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Intellectual journey

between religions and

Intellectual journey between religions and materialism | July 20, 2017
Dedicated for ,
My master , beloved and the
crown of my head
the messenger of Allah and
his illiterate , honest prophet
peace be upon him

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‫صدق الله العظيم‬
} In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful ,
the Especially Merciful (1) All praise to Allah ,
lord of the worlds (2) The Entirely Merciful , the
specially merciful (3) Sovereign of the day of
Recompense (4) It’s You we worship and You
we ask for help (5) guide us to the straight path
(6) The path of those upon whom You have
bestowed favor , not those who have evoked –
Your – anger or of those who are astray {
Allah Almighty has spoken the truth

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 Note that the Arabic scripture is the God
word , but the English is only a translation for
those who can’t read Arabic ..
So the translation can’t show the literal or
hidden meaning . All Muslims can read
Quran in Arabic even they who didn’t learn
Arabic . In the contrary Christians can’t read
the real bible – of Jesus – as he spoke
Aramaic .
And thereafter,
After finishing some simple journeys
– I did write then in booklets – and by the
help of my nature – without any complexity-
I was helped to make sure of the most
sublime truth ; it’s the religion . But for
others it was just like a superficial ideas for
those whom are one-eyed ( materialism ) .
But thanks to Allah all their ideas can be
logically and scientifically disproved and
deteriorated .

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The book will be divided into four parts the
first part is about atheism and questions
asked by atheists , the second part is about
the scientific Quranic verses and
comparison between then and the recent
and modern scientific discoveries , the third
part is about mentioning prophet
Muhammed peace be upon him in the old
and new testaments and the forth part is
about how other religions have many
contradictions and discrepancies by
comparison between verses of the same
book of other religions .
I would like to declare that Muslims and
believers should know that Allah is the proof
for things and things aren’t a proof for Him ,
the light is a proof for the daylight not on the
contrary .
There is a kind of persons I won’t write
about ; this kind his job is to make believers
hesitate for money ! ( shame on them ) .

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It may be thought that believers and
muslims specially to be only defending but
the reality they are in the position of
attacking as they have logic and science
agreement ( as we will see here ) .
So if they have facts then facts need no
defense to make it is a fact ! .. all we do is
just cleaning these facts from illusion , lies
and myths . this will affirm ignorance ( to
think something is real but it isn’t ) of most of
those who reject religion ; Islam and Allah’s
existence .
Lets consider this book under my
responsibility as new facts may appear
later .. but remember this took me a lot of
days to find these facts so I tried to leave
theories concentrating only on facts .

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Page Subject
1 Dedication .
2 Preface .
6 Index .
11 Part one .
11 Type of persons .
16 Question and Answer .
17 Handicap and Worship .
20 Religion and medication .
21 Ascension ( MiraaJ )
23 Raping children .
28 Forgiveness .
92 Blaming the raped woman !
92 Religion men and money .
30 Guilty punishment .
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39 Terrorism .
34 Do you worship ka’aba ?
37 Eyes !
38 Camel urine .
49 Mr / CD .
45 Hijab (veil = head covering)
42 Polygamy .
51 Women rights .
53 Our mother Ishaa marriage.
58 Hell ( inferno ) .
66 Religions are man-made ?!
68 Spread by sword .
73 Captives and slaves .
78 Pantheism !
80 Terrorism .
84 Why not to see God ?
87 Why one God ?

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90 Who created God ?
91 A rock !
99 To create a God ??!!
93 Rejecting paganism !
95 Plural in the Quran . isn’t
he one ?
98 Earth flat in Quran ?
111 Contradiction in days ?!
114 6 days for universe ?!
117 Earth is fixed and sun evolves
Earth !
118 Mountains prevent movement ?
195 Quran and Torah !
197 Questioned , not asked !
127 Guide , don’t guide !
192 Mercy and justice !
131 Who is Allah ?
139 Why Allah ?
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134 As you worship 99 Gods !
135 Why asking God and worshipping
him ?
137 Satanic revelation !
141 Prophet’s peace be upon him miracles .

145 Moon splitting .

147 Good and evil dilemma .
150 God’s will & free will .
154 Life after death .
156 God’s word and spirit !
152 Why homosexually is denied .
160 1000 years or 50,000 ?!
161 600 wings !
162 Backbone and ribs !
163 Not seen .. is looked at !
164 Mathematical error !
166 Miracles for us !
167 Sun in muddy water ?!
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168 The second kind .
168 Some logical fallacies .
172 As we don’t see !
177 Measuring !
181 Scientific points of atheists.
181 Body and mythical existence .
188 Brain and mind .
199 Free will .
201 Self and consciousness .
203 Feelings and emotions .
206 Big bang .
213 Creation , abiogenesis ,
evolution .
227 DNA
230 Anthropic principle & intelegent
design .
237 Epilog of part one.

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Part one

In any debating group - theism vs. atheism
– you can find many types of persons but the
strange funny thing that every kind may be
against each other! Even they are
categorized together.
In my full debates I could have
categorized them into 10 kinds of persons
according their personality and how do they
deal with the subject.
Let’s give a look on these kinds and we will
reply on them later at the suitable section of
this book:
1- A nonscientific atheist; he is the one
believing that science has no relation
with religion; it proves nothing. this is
a kind that reject for his needs in life
as atheism is good for him to live well ;
even if they said there is a God he will
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gladly say : I DON’T CARE ! . So he
just deny without logic. (I hope you
aren’t that person).
2- The second one is atheist telling you
no relation between science and
atheism; but the difference he
sometimes tries to use science as
evidences though. And this kind is
divided into two sects one understand
science and the other understand
science just like your knowledge of
hieroglyphic! But the one who knows
is just like the third kind .
3- Is a scientific atheist , his reasons to
deny is science ; he thinks science
proves that God doesn’t exist or no
need for a God to exist .. but his
problem is talking only half the
scientific facts only or to be more
specific he never made associations
between scientific facts with each
other ! .. for example he tries to prove
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something by biology but he never
tried to see physics ! and never tried
to see the result of their combination .
any how this kind is better than his
two previous friends .
4- Is the best kind ; he is agnostic or non
religious ; he believes in God
existence but believe in no religion
and some of them are searching for
the realy religion as they pretend .
most of his speech is about good and
evil .. but all his questions are easy to
be answered .
5- Pantheists ; pantheism is non logical ,
non scientific belief . I think this is
more emotional dependent belief ; as
they believe in a God but they think
every thing is a God even you are a
part of the God . (Mind illusion).
6- Religious people rather than Muslims
trying to criticize only.

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7- An Islamic persons trying to separate
science from religion, this is a very
dangerous kind I guess for example if
and atheist asked for a proof for spirit
existence he would answer: how we
are alive... etc so the atheists answer
would be: by physiological, chemical,
cellular... etc reactions in the body...
at this point you will see silence of this
kind this will only reinforce the
position of atheism for nothing!
8- This kind is a weak kind which
hesitate after seeing luster of atheists’
words... but if there is a srong reply
they go back to the right path.
9- I love this Islamic kind ; they are trying
to learn by searching in every field
they never give up only searching
journey is the only thing to make them
happy .. If they hear about anything
they try to search not to criticize but

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to know reality. I hope to be one of
those category.
10- Is an Islamic person who knows how
science works well they have logical
and scientific replies, but
unfortunately they are very and very
little in number... unfortunately also
the most Islamic kinds are the seventh
After summing up types of persons (I did
meet)... I want to say this is my intellectual
journey, it should represent my opinions
not Islam ! (Criticize me as a Muslim but
don’t criticize Islam as you can’t). But I’m
totally trying to produce reality here .
Now to the most important part under title
of question and answer .
Question and Answer
1- Starting with the first kind I will let you
remember it’s a hard non logical
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nonscientific category they make me
remember that one who was born with a
genetic religion and won’t change even if it
was wrong! But even that there is a great
difference between them. One of these guys
was an admin in a group when I asked his if
I proved you are wrong sir what will you do?
But he gave me no chance he removed me
with a permanent block. I was sorry; I
thought this was an insult.
Anyway this kind always has a fixed final
answer and it is:

Let’s see a debate with one of them which

did progress by debating later with three of
them at the same time... give a look:

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The post was something from a bible and
here it is:

And my response was this Quranic verse:

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‫صدق الله العظيم‬

Which means :

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In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the
Especially Merciful
} There is not upon the blind any guilt or
upon the lame any guilt or upon the ill any
guilt [for remaining behind]. And whoever
obeys Allah and His Messenger - He will
admit him to gardens beneath which rivers
flow; but whoever turns away - He will
punish him with a painful punishment {
Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
I thought this Quranic verse would have
solved his problems but it was just the
Then the speech was meanless; they said
something that meant religions prevent
going to hospitals instead of that we should
go to worshipping houses!
Well if these – non reasonable – reasons
are causes to deny so I have to reply.

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 First the speech was about going to
worshipping houses instead of hospitals
and seeing religion men instead of
doctors for medication... They said that
Islam orders to do so, so it was my duty to
ask for a verse or anything in Islam to
order that!!
But of course they gave nothing, in fact I
told them that I'm a Muslim and study also
medicine! Of course they couldn't give a
real reply on that...
Yes we as Muslims must ask god but we
have to do our best taking all the reasons.
Then I told them that Islam caused Arabs
to become better as Arabian civilization
wasn't before Islam, as those who
founded the bases of modern science are
Arabian Muslim scientists!
For example the smart phone is working
by algorithm and it was invented by
Muhammad Ibn Mussa El khawarizmy and
the word algorithm is taken from his
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name. Even stars are Arabic are called
after Arabic names !
So if that was their problem it should have
been solved !
 Then another one asked me if I do believe
that the prophet muhammed peace be
upon him went to sky on a winged horse ?
It was my duty to tell him it wasn’t a
winged it’s called The Burak .. it isn’t an
creature like those on the earth but to tell
the people how it was the prophet peace
be upon him said it looked like donkey but
is front legs were at the end of his sight !
so it isn’t a winged horse .
But the question should be do I believe
the the prophet did that journey ?? so I
have to say yes .. and this is a small thing
in comparison with believing in Allah ( the
Almighty God ) .

Anyway , we didn’t try lies from the

prophet for example we have the Quran
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an 1400 years old book containing many
scientific facts which was recently
discovered ..
And lets think there is 80% of facts are
proved so we should be aware that the
last 20% are true also ..
Again the history books said the the
prohet described them places he never
saw also told them your trade caravan
are coming at certain time , and it was so
some believed some continued to
disbelieve ( Not in Allah but that
muhammed was a messenger as they
believed in paganism as idols would help
them to reach Allah ! they knew that allah
is the creator but they worshipped man
carved stones ! )
I then asked him to give me something
wrong in the Quran or any
contradictions so I will convert instantly
but he gave none ..

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But he tried to say that the winged horse
is a scientific error so I had to tell him
nothing is mentioned in the Quran about
winged horse so it’s a great logical
fallacy ! .. but I say it’s a Burak , if he
could give me an evidence that there is no
life in any place in this universe except
Earth then I would think ! .
Any way give a look this never meant that
God doesn’t exist ! .. it’s a great
understanding mistake .
 Then they talked in Good and Evil
dilemma , I wanted to make it easy but the
final answer of course was ready .
The question was if there is a God why he
let children to be raped ?!
My answer was :
1. Why do you specify rapping a
child ?! . Allah did forbid rapping
anyone whether children or adults
There is no relation with age at all .

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In realith Allah did forbid any bad
thing and make a judgement and
punishment for that but you say he
it cruel for that ! .. you don’t know
what you want ! .
Your denial as you want to have a
free sex life like making love before
marriage and this is forbidden so
you want to find anything trying to
justify your denial .
2. The difference between man And
jinn and any creature that they
have the free will so we are the
creatures will be judged and
punished ..
So whrn the rapist do that he did
that by the free will but he will be
punished as Allah said don’t do
or you will face a great
punishment .

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Allah is able to force anyone to worship him
and to obey him . but his will is to let you
choose which path will you choose , give a
look on this Quranic verse :

} ‫{ إن نشأ ننزل عليهم من السماء آيه فظلت أعناقهم لها خاضعين‬

‫صدق الله العظيم‬
In the name of Allah , the Etntirely Merciful , the
Especially Merciful
} If we willed , we could send down to them
from the sky a sign for which their necks
would remain humbled {
Allah Almighty has spoken the truth

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But our God doesn’t want necks , he wants
hearts to love him ; this is why we are
humans .
3. The third point that he is trying to
accuse and make the god guilty for
something he didn’t do ! this is
unjust .
Lets assume you trained your son
to snipe , sent him to gym and
fighting gaes to be a champion ,
help you and pass good time , but
he killed someone and did beat
another one .. who is the charged
here ? you or your son ? . of course
your son .
And it was a funny situation as I had to go to
mosque to pray but when I came I saw that !

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Of course the covered word is abusive
word !
Anyhow he tried to show that I didn’t
answer him so I had to end that us so the
final reply was shot .
Existence of evil doesn’t mean
inexistent God ! this is a logical fallacy I
think . this may make us think how the God
thinks not to deny his existence .
Also atheists make a great mistake by
generalizing these cases as the parameter
in the universe is the Good the Evil is little ,
how many days there is an earthquaques ,
volcanoes .. how many of patients in the
world and how many are healthy ?? was all
diseases here before man changes in
nature ? no !
And later we will give another full answer to
finish this little category as I will talk about
this dilemma twice .

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 Then another ex-christian told me he
doesn’t believe as God will forgive those
who rapped children – Christians believe if
you believe in jesus as aGod you wont be
punished – then I tried to tell him that Evid
and Good dilemma never meant inexistent
God ! but his reply shocked me :

I told him in islam Allah may forguve every

thing you did related to him except to worship
another thing or to worship another thing with
him or to dny his existence of course .
But with people and each others there is
something like a court some people may be
punished only as the victims didn’t forgive
them ! and this court is just before entering
the paradise after passing on the inferno so
psome will back again to be punished .
 Then he told me that in Islam the raped
women is the blamed women !
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I asked for a verse but I wasn’t given
anything of course . this is unreal claim .
Only the women is punished for illegal
relationships like fornication .
 I knew they were chritians so they told me
why we give money indeed a lot of money
to the religion men to wipe out our sins !
So I had to tell them I’m a muslim so
they have to talk with me in Islam not
Christianity .
In islam there is no mediator between
us and the God , if you said please God
forgive me I wont do that again from
your heart , then cheer up its over !
Only money have to paid for poor
people , build hospitals …etc and you
don’t have to give it to religion men but
you can distribute it as you see and not
every one have to give this money to the
poor there is a parameter !
And here I would like to mention a story
I heard from Shikh El-Erify .. some of the
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chritian men wanted money so they said
you , people , have to pay to buy the
paradise .. a wealthy trader came a
knew everything he went inside and said
I want to buy the hell ! the the religion
men were shocked .. he insisted but they
took the money , he went out and told
the people please go away I did buy the
hell , I won’t put anyone in ! .
 Then the speech was about we don’t
need a religion to tell us that something is
wrong and the other isn’t ! for example
stealing :
1. how could we know the real
punishment for stealing ?
2. if there is no god and no punishment
then stealing and other things would
be legal like making love before
mariiage in some countries !
3. why would thefty be bad for me
( a theif ) if I am a strong man ,
nobody can judge me and I don’t
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care about reputation ! nothing can
stop me .. why then should it be bad
for me ? cause there is a God will
punish me and I should love the God
and his creatures .
Then I was told they don’t care about his
punishment ! .. and this is a contradiction
with denial existence before as he would
forgive !
Later it was nonsense speech , but if you
gave a real look you would find they have
no any relation with the reality of existence
of God ! .. it can be calcified as just
emotional reasons only ! .
The next day the same perron did post this
picture :

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I asked for a verse or Hadith to kill innocents
I thought I would be given a common verse
that need an explanation or to clearify the
situation for this verse was descended , but I
was asked instead of that why am I so
defensive .. but I have to be defensive and
attacking also as this a pure lie trying to
attack my religion and principles !
But I was told that I am a blind defensive
theist ! . but in reality I am not , yes , I was
born in a muslim family and community but I
did do researches about atheism , bible ,
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torah and little about vidas ! .. but I need a
real reply not a personal attacking replies .
Then of course he did sift the subject , I
don’t know why but to be obvious we beliee
that if someone killed another without a right
as if he killed all the humanity , but I will give
a wide field for our speek about terrorism
later in this book .
Another person our speech was about , is
there any contraditions in the Quran and this
was the reply :

And I don’t know why if he is hungry , why not

to feed himself . this kind care about nothing .

