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NAME:_________________________________ DATE:____________________

YEAR & SECTION: _BSME – 5B_ SCORE:___________________

MATCHING TYPE. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in the space provided before each number. Erasures or
double fonting is considered wrong. (2 points each)
H. J. Rogers 1. He built the first hydroelectric power plant. a. Hydraulic Turbines
Dam 2. It is a concrete structure that encloses the reservoir b. Reservoir
Pump Storage 3. This type of hydroelectric power plant stores energy by pumping c. Surge Tank
water from lower reservoir to an upper reservoir. d. Calayaan Dam
Forebay 4. It is a small equalizing reservoir which the penstock sometimes e. 100kW
draw water into. f. Penstock
Caliraya Dam 5. It is one of the oldest hydroelectric power plant in the Philippines. g. Diversion
1000kW 6. A mini hydroelectric power plant produces P<____ amount of power. h. Acceptance Test
Pre-commissioning test 7. The result on this test should be documented by the i. Hydraulic Pump
contractor and submitted to the pre-operational testing group. j. 1000kW
Hydroelectric PP 8. A plant that uses renewable source of energy to generate electricity k. Hydroelectric PP
through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. l. Commissioning test
Draft Tube 9. It is a conduit at the outlet of the turbine that conducts water away from m. Pump Storage
the turbine. n. Caliraya Dam
Hydraulic Turbines 10. Performance Test Code 18 (PTC 18): _______________. o. Forebay
p. 10 MW
r. Micro Plants
FILL IN THE BLANKS. Working principle of a Hydroelectric Power Plant. (10 points) s. r.H. J. Rogers
t. s. H. J. Rogers
Pre-commissioning test
Water is conveyed from a higher elevation point to a lower elevation t. Pre-commissioning
u. S. J. Rogers test
point trough a large pipe. At the end, there is a turbine and the water v.u.La Mesa Dam
spins it, which moves the shaft, that moves the generator, producing v. La Mesa
w. Wind Dam PP
electricity. w. Wind Turbine
x. A. J. Rogers PP
y. Dam
z. Draft tube

NAME:_________________________________ DATE:____________________
YEAR & SECTION: _BSME – 5B_ SCORE:___________________
MATCHING TYPE. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in the space provided before each number. Erasures or
double fonting is considered wrong. (2 points each)
___1. He built the first hydroelectric power plant. a. Hydraulic Turbines
___2. It is a concrete structure that encloses the reservoir b. Reservoir
___3. This type of hydroelectric power plant stores energy by pumping c. Surge Tank
water from lower reservoir to an upper reservoir. d. Calayaan Dam
___4. It is a small equalizing reservoir which the penstock sometimes e. 100kW
draw water into. f. Penstock
___5. It is one of the oldest hydroelectric power plant in the Philippines. g. Diversion
___6. A mini hydroelectric power plant produces P<____ amount of power. h. Acceptance Test
___7. The result on this test should be documented by the contractor and i. Hydraulic Pump
submitted t the pre-operational testing group. j. 1000kW
___8. A plant that uses renewable source of energy to generate electricity k. Hydroelectric PP
through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. l. Commissioning test
___9. It is a conduit at the outlet of the turbine that conducts water away from m. Pump Storage
the turbine. n. Caliraya Dam
___10. Performance Test Code 18 (PTC 18): _______________. o. Forebay
p. 10 MW
r. Micro Plants
FILL IN THE BLANKS. Working principle of a Hydroelectric Power Plant. (10 points) s. r.H. J. Rogers
t. s. H. J. Rogers
Pre-commissioning test
Water is conveyed from a _________________________ point to a ________________________ u.t.S.Pre-commissioning
J. Rogers test
point trough a large pipe. At the end, there is a _________________________ and the water v.u.La Mesa Dam
spins it, which moves the shaft, that moves the ___________________________, producing w.v.Wind
La Mesa Dam PP
___________________________. x. A. J. Rogers
y. Dam
z. Draft tube

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