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Haifa Nesheiwat

POLS 462

Dr. Kassem Nabulsi

“The Last Supper”

The movie assigned to watch and evaluate was relevant in many ways to this course.

“The Last Supper” relates to this course in several ways of which one is to identify and examine

the moral and ethical issues from the characters in the movie. The characters are one with issues

that deal with the political and moral ethical ideas where the characters criticize many of the

ideological views of the people that were invited to eat dinner by those characters in the movie.

The characters have one-sided views on many issues; however, some of the characters battle not

only with each other, but rather face the internal conflicts where the result ends in the death of

another human being. “Is it really wrong to kill someone if them living is just making the world

worse?” This question is posed by one of the actors in the movie, justifying a morality that ad on

to the ethical idea of this particular issue. In the first discussion, the actors contemplate whether

or not the life of the harmful human being they had invited to eat dinner is one to continue living.

In most often, they perceive the idea of allowing the evil person to continue living is detrimental

in the world, and other innocent individuals that are living on the earth. The idea to allow for a

better life of mankind is to kill the harmful individual, who will only cause harm in the near

future. Onward in the movie, the theme shows that over time the ideas and perceptions of

opinions do change as they once get to understand the humans view and the actions behind the

individual who had done these actions.

If a being has any authority or any type of power where a moral and ethical obligation is

necessary to be addressed and taken into accountably, those affect the whole idea of how to
approach the decision when making a verdict. In political views and democratic ideological

perceptions, often times both are crossed and taken advantage into when in comes to people of

authority, granted they are in power. Time is of an essence; in accordance, to all types of people,

none are free from judgment. All types of people, no matter the race, ethnicity, cultural

background, people will judge you based on the perception and unless they have an

understanding of where you are coming from, the whole view of your actions will not be taken

into accountably. What was pretty humbling to see, this movie may be uncomprehend to many,

but the ability to see things in a new light, enables different ways in addressing the views on the

everyday life. Whether you are a priest, a homeless individual, or if you are just a Samaritan with

no obligation to moral and ethical conduct, who are you to judge. Judgment should not be of a

human to make; all mistakes are lessons or blessings. Only is it fair to those who accept the

gratitude of life, and accept the fact that life is not a guarantee. Henceforth, trial and tribulation is

a gift to learn from the lessons endured. If you are a politician or a Supreme Court Judge, who

are you to make the rules to set for yourself to abide by? Rules are set for humans to deter violent

actions and outcomes. The whole idea of perception may be perceived in a wrong way.

Nonetheless, judgment is not for any single human or even anyone to judge. Judges are set in the

court for authoritarian reasons. They have the experience and knowledge to understand the long-

term hardships it took to make their presence known and their ability to make those judgments

based on the whole subject. A professor is called a professional student for his expertise in

teaching and able to address problems with many resolutions towards those difficulties. A

doctorate degree for a professional teacher is to specify their expertise on the particular subject at

hand. College is understood as a place to find out who you are, what you want to do, and how to

address your life in the matters and manners that apply to you. College is a learning experience
preparing us for the life’s obstacles and how to address issues that are set in the way of success

and/ or one’s need to express. To address a college professor with a doctorate degree without the

“DR.” prior to the name is disrespectful; movies are fictional. Perceptions are always

misinterpreted. Never say never; don’t judge a book by the cover. Each page has a moral theme,

with every line comes a stream of experience. Every word has a meaning to be said, but rather, it

is set to be with full meaning, followed by the appropriate interpretation that needs to be

dissected accordingly.

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