Then I decided to continue the debate

regardless his awful replies , by giving him
examples and evidences but his reply was :

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Here iam giving him evidences and he is
asking me to give evidences for the
evidences , of course instead of giving me
evidences ensuring his position !
In another speech I was asked this question
During talking about why paganism cant be a
religion :

well , before replying I have to clearify that

Mecca isn’t a shrine .. No one is buried
inside the mosque , it’s a mosque where we
do pilgrimage .
This is the Kaaba :

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But is Kaaba an Idol ? do muslims worship a
building ?!
The answer is no of course we worship Allah but
the pilgrimage should be done at some
place and it was there in Mecca in
Al Masjid Al Haram
We all know that Islam came in a place where
they worshipped idols so could it be
possible to prevent it to allow it .. so this
was the question . the answer was :
1. do we worship the stone ? or we go there
to worship Allah ? .. we go there to worship
our God who told us to spin around it 7 times
and no wander we think many things are
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based on this number ! like electron levels ,
rainbow colors , heavens are seven , eaths
are seven even the Quran is formed of
doubled sevens also the first Surah of the
Quran is seven veses !
2. why do we give this building holiness ? is
this a property in the building ? or because
Allah did order us to worship him there !
3. If Allah did tell us to go to another place
we would do so .
4. This question equals telling you that you
go to university to learn thw university !! this
is a non logical question at all . as we go to
colledge to learn science and we go there to
worship Allah .
5. It’s like telling you when you visit the
pyramides you are goint to worship it !
6. They think that Kaaba ( the building ) is
only holy thing , this is wrong the holiness is
for the site and the location itself but the
building is to be a sign . as this site is the
location of the God’s house ( mosque ) and
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every mosque called his house for honor but
the difference between that in Mecca and any
other one that in Mecca is chosen by Allah but
the others are by choice of people . so
pilgrimage in his mosque by his choice .
Now lets take a nap for non Arabian atheists
to see Arabian one :
But we should lnow 99% of them kno
nothing even they know nothing about why
they are atheists !
Look at this :

If Eve had brown eyes and Adam black eyes ,

then from where the blue and green eyes
came from ?!
This is the question and you may know that
this is very stupid question and has no
relation with God existence but lets reply
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-as usual - :
1. If you believe that man existed by
mutation ( evolution ) why evolution didn’t
happen to the children , this question may
deteriorate evolution not cration .
2. The second point is the same as no
one brother is 100% similar to his brother of the
same father and mother as we know there is a
crossover phenomenon during meiosis division
to form gametes .. this cause genetic variation .
Its obvious to understand they do undertand
anything , they just want others to follow them
blindly ( more than theists do ) .

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Now it’s time to talk about camel urine
drinking .well , it isn’t mentioned in the
Quran but it was written in one of the books
about what the prophet peace be upon him
order muslims to do .
At first we should lnow this also has no
relation to atheism or theism at all ! .. but lets
reply as usual :
1. There are kinds of foods was allowed to
be eaten but the prophet didn’t eat
them , he allowed to drink urine of the
camel at certain circumstances .
2. It was only allowed for those with
certain diseases of the stomach and we
all know that medicine isn’t honey as
the disease isn’t a cake .
3. Lets ask ourselves how was the
medicine 1400 years ago at the
desert ? .. of course very bad so cure
was to bad as the prophet didn’t come
to be a chemist !

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4. The prophet said you know better about
your life affairs .. so if there is thing
better than camel urine we should alter
the hard one by the easy one ; new
medication appeared the urine of the
camel shouldn’t be drinked as it isn’t a
holy drink !!
5. For those who don’t understand yet , we
should lnow most of the antibiotics has
a bacterial origin ! ( no body love the
bacteria of course ! )
6. Some countries like china eat insects ,
indeed it’s a delicious plate there ! ..
when you were asked you say its there
culture and criticizing Islam for
medication has 1400 years old ( which
isn’t a holy drink of course !! )
7. The most expensive coffee is produced
by the digestive juice and the gastric
juice of this animal :

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But you drink this coffee and say
delicious !! .. what a contradiction !
Be careful this is the most expensive one
( coffee loak) so wgat about the cheap one !
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Lets try to sum up be cancelling some
points which is actually written in the
Arabic version of this book but everybody
knows if we write everything replying on
stupid questions we would loose our time
so lets talk about this last person of the first
category .
He is Mr/ CD ,,
I had hypertenstion from this perso as he
wrote few words but in different forms of
sentences , he wanted to listen to nothing
or say nothing , he knew few words they
are two words .
Give a look :
(pokemon go )
(game software )

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You may understand that the speech was
about the Quran and modern science and I
gave him many examples but he repeated
the two words in every sentence , all I
needed was a proof for his points but he
gave me none ! so it was a meaningless
debate as usual !
But this person was very good at evading
replying my questions but he insisted on
repeating the two words so I called him :
Mr / CD .
By the way later I told him , do you earn
mony for just debating such a meaningless
debate ? I told him I think this made him a lot
of money and he said yes ! .. so my belief was
real that there are people earning to pretend
to be atheists .. even in Arab groups ! .
Shame on them !

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2. Lets talk about the fourth category
before the second and the third ; they are
the agnostics in which most of them believe
that there is a god but they don’t know
which god they choose or some believe he
isn’t the god of the religions .
 Lets start with this English woman who
told me she was a jewish ( later she said
she became a muslim and only Allah knows
the reality ) she talked about :
1. Veil .
2. Polygamy .
3. Human rights .
At first I have to clearify that there is a
difference between what Islam ordered to
do and between what some are trying to say
this is Islam ( there is a great difference so
you don’t have to look at muslims to know
about Islam but you have to study Islam ! )

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About the veil she talked about this kind of
veil which she said this is oppression :

My reply was :
1. We ( muslims ) use our mind for
first time which is choosing the God
then you should trust hem and obey him
as if you didn’t do you would contradict
with your intellectual choice ! .. So we
as muslims should obey Allah who
ordered women to wear veil but I have
to say that the its allowed for women to
make face and hand visible ( this is
what our religion said ) and this is
easy .. religion is easy .

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2. What in the picture shows how
women love Allah to increase in what he
ordered them , he told them you have to
cover your body ( like men also have to
cover but not the head ) and its said that
face and hands are ok to be visible , but
some said we will cover all our body for
the sake of God’s love .. like that one who
loved studying at school but the holiday
he studied new things !
3. If this was their idea for such a veil
whose right to prevent them under the
cover of human right pretending this is an
oppression ! .. while none of those wnt to
them to ask them why you wear it !
4. And this is the manners of most of
Arabs ( men and women ) they are
jealous .. men don’t like their wives ,
daughters , mothers ..etc bodies to be
seen . ( only animals have a visible
bodies ! ) .

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5. And again the main reason is the
God’s order to wear the veil , so non
muslims aren’t ordered to do so .. so
anyone who is trying to say why you wear
veil ; its because they are muslims .
6. This isn’t the oppression the
oppression that in non muslim countries
they prevent wearing veils ! . this is the
oppression .
7. I want you to ask one of those
wearing veils , Are you oppressed ?! .
and you will ge astonished by the
answer .
8. She told me she is modest in
waring , I told her what is the good
clothes ? she told me mini skirts are ok !
after a little Google search for mini
skirts , I see it isn’t modest at all ! it’s a
tragedy to let your women like that ! or
the girl to let herself like that !
9. You may think men can wear any
and every thing .. this is wrong men have
PAGE 47 OF 238
to wear clothes which is modest not very
tight showing the body . and from the
umbilicus region till the nknee should be
covered always ! .. and the second
mistake is trying to compare God’s order
for men and women like saying why
women only get pregnant !! so the order
to wear something was by Allah also …
And the religion don’t obligate you to
wear a certain kind of clothes like
( galabya ) but the clothes should have
certain criteria and it also will be on the
fasion !
And a funny situation happened when
someone interrupted me asking me to wear
a veil ! so I asked him to wear pikini !

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Now she talked about polygamy why its
allowed in Islam , would this be oppression
to the woman ?!
1. I told you before we have believed in
Allah who allowed polygamy ( till 4 wives )
but it’s the only religion where the Allah
said in the Quran one is better to be just .
as the justice is the point of polygamy in
Islam and Allah said you wont even be able
to be just so one is better for you .
2. It’s a right for the women before
marriage to make a deal not to marry
another one while she is his wife , and the
man if agreed the marriage complete and
this would be a main thing within
marriage . so the women aren’t
oppressed . cant you see love may forbid
something on man Allah did make it
allowed ! .. this shows how marriage is
holy in Islam .

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She tried to convince me that women are
better in marriage many men ! ( I don’t
know how an 45 year-old women say
something like that ! ) but lets reply :
1. Its known that number of girls more
and more than men in the world so if every
man married only one there would be
many and many girls without marriage
and this would be a universal dilemma ! .
2. Mens are fighting in wars and many
of them are killed , so the man have to
mary many so to have many choilderen so
life goes on !
3. And the most logical reason for me
that Allah dod forbid that .
4. Physiologically man can marry more
that one and do his job efficiently but
women wont be able to do
physiologically .
5. If every wif wanted to have a baby at
the same time man can do that , but the
woman wont be able at all ! but her reply
PAGE 50 OF 238
shocked me she said the strongest sperm
wins ( is this is logic ?? )
6. If the women had a baby from each
one this would be a problem as the women
will be the only one to know the fathers of
the sons ! .. is this is a life and her reply
was DNA .. is this ligic ?!
7. And I repeat that for materialism
people as this may convience them , but
for us we have chosen Allah as a God and
made him the Director of everything in our
life and this doesn’t contradict with the
forst intellectual choice ( this is logical ) .
Not to prolong in the coming part which
can be written in books about womens
rights in Islam !
And I don’t know if those who are
criticizing did study how were women
treated before Islam ? of course they did
not .
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Well , she talked about why its not
allowed for women to drive cars in Saudi
Arabia ! .. what is the realation between
this and the religion ?? .. this is the country
law like many European countries prevent
veil ! so where is the relation between
existent God here !
And to let the view appear for you you
can search about women rights in Islam
and how it was before Islam .. you will
understand that it’s a fake assumptions .
And it astonished me to know all of those
tried to attack Islam about veil and women
rights and tried to do the contrary weren’t
happy ! .. they didn’t resolve the problems
even their personal problems !
But for example before islam women
couldn’t have considered as witnesses
and they couldn’t inhirit , but Islam gave
them tese rights of many !
Now we are on the top of an important
topic its about marriage of Om El
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Moumenen ( the mother of the believers )
Ishaa the prophet’s wife .
( and the prophet wifes are our mothers )
Some of Islamic books said she was 7
years when the prophet peace be upon
him married ( without a relationship ) her
and after two years she moved to his
house for the first relationship .
Well , we should know that in Islam
marriage is allowed after puberty .. and no
medical danger for that . so if the girl is
adult at 10 years (( medically )) she is able
to marry without any danger .
But did the prophet really marrey her
when she was 9 years ??
the answer is (( NO ))
Well , and that for many reasons the
forst of them that only one did tell us this
speech and that man was criticized
specially after moving to Iraq and he was
said to be lying and the best criticism was
said that he was unable to remember ! ..
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but although this criticism those who
criticized him did say he is right that the
marriage was at 9 years !! how could they
criticize him then agree with him .
The second point that the people whom
wrote about the prophets and lived with
him directly didn’t write such a thing , and
that one who didn’t live with him did say
that ! (( and he is only one person while
other things had many persons )) .
There are many evidences that she was
18 years at least !! .. but also muslims are
still believeing she was 9 years old ! ..
although this isn’t Quran ! .. these are
written in man made books and there are
many lies were written , not because the
writers are lying but those who told the
writers as the writesrs most of them wernt
Arabs like Al Bukhari !
And there are many evidences that this
marriage was at the age of 18 years old , I
will show some of them and these
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evidences made many muslims to look
again at man made books as they aren’t
like Quran , they are man made books .
Well Asmaa the sister of Ishiaa was born
before her by 10 years and its known that
was befor Hijra ( migration ) by 27 rears
old .. and she died at yhe age of 100 years
after a famous accident of her son death
by crossing him ! and that was 73 after
Hijra ( migration ) .. and by simple
calculation you would see the
compatibility between the dates and
ages .. as she was 27 at migration and dies
after migration by 73 years and her age
was 100 years .. and these data were
collected from different sources which are
main sources in the Islamic history .. And if
she was older by 10 years than Ishaa then
Ishaa at migration was 17 years old ! .. its
known that the prophet did marry her
before migration by one year be she
moved to his house and lrft her father’s
PAGE 55 OF 238
house after one year of migration so she
was 18 years old !! this is the first point ..
this point couldn’t be replied on by those
who believe that she was 7 althought this
isn’t the problem of believing at all !
In the same book ( AL Bukhari ) there is
a paragraph that Ishaa said she was a
young girl and she was playing outside
with other girls and heared about moon
splitting and it was before migration by 9
years , if Ishaa was married at the age of
seven before the migration by one year
then should be born before migration by 8
years !! .. then shouldn’t be born at moon
splitting !! but it is said she was a young
girl playing then she was about 8 years
old ! and this also shows how the prophet
is innocent from those .
I see that both families the prophet’s and
Ishaa’s family also were happy for that
marriage ( when she was 18 years old ) so
whose right to tell them don’t marry , iam
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not happy for you ?? of course no onehave
that right !
Most of those who are ctiticizing the
prophet do allow sex before marriage
under the name of boyfriend and
girlfriend !! but when a formal marriage is
done its attacked .. what do they want ?!
You should know half of hadiths ( actc
and speech of the prophet peace be upon
him ) was told to us by our mother Ishaa !!
then she wasn’t baby to have that heavy
responsibility .
And we should say this is a contradiction
in a historical fact and has no relation with
belief , the contradiction which may have a
relation with belief ( if there is ) would be in
the Quran , but no one could .
 The second kind ( Agnostics ) the debate
was about 4 points :
1. The hell ( Inferno )
2. Are religions man-made ?
3. Did Islam spread by sword ?!
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4. Captives & slaves .
1. The hell ( Inferno ) :
Let’s start by the inferno , give a look
here :

Pictures like that are made by religious men

to make people fear and follow God , but I see
this is a kind of stupidity as to draw or design
a picture of the hell is a stupid thing as this
one of things wont be seen unless in the day
PAGE 58 OF 238
of judgement .. so what is designed here is a
man imagination and has no relation to the
real hell . so this is a harmful thing more than
helful !
Well , the question was why the hell while
those to be punished are unable to face the
God’s ability , he believed that the real God
wont do that .
Lets think carefully and reply for that
point :
1. There is no benefit for Allah if we all
entered the hell or we entered the
paradise ! Allah said in the Quran :
‫ما يفعل الله بعذابكم إن شكرتم و ءامنتم وكان الله‬
‫شاكرا عليما‬
} What would Allah do with your
punishment if you are grateful and
believe ? And ever is Allah Appreciative
and knowing {
2. The nature of the hell isn’t like our fire
nature for example those in the hell will
PAGE 59 OF 238
talk , eat , drink , regret , try to get
out ..etc , so there is a great difference
between the fire we know and the hell .
the prophet said there is in the paradise
what eyes didn’t see , ears didn’t hear
or came on someone mind ! .. and this is
applied on the hell also .
3. Is it just and fair ?? .. well you are
criticizing the punishment without
criticizing the sin ( killing , stealing ,
rapping ..etc ) and this makes the idea
incomplete ! its injust to equalize
between the criminal and the victim .
And those in the hell ( who will stay )
those who have a nature of the fire ;
envy , wars , killing ..etc so they will live
in a place which deal with their nture .
4. Lets see if making the punishment ( for
some ) eternal and forever .. when you
read about a religion specially on a
sensitive point you should concentrate
on everything relating to this point ; you
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are criticizing eternal punishment in the
Quran but you aren’t concentrating on
the eternal sin !! , yes the sin is eternal
so the punishment is eternal .. look
whay did the Quran said about that
point :

‫صدق الله العظيم‬

Which means :
PAGE 61 OF 238
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful , the
Especially Merciful
} If you could but see when they are made to
stand before the Fire and will say, "Oh, would
that we could be returned [to life on earth] and
not deny the signs of our Lord and be among
the believers .. But what they concealed before
has [now] appeared to them. And even if they
were returned, they would return to that which
they were forbidden; and indeed, they are liars
{ Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
So if they returned back to life they will do
things which are forbidden , so its eternal
sin and its eternal punishment , and don’t
try to study one part and leave the other
part . the point will be incomplete . and
those people’s nature suits fire and
punishment , even in life when they denied
the prophet and worshipping Allah they
said ask the God if this is real to throw us
by stones to die !! , couldn’t they ask them

PAGE 62 OF 238
to ask the God to guide them to the right
path ! .
5. Allah is very fair even in punishment ;
the hell even the paradise are full of
grades ; there is a great punishment ,
pain punishment , offending
punishment ..etc .. its according to your
acts in life you have your grade , the
hardest , offending , painy .. etc is Allah
denial .
6. Then we must look at this subject
from another corner , I see the most
important thuing in our life is to know the
God who created you putting everything
by your side like your needs customs ..
etc .. by applying that you will get to the
right path .. I see the God did create
everything for me ( that weak creature as
seen , that great creature as reality )
doesn’t that God deserve love ?! of
course he does . so I see just making the
God angry ( not like us ) or doining
PAGE 63 OF 238
something the God doesn’t love it it’s a
punishment which is sufficient to make
me sorry for a log time , the real
punishment isn’t the fire and pain the
real punishment is to be away from Allah
in both lives ! .. so that one who is trying
to make people diobey their God ,
doesn’t he desrve a great punishment ??
yes he does .
7. There is a holy speech Allah told his
prophet that : the Earth did ask Allah to
swallow the sons of Adam as he did use
his creatures and ate from his but he
didn’t thank Allah , the seas did ask him
to drown them , the mountains and the
Heavens did also ( I did sum up ) but
Allah said : o my creatures did you
create them ? they say no . he says
leave me and my creatures ( us ) who
asked for forgiveness iam their beloved
God and those who didn’t iam their
Doctor … and look at the Doctor word
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the medication isn’t sweety but it’s a
treatment .
8. At the end , I have to tell you that the
language isn’t able to describe
everything , the hell also one of those ,
an obvious example the sexual
pleasure nobody can give a precise
description of it , if a child asked you
may tell him its good , but this isn’t a
description , the inferno also cant be
described by our language .

