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Characteristics of Good Question

1. A good question is simple and clear.

It is so constructed that the student can easily understand what is asked. The teacher must
avoid ambiguity, confusing constructions, double questions, parenthetical remarks and other verbiage
which might cause the student to miss the point of the question.


Who came while I was writing on the black board?

2. A good question is definite.

It is so stated as to permit only one answer.

Example: Who is our National Hero?

3. A good question is challenging and thought provoking.

It must stimulate the student to compare, evaluate, draw conclusions and appraise results.

Example: Why is water cheaper that diamond?

4. A good question is adapted to the age, abilities, and interests of the students.

The general level of ability and interests of students at various grade levels differ. There is no
point in embarrassing students by asking him questions which are beyond their capacity.

Example of questions adapted to age and abilities of students:


Elementary: Show that the Philippines is favourably located

High school: How has the strategic location of the Philippines affected her economy and national

College: How has the strategic location of the Philippines influenced her geopolitics?

5. A good question requires an extended response.

A single-word or phrase answer tends to become the simple recall type and it could introduce
the element of guessing to the classroom especially when it is answerable by yes or no. If teacher wil
raise questions that call for answers in sentence or paragraph form the probable result will be extended
analysis, synthesis and organization of response.

Example: Why is wind not a reliable source of energy?

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