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Importance of Recycling Waste

The human population is ever increasing as well as the wants of people, which continues to put pressure on the
minimal natural resources on earth, and this threatens the mere survival of the human race. For this reason, there
is the need to look for a way to converse the limited natural resources. Recycling is the practice of sorting out,
collecting, remanufacturing or converting of waste products into new materials. The process involves a series of
steps to produce new products. Waste recycling plays vital roles such as reducing the utilization of raw materials,
energy convention and air pollution. Moreover, it is a key constituent of modern waste reduction. Studies affirm
that waste recycling helps in extending the life and usefulness of products that have served their initial purpose
by producing numerous things that are useable. It is not only significant but also has numerous profits to humans
and the natural environment. Therefore, why is recycling significant and what materials can be recycled? Almost
all wastes in the environment can be recycled; some of them include batteries, clothing, electronics, glass, metals,
paper and plastics, which are mostly made from natural assets. While recycling has become part of daily activities,
many people fail to understand the full significance of recycling. In the views of many people, recycling is meant
to reduce the drain on the scarce natural resources of the planet earth. This essay highlights the importance of
waste recycling and concludes that waste recycling is vital for the survival of both the natural environment and

The first benefit of waste recycling is that it creates job opportunities for many people involved in the waste
management process such as waste collectors. In addition, people who sort and process recycled items also
earn a living from waste recycling. This implies that more money in the community will be spent on local stores
and dispensaries. This has various benefits such as more taxes and revenues to the city or state governments,
production of affordable and durable goods, clean and healthy environment, clean water, and fresh air to
breathe. To sum it up, waste recycling leads to a healthier economy for everyone concerned.

The second benefit of waste recycling is fiscal efficiency, as reported by various municipalities that point of out
fiscal benefits accrued from the adoption of recycling initiatives, mostly in the form of reduced landfill costs.
Landfills pose a substantial danger to humans and animals; hence, they are not the best method of waste
management. A research undertaken by the Technical University of Denmark revealed that in 83% cases, the
most effective way of disposing household waste through of waste recycling. In a different view, an evaluation
undertaken by the Danish Environmental Assessment Institute pointed out that the most efficient way of
disposing household waste is incarceration. It is essential to distinguish fiscal efficiency from economic efficiency.
Cost benefit analysis of waste recycling entails what economists refer to externalities. Externalities comprise of
unpriced benefits and costs to people rather than private transactions such as lessened air pollution, reduced
emission of greenhouse gases, decreased waste levels and resource utilization, and reduced hazardous waste
materials leaking from landfills. In addition, biodegradable wastes like vegetables, eggshells at home can be
recycled and utilized as manure; this helps in saving money that would have used to buy fertilizer and instead
channel it to other beneficial uses. Furthermore, recycled materials are less expensive than the original products
and also friendly to the environment.

The third advantage of recycling is that it saves energy; this is because less energy is required to process recycled
materials than to manufacture virgin materials. According to The Energy Administration, a paper mill utilizes 40 %
less energy to manufacture paper using recycled paper than it needs to manufacture paper from timber. The
energy saving attribute of waste recycling culminates to a number of merits such as decreasing pollution and
reducing costs of production, which creates less anxiety on human health and the natural environment.
Recycling reduces the need for raw materials; as result, forests can be preserved and conserved and forests
leading to a clean environment, rich and fertile soils, and enriching the aesthetic value of planet earth. Besides
saving energy, recycling wastes plays an instrumental role in mitigating global warming and eradicating pollution.
For instance, recycling can help in saving energy during industrial processes, which results in reduced
greenhouse gas discharge from industries.
Businesses also benefit when they implement effective waste recycling practices because they secure improved
dealings with consumers in relation to the matter of preserving the environment. Businesses reduce their
production costs and can use this advantage to lower the price of their commodities; hence increasing their
customer base and profitability. Businesses have an ethical responsibility of preserving the environment;
therefore, waste recycling acts as one of the most cost effective methods of waste management that
corporations can adopt. In addition, recycling helps to save space because a lot of space used by landfills full of
garbage that can be been recycled, and converted to useful space.

It is evident from the aforementioned benefits that waste recycling is the key to effective preservation of
natural resources and energy, and creating a pollution free environment for the benefit of humankind. The
identified benefits of waste recycling discussed in the paper include the creation of job opportunities, saving
energy, fiscal efficiency, mitigation of climate change and pollution, and benefits for businesses. Therefore,
people should embark on the recycling of waste materials as a means of solving some of the issues affecting the
earth such as global warming and the depletion of natural resources.

Ways to reduce waste:

1. Consume less.

2. Use less toxic materials in manufacturing

3. Make easily repairable and recyclable products.

4. Design products to last longer.

5. Eliminate or reduce packaging.

6. Redesign manufacturing processes and products to use less material and energy.

7. Use the front and back of the paper.

Reducing Waste Speech

In a matter of time, waste in this world will overtake the world. Listen to my speech if you want to help save the world in
reducing waste. We should all lend a helping hand. Hello teachers, staff, and students. I’m here to talk to you about
something I think we should all take initiative on. If you want to help reduce the waste in this world, all you should try
doing is reduce excess paper at home, reduce packaging waste and find new life for old furnishings, appliances and
clothes. If you want to learn more about how to reduce waste in this world, pay close attention to my speech.

Another way to reduce waste is to decrease packaging waste. Packaging makes up thirty percent of solid waste. You can
reduce the amount of packaging you throw in the garbage by purchasing items that have less packaging. Instead of using
a cloth bag once and throwing it away you could reuse it for variety of purposes. Over packaged products often cost
more than less packaged products. This means that you could save money when buying products with less packaging.