The second point was : Are religions man-

made ?
Well , the answer simply is no , lets see
some logical reasons for that :
1. The religion makes life harder by its
orders ( to do ot not to do ) so could
man invent something to make his life
harder ?? NO .

PAGE 65 OF 238
2. We believe ( in Islam ) that Allah did
sent many and many ( more than
100.000 ) prophets for every nation so
many of them did believe in Allah ; for
Example the Indian paganism books
have nothing about many Gods !
Every book say only one only one ,
even the ancient Egyptian rligions we
did know they had more than 200
Gods but the word used was ( NITR )
which is translated into God but the
precise translation is the higher
( Above ) hand so it looks like
descriptions ! specially there is a
texts in the book of dead which says :
he is the first without a beginning , the
last without an end ! , and this
completely agree with the Islamic
view toward the God ( Allah ) .
3. Some may say that the prophets had
benefits , so they invented the
religions , well Moses was about to be
PAGE 66 OF 238
killed , Jesus was about to be killed
and they attacked his mother , the
peophet Muhammed peace be upon
him was about to be killed and he
migrated from his birthplace as he
couldn’t save his followers and we
see that every prophet did come to
ask for worshipping only one God but
the people didchange texts Except
muslims who have only one book
which wont and cant be changed and
the real texts in every book shows
there is only one God .
4. The prophets weren’t wealthy , they
said we are people like you but Allah
did choose us to guide you to the real
path , and if they wanted a great
authorities or to be kings they would
do that but they were poor humans !
5. Another proof if you cant accept
those , you have the Quran if you can
give me one error or contradiction ( a
PAGE 67 OF 238
real one ) , but you wont ! after failure
in that and you still insisting it’s a
man-made book and man made
religion then it’s an intellectual
suicide .
The third part was : did Islam spread by
sword ?
Well I don’t like historical studies but I will
answer good answers I think :
1. Who the first one did carry a sword
to force the first one to be a muslim ?
this didn’t happen .
2. If we opend history books we will
find in every era that muslims are the
point of waes ; every nation want to
kill them starting by the Mecca
ending with Israel , Minmar .. etc .
3. The wars in Islam is to defend and
afford the religion choice freedom
but the peace is the base as Allah

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said : and if the did incline into peace
incline into it .
4. When the prophet Muhammed peace
be upon him sent his messenger to
tell people about Islam they killed
them even they did stone the prophet
( the children did so ) .
5. The wars then was for the freedom
of religion choice them we see in
many Islamic countries non
muslims . no one is obligated .
6. A real example : Egypt was conqured
by the Romanian empire which is
Christian but they did fight
Christians in Egypt also and tried to
change their religion into the palace
chritianity ; they didn’t have the
freedom to choose their religion so
the muslims right is to make them
choose their religion so Egypt was
opened by the muslims .

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7. If Christians in Egypt did convert
fearing the sword , is that convenient
that they ( Christians ) helped the
muslims to build the first Islamic city
in Egypt ! while the muslims were
only 400 in Egypt ! , so why the
Christians didn’t fight them , why the
children did insist on islam and
didn’t take the revenge ??! its
obvious they choosed it by the free
will .
8. The muslims , if they were blind and
close minded , tell me why the
Islamic idols and status are still
here ? and no one steal anything fron
the Egyptian antiquites ! ( western
Christians did steal ) , we should
remember that muslims did destroy
idols and paganism in Arabs
countries but they understood that in
Egypt they don’t worship it .

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9. The Christian historian Jacob Nakhla
Rofaila in his book the history of the
Coptic nation , did contradict with
many of christians books by telling
us that Egypt wanst opened by the
sword ! And how Omar did evacuate
the Romanian empire from Egypt and
let the people decide and how the
Government was a Christian one !
and they did build the first Islamic
city ( Fostat )which was built by
many Christian hands and few
Islamic hands ! you can search the
book , in reality I don’t know if it was
translated into English .
10. The opening of the countries was
by the word before the sword but
those who deny and fight have to be
destroyed to let the realith reach the
others , look at the history from the
era of pharoes , tatar , Nobeen ,
French invasion , Christian invasion ,
PAGE 71 OF 238
English invasion , ripple invasion ,
jew invasion .. etc All were stopped ,
if it was a war from Arabs , couldn’t
they stop it ?? of course they could
stop it but it want a war !
11. To forgive is the base of the wars if
they inclined into peace and we see
that when the prophet opened
Mecca he said go you are free .
The forth and last part of this discussion ,
was about : slaves and capitives .
Many don’t understand that there is a great
difference between slaves and capitives ( of
wars ) :
About slaves :
1. If Islam did forbid to have a slave
once , can you imagine this large
number of homeless people ? in
Mecca the number of slaves was
more than the number of the free
people , this would be a dilemma .
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2. The Islam did gave them many ways
to be free and the owner have to
submit to the slave’s will one of these
ways the slave pay for his freedom , if
the women bear a boy she must be
free and many other ways .
3. To set a slave free or to but him and
set him free was a great metho by
which Allah forgive sins so many and
many were set free .
4. The prophet did order not to insult
the slaves , not to make them chared
of a hard word and if it was the owner
have to help them !
5. This method with dealing with that
subject was very helpful as no one
was homeless and no one did loose
his money .. etc .
About the capitives :
1. We did talk before about the wars
which was to defend the peace and
the freedom , we should know that
PAGE 73 OF 238
the peophet did ask then in Mecca 13
years but they did torture the
muslims and hurt the prophet and he
didn’t carry any sword to attack them
but after they did obligate him to
choose migration to save Muslims
lives he did choose the method of
peace but they did arrange to war
him and these are some of ancient
documents that was sent by the
prophet to Romanian Empire , Egypt ,
Bahrain .. etc .. asking them to
accept Islam and some did accept .

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2. The capitives aren’t slaves , they
could be set free or a redemption is
asked .. and that what happens in todays
war and this is a logical rule in the war
except nowadays no one set someone
free .
3. If capitivism wanst allowed the
second choice was to kill ! .. so Allah did
allow that to prevent shedding blood . and
to have a second chance .
4. And to close a door of the prophets
job , his job was keeping sheeps like every
prophet then he worked few in his
relatives trades , then he lived from what
they won from wars and many muslims did
do .. as nowadays wars the winning army
would take everything of the beaten one ,
so it’s the war rule .

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 The fifth kind is pantheists :
They think that everything id devine in
origin and there is no difference between
you and the God , unfortunately many
people say we are muslims and believe in
that but this has no relation to Islam in
reality and we will reply in few points :

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As we see she do know nothing about her
belief and she couldn’t answer me
questions at all ! :
1. I want one proof that we and the
universe are part of the God !
2. How did you know about that
God ?
3. What are the definition and
abilities of that God ?
4. If we were Gods , then you say
evil , wars , envy .. etc is devine in
origin !!
5. You say he is one God and
everything is a part of him , so
why we feel no realtion to other
objects even we know that we
have different etinities ! if we
were part of one , then we should
we feel a strong connection .
Of course I was given no answers .

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 Now we will talk about some important
questions , well 3 sects here of question ;
asked by atheists , asked by non-muslims
& not yet asked .
1. Islam and terrorism :

1. Well it isn’t just to judge a religion by

his followers acts but it must be judged
by the scriptures , as many people are
trying to achieve political , financial
benefits under the coverse of some
good thing like freedom , democracy ,
PAGE 80 OF 238
jusctice , religion .. etc so we see the
Islamic foundations like Al Azhar make
condensed programs to differentiate
between Islam and terrorists and their
deeds aren’t Islamic .
2. This is a lie that muslims are
terrorists as in the world there is an
increasing Islamic ratio to other
religions ; they are nearly 1.8 billion
muslims , if they were terrorists so how
could we see the world ?
3. I see the terrorists whom said to be
muslims fighting the Islamic countries
and kill muslims ! is that possible true
muslims are killing true muslims ?!! of
course no .
4. Well , we know that muslims are
poor ( science ) so how could they ( the
terrorists ) have these weapons which
are able to destroy an Arabian country
like Syria ! .. how could illegal
organization have these massive
PAGE 81 OF 238
abilities to gight against an organized
army , uless they are supported by a
hidden western hand ! and the real
terrorist is the supportive hands .
5. The real terrorism is called
( Eugenia ) which is created by atheists
which is to evolve the world by death of
the poor , stupid , disabled , short ,
black ..etc and this depends on
evolution theory by existence of the
strongest ! .. and those who will survive
are the white men whom are 5% of the
world to destroy the rest 95% . this is
the real black terrorism .
6. The prophet did order us not to
cancel a contrast with non-muslims
unless they did ! .. and said who hurts
( just a non physical hurt ) a non muslim
of the other religions is the enemy of the
prophet at the judgement day !
7. Look at this Quranic verse ordering
the prophet :
PAGE 82 OF 238
‫صدق الله العظيم‬
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful , the
Especially Merciful
} And if any one of the polytheists seeks your
protection , then grant him protection so that he
may hear the words of Allah . Then deliver him
to his place of safety . That is because they are
a people who don’t know {
Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
Allah did order his prophet to do so , and
it was at the time of the war as the God did
PAGE 83 OF 238
tell him don’t fear we will protect you ; they
wont reach you by any harm . And it was
many times .
This deteriorate completely that Islam is
the religion of terrorism but religion of
peace .
2. Why not to see Allah ?
Allah did gave us the free will to choose
to worship him or to not , to enter the
paradise or the hell ( its your choice ) so
lets see if you see Allah all the time :
1. Well the human vision is limited by
the seen light which is a small part of
the electromagnetic spectrum .. so
when we look at a wall we don’t see
what is behind that wall as we see by
the part of light which reflect and
doesn’t penetrate the wall as the
wave lenghth of light is larger than
distances between wall partcles . but
the reality is there is a great
distances between each part of the
PAGE 84 OF 238
wall like that between the sun and
the Earth !
2. If we could see the God our
nature will convert we will vanish !
but if we wanted to see him ( like
those in paradise will do ) there
should be a radical change in the
nature , so you will change into
another stage of the development
which cant be in life .. well lets think
if we could see by X-Ray we will be
able to see bones under the flesh ,
but inability to do so doesn’t mean
there is no bone under the flesh .
3. Lets assume you will see him your
human nature to choose will be
destroyed as you wount be able to do
any thing by the free well , you will be
obligated due to his greatness . this
well destroy our life here also as we will
only worship him and cant leave that we
will starve , Earth destruction will be
and one of the main objects for which
PAGE 85 OF 238
we were created is to worship Allah by
building up the Earth and discovering
God’s secrets in his Earth and
universe .
4. In the paradise it is just that our
nature will be changed to see Allah , as
this is the human nature of developing
and evolution ; you were a sperm than a
zygote .. etc .
5. Not seeing something doesn’t
means it doesn’t exist specially we have
a proof for that ( Creation And Quran )
for example we know that there is
electrons but no body did see it .
6. Your problem is that you want a
great God but at the same time to be
seen , holy but to be examed at labs and
clinics ! man is trying to be a God !

3. Why only one God not many ?

But I want to ask before my reply : and why
many Gods ? .. But as usual I was given no
answer !
PAGE 86 OF 238
1. The maker proves his works ; if we
know the method of an artist drawing
and we saw each time a painting we will
say this beongs to that artist .. when we
look at the creaturse we see they are
nearly the same for example the giraffe
has 7 vertebrae in this long neck man
also has 7 ! even that hedgehog has 7
vertebrae .. they ( creatures ) have
lungs , hearts , intestines .. etc this
shows that the maker ( creator ) is one .
2. If we looked at the universe as one
unit ; everything in the universe is
composed of atoms which composed of
electrons ( -ve ) and nucleus which
composed of both protons ( +ve ) and
neutrons ( ± ) .. everything living or non
living are formed form one thins ! even
the energy of the electron in our body ,
sand and the largest star are equal ! and
many things wgich shows only one God .
3. Allah did say in the Quran :

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َ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ُ َ َ َ ُ َ ُ َ َ ْ َ
‫{ أم جعلوا ّلِلّ ش َرَك َء خلقوا كخلقّهّ فتشابَه الخل ُق عليْ ّه ْم‬
ُ َ َْ ُ َْ َ ُ َ ْ َ َ ُ ُ َ َُ ُ
} ‫حد القهار‬ ّ ‫ق ّل الِل خال ّق ك ّل شي ٍء و هو الوا‬
‫صدق الله العظيم‬
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful , the
Especially Merciful
} Or have they attributed to Allah partners who
created like his creation so the creation ( of each )
seemed similar to them ? ..Say Allah is the creator
of everything , he is the one the prevailing {
Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
It is impossible that many did create by
the same method this is injustice to think
so . and why we don’t see fighting
between another Gods ! I did see no one
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religion book which attacking other
books except Quran in which Allah said
they aren’t the Gods but I am !
4. I see that Allah said I did send
prophets to people to worship me
only and no one of them told people
to take him a God , the final
messenger is Muhammed peace be
upon him and he wont send any
prophet after him ( confidence ) .. and
we heared no one Book of other
religions say so ! .. even no other
prophets did come , for example if
jesus was a God he would have sent
prophets but the reality he was Allah
prophet and messenger ( As Allah
said in the Quran ) . Even the Indian
God of war didn’t come to fight .
4. Who created God ?
Well , this question was written so I
asked a question for that who wrote it :
who wrote ( commint ) you ? as you
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wrote a commint you have t have a
writer ! .. he said iam not a thing to be
written ( Exactly ) , Allah isn’t the one to
be created that he is the first creator
and I mean a creator so don’t try to
make the creator a created entity !
So every created thing need a creator
and everything is created except Allah .
So every book have a writer but not
every writer have a writer !
Every kick have a kicker but not every
kicker have a kicker !
Every created thing have a creater but
the creator have no creator !
Its obvious .
So it’s nonsense .
5. Can Allah create a very large rock which
he cant carry it ?!
Lets see how this is a non logical
question .
The question is he able not to be able !

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Is this a logical question ? no it’s a mind
suicide and nonsense .
They see that their eyes have a certain
limits of sight and vision , ears have a
certain limits of hearing .. etc but they
think that their minds are unlimited ! .. the
mind can make you reach the real God but
after that it stops at these limits the
created thing cant cntain the creator !
So if I asked you can you drink not to
drink !! they are equally in meaning , but
somr people are cancelling their minds .
And they compare God abilities in
comparison with their abilities as they see
carrying a heavy rock is a strength but the
strength for the God isn’t like ours as he is
above the human perfection .

6. Can the God create another God ?

Well , this question is similar to the
past two questions ; Allah did say he is
the only God .. so the question equals
can he be not to be ?!
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A nonlogical nonsense .
But we say God=1 , you are trying to
make 1=2 ! .
We said the God is the creator and
not a created entity , when you ask this
you want to change the definition of the
God .
So , the question contain three
different types of mistakes ; logically ,
mathematically & a religious mistake .
And this question equals asking you
to write yourself or someone like you ,
well you cant be written as you are a
human and God isn’t created as he is
the God !

7. Why do you refuse paganism ?

Well , we should know that these
religions have no proof that the Gods
are these idols ; in the Vida its said
about the God : he has no image , idol ..
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etc ( symbol ) but when you ask then
why you then worship an idol they say
to concentrate ! then you use your will
against your God’s well to make your
God happy of you ! .. what is this ?
Anyway we will see the reason why
paganism cant be a religion :
1. Who created who ? did man
buiuld up his God or the God did
create the man ? of course the God
created man but we see in paganism
the sign is reversed !
I see someone who carrying a
carver and carving a rock to
produce his God from his
imagination as his God said I have
no picture .. etc , but if someone
carried an axe and destroyed it , it
will be destroyed like prophet
Ibraham did and then prophet
Muhammed peace be upon him .

