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In the year 2020, the world has developed to a large scale in the technological field.

Even an ordinary
man can’t live without the dependence of the technology. The technology provided all facilities for
humans to survive. But some Bad Asses also took the advantage of the technology. The number of
crimes also increased proportionally to the Technology.

In New York, Dr. Ben Drake is a Scientist and also the C.E.O of R.T.I (Robo Tech Industries). His Company
had provided help to the public technically. His company manufactured “CopBots” which are Police
Robots which decreased the Crime in the New York City. He is given a huge appreciation by the Govt. of
America which leads the Bad Asses to be enemy of him.

Sam Drake is the son of Ben Drake Who is a Youngster. He is suffering from weakening of Bones in his
body from his birth. He can’t walk like others and he is on a wheelchair. But He has got a brilliant and
genius Brain with which he forgets he is a disabled one. He goes along with his father to study about his
new projects and functions.

Ben has got only one sadness, the disability of Sam. To overcome this, Ben invented a thing called
“Skeltor” a long chain like structure, made with ‘Skalatin’ a metal with high durability and indestructible.
It was connected to Sam’s Skeletal System through surgery which stopped the weakening of the bones
and made it consistent. With this Sam was able to do works better than before but could not get to be

Daniel Cruz is a Bad Ass in the New York City who is an Illegal Smuggler and a Black Merchant. With the
introduction of CopBots his business had collapsed. He has confronted Ben Drake with an offer to work
with him to be a billionaire, But Ben rejected it. The frustrated Daniel want to make Ben Drake to Work
for him and get his Inventions Work for Daniel or otherwise kill Ben.

Dr. Ben Drake is working on his long new Project called “

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