Ways to reduce plastic waste

Although recycling can help reduce the amount of garbage that ends up in landfills, waterways and ecosystems,
only a few types of plastics can be recycled by most municipal governments. The fraction that does get recycled
still requires a lot of energy and water which just isn’t a good proposition when it comes to single-use items.
Plastic garbage that ends up in landfills and oceans take hundreds of years to degrade, and there’s increasing
concern about the toxins they release into the environment.

But in our modern lives, plastic surrounds us and cutting it out can seem daunting. Below are some super easy
ways to get started.
1. Bring your own shopping bag
The usefulness of these thin and easily ripped bags is extremely limited, yet according to one estimate,
somewhere between five billion and one trillion plastic bags are used each year around the world.
Although free to shoppers, these bags have a high environmental cost and are one of the most ubiquitous
forms of garbage. Bringing your own plastic bag is common but good environmental advice, such good
advice that some governments implemented policies to encourage more people to do it. Disposable
shopping bags have been banned in a number of cities, like San Francisco and Washington, D.C.
In addition to bigger carryall bags, you can further reduce waste by bringing your own reusable produce
bags or skipping them entirely.

2. Stop buying bottled water

Unless there’s some kind of contamination crisis, plastic water bottles are an easy target for reducing
waste. Instead, keep a refillable bottle handy.

3. Bring your own thermos to the coffee shop

Speaking of refillable, bringing your own thermos for to-go coffee is another way to reduce your plastic
footprint. Disposable coffee cups might look like paper but they’re usually lined with polyethylene, a type
of plastic resin. In theory these materials can be recycled, but most places lack the infrastructure to do so.
Then there are lids, stirrers, and coffee vendors that still use polystyrene foam cups—which can all be
avoided with your own mug.

4. Choose cardboard over plastic bottles and bags

Generally speaking, it’s easier to recycle cardboard than plastic, plus paper products tend to biodegrade
more easily without adding a lot of weight to the product the way glass or aluminum can. So, when you
have the choice, pick pasta in the box instead of pasta in a bag, or detergent in the box instead of the
bottle. Even better would be to check for companies that source their cardboard sustainably or have a
strong stance on deforestation.
5. Say no to straws
Whether for home use or when you’re ordering a drink at a bar or restaurant, plastic straws are often a
single-use item that's just not necessary.

6. Get the plastic off your face

Much of the plastic that’s polluting the oceans is microplastics, tiny chunks that are next to impossible to filter out.
These plastics can come from bigger items breaking down, but they are also commonly added to consumer
products like face wash and toothpaste. These little beads are intended to be exfoliators, but many wastewater
treatment facilities aren’t able to stop them. There are many biodegradable alternatives, so avoid items with
“polypropylene” or “polyethylene” on the ingredients list or consider making your own.

7. Skip the disposable razor

Instead of tossing a plastic razor in the trash every month, consider switching to a razor that lets your replace just
the blade or even a straight razor.

8. Switch from disposable diapers to cloth

If you’ve got a young baby, you know how many diapers can end up in the trash each day. TreeHugger
writers are pretty big fans of the the reusable cloth option, read Michael Graham Richard’s
experience with them as a new dad and Katherine Martinko’s recommended brands.

9. Make your period waste-free

There are a number of non-disposable options out there to cut down on period waste, from the Diva Cup, to
the Ruby Cup to DIY-with-pride reusable pads. All these choices reduce incredible amount of packaging that
most pads and tampons are encased in. If you’re not in a situation where giving up tampons is an option,
consider skipping brands with plastic applicators.

10. Re-think your food storage

Plastic baggies, plastic wrap, and plastic storage containers are worth re-evaluating. Instead of sandwich
baggies, why not pack a bento box or a cute tiffin (shown at the top of this post) for lunch? Instead of
throwing away plastic zipper bags or wrapping things in Saran wrap, why not use jars or glass containers
in the fridge? When it comes to carryout, these types of containers be used instead of disposable ones—
although it can definitely take a bit of courage and some explaining to help your local restaurants to

11. Shop in bulk

For many households, the majority of plastic waste is generated in the kitchen. So one of the best ways to
reduce the packaging waste madness is to bring your own bags and containers and stock up on bulk
foods. Shopping with jars is a great option, and keep your eye out for brands with refilling
stations, like Ariston oils and Common Good cleaners.

Garbage is an unwanted waste material. It is the stuff we don’t need any more. Everyday we make tons of
solid waste. It makes our environment unhealthy .Any waste material like cans, bottles, paper, kitchen waste
and plastic bags are called garbage. There are things which can be reused, but we throw them away.
First of all, as kids we can tell our parents, neighbors and classmates about reducing the amount of garbage
they throw away. We can collect all the things which can be recycled, like cans, paper, plastic bags and bottles.
Before we throw the things away, first look for what we can reuse and then look for what we can recycle and
then leave the rest as garbage.

For waste reduction, avoid disposable things. We should not use too much paper towels and bathroom tissue.
Use cloth towel instead. Cloth bags can be used for shopping. We can also refill water bottles, use both sides
of paper and share magazines with others.
Landfills are also an answer for garbage disposal. We can sell reusable bags back to the shop because it is bad
to use so much plastic. We should cut down the garbage we make by not throwing unnecessary things. We
can hold a yard sale.
So we should always keep in mind that to keep our home and neighborhoods nice and clean and for healthy
environment we need to remember and follow all these.

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