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This makes me remember
someone who made his God from
pressed date and within starvation
he did ate his God and said : how
you are sweety my God !
2. I see different sizes of Gods in
paganism ( paganism is
polytheism ) one is large and one is
small sized ; which size is the size
of the God ??
Its obvious this is mind cancelling ( as I
saw from my speech with a Hindu
member ; he couldn’t understand the
language of his book , he told me only
preists do understand it ! )

8. If Islam came to ensure the idea of one

God why in the Quran we see Allah
speaks by plural ?
Well , its one of the characteristic things
of Arabic language the speaker may use
the the plural as a sign of greatness and
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no realy greatness except for Allah , but
this method is used in the court by the
judge they write by plural .
But by little thinking we can differentiate
between the sites Allah did use plural and
singular ; the singular method when he tells
us about Divinity as he is one but the plural
when he tells us about his great acts like
sending prophets and books , creation ,
resurrection .. etc
Look at these Quranic verses to
understand :
‫ اني انا ربك فاخلع نعليك انك بالواد المقدس طوي‬.1

Indeed , I am your lord , so remove your

sandals . Indeed you are in the sacred valley
of Tuwa

‫ و ما ارسلنا من قبلك من رسول الا نوحي اليه انه لا‬.9

‫اله الا انا فاعبدون‬
And We sent not before you any
messanger except that We revealed to
PAGE 95 OF 238
him that , " There is no deity except me ,
so worship me "
‫ ان هذه امتكم امه وحده و انا ربكم فاعبدون‬.3
Indeed this , your religion , is one
religion , and I am your lord , so worship
me .

‫ يعبادي الذين امنوا ان ارضي وسعه فايي فاعبدون‬.4

O My servants who believed , indeed my
earth is spacious, so worship me .

‫ و ان اعبدوين هذا صرط مستقيم‬.5

And that you worship [only] me ? this is a
straight path

‫انا نحن نرث الارض و من عليها و الينا يرجعون‬ .6

Indeed , it is We who will inherit the Earth and
whoever is on it , and to Us they will be
returned .

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‫انا نحن نحي المويت و نكتب ما قدموا و اثرهم و كل شي‬ .7
‫احصينه في امام مبين‬
Indeed , We who bring back the dead to life
and record what they have put forth and what
they left behind , and all things We have
enumerated in a clear register.
‫ انا نحن نحي و نميت و الينا المصير‬.8

Indeed , it is We who give life and cause death ,

and to Us the destination
‫انا نحن نزلنا عليك القران تنزيلا‬ .2
Indeed , it is We who have sent down to you ,
( O Muhammed ) , the Qur’an progressively
‫و ما خلقنا السموت و الارض و ما بينهما الا بالحق‬ .10
And we have not created the heavens and earth
and that between them except in truth .
9. Is earth flat in the Quran?!

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Well , we should differentiate betweem a
fact , a theory and an assumption ; Quranic
facts and scientific cosmic facts .
We may consider something in the universe
a fact but it isn’t as we also may consider
some thing in the Quran wrong for thinking
it’s a Quranic fact but it isn’t .
For example the church did adopt the
principle of the flat earth also some of the
muslim scholars thought that also some
people thought that the earth is the center of
thr universe and the sun orbits it .

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Well those who said the Earth is flat from
the Quran they were wrong as they adopted
something which in reality isn’t a Quranic
fact ; not mentioned in the Quran .
Also it isn’t a thing in the Quran to be
related with beliefs .
But lets make a little research on this
subject from the Quran to clearify that the
Earth is oval or to be more specific egg
shaped !
In the beginning we should know that the
Quran did conspicuously mention that the
Earth isn’t flat but egg-shaped .

َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َْْ َ
‫(و الأرض بعد ذل ّك دحاها) صدق الله العظيم‬
Which is wrongly translated into flat but the
Arabic meaning of the red word to be egg

PAGE 99 OF 238
shaped . and this is in the Verse 30 the
Surah 79 .
The red word is and Arabic word taken
from the egg and this is the best word to
describe the earth fro spreading out and
being oval and not like a ball but like this
figure .

Another thing that I found every translations

of the Quran use a words sometimes give no
near meaning to the real meaning like when
Allah resembled the earth with the birthblace
they translated it into a ( CARPET ) and the
word carpet in the Quran wes never
mentioned ! and this word mad many atheists
to say what are the similarities between
Earth and carpet and they are right but they
thought it’s a Quranic fact while it isn’t . so
they have to make another deep research for
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the real menings not the superficial wrong
translations .
Now after clarifying that in the Quran there
is a word describing the earth like we know
so the next paragraphs will be about : Is
there and contradiction in the Quran about
this matter ? ; did the Quran say the Earth is
falt ?
Lets look at these Verses to understand :
‫إدخلوا األرض المقدسة‬ .1
Enter the Holly Land (5:21)
‫بأى أرض تموت‬ .9
In what land he is to die (31-34)
‫يريد أن يخرجكم من ارضكم بسحره فماذا تأمرون‬ .3
He wants to get you out of your
land by his magic so what do you
instruct ? (7-110)
‫فبعث الله غرابا يبحث فى األرض‬ .4
Then Allah send a raven , who
scratched the ground (5-31)

‫ الذى جعل لكم االرض مهدا‬.5

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He who has made for you the Earth
like a birthblace (20-53)
‫واألرض فرشناها فلنعم الماهدون‬ .6
And the Earth we have spread out
and excellent is the Preparer
‫القى فى االرض رواسى أن تميد بكم‬ .7
And He set up on the Eatrh
mountains standing firm lest it shift
( deviate ) with you (16-15)
‫واالرض ممدناها و القينا فيها رواسى‬ .8
And the Earth We have spreat it out
and set thereon mountains firm (15-
‫و إلى االرض كيف سطحت‬ .2
And the land how it is spread out

‫ و هو الذى خلق الليل و النهار و الشمس والقمر‬.10

‫كل فى فلك يسبحون‬
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And He is who created the night and
the day and the sun and the moon and
all in an orbit swimming . (21-33)
‫ ال الشمس ينبغى لها أن تدرك القمر و ال الليل‬.11
‫سابق النهار و كل فى فلك يسبحون‬
It isn’t permitted to the sun to catch up
the moon nor does the night outstrip
the day ; each in and orbit swimming

As we clarify before and we did try to

to resolve that by correcting mistakes in
translations which were already
translated by forieners not arabs !
And the second mistake after carpet is
translating in some situations the word
‫أرض‬which means Earth , land or even a
ground and sometimes country and other
meanings is mistranslated according to
the real meaning i.e sometimes it means
land but translated into Earth !
Now lets focus on the first four verses we
will understand that they talk about a part of
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the Earth not the earth and this is the right
translation of the word ‫ أرض‬In this situation .
But from the fifth to the ninth verses they
talk anout the Earth as a planet but in most
translations there are two types of mistakes
the first as we knew the carpet which in
reality never mentioned in the Quran by the
meaning the translation did show on the
contrary the right translation was birthblace
to show how the earth was prepared for us
for living and the second problem wasn’t
about translation but about the word spread
out which was taken by mistake as it equal
being flat and this was a wrong scientific
fact because spreading something out
doesn’t mean to be flat only it could be
enourmous spherical or ovoid shaped object
like Earth and this is clarified from the
context of the ninth verse .
In the ninth verse :
‫و إلى االرض كيف سطحت‬
And the land how it is spread out

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The speech was directed to the people
who lived in the desert asking them to look
at the mountain hoe it was set up strongly
and to the heavesns and to the cammels how
it was created perfectly and to the land how
it was flat .
And they think he did say the earth but this
isn’t logically for two reasons how to ask
those who live in desert to know and see the
earth from the sky ! and the second he
speaks about those who on the land about
things are in their sights so the best thing is
land not Earth .
And this deduction locically acceptable
and scientifically also even the Quranic facts
do so ; we said it was directly mentioned that
the Earth mentioned to be spherical like Egg
and if it is said tha land is flat for everyone
who look around in anyplace on Earth
without edges even if anyone did travel
across the earth it will be alike so the only
geometrical shape is sphere or ovoid like
Earth as Quran and science describe it but
the Quran did precede it .
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And this picture may help you to
understand the ninth verse meaning if you
couldn’t understand till now .

Now back to tenth and eleventh verses

with another way of deduction using an
active healthy mind .
‫ و هو الذى خلق الليل و النهار و الشمس والقمر‬.10
‫كل فى فلك يسبحون‬
PAGE 106 OF 238
And He is who created the night and
the daylight and the sun and the moon
and all in an orbit swimming . (21-33)
‫ ال الشمس ينبغى لها أن تدرك القمر و ال الليل‬.11
‫سابق النهار و كل فى فلك يسبحون‬
It isn’t permitted to the sun to catch up
the moon nor does the night outstrip
the daylight ; each in and orbit
swimming (36-40)
For the first careless reading you may
think both verses have the same meaning
but this is wrong .
It is known that the word orbit mans
moving in a circular or ovoid way around
something if it is said that the night and day
light orbit something it would be the earth so
the earth should be spherical or ovoid for
that and this is conspicuously right !
It is said the the night couldn’t outstrip
daylight and this means existence of both
day and light at the same time so lets look as
if this proves that Earth is flat or ovoid ?

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If slat it would only be night or only there
is daylight and this doesn’t happen in the
reality and it isn’t a Quranic fact then it
couldn’t be flat in both point of view .
Even in case of another geometrical
shapes with flat surface with edges .

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But in case of oval or spherical shape :

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Lets give a look for this verse :
} ‫{ فال أقسم برب المشارق و المغارب إنا لقادرون‬
So I swear by the Lord of all risings and
settings that indeed we are able (71-40)
The verse say that there are many point of
rising and setting and this can only be if the
earth is spheroidal otherwisw if it was flat it
would have only one setting point nad one
rising point .
Now after I clarify that by many different
ways and different verses using many
methoods of comparison but the final result
was only one result that the Allah did say to
the prophet Muhammed peace be upon him
these verses which wrote in the Quran 1400
years ago and proves the Divinity of that
Holly Book .
And it’s a Quranic fact that the Earth is
spherical ( egg shaped ) , so will you
believe ?!

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10. Is there a numerical mistake in the
Quran about creation ? is there as
contradiction ?
Well the simple answer would be no of
course but for the detailed answer lets
read these verses :
‫ إن ربكم الله الذى خلق السموت و األرض فى ستة‬.1
Indeed , your lord is Allah who vreated the
heavens and the Earth in six days (7-54)
‫ إن ربكم الله الذى خلق السموت و األرض فى ستة‬.9
Indeed , your lord is Allah who vreated the
heavens and the Earth in six days (10-3)
‫ و هو الذى خلق السموت و األرض فى ستة أيام‬.3
And he is who created the heavens and the
earth in six days (11-7)
‫ الذى خلق السموت و األرض و ما بينهما فى ستة‬.4
And he is who created the heavens and the
earth and all that between in six days (25-

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‫ و لقد خلقنا السموت و األرض و ما بينهما فى ستة‬.5
‫أيام و ما مسنا من لغوب‬
We created the heavens and the earth and
all between them in six days and there
touched Us no weariness (51-38)
‫ قل أئنكم لتكفرون بالذى خلق األرض فى يومين و‬.6
‫تجعلون له أندادا ذلك رب العلمين و جعل فيها روسى‬
‫من فوقها و برك فيها و قدر فيها أقوتها فى أربعة أيام‬
‫سواء للسائلين ثم استوى إلى السماء و هى دخان فقال‬
‫لها و لألرض ائتيا طوعا أو كرها قالتا أتينا طائعين‬
… ‫فقضىهن سبع سموات فى يومين‬
‫صدق الله العظيم‬
Say : do you indeed disbelieve in He who
created the earth in two days and attribute
to him equals ? That is the Lord of the
worlds ,, and He placed on the earth firmly
set mountains over its surface and He
blessed it and determined therein its
sustenance in four days for those who ask ,,
Then He directed Himself to the heavens
wjile it was smoke and said to it and to the
earth come willingly or by compulsion they
said : we have come willingly ,,and he
PAGE 112 OF 238
completed them as seven heavens within
two days … (41-9:12)

We can see that in the first five verses there

is a complete similarity between verses
about the days of creation so it’s a Quranic
fact that the heavens and the Earth were
created in six days but lets look at the sixth
verse which (superficially) may give an
impression of contradiction .
Lets count :
Earth creation + setting up +heavens creation
Mountains and blessing
it with sustenance determining
2 + 4 + 2
So I was told that this is a contradiction in the
Quran but this isn’t so let me explain :
The creation is to create something can be
touched , seen or cant but it’s absolutely a
thing not a verbe ! i.e blessing the Earth and
sustenance determining aren’t created thing
they are verbs show acting .
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Its simple to understand that by a little thinking
with open mind not to try to prove there are
contradicions but what is the reality !
So by comparison of the six verses we should
lnow that determining sustenance and
blessing the Earth took two days so the
mountains took two days and the earth took
two days like the heavens also two days = six
days of creation and two days of blessing and
sustenance determining !
11. How can God create the universe just in
six days ? six days aren’t sufficient for a
falt to be built .. the science did say that
universe age is about 14 billions years
and had many stages to form galaxies in
its contents …
well ,
1. Allah is Able to create anything from
nothing and his order is between the B
and the E in the word Be !
2. Allah isn’t timed – doesn’t follow the time
law – as he isn’t surrounded by a place
PAGE 114 OF 238
because both are created and two faces
of one coin so six days not for Allah but
six days for the universe itself .
3. And the word day means a period of
time to be a long or a short period of
time also Allah used the word (‫ )ثم‬which
means then and used to show a large
period between two actions so it isn’t
about the day we know ( 24 hours )
4. Scientifically the day differs from one
place to another – I mean planets and
another solar systems – as the day is the
time needed for the object ( planet ,
moon ,star even galaxies ) to make a
turn around itself .. also the year ; the
year for the sun equals 225:250 billions
earth years while the earth year is
365.35 days !
5. Aacording to the realtivity the Time
changes with the speed and the time
changes from every motion system
( palnets ..etc ) I.e the year on the earth
is the time taken by the earth to orbit the
sun equals 365.25 days while that of
Jupiter equals 11.852 years !
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Also when the speech changes the time
changes the more increased the speech
the decreased the time till reaching light
speed ( C ) time stops and when the
speed increase more the we get back
into the time !
So the universe motion not like the Earth
motion and the the universe speed not
like Earth speed so trying to compare
the day of the universe while the
beginning while the physics deduced
the super speed and super physics laws
were at the beginning to limits cant be
imagined .
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12. Did the Quran mention that Earth if
fixed ? ( doesn’t rotate the sun ? ) and did
the Quran mention that the sun rotates the
earth ?
The best answer on that question is to ask
the debator to bring one verse about that !
and he wont find eventually !
In reality directly the Quran didn’t mention
the motion of the Earth but indirectly it is
mentioned .
Look at these verses :
‫{ و ترى الجبال تحسبها جامدة و هى تمر مر السحاب صنع‬
} ‫الله الذى أتقن كل شىء إنه خبير بما تفعلون‬
And you see the mountains thinking they are
rigid and fixed in their places while they pass
as the passing of the cloud . it’s the work of
Allah who perfected all things . indeed He is
acquainted with that which you do (27-88)

And if it is known like I mentioned that

mountains are said to be rigidly fixed on the
Earth then the motion of mountains came
from the Earth motion , logically and Quranic
fact .
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13. Is it mentioned in the Quran that
mountains prevent earth shaking ? so
why do earthquakes occur nearly
everyday ? does reality and science
contradict with the Quran ?!

Well again taking an information as a

Quranic fact while it isn’t a Quranic fact
indeed Quran did tell us there will be
earthquakes while volcanoes and mountains
also exists in surah Al-Zalzala but they ask
about this verse :

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‫القى فى االرض رواسى أن تميد بكم‬
And He set up on the Eatrh mountains
standing firm lest it shift ( deviate ) with
you (16-15)
*** its obvious that the word (‫ )تميد‬which
means to deviate .. not shaking .
to explain ; that superfacial surface of the
earth is solid in form under it there are a
layers of molten rocks and metals then there
is a solid part . its like having a small ball
inside a larger one between them water .

Lets imagine if you tried to move upon it it

will move and deviate beneath your feets .

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And it’s a fact that we see from the
mountain is only one third but the root is
about two thirds fixing the superficial layers
of the earth by wedging action and by
increasing its weight also .

