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SI. No.


Paper H

Time Allowed : Three Hours' Maximum Marks : 300

Each question is printed both in Hindi and in English.
Answers must be written in the medium specified in
the Admission Certificate issued to you, which must
be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-book in
the space provided for the purpose. No marks will be
given for the answers written in a medium other than
that specified in the Admission Certificate.
Candidates should attempt Question Nos. 1 and 5
which are compulsory, and any three of the remain-
ing questions selecting at least one question from
each Section.
Marks carried by each question are indicated at the
end of the question.
Candidates should draw diagrams, wherever neces-
Important : Whenever a Question is being
attempted, all its parts/sub-parts must be attempted
contiguously. This means that before moving on to
the next Question to be attempted, candidates must
finish attempting all parts/sub-parts of the previous
Question attempted. This is to be strictly followed.
Pages left blank in the answer-book are to be clearly
struck out in ink. Any answers that follow pages left
blank may not be given credit

arm : 3t ff wr f rc7 t-fircf< wNW-4fi'. qi Pro4 F

crc Ent t
Section 'A'

1. Write on the following with diagrams as necessary :


(a) Acute bisectrix interference figure of a biaxial


(b) Principle of X-ray diffraction study of a

crystalline mineral.

(c) Distinguish andesite from dolerite by studies

in thin sections.

(d) How the direction of flow of the sediment-

carrying fluid is determined in a rock ?

(e) Write on zones of metamorphism with special

reference to an area in India.

2. (a) Discuss basis of classification of silicate

structures of minerals. 20

(b) Describe with a diagram the approximate

limits of solid solution in the felspar group of
minerals. 20

(c) Write on the principle of stereographic

projection of crystals. Draw a sketch of the
stereogram of a tetragonal crystal. 15+5=20

F-DTN-M-HFMB 2 (Contd.)
tn. `m.'
1. aiMgcbCIPril< arft 9-17- m<d r, 141 C•1 lcld ER
WR9 : 12x5=60

(W) ft-31t1 *arff t't WHThluft cc ochtui

(ti) fitemelq e97 3117:149' WI"
fera l

(Tr) 9 41c-3q1. aroql c gig <

ture 4 R*4 chtli I

(Ei) OW 4 3Tammt 0*(1 ir Agli RUT fcht1 T*TC

%Au Rr ?

(3) chigickul 9zIrrTa. W- -11. fir

Ri19- z*ta- ch< r, feta7

2. (W) t l it Rliffke rd9Taff cili ch*vi affETR

4T 9d1 erf
AI 20
4***sccrT tiV
(ii) 4F ati R4ZR it ATE
Tftwaff aritti 997 ch<cl r 4UF1 irr-A7
(TO *R-
Az Waif 549- Rtta" Wi4
ftffirrali '4E9' W:4 4-11;11 Tr 7w Al .41
qffMH 15+5=20

F-DTN-M-HFMB 3 (Contd.)
3. (a) Show how you determine the pleochroic
scheme of a biaxial mineral. 20
(b) Write notes on the following with diagrams.
(i) Dispersion of axial angle in brookite
(ii) Powder X-ray diffraction method
(iii) Granulose structure and its origin
(iv) Trachytic and graphic texture

4. (a) Write a note on the cosmic abundance of

elements and their significance. 20
(b) Draw the diagram of Mg2SiO4 — Fe2SiO4 —
Si02 and write its implication in the crystal-
lization of basic magma. 20
(c) Write on the metamorphism of argillaceous
rocks. 20

Section 'B'
5. (a) Write on the geology and origin of stratiform
and alpine-type chromite deposits in the world.
(b) Enumerate the main factors of accretion of
Mn-nodules on the ocean floor and their future
mining possibilities.
(c) Write on geophysical methods of exploration
of oil deposits.
(d) Comment on application of air-borne survey in
mineral exploration.
(e) Describe effects of long term application of
nitrate fertilizers on ground water regime.

F-DTN-M-HFMB 4 (Contd.)
3. () 73T157 iT• alTzt f=1,41 t-atth ft
471,iiTicbti 9*TC t1.Ntri-tyr et r< g 20
(w) Cii-11;ifiad ITT 3rikt4): 91-0fewriyf fetEr7 :
(i) (i102 ) k 3f4ti mlul *T <
(ii) R-449- fa
(iii) crifdi€1,14ig rival! t aeimi ∎It1+1
(iv) ITh-ica vrrEtEr Traff
4. (T) atafc§ftzr q-r-ggr Er( 7*
fzEcrofi- M-R47I 20
(W)Mg2SiO4 - Fe2SIO4 - Si02 *T afTIU 4977 AT
r *Err * &item?, &) RForE1 ER %TR!
(7) ErT7Er gth % chigicKui 9T WR47 I 20
a 'Le
5. (W) titilt ecifkck-fl 74 7-ou-14 wlErrceR4clEff
k‘fa-or4- 74 wiTTERMR-47
4-T111141t tidy cr( Mn-e<T*Taffi ar6ra *
wrt-41 arts .11.n 'HT* thrrawraff
(Tr) f4a41 * sr*T■ - %TO xrc
Tr ‘=1- %1-4-r-d*
(Er) q14-A. 31-
4Erar 4F1-4-e-0 FrArriir*BrvEriTr
fz ftP4 l
(T) OIT as ceigeqi 'TT 114e ufca' *cttctu
39701T* TaTiq*T quirt ift7 I 12x5=60

