The results
it underpins complex behav- will drive innovation in
iors, and how it adapts to developing new devices,
external and internal changes Figure 1. Cracking the Brain’s Code diagnostic methods, and

Neuron 92, November 2, 2016 ª 2016 Elsevier Inc. 597



interventions for health and as brain development, the ag-

education, and spur the ing brain, neurogenetics, and
establishment of new indus- the physiological processes
tries (Figure 2). of brain and nervous system
function. The ABI aims to build
Playing to Our Strengths on this expertise while facili-
For a country of its size—just tating creative new ap-
24 million people—Australia proaches to understanding
has a strong history in neuro- brain function. Deciphering
science and neurotechnol- how the brain encodes, re-
ogy. In 1948, John Cade trieves, and utilizes informa-
discovered the therapeutic tion is essential for the devel-
efficacy of lithium in treating opment of novel treatments
bipolar disorder, a drug that and interventions for brain
remains the treatment of disorders. In addition, it will
choice for this patient popu- enable advances in neuro-
lation. In 1963, John Eccles Figure 2. Conceptual Diagram Illustrating the Proposed Structure technology and brain-inspired
shared the Nobel Prize for of the Australian Brain Initiative computing.
work on the ionic mecha- Achieving these goals will
nisms of neuronal inhibition require the merging of histor-
and excitation at the Australian National The outcomes of this work are already be- ically distinct scientific disciplines such
University. In 1978, Graeme Clark’s ing felt in the community. For example, as engineering, chemistry, physics, and
research at the University of Melbourne Australian expertise in models of complex computer science with neuroscience
led to the first successful cochlear processes in reading have contributed to and psychology in so-called ‘‘conver-
implant and to the founding in 1981 of education through the new National gence science’’ (Sharp et al., 2016).
Cochlear Limited, a company that For- School Curriculum. Currently, science is funded in Australia
bes magazine named one of the world’s Capabilities in the genomic analysis of through small, individual investigator
most innovative companies in 2011. patients with neurological and mental ill- project grants or through multi-investi-
In 1983, Alan Finkel—now Australia’s nesses and access to well-character- gator Program and Centre grants that
Chief Scientist—founded Axon Instru- ized cohorts of participants are also are divided into either medical research
ments (subsequently bought by Mole- areas of research strength in Australia. (funded by the National Health and
cular Devices) to commercialize devices For example, twin and family studies Medical Research Council) or non-medi-
he developed for making high-resolu- led by Sam Berkovic and Ingrid Scheffer cal research (funded by the Australian
tion electrical recordings from neurons. at the University of Melbourne, utilizing Research Council). The ABA proposes
More recently, a start-up company, Sal- the Australian Twin Registry, have revo- to transform the Australian brain
uda Medical, founded by ex-Cochlear lutionized our understanding of the research landscape by establishing a
scientist John Parker, has developed genetic basis underlying many forms of framework to bring together existing
a closed-loop spinal cord implant for epilepsy (Vadlamudi et al., 2014). In brain researchers and scientists from
chronic pain management (Crow, 2016). addition, Australia possesses a well- other disciplines to ‘‘crack the brain’s
The device, currently in clinical trials, organized and established infrastructure code.’’ This will require alternate funding
has the potential to change the lives of for longitudinal analysis of health data, models in which discipline barriers are
the 1 in 5 people who experience chronic with a number of unique cohort-based broken down, and which can accommo-
pain. programs allowing genetic, epigenetic, date the scale of the initiative being
Australian psychologists have also and other biomarkers of health and dis- proposed. In this way, the ABI will
made significant advances in our under- ease to be measured over an individ- complement rather than replace the
standing of cognition and behavior. ual’s lifetime. current government-funded activities in
Several national centers have been estab- Our capacities in these fields have brain research.
lished with the goal of understanding a helped guide the areas of focus for the The ABI must ensure that its proposed
range of cognitive processes—including ABI. In many ways, they are complemen- brain research agenda is aligned with
attention, learning and memory, language tary to brain initiatives in progress, or in the Australian Government’s focus on
and reading, and decision making—as development, in the U.S., Europe, Japan, ensuring industry and public good out-
well as the neural circuitry that regulates China, Canada, and other countries (see comes from research. Indeed, the chal-
these processes. Researchers in these this issue of Neuron). lenge of achieving a significant publicly
centers have highlighted the key role of funded research initiative at a time of fis-
attention in the encoding of new infor- Why Does Australia Need the ABI? cal restraint provided the impetus for the
mation and the importance of computa- Australian brain researchers lead interna- ABA to step up and demonstrate how
tional modeling approaches for under- tionally competitive research programs brain science can help grow the Austra-
standing simple and complex behavior. across many areas of neuroscience such lian economy. A major goal of the ABI is

598 Neuron 92, November 2, 2016



Box 1. Summary of the Australian Brain Alliance


The Australian Brain Alliance (ABA) is led by a steering committee comprised of Australia’s leading neuroscientists and psychol-
ogists, chaired by Emeritus Professor Patricia Michie.


The ABA was established in February 2016 under the auspices of the Australian Academy of Science with founding members
including the Academy’s National Committee on Brain and Mind and the peak bodies of the Australasian Neuroscience Society
and the Australian Psychological Society. Since its inception, the ABA has grown to include 28 member organizations, including
most major Australian universities and research institutes engaged in brain research.