PAGE 120 OF 238

To understand more look at the folloeing
diagrams :

When tring to move from pont one to two

The earth surface moves in absence of

mountains .
PAGE 121 OF 238
But in presence of mountains this occur
normally :

From another view :

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PAGE 123 OF 238
And I hope I made it clear and to be
honest the precise word choosing (‫)تميد‬
shows that the Eatrh is Oval and cant be
flat as and it is easy to deduce that if the
few last pages are understood .
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14. The Quran is just a copy from the
Torah ?!
In reality this is a half-logical question as
we can find superficial similarities between
the both but with proper inspection we can
find that there is a great difference between
both even if both had the same title .
We know the Allah in the Quran did mention
that he is the God who sent Moses with the
Torah but mentioned also that its scriptures
were corrupted ; so its normal to find
similarities like I said just superficial .
To give examples Jacob as we know were
the God’s prophet was mentioned in the old
testament ( so must be in the holly book of
the Christians ) that he did beat the God and
tied him with hands and told him I wont let
you go unless you bless me and it was
mentioned also that the God did bless him to
let him go ! .. it is mentioned also that he
( peace be upon him ) did make love with his
sons wife ! .. and this completely a lie .
We believe this is a lie and Jacob was a
great prophet of Allah we love him and he
didn’t do these things or such as .
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Also they said he did beat the God and this
isn’t what we do believe we know and
believe that is a great lie .
So they have a God and we do they have
prophets and we do maybe the names are
similar but what about them is a great
difference .
Also it was mentioned that Ibraham left
Ismaiel and his wife Hajar by the order of his
wife and our mother Sarah ! and this
completely a lie and there is a long story
about that all muslims know that he left them
by God’s order and there the spring and
water of Zamzam we found under the baby
legs ( Ismaiel peace be upon him ) so where
are the similarities ?
To be in consideration in the Torah you will
find no one verse about life after death or the
day of judgement .
Do you still think there are similarities ? do
you even think it has the original scriptures ?
Of course NO

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15. Is there a contradiction between :
‫ و قفوهم إنهم مسئولون‬.1
And stop them , they are to be asked
( questioned ) (37-24)
‫ فيومئذ ال يسأل عن ذنبه إنس و ال جان‬.9
On that day none will be asked about
his sin among men or jinn (55-39)

No there is no contradiction for the first verse

it is mean to be judged while the second
means to be asked about the sin like saying
what is your sin ?! what did you do ? ..
And it is known in Arabic that the word (‫)يسأل‬
means to judge or even to just ask .
16. Is there a contradiction between :
‫ إنك ال تهدي من أحببت و لكن الله يهدي من يشاء‬.1
‫وهو أعلم بالمهتدين‬
You don’t guide whom you like but Allah
guides whom He wills and he knows best
those who receive guidance (28-56)

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‫ و إنك لتهدي إلى صراط مستقيم‬.9
And indeed you guide to straigt path

No there is no contradiction because there

are two types of guidance heart guidance
and path guidance ; the heart guidance by
Allah’s will and the path guidance by both
Allah’s will and the prophet peace be upon
him will .
Lets look at this verse and try to
understand it :
‫{ و أما ثمود فهديناهم فاستحبوا العمى على الهدى فأخذتهم‬
} ‫صاعقة العذاب الهون بما كانوا يكسبون‬
And as for Thamud , we guided them , but they
preferred blindness over guidance so the
thunderbolt of humiliating punishment seized
them for what they used to earn (41-17)

As we see that they did reject the guidance

of the path so the heart guidance was
canceled because Allah { knows best
those who receive guidance} (28-56)
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17. How could the God be just (fair) and
compassionate (merciful) at the same
time ? then the God doesn’t exist !
This is a nonsense of course because not
understandind something doesn’t concern
with its existence or absence .
Well to give a simple idea about that I will
give a simple example :
I will ask atheist if Allah did obligate him
whether to believe in him or not ? the
answer will be no of course because it is
his choice to believe or not .. indeed
atheists will pass lines and say there is no
God but I am telling them this isn’t the
answer of my question so keep focusing
on the main point ( please ) .
Allah did create everything in the world ;
air food water .. etc everyone thiests or
athiests do benefit from that these things
didn’t say you don’t believe you wont take
the benefits of me .. the God didn’t forbid
these things on those whom doesn’t
believe but he created them and all did
take the benefits .
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Justice : Allah didn’t obligate you to
believe in him or not to do as the judge will
be on you so you have your choice .
Mercy : Allah didn’t forbid on you what
he created to take advantage of it in your
life and even if you used it better than the
believers you will get better results ; like
we see now in Arab and Western
countries .
So this is a simple example in life but
after resurrection we will see both on the
best way because he is the Just ( Al Adl
‫ ) العدل‬and the Merciful ( Al Rahim ‫ ) الرحيم‬he
is Allah .
Anyhow this isn’t the matter of his
existence or not but indeed this question
should be asked after believing there is a
God thn you seek to understand his
names ( by the way Allah has many names
like Al Rahin – The Just – and All are for
the same God ) .

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18. Who is Allah ?
Allah is the name of the necessary
existence he chosen it to be his name so
we do never find any creature ( man are )
has That name for any member and this
won’t happen and if the question isn’t
about the name so read this scripture :

In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful , the

Especially Merciful { say : he is Allah , the one (1)
Allah , the Eternal , absolute (2) He neither begot
nor is born (3) Nor is there to Him any equivalent
Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
Allah isn’t like anything so it is WRONG to
think he is a man but producing light or a
large enormous man so even the believers
will be astonished when they see Him at
the paradise . and the Quran can tell you
more .
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19. Why Allah the right God ? convince me ..
prove it .
This is a good question specially when
asked by an agnostic _ the forth typr of
persons _ not atheists as they wont care as
they believe there is no God .
Also this answer is good for those of other
religions except Islam :
1. I see one mistake in a religion book
shows a problem and every book in the
world have mistakes and
contradictions while in the Quran there
are no even many attempts and when
you clarify that they begin to show
blind faith .
2. Islam is the last religion of Heaven
origin and this is known and Allah did
say I did send moses , Jesus and
Muhammed beace be upon them all
and said jesus didn’t pretend to be a
god and he said in thw Quran he is the
One and Muhammed is the last
messangerand prophet and no religion
after Islam and we couldn’t see any
reply on that from any other god – of
other religions - .. otherwise what is
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written in Islam should be true as no
one except Allah is the only God and
the God of Islam is the God of All
religions but people did corrupt it .
so id Jesus is a God why he didn’t
defend himself and his property
aganist Allah ? the nser is clear Allah is
the God . Even the prophet did say
there will be the Dajjal will pretend to
be Allah but Jesus will come back and
kill him and declare that he believe
Muhammed is the last messanger and
Allah is the only God and he is the slave
of Allah and the brother of prophet
Muhammed peace be upon him in the
prophecy .
And I think this should be sufficient for those
who understand that Allah is the God ; he was
and he will be , before our creation and after .

He is the One

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20. As you worship 99 Gods !
This was the answer from a Christian
person when I told him why you believe in 3
Gods while it mentioned there is only God in
your scriptures .
And this is important as trinity never
mentioned as they say they believe there is
the God father the God son and the holly
spirit they are 3 but 1 !! how this be possible
even mathematically !
3 doesn’t 1 and 1 doesn’t equal third .
But the 99 are names for the same God
when you say Allah like Al Rahim ( merciful )
like Al Rhman ( merciful ) like Al shakour
( the thankful ) .. and His names aren’t only
99 but that we are told by the prophets .
So when you say Al Rahman like saying
Allah both are the One , not like the trinity
when you say the son you mean Jesus and
the father you mean the creator and this is
totally wrong , as you don’t have to call for
Jesus or Muhammed peace be upon them
but you have to call for The Creator Allah
Al Rahim .
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21. Why to ask and worship Allah ?
Allah takes no advantages from
worshipping him nor He looses anything
from not worshibbing him , but we worship
so he give us not just giving us food or
money but to give patience health also
paradise and the most important thing is to
see him , and when we read about the
biography of many religion men from
trusted people we can see what they were
given ( I did see some ) .
Allah did say in the Quran if are thankful I
will give you more .
You have to ask the God for everything but
you have to do your best to get that as Allah
made the cause and effect law a real law in
the life but when He wants to break it He
does simply . so never stop asking Allah .
Allah near to those who believe him when
they ask him and he chooses what is the
best for them even if it was something other
than they asked him .
Even you don’t believe he will help if you
obligated .
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I remember a women whose sons were
beated by bad men she asked Allah infront
of them that their flesh to be torn after a
week they were in a hospital by a dog bites
and they sateyed for more than a week
there ! .. and the women lives near me .
And we worship Allah as we believed in
him as a God and he told us to do so , so
asking this Question should have the
answer as I believe in him like a God .
So praying fasting should have no reason
except that , but after that we could know
the wisdom of that like fasting is good for
health but for us while worshipping its
because Allah told us to do .
When I thank Allah I make for life after
death also i.e if I passed my exam and my
atheist friend did so and I thanked Allah I did
for my life after death and he didn’t , so wer
aren’t equal as we both did our best in life
and succeeded but I thanked Allah and
remembered him but my friend didn’t do so !
So there is many diffrences , never stop
asking and worshipping The God .
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22. Is there any satanic revelation in the
Quran ?
Well , the origin in this question was found in
ans old Islamic book and that story
happened but not like it was mentioned in
hat book but like I will try to clarify .
At the beginning the answer of that
question is ( NO )
It was mentioned that the prophet
recitate from Surah AL-Njm ( the star ) till
reaching :

( Have you seen Lat. And Uzza and

Manat,the third other one ) (53-19:20)
And Lat , Uzza & Manat were statues they
worshipped it .
And in the strange book it was mentioned
that the prophet peace be upon him did say
good things about these names that was
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supposed to be a Quran so the disblievers
did prostrate .. and this completely a lie .
What was known that the leadders of the
disblievers spontaneously did prostrate but
for naot that reason as we will show .
We – muslims – should prostrate at the end
for that Surah as the prophet did do so and
the prophet said everything did do that .
And the delusion of satanic revelation was
clarified at the beginning of the same Surah !
as Allah did say :

By the star when it goes down (1) your

companion ( Muhammed ) hasn’t strayed
nor erred (2) nor does he speak from his
own desire (3) it isn’t but a revelation
revealed (4) taught to him by one intense
in strength ) (53-1:5)
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And that is in the beginning of the Surah as
if Allah knew previously the fake story .
But as I said why they did prostrate read
that from the same surah also :

And that he destroyed the first people of

Aad (50) and Thamud and he didn’t
spare them (51) and the people of Noah
before indeed they were more unjust and
oppressing (52)and the overturned towns
He hurled down (53) And covered them
by that which He covered (54) then which
of favor of your Lord do you doubt ? (55)
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this is a warner of the warners of old
(56)the approaching day has approached
(57)of it besides Allah there is no
remover (58) then at this speech do you
wander ? (59) and you laugh and don’t
weep (60) while you are playing in
vanities (61) so prostrate to Allah and
worship (62) (53-50:62)

Allah Almighty has spoken the truth

For those who understand these verses
may turn children into elder at once .
And to be clear to understand how did they
prostrate and obey Allah’s order in the
Quran you should understand Arabic as the
accent of speeking is like war declaring and
while iam reading it I can hear the war
drums ; they did declare war on their
creator so its unequal war .
so prostrate to Allah and worship
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23. It is mentioned in the Quran jesus
miracles but can you mention
Muhammed’s miracles ? – peace be
upoh him - .
This was a question from a Christian friend
but first we should know that miracles
cames for those who believe only what they
can see and the miracle has a time to finish
– this is for Jesus or Moses miracles not
Muhammed’s peace be upon him miracle –
The miracle of Moses wa his stick and that
of Jesus was healing and making dead alive
by the order of Allah . but no one can take it
as a proof now as Jesus isn’t here and
moses stick also isn’t here .
So the miracle by that meaning isn’t a
proof except for people who lived at the
time of it .
And now not anything is a miracle – a real
miracle – as magicians can do miracles
caleed magic and you will believe what your
eyes see but in reality it is wron so miracles
usually isn’t the first parameter .

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And here are some of the prophet
Muhammed beace be upon him miracles :
1. The priest did know him and told him
jew will fight him while he was a
young boy .
2. His chest opening infront of other
child .
3. The wall told him : peace be upon
you . before knowing he was a
prophet .
4. None called Muhammed before him
and his name means to be praised .
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5. When his disbelieve strong leader
uncle tried to step on his neck when
the prophet peace be upon him
praying he ran back terrifying as he
saw an andle and great fire defending
the prophet .
6. during migration in the cave the
disblievers didn’t see him even if
someone looked under his feet he
would see him and his friend .
7. the Persian Salman knew him before
being a prophet and came from a long
way to join Islam .
8. moon splitting .
9. Ascension ( MiraaJ )
10. Water coming between his fingers
and the army did drink ( all of
soldiers ! )
11. The poisoned sheep did tell him don’t
eat from me .
12. The cammel did complain from his
owner for not feeding and too much
working .
13. The bird did tel him that some sone
took its eggs .
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14. The root of the palm tree did cry
when the people build a place so the
prophet peace be upon him can
stand on to talk to them and the
prophet did calm it down and hugged
it and if the prophet didn’t do that it
would have still crying till now .
15. If Jesus did awake a dead body by
God’s order the prophet Muhammed
peace be upon him did awake minds
by God’s orders till now .
And many other mirackes for those can
search but all of them did pass .
But the difference between all miracles that
the Quran itself is the great miracles of the
prophet peace be upon him so I can proudly
Allah is my God and Lord , Muhammed
peace be upon him is his last messanger
and prophet and the Quran is his miracle .
So you can still look at the miracle , as we
saw in this book and as we will continue to
see in other parts and as we will see till the
end of life .
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24. What is the proof for moon splitting ?
why there is no one ancient civilization
did write about that ?
Most of other theists ask that so we have to
ask them what is your proof for Jesus or
Moses existence ?
But for other types as most of them believe
in evolution also there is no one ancient
civilization showing a half-ape man also we
didn’t find any ancient civilization on earth
except for men how could this be possible to
try scientifically prove something without an
evidence , even some of fossils were proved
to be fake – aiming what ? – also some give
no coherent scientifical proof i.e when they
found a fish having fins like the hand they
thought its evolution but why it was created
like that ? and in evolution we only find
fishes became fishes also , so where is the
proof ?!
When USA declared they step upon the
moon that was fake as the flage was moving
proudly while no air on the moon .
Althought there are many images on the
internet for ancient drawings for moon
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splitting but iam not an archaeologist so I
don’t know whether its real or fake and
indeed it doesn’t matter .
What matters to know that these types of
miracles has its time for those who saw it ,
even there is some articles that there is a
large furrow and groove on the moon like the
moon was separated and collected back by
different material , but iam not sure as I am
not an astronaut .
And if you asked me why I do believe in it as
the Quran told us about that and if the Quran
show about 80% right scientific verses in it
which was proved in labs to be correct then
the rest 20% that cant be till now proved must
be right as the 80% one day were impossible
to be proven also . the Quran is the nowadays
miracles .
You are master of coincidence so what is the
possibility of presence of clouds at that day ?
what is the possibility that some civilizations
did draw that but it was lost ? you are master
of coincidence and probability so you can
answer on yourself while my answer that this
kind of miracles for that saw and if you don’t
believe that it didn’t split one day PROVE IT .
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25. Illness , disability , good and evil ,
death .. all why ?? so God doesn’t
exist ?!
These things doesn’t mean inexistent
God ! this is a logical fallacy .
These things may lead us to think how the
God thinks , indeed it will be a secret as we
aren’t gods to understand that .
But lets look whether the evil is a pure evil
or it carries within it Good , in life to see not
everything must be transparent then we
eont see anything there must be
somethings opaque there must be light and
shadow also to know there is a movement
there should be a stop ..
1. By talking about illness – diseases –
and disabilities , if The God didn’t
create them whould medicine has
developed ? I think there will be no
existence of medicine whaich is one of
the largest window of human
evolution . man did made many new
diseases like ( AIDS ) by wrong acts he
created mutations by nuclear bombs if
PAGE 147 OF 238
the mutation wasn’t before that the
disaster would have benn larger .
And the God is fair you may find
someone disable but he is intelligent in
something the healthy men cant be like
him . and this must make you thank
your God any time any situation as he
wont choose for you except the best for
you .
2. For good and evil , as the first point is a
part of it but here we should know what
is the rare and what is the parameter ?
the rare is the evil the parameter is the
good beside that the evil isn’t pure evil
always i.e when earthquakes occur we
can define areas for mining and
extraction of earth elements with
volcanoes we can have the most fertile
soil from the snake venom we can
extract the medication from microbes
we can get antibiotics and other
medications like insulin after wars
peace comes and with it many new
inventions and war is an hour while
peace years .
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3. By coming to the death point , I don’t
understand whether theywant eternal
life ? then are they human ? of course
what gives the life its importance that
we die .
So imagine how life will be if everyone
on the earth did live – except you
believe in Eugenia - .
Lets look at the death from the
religious window , if you want to go to
your lovely member you have to take a
ride the death id the vehicle to the God
it is just a method to the other world to
meet the Greatest beloved he is the
God Allah Al-Wadood ( the lovely ) .
And if you love the life like that , so how
should we love the one who created all
of that ? to sum up we love death like
you love the life .

