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CS(M4) EXAM2012

Serial No. E F—DTN—M—FDPB


(Time Allowed Three flours Maximum Marks 300

Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English.
Answers must be written in the medium specified in the
Admission Certificate issued to you. which must be stated
clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided
for the purpose. No marks will be given for the answers
written in a medium other than that specified in the Admission
Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and S which
are compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions
selecting at least one question from each Section.
The number of marks carried by each question is indicated
at the end of the question.
Important : Whenever a Question is being attempted, all
its parts/sub-parts must be attempted contiguously. This
means that before moving on to the next Question to be
attempted, candidates must finish attempting all parts/
sub-parts of the previous Question attempted. This is to
be strictly followed.
Pages left blank in the answer-book are to be clearly struck
out in ink. Any answers that follow pages left blank may
not he given credit.

girrff : 3r1- The 4“41-cH

2-ta cu 7VT P

1. Attempt the following in not more than 150 words

each :— 12x5=60

(a) Discuss in detail the views of VKRV Rao on

deficit financing.

(b) During the British rule, commercialisation of

agriculture was forced on the farmers, while now
it is the need of the hour. Discuss.

(c) What do you mean by the 'Hindu rate of growth' ?

Why has it been argued that poverty can not be
eradicated under the Hindu rate of growth ?

(d) Trace the growth of real per capita income in

India in the pre-liberalisation period, keeping in
view the interplay of increasing population and
increasing real national income.

(e) Explain why in spite of economic planning income-

distribution has turned more unequal through time.

2. Attempt the following in not more than 250 words

each :— 20x3=60

(a) 'Population is not just a denominator to deflate

aggregates. It is determined by the level and pattern
of economic development.' Comment.

448 gT:'

1. f# ftd
kc. \3,i( 150 we 4
31.f£ 4 9 g't 12x5=60

(Th ) zr id d uz tr,*.ma.t (14 ra-qit :uR


0) '36;4) 774 U9, r, cry( r

(n- c114i Trzr( 2,TT, wo-ft 3N- Z16 'r14-zr aR
311099(42dr 9 IN T g I tItir Thstr4 I

(TO Te 4 3Tr9-t-r starTcrt

- f Kldr t?
qg a aul ?PT Im+-Err err g 441'4 mar fq
3iti19 'ktf9m =fir 9t1 f+-Err
t ?

:qd1:179: 9011 AT dthTF9 alts@t 711s-C14 SIN

31 it-altar it urrff a (cia 71-4-a4iLla“ur
3T- 4, ITRT aihi a,9 c44 atm( mnr 4-- fa
3T%ro-J metf4

(-1H.,(1 4 star '411(1)1 t 3uf4 4414-11a,(ur

4T-41-4: 3114-1=4-
6tcri (194 419: TIM 31.4E
3NM9 -49 JILIT g I

4rE47. 9T-?)-- 250 -9741 -4

31-1b-cf) Ti 20x3=60

() kivq
,a1 al3TER--cad t Th7 1;ct,
(ft‘41447:-0 T x g 3trt (--d(
(1z-f) gkr fM,Titd g reccruft
(b) Distinguish between cooperative, contractual and
corporate farming. Which of these is best suited
for India and why ?

(c) Delineate the trends in the growth and industrial

composition of public sector in India during the
pre-liberalisation period.

3. Attempt the following in not more than 250 words

each :— 20x3=60

(a) Compare the strategies of trickle down growth

with inclusive growth. Why should the strategy
of inclusive growth be preferred ?

(b) How was the Jute industry affected after partition ?

What remedial measures were taken to arrest its
decline ?

(c) Discuss the various measures of poverty with policy

implications for removal of poverty.

4. Attempt the following in not more than 300 words

each :— 30x2=60

(a) A number of production lines were reserved for

the small scale sector in the pre-liberalisation
period. Did such reservation achieve its objectives ?
Explain in detail.