F-DTN-M-HFMB 5 (Contd.)
6. (a) Write on the genesis and occurrences of the
following mineral deposits in India : 10x3=30
(i) Sillimanite
(ii) Baryte
(iii) Mn-ores
(b) Write short notes on : 10x3=30
(i) Chondrite and tektite
(ii) Duty and responsibility of sample
collector in mineral prospection
(iii) Mercury pollution

7. Write notes on the following with sketches as

necessary :
(a) Name and discuss on Antarctic meteorites
originating from the Moon. 20
(b) (i) Kamacite and octahedrite. 10
(ii) Meteorite crater in India and its age. 10
(c) Anorthosite provinces of India and their
origin. 20
8. (a) Name the minerals used as refractories in
Industries and cite their respective occurrences
in India. 20
(b) Write on the sea-level changes through the
geological history, and the associated environ-
ment and life, as known from fossil and
sedimentary records. 20
(c) Explain marine pollution in India. Comment
on the analytical techniques that are widely
used for determining toxic elements in water.

6. () WiTa" 4 rim (I (ci 4144 3?1Th.
: 10x3=30
(i) fNO 11V-
(iii) Mn-317/7F
(td) Pp-1f Ricr WC Tif Q.L4riiii WC-47 : 10x3=30
(I) 49-y7 311-‹
ur-4- 4 #497- 4 a 1i tivicr) atm
(ri) 7Vul"

7. 311434ctiviittit (411--;19-ew z7 •14-11C•1 tIT

kR-47 :
t(5411 4 .1e471 q-NaTITRFIzr ,3c•<bifc-i:a k 9-Fr
alt( 39' WC W4f ir* I 20
(i) aollt1W. 41-4-CrhireI 10
(11) iT7-9. 4 ‘ic•clilRI‘ zt 41T 37A 471I 10
(4) %TRU ki .7111-44TetrAd 9t-4 41-C .1-tcto I 20
8. (4) 3t44if 4 d-0111P-It1ii FTE 4 * 9-11:1
Wd1W alt( IITC7 4 34 474-4T4 9AeRri4
4477 I 20
(W) Tafflif97 Tr-474* 31R*-4 44 04VCICI
4114441 9T 4-1T ati I IT i 3 affiTle
ik-WE4 4 TraT t, .1•1 k1e14 Y-Iftitul
tiz Wc(7 I 20
(re) ITR7 Tilia my)! TTru irr- A7 4-44 4(P4*
occ4 k k- 147 WIWI) FT 4 Irt:
RA-Fri* crobril4 TR - TiTTrft er-47 I 20


74W-WW H

44zr : e7a w : 300

5/* 9'4a frq) A- 30* 0■ 1) 4: OW t
PRY d arts aa1 41t €v+r f 31/4 Wirrq; f 7 ‘1C•attl
31/9* mdw--E77- i fir 4-zu 34-c zw- Tuszt4 wr FIE
a-A-tw ,Irt<-7-fav t4-Ter tiT 3ik-ff War eipt ert-
Rfra 4tett arf q 19tr-rx ra- dRiGct k
3rOf?-m- arm R-47- J49-74- iY A* 1T .1rt< ER- <hi( 34- Te
9! 9- *Tr/ 31-1-(5 30-4Terti p44:4-g*tEruu.
4 m--4-4-coi TTT are7 FMR. P9): k um-

97*9139- “:1 Rzi-ff 3/W 7'37 k 3E7 4' f47rq t/

311-41#27W cW crftr2T7Sq orfq
rtFarenTrO*wwirlf=nts1.wwwrreriti, mg'
7f:r snw 443- 4777-11/4-ET-4mY z ffrer-fnit
raw- mtvr - 444 sm4 r rataSr f*q. 344
nr4- fifue) W9' Jr FtW, ofra137-virtff rdT
ZTITTIT gt Sr i VT W77 wr a,si j arlurur dl fit I
&ITT. if owl') otrgrf-ii- Frr-et#FTErFri#
wrz- / ur-- ger 9-sWfk WIG 17c9 p diljkain
R.7 .fig, Qtri rTh ectot
Note : English version of the Instructions is printed on
the front cover of this question paper

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