The ABA has proposed the establishment of an Australian Brain Initiative (ABI), a transformative brain research agenda aimed
at coordinating Australia’s existing brain researchers and scientists from other disciplines with the aim of ‘‘cracking the brain’s
code.’’ With an integrative convergence science research agenda, alongside a novel translational framework, the ABA
expects the proposed ABI to make significant advances toward optimizing and restoring brain function, developing advanced
neural interfaces, understanding the neural basis of learning across the lifespan, and developing new insights for brain-inspired


The ABA will work with government, industry, and philanthropic organizations to secure cooperative funding for the proposed
Australian Brain Initiative.


For more information visit or contact

therefore to ensure that discoveries in the rapidly moving field of neuroethics in other domains. It is now well estab-
brain and behavioral sciences form the (Farah, 2015). lished that the aging population will
foundation for improving health and edu- require better ways of maintaining a
cation, stimulating new industries, and A Roadmap for Success healthy brain for as long as possible,
creating new jobs. Global brain initiatives aim to understand which would reduce the impact of demen-
To achieve these objectives, we the neural basis of cognition and brain tia and lead to major economic benefits. A
believe the ABI must provide not only function, enabling better diagnosis and definition of a healthy brain is one in which
the knowledge, but also the organiza- treatment of brain diseases. These are the person has the capacity and motiva-
tional structures for generating new in- lofty goals. Brain scientists must address tion to learn and apply new information.
dustries and treatments for brain disease. these issues by developing research This goal is perfectly compatible with
In concrete terms this will involve direct- strategies that prepare the public and ways of understanding and optimizing
ing new funding to key priority-driven governments for what can be achieved how the brain learns in childhood and
research areas (see Figure 1) and incu- in the short-to-medium term. It is impor- can be adapted for every stage of life to
bator-like facilities to link research and in- tant to communicate to our stakeholders promote healthy brain function. A deeper
dustry. Critically, it will also mean retain- about our aspirational goals but also understanding of how the brain learns, re-
ing and building the Australian brain those goals that will create impact in tains, and retrieves information will also
research workforce through education the short term. stimulate improvements in brain-inspired
and training infrastructure. This will occur For example, one identified grand chal- computing. It is for these reasons that
in part through targeted fellowships that lenge of the ABA is to understand the neu- the ABA has singled out learning as one
already exist in Australia, but also through ral basis of learning to provide better edu- of the research grand challenges. A spe-
new training grants in convergence cation and learning outcomes across the cific goal is to develop an evidence-based
neuroscience. The ABA will also prioritize lifespan. We chose learning because it online learning assessment for each stage
engagement with the international brain will have profound outcomes for the of life that measures and characterizes a
research community, public outreach, Australian community and will lead to a person’s learning strengths and abilities
and policy initiatives that address the greater understanding of brain function on an individual basis. This would be the

Neuron 92, November 2, 2016 599



first step in identifying areas with the Successfully incorporating these areas ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
most potential for improvement and into the ABI will provide Australian neuro-
therefore areas to target for intervention, science with a research strategy that is We would like to thank all member organizations of
the Australian Brain Alliance for their continued
resulting in significant economic and on par with, and complementary to, ma- support. Members of the ABA working group
health benefits. jor brain initiatives being developed have contributed to the ongoing development of
around the world, and that delivers major the proposed Australian Brain Initiative. We are
also grateful to the Australian Academy of Science
The Future benefits to the Australian community (see (AAS) for laying the foundations for the ABA, and to
In April 2017, the ABA will hold a confer- Box 1). Chris Hatherly, Kaori Ikeda, and Alan Woodruff at
ence and a series of workshops at the the AAS for their assistance on this project. Thanks
Australian Academy of Science in Can- to Jen Van Dijk at the AAS for providing Figure 1,
and Nick Valmas, Queensland Brain Institute, for
berra, the nation’s capital. The objective providing Figure 2.
of the conference is to present and Supplemental Information includes a complete
author list with affiliations and can be found with
discuss the ABI with the science commu- this article online at
nity, government, and public and to offer neuron.2016.10.038.
an opportunity for further broad input Crow, J.M. (2016). Nature 535, S4–S6.
into the ABI research agenda. ABOUT THE AUTHORS
The essential next steps for the devel- Farah, M.J. (2015). Neuron 86, 34–37.
The Australian Brain Alliance Steering Committee,
opment of the ABI are: Kosik, K.S., Sejnowski, T.J., Raichle, M.E., Cie-
in consultation with the larger Alliance Working
Group, has been responsible for developing the chanover, A., and Baltimore, D. (2016). Science
(1) To identify suitable goals for the vision for the proposed Australian Brain Initiative. 353, 872–873.
ABI with defined end-points, The Steering Committee consists of: Patricia T.
Sharp, P., Jacks, T., and Hockfield, S. (2016). http://
(2) To engage potential industry part- Michie (Chair), David R. Badcock, Perry F. Bartlett,
John M. Bekkers, James A. Bourne, Anne Castles,
ners in the ABI, Gary F. Egan, Alex Fornito, Anthony J. Hannan, Ian Vadlamudi, L., Milne, R.L., Lawrence, K., Heron,
(3) To develop a research strategy B. Hickie, Jason B. Mattingley, Linda J. Richards, S.E., Eckhaus, J., Keay, D., Connellan, M., Torn-
that responds to the needs of the Peter R. Schofield, David H.K. Shum, Greg J. Stu- Broers, Y., Howell, R.A., Mulley, J.C., et al.
community, and art, James C. Vickers, and Bryce Vissel. L.J.R. (2014). Neurology 83, 1042–1048.
drafted the manuscript. Members of the Australian
(4) To ensure that the research Brain Alliance Steering Committee contributed to Watt, I.J. (2015).
agenda will deliver in priority areas. its finalization. review-research-policy-and-funding-arrangements-0.

600 Neuron 92, November 2, 2016

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