At the End , don’t commit this logical fallacy

as these questions doesn’t prove inexistent
God .
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26. Why we are judged while the Quran tell
us that all we do is by God’s will ? where
is the free will here and ability to
choose ?!
This proves your misunderstanding of the
meaning of God’s will and the concept of the
freedom and free will .
The God’s will is to give you the ability to
choose whether to believe in him or not ; he
gave you the free will but told you the
dimensions of the issue that there will be
inferno – hell – and paradise and even
seeing him .
So when you disobey him you don’t
contradict with His will as his will is to give
you the right to choose whether to be in hell
or paradise .
To understand the concept of the free will
we should know that there are things we are
obligated with like your parents ,
birthplace , children , height , intelligence ,
strength and these aren’t things to be
considered contradictions with the free will
as you wont be judged for them but some
want to choose their parents before their
PAGE 150 OF 238
existence and some want the rain to get
down where they want and prevent it from
they want indeed they want to be Gods !
We are just judged in things that we have
the free will to do or not ; like rubbery of a
bank or killing nations by the name of
science or the name evolution .
Allah did say in the Quran :
‫{ ألم تر أن الله يسجد له من فى السموت و من فى األرض‬
‫و الشمس و القمر و النجوم و الجبال و الشجر و الدواب و‬
‫كثير من الناس و كثير حق عليه العذاب و من يهن الله فما‬
‫له من مكرم إن الله يفعل ما يشاء } صدق الله العظيم‬
( Do you not see that to Allah prostrates
whoever in the heavens and whoever is on
the Earth and the sun , the moon , the
stars , the mountains , the trees , the moing
creatures (animals) and many of the
people ? But upon many the punishment
has been justified . And he whom Allah
humiliates – for him there is no bestower of
honor . Indeed Allah does what He wills . )
Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
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We can see that everthing is completely
prostrate to Allah except wit man Allah
said and many ( not all ) showing that it was
His will to let them choose at the end of the
verse . so Allah loves His believers of man
and jinn as they did choose him not like
other creatures even the angles as they
are created without any free will .
Allah did say in His holly Quran :
‫{ إن نشأ ننزل عليهم من السماء ءاية فظلت أعنقهم لها‬
‫خاضعين } صدق الله العظيم‬
If we willed , we could send down to
them from they sky a sign for which their
necks would remain humbled (26-4)
Allah has spoken the truth .
As we see if Allah wanted to obligate us He
will do but he gave up the choise as we see
He wants us to love Him as we see He
wants hearts not necks , so we found in a
holly speech The God said if I didn’t create
a paradise and a hell didn’t I deserve to be
worshipped ?
I answer Allah do deserve as he is the
Creator and our God .
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But if the question was about knowing
who will be in the hell we should say
knowing something before it happening
doesn’t mean that you are obligated to do it
but it proves the unlimited knowledge of
the God .
If a teacher said that his student wont
pass the exam there are two possibilities
that the student will pass or he wont pass if
he didn’t pass then the teacher knew that
he didn’t study then he did deduce that but
he didn’t obligate the student to fail , but if
he passed the exam the possibilities that
the student did cheat in the exam or he did
study harder in the last chance so the
problem here is that the teacher didn’t
know about the future .
Indeed Allah know everything about the
past , the present and the future ( ours ) so
there is no possibility that something
happens without His knowledge and his
Will , as we shown before he said those
who will say let us to back to life to do good
He said they are liars ( something didn’t
happen ) as He knows possibilities .
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27. Is there is life after death ? prove it .
A question not in position as you have to
believe that there is a God then ask about
what He did tell us , you must take the
logical order as skipping one step make
you lost again and you have to begin again .
But iam asking you was there a life before
birth ?

Not understanding something doesn’t

mean its fake or wrong .
If I asked you when your first point of life
you wont know but it doesn’t mean you
didn’t have some sort of life before
existence so if you was alive before having
PAGE 154 OF 238
your body then what is the matter in another
life without having that body again !
In reality we just look for one chapter of
the play whci is after birth but life after
death or before birth is sometimes
considered fake !
We just look between the brackets like it is
the only true thing while our Creator told us
no it isn’t the only thing .
It was said that being thirsty proves water
existence and being thirsty to justice proves
its existence which cant be here in life so
there is life after death and this was the
opinion of many philosophers .
But many of atheists cant be convinced so
I have to tell them if you want a proof you
can kill your selves if you need an urgent
answer or if you want a delayed one just
wait your turn in the train of death .


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28. Why don’t you – Muslims - believe in
Christianity while the Quran say that
Jesus is the God’s word and his spirit ?
The right question should be why the
Christians don’t believe in Islam as it says
the truth about Jesus and Jesus did tell
them to follow any religion that say that
Jesus is good person .
But I will try to clarify the concept of God’s
word and God’s spirit
 God’s spirit : the Christians think it’s a
part of the God but in reality it’s like I say
your house or God’s house ( mosque ) the
house isn’t a part of you but its yours –
you own it - .
So the spirit in Jesus like that was sent to
Adam , Muhammed peace be upon them
and we all to live .
 But his word it’s known that Allah say Be
for something then it is ; so Allah did say
to Jesus to be without a father and he
was .
And the christins think that the word is a
thing has an entinty beside the God .
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And I would like to say that the Christians
say the Jesus is the only son of the God
while in the Holly book Jesus did say to his
students : mu father and your father , even
other prophets in the old and new
testaments are called sons of the God .
We as muslims have no problem in saying
the son of Allah as we all are sons of the
God but not physically but as the God who
takes care of us and the One who created
us but to prevent that confusion the Islam
did use the word God instead of father not
to repeat the Christian problem and
dilemma of thinkin Jesus is the begotten
son !
So the Word God ( ‫ ) رب‬pronounced Rub in
Arabic and we prefer using that word .
So the Quran didn’t say that Jesus has the
same features as Christianity gave him as
he is his prophet and slave .
And this makes me wander if Jesus did
came the lost sheep of Israelians and
change nothing from the Torah why we
don’t find in the old testament that the God
did begot Jesus his son ! why its called
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Christianity ? is this taken from the word
Messiah ( obvious in Arabic ) so what is the
name of the real religion sent be the God !
even the Judaism is taken from Juda who
was bon after Moses by many and many
years !
So what is the real names of these
religions ? do you know what it was Islam
but by its diifrent languages as Islam
meants submission to Allah .
And there is no one proof for the trinity as
we have clarify before which is just a blind
faith .
And this makes me remember some
Christian friend who told me he love Jesus
but not that in the Hollly book ( the bible ) as
it is corrupted so I asked him so how could
you know about Jesus ? he said from the
Bible !

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29. Why gays are rejected ( pederasty is )
in religions ?
Because the God did forbid it simply . and
because its abnormal action against
human nature.
Scientificaly – as they want – in all the
medicine and biology resourses its know
that the genital system is the least
importance to the persons life but its
important only of the kind existence
continuity .
So the male genitalia are suitable for the
male genetalia the sperms finds the
suitable environment inside the female
genitalia travelling fron the vagina
reaching the fallopian tube causin the
ovaum fertilization and fetus formation .
So scientifically its incorrect and it’s
contraindicated and forbidded by
religions .
And we can find some brings fake
information from gays forums and when we
ask for a scientific resource teached in
medicine colleges we don’t find a reply .
PAGE 159 OF 238
30. Is there a contradiction between :
‫ و يستعجلونك بالعذاب و لن يخلف الله وعده و إن‬-1
‫يوما عند ربك كألف سنة مما تعدون‬
And they urge you to hasten the
punishment . But allah will never fail in
His promise . And indeed , a day with
your lord is like a thousand years of
those which you count (22-47)
‫ تعرج الملئكة و الروح إليه فى يوم كان مقداره‬-9
‫خمسين ألف سنة‬
The Angles and the Spirit ( the angle
Jibreel ) will ascend to him in a day the
extent of which is fifty thousand years
( 70-4)
No there is no contradiction as the
diffrense time and place in both verses as
the first talk about one day of punishment
on the punished creatures while the
second about the angles movement from
earth to the God ( angles are created from
light ) .

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31. Is there a contradiction between what
the prophet Muhammed peace be upon
him said that the Angle Jibreel had 600
wings and the Quran when Allah said :
‫تعالى { الحمد لله فاطر السموت و األرض جاعل الملئكة‬
‫رسال أولى أجنحة مثنى و ثالث و رباع يزيد فى الخلق ما‬
} ‫يشاء إن الله على كل شىء قدير‬
Praise to Allah , Creator of the heavens
and the earth . who made angles
messangers having wings two or three
or four . He increases in creations what
He wills . indeed , Allah is over all things
No there is any contradiction as Allah did
say : He increases in creation what he wills
And Allah Almighty has spoken the truth .

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32. Is there any contradictiob between
science and the Quran as the Quran tell
us that the man origin from between the
backbone and the ribs ?
Of course no contradiction as it’s known
in the science of embryology that during
fetus development that the tests in males or
ovaries in females have the origin between
the chest bones – ribs – and the lumbar
vertebrae ( the lowest part of the
backbone ) .
And the sperms are produced from the
tests and the ovum from the ovary who
have the origin from that are specifically ,
so we are produced from cells from this
area .
So we can find that this proves the divine
origin of the Quran and the truth of prophet
Muhammed peace be upon him as this is
written in the Quran 1400 years ago but the
modern science did find it out recently ,
and you can read and watch videos about
Prof Keith Moore opinions about Quranic
verses about emberyology .
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33. Is there any contradictiob between :
‫ ال تدركه األبصر و هو يدرك األبصر و هو‬-1
‫اللطيف الخبير‬
No vision can preceive Him but He
perceives all vision He is above all
comprehension yet is acquainted with
all things (6-103)
‫ إلى ربها ناظرة‬-9
Looking at their Lord (76-23)

There is no contradiction at the first verse

talks about what is during life but the
second verse is abou those in the paradise
Allah do give them the ability too see him .
Also like saying tha Allah doesn’t forgive
those who worshipped other fake gods and
when he forgave the Jew as He doesn’t
forgive those who dead worshipping them
but who regret in before death He wil
forgive them by His will .

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34. A mathematical mistake in the Quran ?

Indded was one of the most hard issues

for me as i'm weak at maths , so I contacted
a religion man from Algeria and I was told
the answer .
Note : the herediray law above is in one
case as there are many cases all are
abvious in the Quran and this is obvious
also but it needs explanation , so lets see
what is the answer after seeing the issue :
If the father was dead and the wife is a
live and they had childrens ( boys or girls )
PAGE 164 OF 238
so the wife should have 1/8 of what the man
left , if girls then the parents of the dead
man have the right to take from what he left
the father should have 1/6 and the mother
should have 1/6 and the daughter should
have the 2/3 of what he had left .
So this is one case only and the division
will change if there is boys only or boys and
girls together anyhow lets continue .
If what was lest was 24 L.E so the
division is :
9 /3 1/6 1/6 1 /8
16/94 + 4/94 + 4/94 + 3/94 =!! 97/94
What shows that the needed is more than
what we have , indeed this is a simple
mathematical issue as if we used the
method of division dividing the 24 into 27
parts and giving each one his right .
So the father takes 4 parts and the mother 4
parts the wife 3 parts while daughter take
16 parts and it's solved !
what was funny that the woman that asked
me that was an accountant ! I feel the bank
will give up sooner !
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35. Why there are no miracles by the name
of Allah ? like writing his name on the
sky ?
Well , as we said miracles aren’t everything
although we have the miracle between us
till now – the holly Quran – but many still
seeing only under their feets ; we have to
look for a longer look .
Anyhow there are many videos on the
youtube showing miracles – as you call it –
just like a lion or a cow repeating the name
of the God ( Allah )
Also you can find birds like the parrot can
memorize parts of the quran when it's
asked to repeat it !
I see these are miracles for many and may
prove many things , so I told him do you
believe now but guess what I hadn’t a
satisfying reply !

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36. Did the Quran mention that the sun sets
in muddy water spring ?
Lets read what Allah did say :
} ‫{ حتي اذا بلغ مغرب الشمس وجدها تغرب في عين حمئة‬
‫صدق الله العظيم‬
Until when he reached the setting of the sun he
found it setting in a spring of dark muddy water …
Allah almighty has spoken the truth
This is wrong to think this contradict
science as this verse describes what the
king did see not giving a scientific fact .
Give a look here :

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 The second type of persons as we said
before is totally persuaded – without any
proof – but he doesn’t understand or know
any thing even about science he just may
know few separate words .
So you find him trying to skip your
scientific questions .
And you shouldn’t be wonder for seeing a
word repeated over and over when you say
just one to two sentnces the word is fallacy ;
logical fallacy , I think I heared it more than
my hairs numbers from someone whose
opinion was : nothing called God even if the
God is real !

First : the most important logical fallacies

they take as an argument :
1. Ignorance judgement fallacy :
Like some theists say we don’t know
who made the earth then there is a
creator .
Atheists understand it like that but in
reality the Quran which without any
mistake did tell us so so it's right .
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And this can’t be a point for them as
also this doesn’t prove that earth isn’t
created .
So they fail in this fallacy more than
theists do !
Also they say science will discover
that later with something which
doesn’t belong to science !
Doall philosophy undergoes scientific
laws ? like beauty ?
2. The loaded question : like asking who
created you ?
And this because they say we didn’t
prove that we are creted but we did
evolve !
But I see that it's a problem with the
words of the question so if we made
the question how did you came to life
there will be no fallacy ! and the
answer will be the same .
So my advice for theists not to ask who
created you but ask like I shew you
and believe me this is a good way to
deal with them .
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3. The watchmaker fallacy :
It talks about trying to make similarity
between two situations but they
misunderstand us as the theists say
that the watch must have a maker and
the proof it the definitive organization
of it's parts and the maker isn’t only
just a maker but a clever one .
And their reply was the the universe
can exist by itself like making a watch
by a blind watchmaker !
But this is a wrong reply from them by
concentrated understanding they are
comparing two different situations as
to make equality in both situations they
had to say that the blind instruments
did make by itself the watch !
As saying a blind watchmaker doesn’t
cancel the maker !
4. The burden of proof on the claimant :
As they want to make theists claimants
and they have to give reasons and
proofs while they haven’t to explain
their proof .
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So when you ask anything they say the
burden of proof on you !
Indeed the atheism is a new movement
compared with rooted religions so
they came after religions so they have
to prove their ideas otherwise they
have no proof or evidence then the
concept of atheism is deteriorated .
5. And the worst of all is the Ad hominem
logical fallacy : and it ocuured many
and many with me specially when they
couldn’t answer me or I did answer
them .
They leave the subject or the evidence
and attack your personality , they did
attack my English some times so I had
to tell them it isn’t my mother language
and Arabic is mine and of course they
didn’t understand Arabic .
Anyhow if you was one of those
persons don’t do that because it
makes a fake useless debate .
And they are the most important fallacies
and we will stop not to wrie too much .
PAGE 171 OF 238
Second : the main reason is not to be seen!
Those who try to make themselves
scientists say we cant see the God we
can’t take him into labs !
First lets see if the vision is a problem or a
proof : first not seeing somebody or
something isn’t a proof that he didn’t exist
this is a logical fallacy ; from a thousands
of years they were many people walking at
the same way but now they are dead this
isn’t a proof that they didn’t walk .
Vision isn’t a parameter look at this
image :

PAGE 172 OF 238

A proof that the eye doesn’t give the full
image at once ; with the first look you wont
understand that the cammels are the small
colored spots while the shadows are first
thought to be the cammels for most of us .
Another picture :

And I think the message is totally obvious .

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And we know that Allah did create us by
seeing him will we understand him ? of
course not ; when we see our friends we
may see them smiling at us while inside
them they may be exploding from anger !
So vision is never a parameter .
And lets look at what science tells us
about vision as according to the relativity
we are locked inside our bodies we just
realize a part of the all !
1. When we see the red , yellow or green
light it's just a result of our brain
translation of the electromagnetic
waves that reached the eyes after
translation into electrochemical pulses
( the language of neuron system ) but
what is the reality of the
lectromagnetic waves ? we don’t know
we just know what our brain did
translate .

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2. When we look at a wall we see it
coherent as the some light waves are
reflected from that surface to our eyes
but in reality this surface is full of
pores with large distances as the
distance of the electrons shells are
more than that of the nucleus of the
atom .. and we see it like that opque as
we see the light the reflect and if our
eyes could see the light that pass
through it we would see what is
beyond the walls !
3. If they eyes could see with the X-ray
you could have seen the bones of the
people beneath the flesh !, if we could
see by the infra-red we could see in
the darkness like snakes !
4. Can we see somethings have no
existence ? yes , we do every day as
looking at the stars we can see stars
that did vanish thousands of years
ago ! as stars may be far away from us
PAGE 175 OF 238
by millions of light years but the light
still coming for us , even the sun when
we see it we would see it in its position
from about 8 minutes !
5. Can we not to see things do exist ? yes
like the soul – spirit – as we will prove
it later scientifically , also the electron
as if we tried to see one electron we
will give him an energy than moves it
and that will make us not able to see
it . we can see the radio waves ,
microwaves .. etc so how would you
like to see Allah while many of his
creatures beyond our senses !
Lets imagine that we can't see some
God’s creatures so how can we see the
God Himself by bare eyes in the life !
And we – muslims –can see the God but
by the eye of Heart .
And we did reply on it logically before .

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The second part of that question is that
they can't measure things and study it in
the labs , but my question to them is , is
that a reason not to believe in the God ? of
course It isn’t .
They want to make a God as they want
him but this is nonsense ; who created
who ? they want to create the God ! and
this contradicts with the mind .
Eyes for seeing , ears for hearing and
brain for mental higher activity like
thinking .. we know that eyes , ears , nose
have all a limited spectra of function so
why they think that the mind is unlimited !
If minds are unlimited then why there are
problems in the world ? this because
diffrences between opinions and actions .
So it's wron for the humn to try to be
created and creator at the same time this
is logically unaccepted .