(-{z441-, €irdicilch NIT ffirrfim 41ti ifid*tff
4 A44't cm-m fk4
uthsr ul-c 1-41: ?

IT4-,34}(ur stufb- 0(1-r 4R4 4 Of ,,P4,

mr1 41-ft AT srltffr- Muz-4 4-rift m'r

2lI ? I
3. dx1( trftg, cZt 250 VII tf
aff'u 4 4 WI 20x3=60

(Th) W-1
-rX aR ( I f1B44 . chn 't11-11M- #1-{t7 Thrzt
(ul fq• m qet4T AtkaI uillW1 mbr
.H41: Tcau t c4t writ4 ?

() Thmu4 Ercer4 hr itizr emit 7cmf47

V7uT ? Trd4 1:= 4 ctiu-ctqr
d4-cilth-414,.341/4 f 1' 4 ?

(Tr) f4d9-m 1=4474 4-114iI rR, f4d-id trt<ui

fit-d-r2 Eftff, wed' m`re4

IkL-4f -f#a ,31( trftg, ,

t 7R-4-T 300 we 4
34Nu- 4 7 30x2=60

74-d&-lef)(ur araft I 14r4 *

3T'T tcq-rq 3Trcrud- 2,1tI wErr amtaur
3117 incrf r+-c 4?

(b) What are the factors which determine the size
and composition of national income ? In this
respect contrast the scenarios between pre and
post liberalisation periods.


5. Attempt the following in not more than 150 words

each :— I2x5=60

(a) Characterise the inflationary process in the last

three years. What steps were taken by the RBI
and the Government to control it ?

(b) Explain why in spite of poverty alleviation schemes

number of the poor has not fallen very much.

(c) Discuss the factors responsible for slow growth

in agriculture in recent years. What steps ought
to be taken for sustained growth in this sector ?

(d) Can disinvestment in public sector units be a

sustainable alternative for raising resources for
government expenditure ?

(e) Would a flexible exchange rate regime serve India

better than a fixed exchange rate regime in the
current international scenario '?

(-F) mtff 4 =pitch g trEzcAttr strit t sirm-R
TN:z9 m-r fgftQ g ? ftt eio. 341-
d<itlmtur afaThtf trft-inhr met ra Ho]
(m7 1(-c) 5-fg merPq-4

5. fkNifZ?ra dx-It 150 51i7e


fd 41-f a 4 rm-4 m-f 1,49-

*F4i -ftif)cf 1=07 31-Rt.s1t
sfrt 4(ct,i( 41f 3617 it ?

TTZ Therftliff jj chi(In irkaTM tfltTur (1"1-q7131).

ATTI4 fktf9): met tio-ir arrum 4,4 rti

(TO 51e1 qrs1 T-1:k 4 ittlit Fog f- 4-41(

T( '44 merftg zki 4 urikt
-th) 1'07 mLir ci,q4 ?

mtir *am writi 4 M-11 279-, atmrtr

ua F0-7 eirau7): thlim m-0 1W
-4 ficbor g ?

N) trIt--sir 4, 4.44r fktr-d- eafkJ-Hi

slit ml 34-49-r T-Tr fdt ,-Ri TT 5749- 9R-R- ci-;)
31-flum 9-riTmrer sl1ii ?

6. Attempt the following in not more than 300 words
each :-- 30x2=60

(a) Discuss the salient features of TRIPS and Indian

position on (i) geographical indications and
(ii) plant breeders' rights.

(b) Why is capital inflow through multinational

corporations preferred over foreign debt ?

7. Attempt the following in not more than 250 words

each :— 20x3=60

(a) Discuss the major recommendations of the

Thirteenth Finance Commission with regard
to augmentation of resources of local governments.

(b) Distinguish between fiscal federalism and political

federalism. How has fiscal federalism been
evolving in relation to special category States in
particular and other States in general ?

(c) How is GST different from VAT ? What is the

grand bargain suggested by the Thirteenth
Finance Commission for implementation of

6. f-p-a cl 4trA7, TC fi 31rUT 4 ra-

300 :— 30x2=60
() 'R=4'vvr. 3rfieTcr4 3117 (i)
311-( IA,
11t1 4R-4
v(4 tR- =44. `11=4

(4) F*4- =hi( r 4 P4-Thvft =E0-r rT w0-(I o ta f441:4 t

RTUPT VT 3f4-4k TOtg. t 1--4t A

7. f*-9-Foltr4 tft47, q'r -94 250

31-qT-31tT 20x3=60

(T) Fur-flzr ,st-}1 44fu41 ficW1c 44U 4

Th-ff 317:44Mil 41:r fethl 71-{ ayf
Thrftit I
NR(It-1114 3ITT e
-414 ft4T4mnri,t4 I i'a-s)-Lcr t4 4 1 -4t-r 2)-it Trczt
3n-(- 1114-11-4 t.4 34E
-r 44tx 4 (kit ofl4
fk4 fdt1-4cr -gldr A?
(Tr) Trr.4.t( 4 ff+-4 4ch1 ( Nv4 A ?
1-.74.Ert. fi chRtf-tmr fk arrirrr
fir WaT 4 rTTId f-trr i a I g

8. Attempt the following in not more than 300 words
each :— 30x2=60

(a) Examine the new EXIM policy. Given the tough

competition in international trade, what corrective
measures would you suggest to make it more
successful in boosting Indian exports ?

(h) Explain the salient features of the Fiscal

Responsibility Act. Explain to what extent has
the Government of India been able to adhere to
the provisions of this Act 7

8. f;i4-41Thd-R7
r, 371-{- 5-(=z)-- 300 4 3ff wt
4 4 30x2=60

(T ) ( ) uf1mnrAlAri 41J r
zurcr-( 4 m-fr LT1 A-4 1 ftqTh- 1, ii-R-- tzr
f441-A alf9- 4 atc(-7-c4J4 cLui-
44-r4 arm 04 4 TTRRT .34R1
Tdr?Ct ?
(luict;WLI .3.1( 11-4c1 3IMMR-14-1 3fikET's

LluGMetfr4 I t=its mnt*4 f think
AAA- 3rth-l -EFr Mt-I I ti7

Serial No. F—DTN—M—FDPB

FrPR dtft- Yru Tun* : 300

yr-4-* v9-9- it't atfr-
4 OzIT
9-9—q1. 3Fi3 PIWITT 1A-4 um? wiffrc 1*4-th-T ur-Aw
3T/D1* rdw-ti fthi-zn Jiqr 3T/T 7:ron air€cirE- arc4(1
antgfEft-th-r gw-grz- Tr( 36'th-ft fWzYz- TETT-q- [Tr 4-71T giftr
vaq- i 7-177---7 Dr( dpeirad Tuarc *- ad:aft-4ft 3F-7 4-4,-
:1T2PT ffrO- dri< ort Tht‘ 31* 41 f##
WV eicew 3h 5 arffanf t 1 VIM, 9-791 4 4 9r--D7w tqz13.
4,44-4-chg krT- 5W?- c W79t T-N ft- I
Rt'W 9”. f afw wvft- 3fft 4 ft7
z arravcrw t fn-q- %ft RA 3-79- m-r .37-R 4 t, W4
7,1- 379- * wift 14107.39-1-Trff ari( -ffrzr-wtT
ST4 zit t W a77r4 wr .171( thra an* .10
te ft-o-4 so-1 TrIft wiff/dy-51-0- $ dti( ki 4-1 I id
.rik I vi and TT Milt 4 art:Fur metrA- i
ant NitiiTh7 4 ftr-1 yze nlFETT-gf etio t‘ir
e TO'
rine- i tarrfl qfq fk0 F drij 3/-*
frq- nie tru 0 ichcfr g t
Note : English version of the Instructions is printed on
the front cover of this question paper

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