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As we said before we are limited by our
senses so can anyone tell me what is the
texture of the fire ? , can anyone tell us
the texture of air or it's taste ? the water is
colorless also .
These things may be studied from other
aspects but there are aspects not logical
and scientifical to be thinked of .
You may measure the hormones in the
human blood to knoe his emitions but you
won’t know the reason of that and some
told me they made the lie detecting
devices but we should know that many
are traned to pass that exam .
At sleeping you are alive but you can't
know what is happening to you or the
surrownding and it's known that all the
body doesn’t stop except the eyes they
sleep and we see dreams and many of
them may be happening in another place
like many of ex-atheists described ! that
PAGE 178 OF 238
means there is another type of eyes we
see with but can't be measured .
And if we thought that it is just due to our
brain activity and they could know by
devices that the person is dreaming but
they couldn’t tell us what the dream is .
And what is strange that withing 3
seconds in the real world you may dream
with days !
And what is strange also that you don’t
move your lips while dreaming and if you
tried you wake up at once !
Does the inability to examine the dream
means that it didn’t happen ? of course
no .
And they have the dilemma of Déjà vu
and I wont talk about it because it needs a
book alone but it's sufficient to say seeing
something in another place during
dreaming is a dilemma for them
– atheists - till now .
PAGE 179 OF 238
And we say again the the spirid is
scientifically approved not to measure it
by knowing its results , yet we don’t see ,
smell ,measure it while it's the regulator
of our life !
If the spirit is a creature of our Creator
and it's beyond our senses so how it's
possible to try to compare the God with
his measured creatures ?
And if you see why did He give us the
ability to measure and to deduce we will
understand that it's for our sake to live
will and build up the earth and that is the
first reason why we are here on earth by
using His sourses and thanking Him .
And that type of debating was deluded in
the book there is a good by sir Flew
saying you can't play chess by roles of
football then you have to debate
according the religious law not the labs
law .
PAGE 180 OF 238
Second : the scientifical ideas of atheism :
Here we will talk about important points :
1.Body and spirit .
2.Brain and mind .
3.The free will .
4.Consciousness and the soul ( self ) .
5.Feeling and emotions .
6.The big bang .
7.Creation or Darwinian evolution and
abiogenesis .
8. DNA .
9. The intelligent design and the
anthropic principle .
1. Body and spirit :
The atheists deny the spirit existence and
the human is just a body and nothing more
and the reason for that as he doesn’t see
the spirit and he sees the body is able to do
everything alone !
Well most of theists here start to explain
evolution although the question isn’t
PAGE 181 OF 238
related to the answer so I have to reply like
that :
1. what is the reason of your life ? and
this is a question needs an answer but
of course I was faced many times by
the question and what is the definition
of life ! well this is a large question and
many of philosophers did spend their
life searching for appropriate definition
but simply I would define life the
difference between the dead and the
living – simply - .
and they reply by the supplements like
food , water and oxygen .
but in reality this is a limited answer as
people dies also without loosing these
supplies .
and the medicine nowadays has
reached a great degree as it's possible
to sully the patient by food by injection
providing oxygen by devices and
external heart machine supply also but
PAGE 182 OF 238
also the patien dies ! .. and not only
death due to cellular or systemic
problems we see youth and children
die without any cause except they
dead because they die !
so food , water and oxygen preserve
the life not provides the life as the
human is alive so he drinks, eats and
breathes and other biological
processes take place .
so there is a difference between life
and preserving life continuity till
death .
2. biology define the human that he is
body the body formed from systems
each sysem formed by organs each
organ if formed by tissues and each
tissue if formed by cells .
and this is the level where the biology
deals with th human body and this is
called the reduction principle and we

PAGE 183 OF 238

know that the cells are the smallest
living structures of the living bodies .
but Physics continue reduction of the
human body till reaching the atomic
level in which each atom is formed of
nucleus that contain positive charged
protons and neutral protons and have
the electrons which are negatively
charged and it orbits the nucleus :

PAGE 184 OF 238

And if Biology dealed with the cells as
living structure the Physics dealed with
the atoms as a non-living structure
because atoms aren’t alive ( the
definition according biology as it's alive
according to the energy and movement
and everything alive but not like the
human or cellular life )
So if the human was at the cellular level
alive but at the atomic isn’t alive so how
could it be possible that the human is
only body ?
and most of them moves to abiogenesis
while i'm not talking about the
beginning of life – till now – but the life
of you now what i'm talking about .
and they conversts to the gap science
and the science is innocent form them
as they say science will discover wile
science did give up at this level at
atomical level of the living , it evens
doesn’t deal with !
PAGE 185 OF 238
and it was strange for me that some of
them told me that the reason why we
die is that there is difference between
the energy within the atom before and
after death ! that made me know that he
doesn’t understand what he is talking
about .
as the energy of the electrons are alike
and equal in every situation indeed
when you are alive your electrons
evergy equals that of the sand and that
of the stars !
3. we know that the body undergoes the
times and every second pass the body
grows older that second so the body
and the time are always together but
we must ask ourselves why we don’t
feel the earth motion ? this is because
we move with it with the same speed
just like when a car moving without
deviations due to engine or worn roads
we wont feel that we are moving the
PAGE 186 OF 238
one who will feel it and see the one
setting outside the car this is also for
the earth to know it's moving you must
be out of it's motion system , so
measuring needs an external step like
Dr/ Mustafa Mahmoud said .
indeed our body grow up moment by
moment but we feel that time has
passed so there must be something not
undergoing this time or not undergoing
any time we know !
4. the body is known to love food , sex ,
living ..etc but theists do stop eating
during fasting and those in wars
defending any kind of ideas go behind
the enemy lines knowing they will die
is it logical to say the body overcomes
its needs and destroyed itself ? of
course no there must be a larger
regulator of our body , well it's the
spirit !

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5. when someone looses some of his
body parts in an accident he stills the
same person he say ( I'm ) .
we must now know that there is a larger
entity regulates our body and as our
religious man Muhammed El-Sharawi did
say they can feel it's effects and can't and
wont know what it is as Allah said its
knowledge belongs to Allah only .
2. Barin and mind

Atheists believe that the mind is the brain

itself so understanding anything or higher
activity is just a result of electrochemical
PAGE 188 OF 238
reaction or should I say impulses ( the
language of neurons )
Well the mind is caused by the existence
of the spirit but lets show the delusion of
their thoughts and we will prove the mind
and the spirit existence .
Is it possible to say the movement is the
hand ? or the hearing is the ears ? or the
sight is the eyes ? of course not measure
on that the mind isn’t the brain !
Well to show them that the brain isn’t
responsible for all body actions like the
reflex arch

PAGE 189 OF 238

And to understand this you can give a look
through Google and you will understand
that there are physical actions wasn’t
caused by the brain !
First lets talk about the mind : the mind is
a number of higher functions like feelings ,
learning , memory , language and the
ability to judge .
Shroeder said that the brain of Einstein
has no difference in composition from a
handful of sand as both are formed of
atoms .
The difference between mind and braian
is like the difference between saying a
word and the meaning of the word .
PAGE 190 OF 238
Our evidences that the mind isn’t the
brain are :
1. Materials ( substances ) follow the law
of necessity i.e meterials expand by
heat and shrink by cooling down
except waater – so if the mind follow
that law so why we see different
opinions for the same case ? knowing
that no diffrences in the human brain
between each others and the scientists
could draw a map for the brain si if the
mind was the brain why not we all are
agreeing on the same opinions ?
except the mind isn’t the brain . one of
them said we don’t the freedom to
choose so I asked him so how come
that we are talking now ?!
2. Dr/ Wilder Penfield – has youtubes
about that – he tried experimentally to
prove that the mind is the brain by
activating some brain centers during
sedation or local anesthesia i.e he
PAGE 191 OF 238
activated the centers to elevate the
hand but the patient tried to get it
down by the other hand as his will
wasn’t to elevate it ! so the will isn’t
produced by the brain but what is
called the mind .
3. Some cases was clinically dead but
they could recuperate later and they
could tell about another sort of
consciousness while the brain was
anoxic .
4. In psychology the déjà vu phenomenon
is known well as some people may say
some place they did watch it in a
dream or they think they were there
before and the best some would see
things would happen later and it
happens !
5. For the memory lets look to the number
of numbers , names , colors , smells ,
situations ,words , languages ,
definitions , symbols ..etc you may
PAGE 192 OF 238
think you forget a situation but when
you say by chance an image you may
remember the whole day ( that
happened with me as I say a picture
with my friend when I was 6 years ! )
the materialisms say that the memory
produced just by the electrochemical
imopulses and the informtions are
stored inside the brain but they don’t
know where they are sorted exactly
but by their point of viw information are
stored inside the brain cells and they
put themselves in a dilemma :
1. To forget data there should be a
damage to the brain cells and if I
asked you what did you eat from 1
years at the same day of today you
wont remember but this doesn’t
mean yoyr brain is damaged and
some of them told me it's dead and
regenerated ! as we are in a
mechanic’s , we should know the
PAGE 193 OF 238
damage in neurons is usually
permanent unless the axon
sometimes and the brain has the
centers not the axons .
2. At some accident transient amnesia
may be noticed according to them
there should be damage suitable for
the forgotten period and data and
this soesnt ocuur .
3. In cases of brain damage like in
cancers or benign tumors or even
skull fracture forgetting is a
systematic process ! ; the patients
starts to forgetnames and ends by
the words of the actions and this is
a strange as what is the possibility
to have an organized effects of
inorganized damage in all the
cases !
4. If we destroyed the speech center
the person wont be able to talk but

PAGE 194 OF 238

the words is present so the problem
in the machine not the driver !
5. The split brain exprimen made by
Dr/ Roger Wolcott Sperry in which
he did separate the hemispheres of
the brain by cutting the corpus
callosum ( communication between
the two halfes )

PAGE 195 OF 238

Well , the left hemisphere contains the the
center of speech and expression and the
vision center of the right eye , for the vision
center of the left eye in the right
hemisphere .
At the experiment looking at something by
the left eyeand the patient is asked what he
did see he wont be able to express i.e if he
saw a car and a house he won’t be able to
express the difference between them .
On the contrary when he see by the right
eyes he could express !
In both cases the memory is available but
the problem is in the expression .
And the consciousness , when I start to
say that word i'm asked for the definition so
it's simply the difference betweed the
sleeping and non sleeping person or the
mentally affected person and normal
people , is present even in some damages
of the brain .
PAGE 196 OF 238
Mind and memory is just like the
electromagnectic waves for the radio
device ( brain ) if you shut down the radio
the waves are still present but the peoblem
is in the receiver .
And you could ask why forget then if the
memory do always exist simply because
interdigitation between data ( like waves
for the radio ) as we don’t concentrate on
one idea but our mind if full of issues and
we are distracted .
It's just like adjustine the frequency of the
waves to get the needed result .
So it's knowm that usually we remember
things when we are mentally stable with
lear minds .
And if we talked about the intelligence
and how does it differ from someone to
another but indeed all ate intelligent but it
depends on in which field you use youtr
intelligence i.e the scienists gives the ideas
PAGE 197 OF 238
of a project but he couldn’t build it up and
the engineer could design it and the worker
would lead the machined and the customer
consumes without knowing anything from
the last operations .
Some are brilliant in the study field but he
is introvert some use their intelligence to
be socially loved but he failed in the study
field like many of famus singers of
footballers .
We all have intelligence but the field
changes according our use but in front of
the physics we all are alike they are atoms
with nucleus and electrons also the biology
is one !
And according to physics and biology all
the people should have the same degree of
intelligence in every fiels but this doesn’t
happen so the brain isn’t the mind .
Even in mentally retarded patient you may
not find any brain damage .
PAGE 198 OF 238
3. The free will :
Atheists say that there is no free will but we
take action without our will according to
the environment and situations !
Well ,so why we have a different point of
view ?! a different point of view concerning
the same situation .
But indeed some of them are talking about
external factors like earthquakes ,
volcanoes , earth motion , day and night ,
sun rising and setting , his color his parents
( like I said before in the good and evil
dilemma ) .
Well , the God when created the universe
he made laws for everything as He didn’t
create anything haphazardly so he made
for every effect a reason so the universe
would go straight without any deviations,
but talking about that as obligation and
against a free will makes you want to be a
God , and as I said before you wont be
PAGE 199 OF 238
judged for these things only for thing you
have the will for like stealing , killing ,
believing and worshippin the God .
So Allah doesn’t punish anyone for his
parents , color , country .. etc .
Some may say that we are forced because
of others i.e if I went to introduce myself to
a jod and anoher competitor did gave the
clerk money so he made me to fail , well
you are obligted by the choise of the other
man to do evil ! so the choise alwyes will
exist and the man will be judged and you
will be rewarded by another good job or at
the day of judgement .
But at the logical and scientifical level we
have shown to you that the body specially
the brain can't produce this free will as the
brain follows the necessity law .

PAGE 200 OF 238

4. Self and consciousness :
Atheists try to ask about the definition of
the consciousness and the self , for the
consciousness it's the difference between
sleeping and non sleeping person ( for
example ) but for the self I shouls ask you
who is asking me now ? ( of course he will
see I am )
And the best to shoe the self is the Ego .
Some think that the consciousness is
contained in the material but to appear the
material should reach a degree of
complexity and this is a mental suicide .
Even neuron science never proved that
the electrochemical impulses are turned
into consciousness , and they think that the
computers have a sort of consciousness , I
don’t know if they know that we have
invented it !
For the computer the stock is just
numbers but for you you know the money
PAGE 201 OF 238
loss and the results that will follow and the
psychological and ohysiological effect on
members and the society so the computer
only understand 1,0 .
It's input and output for the computers if
you gave it the same data for any computer
you will get the same responde but if you
gave the same data of religion to perdons
they will give a different response , the
computer doesn’t know hat the word
religion means and what will follow it by
selfcontrol it's just like that the brain
doesn’t understand that he gave an order
to the hand to move but this happened as a
result of normal organized response to a
stimulus but who made that for us the only
answer will be found in the pages of this
book of course he is Allah .

PAGE 202 OF 238

5. Feelings and emotions :
Atheists think the feelings and emotions
are only caused by chemical substances in
the blood ( the hormones )
Well indeed , hormones are released
during feelings and emitions but lets look
how the material would understand
feelings : if someone dies you get sad even
in case of hormonal disturbance !
How could the material differentiate
between feelings toward something and
the other thing .
How could love is just chemicals in the
blood , does tese chemicls stay in the blood
forever ? of course no but the feelings do
continue !
Well , the atheist may laugh at that so lets
talk scientifically , the physiology tells us
that in case of fear at sympathetic action
takes place rapidly but not to cause fear
but to provide the body the ability to get rid
PAGE 203 OF 238
of the fear source , so it provides better
ability for respiration , increase the blood
supply to the muscles and give it more
strength , and the hormones – adrenaline –
are released after fear and the person still
fearing them calm down not after the
hormones fading but after knowing that the
source has disappeared .
So the fear present before the exietnce of
hormones in the blood ( fight or flight
effect ) .
And when you say ( I love you ) it isn’t due
chemicals nor the electrochemical
impulses but higher things in the mind .
The hormones are a result of the feeling
and the ability to speech is just a physical
action to say and the brain doesn’t
understand it like I said before .
The physical feeling disappear with the
consciousness disappear durin sleeping or
during fainting , indeed some may have
PAGE 204 OF 238
another type of consciousness as I said
before .
But where dos the physical feeling goes
during sleeping , you may have a toothache
but when you sleep you don’t feel it this
hsows that the feeling itself isn’t the body
characteristic .
This can't be proved except by the eyes of
religion as all the religion know that during
sleepin the sould and conciosness which is
the fellow of the soul .
And in Islam the judged part of the human
not his body but his soul so during sleeping
he doesn’t have the ability to control his
soul or his body then he isn’t judged even if
he commited the worst sin .

PAGE 205 OF 238

6. The big bang :
Allah did say in the holly Quran :

I didn’t make them witness to the creation

of the heavens and the earth or to the
creation of themselves and I would not
have taken the misguiders as assistants
And this is an evidence that Allah knew
before that there ill be people are trying to
describe our creation ( existence ) and the
universe existence also although they didn’t
watch it , also many will be misguiders like
we saw from those who tried to use
Darwinian theory to prove it on human
without a real evidences and taking it as a
fact not a theory .

PAGE 206 OF 238

Atheist is trying to prove that the universe
did came to existence by chance by itself
without the need of the God thinking that the
Big bang theory did cancel the role of the
God in creation and this is totally wrong .
Well the atheist is trying to give the
material the Divine charecteristics like
eternity which means it has no beginning and
this contradicts with the religion point of viw
as we believe there was nothing with the God
and they see that the universe did made
itself from the matter existed and time made
PAGE 207 OF 238
it's role , and some said the matter had it's
own mind ( trying to make the matter a
god ! )
But the universe isn’t eternal like it was
thought ( before the Big Bang ) :
The second law of Newton in dynamic heat
that states that heat is transferred from the
higher medium to the lower medium this
means that if the universe was etenal then
the stars would have lost it's heat and the
universe would have freezed as the process
of star burning not like paper burning the
paper the material turns into another
material but for stars they vanish .
The big bang did deteriorate the old
thoughts of Atheists that the universe had no
beginning ( take care that the scientists of
Quantum physics say that everything is
possible in this kind of physics and nothing is
considered a pure fact )

PAGE 208 OF 238

The big bang states that before the
universe we know there was a mysterious
substance then something happened
( atheists call it cosmic miracle ) and they
say this differ from the religious oint of view
that the God was alone with nothing but what
is the problem that the God did create that
mass then the complete process accured by
His knowledge ? no problem I guess , and
they don’t know what is before the big bang
even when you ask that question they say
this is a wrong question as the time was at
the singularity and this is wrong to measure
time according our motion system as the
material indeed had it's owm system .
And if there was no time there should be no
matter also , so even the bidg band still
can't cancel the God’s role in creation .
And what is funny when Dawkins was asked
about what was before the big bang he said
there was nothing and tried to define the
nothing into a mysterious thing !!!
PAGE 209 OF 238
And of course this is a nonsense , like
Dr/ Mustafa Mahmoud did tell us that the
zero isn’t a real value as nothing would be
zero !
They are trying to give the cosmic matter
the characteristic of the eternity , they are
giving the matter what belongs to the
Creator who initiated the singularity .
I think if they worship the universe or the
matter by a different way that theists they
should inform us to end up the debates .
The scientist Edward Tyron did prove that
the universe did come from nothing ! even
the cosmic equation till now makes the
energy of the universe equals zero !
Well , earlier atheists thought the universe
is eterntal but science proved that it isn’t
eternal like thr religion as there was a period
without our universe .

PAGE 210 OF 238

Some tried to prove that universe did come
from nothing like the quantum fluctuation
phenomenon but Paul Davis proved that it
was due to previously existed energy , so the
vaccum as we think isn’t completely empty .
The singularity was said by the atheists to
be by coincidence or by chance but before
replying by maths lets look at Einstein
equation :
And this is the most danger equation by
which the nuclear bomb was invented so
it's approved scientifically .
He said that the mass could be
transformed into energy and a small mass
would give very large amount of energy ,
and he said also that to have a small mass
you will need a very large amount of
energy , so imagine the universe came
from nothing so what is the amount needed
for this enormous universe ? incredible !
PAGE 211 OF 238
And maths didn’t let anyone use the
probabilities as an excuse as there is what
is known by ( universal probability bound )
as the probability for something to happen
by chance is 1:10^150
Knowing that the scientists did say that
the scientists did measure the universe
particles number which is 10^80
This means if we converted the universe
particles into a computer chip it won’t
make the numer of just one probability by
chance ! and we will need another universe
as ours !
If we looked at the universe beauty and
organization we would know that it couldn’t
b by chance or it existed spontaneously ,
and if we asked why we have one moon ?
we would know that some use it for time
and how could that deal with that ? except
if everything was organized but there is no
field for spontaneously here .
PAGE 212 OF 238
7. Creation or evolution and abiogenesis ?
Allah did say in His holly Quran :

I didn’t make them witness to the creation

of the heavens and the earth or to the
creation of themselves and I would not
have taken the misguiders as assistants

And this is an evidence that the

Creatorknew that they will try to convert
the reality of creation , although they didn’t
witness the beginning .
And we speak with them we hear a
strange words that it happened
999899897089797797979 years ago but we
PAGE 213 OF 238
weren’t there so how could you suume
something the owner of the theory didn’t
say it even ! , all what we need is a current
events providing that evolution is a reality
but of course we were given nothing .
Even they tried to use the Darwinian
evolution theory to prove that there is no
God while Darwin himself was a Christian !
and that is written in his autobiography .
If you talk with them you may think they
have the same point of view but this is
wrong as some say that we evolved directly
from apes , some said that we only had the
same ancestors and this is a missing ring !
and this ring wasn’t found till now .
Well , they say that Darwin saw a bird
after time his beak was turned into another
shape and propertied , well it still bird at
the end , also that fish that had fins like
hands well it still a fish .

PAGE 214 OF 238

And we couldn’t see something turning
into otherthings and why the fish with
hands didn’t evolve but it was like that
always !
They may say that we evolved from apes
as there are 95% similarities between the
human genome and the apes genome but
this isn’t a proof as there are 50%
similarities between the human genome
and the babna genome so are we a half
banana ? or we originated from bananas ?
of course this is nonsense but indeed this is
what the evolutionists believe in and
pretend to be scientific !
Lets start by abiogenesis , they say that
life begin on earth after 10 billions years
ago after the big bang so it's nearly 4
billions years once the earth formed and
was suitable for life .
And in abiogenesis they believe that there
was a complex reactions between organic
PAGE 215 OF 238
( carbon is the most important )and
inorganic materials , well what are these
inorganic materials that can help to form
living bodies ? and if there is organic
materials then there should have been a
living bodies to for it as organic materials
are only formed by the DNA and this is a
dilemma for them .
So to form these organic materials there a
DNA must have been befor it then we will
go to a blind way as it's impossible for life
to be created by abiogenesis .
And when they say that science will
prove , they want science to prove
something isn’t real and it's simpe to be
understood but as we know most of them
don’t respect science in reality .
As organics need a living body ( human or
not ) so DNA produces the organics and it's
a fact not abiogenesis !

PAGE 216 OF 238

And they still saying that life existed by
chance – spontaneously – but the maths as
we shew before did deteriorate what they
believe in and this was clarified in the book
there is a God of Sir Flew
The ( universal probability bound )
according to it the possibility of anything to
occur by chance is 1:10^150
Atheists say that life can exist
spontaneously by chance as the apes
would write on the computer a poem so the
British national center of arts did put 6
apes in a cage for a month with each a
keyboard after training them to use it and
the net result was 50 page without any
word considering one letter with space
before and space after one word !
And if the keyboard has 30 keys then the
probability of having one word is
1:30^3=1:27000 !

PAGE 217 OF 238

And the scientist Shroeder did apply the
probability laws on a poem with 448 letters
and the keyboard has 26 keys then the
possibility for the apes to write that poem
with the same order is 1:26^488 what nealy
equals 10^-690
And we did say that the universe particles
are 10^80 in number .
And if we converted the universe into a
computer chips each weights a part from
million parts of the gram and each chip can
make the trial instead of the ape with the
speed of a million trial at the second we
find that the number of the trial from the
beginning of the universe existence just
10^90 and we still need a universe larger
by 10^600 or age for the universe by the
same degree ( 10^600 )
And according to the universal probability
bound it's impossible for something to
occur while it's possibility is 10^690 .
PAGE 218 OF 238
And who still that the universe of life did
start by chance then you should look again
and understand the numbers above and all
by science !
And this is just for a poem of 448 letters so
imagine the universe and you know and
better than me for numbers memorizing .
And now back to the evolution ( theory ) I
did find that picture on all the sites of the

PAGE 219 OF 238

indeed they are trying to say that this is the
theory but the reality is

Is that accepted logically that we were

fishes one day ?
In reality not only that look : the tree of life ,

PAGE 220 OF 238

And they are doing their best to prove that
happened by mutaions and spontaneously
also ( which is logically and scientifically
proved to be a lie ) .
They depend on mustations in their theory
of course spontaneous mutations and it
was proved as we shown that chance can't
produce that much of perfect things , even
in medical field we study that mutationd
cause usually damage and we don’t know a
mutation doesn’t do that , also the mutation
to be passed across the generations must
be genetic mutation not somatic one so
according to maths the chance decreses .
Even evolution did provide the physical
development but it didn’t handle the mental
development , speech , languages and the
higher community aspects .
And the theory didn’t talk about the
beauty why everything is beautiful while
the chance wouldn’t do that .
PAGE 221 OF 238
And hhow did the consciousness
developed and many other things so the
real answer is :

I'm asking a question why the predatory

animals did evolve and also the suitable
preys did develop ?
Are all of that is a result of chance ? who
thinks that he commits a mental suicide of
course .

PAGE 222 OF 238

And here we should talk about the egg
and the hen question which is ; was the egg
before the hen or the hen before the egg ?
Their silly answer that the hen did evolve
from dinasour and we will say well so the
egg was fisr or the dinasour ? and we will
reach the DNA dilemma like we will show in
the next few pages .
And at the end look at this picture :

PAGE 223 OF 238

And this is an important question as we
don’t find those creatures or what they call
them between the human and the apes .
Also an important point evolution didn’t
give reasons for existence of males and
females , and won’t .
And to see there is nothing left for
chance :
1. The body is formed of 37.2 trillion
cells ( trillion has 12 zeros )
2. 200 different types of cells .
3. 100 billions skin cells .
4. Morw than 60.000 mental activity
every year .
5. 60 million sensory receptors .
6. 127 million fibers in the eyes each
was apart of a star one day !
7. Ability to differentiate between 10
millions of colors
8. 1000 smell receptors .

PAGE 224 OF 238

9. Ability to differentiate between
50.000 smells .
10. 6 liters of blood .
11. 42 billion blood vessels .
12. 23.040 breath every day .
13. 115.200 heart beats daily .
14. 640 muscles and 360 joint .
15. 100 hair is lost daily .
16. 800 ml of sweat daily
17. 206 bone in adult and 300 in
children !
So according to maths well , it's hard to say
it may happen by chance .
And there are things in the life doesn’t
follow the logic as the extreme powerfull
men as those who are able to blink and
break a coin by eyelids , pull a train by
teeth , eat glass , push a plane ..etc and
they have also flesh and blood like you and
me and they are medically free !

PAGE 225 OF 238

And this made me remember their question
about life after death , Allah say in His holly
Quran :

Indeed Allah is the cleaver of grain and

date seeds . He brings the living out of
the dead and brings the dead out of the
living . That is Allah ; so how are you
deluded ? (6-95)
And here Allah did gave us a live sample
that he is able to bring us back after death
and he gave an example of the seeds and
the plants .
And now we should know how Great is our
God Allah .

PAGE 226 OF 238

8. DNA

The DNA is a code of the human traits it's

found at the chromosomes inside the
nucleus of the cells , and it's like the
fingerprint as there are no two have the
similarity of the DNA .

PAGE 227 OF 238

The main unit of the DNA is the nucleotide
and each is composed of :
1. Five-carbon sugar .
2. Phosphate group .
3. Nitrogenous base .
What we need here is to understand there
are only 4 types of the nitrogenous bases
( Adenine – Guanine – cytosine and
thymine )
So the Dna is only formed by repeating
these bases but is a specific manner .
The cellular division requires the two helix
of the DNA so the cells undergoes division
( mitosis or meiosis ) also in case of DNA
repair the helixh should be separated .
To separate the two helix there should be
enzymes that separate them to break the
hydrogen bond between them . then the
polymerization enzymes acts then another
enzymes tie them back .

PAGE 228 OF 238

So the process needs enzymes and
enzymes are proteinous substances and
proteins are only formed by DNA , so it's
impossible to say the enzymes – proteins –
did exist before the DNA formation and the
DNA to work or to be formed needs also
organicg materials and proteins to do it's
job .
It isn’t logical to continue like that as we
won’t reach the infinity , so we should know
that there are higher laws did that what we
don’t understand not as a gap answer but
an answer as science proved it wont
discover that , the science did give up
here .
And we should know that the DNA is a
code needs to be decoded and this what
happens during protein synthesis and in
the book there is a good you will fiend a
good explanation for coding and decoding .

PAGE 229 OF 238

But it's suffiecient that we knew the code
ant the way of decoding but atheists did
forget that the code need a a programmer
for that code and in this case he is Allah .
Another dilmma for atheists is the
morphogenesis as the DNA and it's studies
didn’t reveal that DNA cause
morphogenesis it's just writing someones
traits on a paper and need it to become
that person , the matter has no teleology .
9. The intelligent design and the anthropic
They aren’t accepted by atheists as they
deteriorate many of their claims .
The intelligent design proves the
definitive graet design of the universe with
few laws shows a Creator and a higher
entity .

PAGE 230 OF 238

The anthropic principles states that the
fine tuning in the universe with the human
needs shows that the universe was
previously prepared for us .
The intelligent design proves that with
few laws the universe is perfectly regulated
and some said that the equations can be
written in one paper !
But they thinks that the equations are
describing the action not creating it but
who regulated the action to form the laws
as we know , and the answer theists have
of course the God as He did tell us .
And the ove intelligent design in the
creatures supports the creation not the
spontaneous chance blind deteriorated
theory .
And one of the most famous idoms in this
principle is the complex un reductable
system like the DNA ; any maistake makes
a problem ( against evolution theory ) .
PAGE 231 OF 238
Even physics shows ther are many
universal constant and any slight change
in one of these constants would really
make serious changes like life ending !
Some may bring a phoro of a blind fish
and say where the intelligent design is and
this is an ignorance and some kind of
mental oppression and we did show before
that nothing is created a pure evil but
withing the evil we find the good .
And anything against the normal is an
evidence for the God’s ability as if He is
saying nothing by coincidence you may
hate something and the good within it ,
don’t love the cause and the effect law but
love Me – the Creator - .
And there is a strange thing the stars
follow the same laws that your body follow
for examples the head produced by your
body can be measured by the same
equation of that of the satrs .
PAGE 232 OF 238
According to the anthropic principle that
everything in the universe ; sir Flew did say
it's like you went to an hotel and you found
a room all inside you love the color ,
carpet , bed , windows and the Tv turned
on to the program that you love and the
diiner was the best food you love would it
be by chance ? of course no , there must be
someone who did prepare that .
And what proves that the universe is
prepared for us :
1. Universe expansion after the big band is
very important as if it was by a lower
rate the universe would have collapsed
and if it was larger then the galaxies
won’t be formed and there would be no
life .
2. The galaxies was formed as there is sites
with higher density by 10^-5 ! and if this
density reduced then the universe would
have remained in gasy stage but if it was
denser black holes would be formed .
PAGE 233 OF 238
3. If the attraction forces between the
universe parts it would have collapsed
but if it was lesser then the galaxies
wouldn’t have been formed and no life
would exist .
4. A ‘.7%’ of energy produced by te sun
used to bond the helium atoms
produced by the nuclear reactions of
the hydrogen and if this amout was
less there would be no heat and if it
was more the hydrogen would hav
ended up !
5. The electrical bonds are important
and any deviation would decrease the
universe life .
6. The 3D universe is suitable for life but
if it was 2D or 4D there will be no life
In the book ‘six numbers only’ the writer
proved that there are no relation between
these constants so it's fake to say one
happened by coincidence then the others
are produced .
PAGE 234 OF 238
And there are many other constants like :
1. If the electron charge changed there
would be no nuclear reaction in the
stars .
2. The proton’s mass is 1836 times that of
the electron’s , and if it changed no
atoms or molecules would have been
formed .
3. John Paro did define a 25 main
constants of them : speed of light , the
absolute zer of heat .. and any
deviation of these constants wouldny
have permitted the life .
4. If the earth was smaller then the
atmosphere would have faded away
and the earth would burn during the
day and freezes during night and
gravity is reduced of course .
5. If the atmosphere was less in density
we would be burnt by the outer
bodies .

PAGE 235 OF 238

6. If the diameter of the earth increased
twice then the gravity would be
doubled and the atmosphere would be
shrinked and life ends up .
7. Earth speed is 30km/second and
without the gravity we would be thrown
away into the space !
8. If the speed of earth around itself
decreased this would increase the
night and the day and life changes .
9. If the sun was nearer the earth would
have burnt up .
10. If the superfacial layer of earth
icreased by 3 meters it will absorb the
oxygen and life ends up .
11. If the depth of seas and oceans
increased then the carbon dioxide will
be absorbed and plants die and life
ends up .
12. Earth is surrounded by a rare unique
layer ( the ozone layer ) that prevent
passage of harmfull ultraviolet rays .
PAGE 236 OF 238
13. The magnetic shield of earth protect
the earth fron thr sun storms
composed of positive and negative
protons and electrons respectively .
14. In our planet the water exists by its 3
states of matter and differ from any
other thing as the density of water
become less with freezing and this
protect the eater creatures !
And all point for the Creator and the One
all point at Allah .
And now we have reched the end of the first
part our research hoping that I didn’t sum up
weakening the meaning or writing too much
annoying you .
The problem that atheists or most of them
take a part from a theory or even a fact and
forget other aspects of the subject .
We don’t say there is a God because we
don’t know but because we know as you see
in this book .
PAGE 237 OF 238
They say the proof on the claimant while
they think they don’t have to prove anything
and this is wrong as they came to deteriorate
the religions so they should have evidences
and sufficient resons .
The atheist spend his life talking about the
God and the religion .
You must know that Allah the the unlimited
powerfull He does what He wants and you can
see you see only in the light but the bat only at
the darkness !
Most of atheists did take his decision before
and they made their minds and need no one to
bother them by new facts , they must be
shame of themselves .
And as we said in this book , we ae trying to
guide you to the right path but the hearth
guidance is after accepting the right path , till
the day of no choise the day of judgement .
And peace be upon our prophet Muhammed
And ,
Best wishes ,,, 1/27/2018
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