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Proofreading Proficiency Test – Romanian

Guidelines for completing the Proofreading Proficiency Test

The test consists of a translated text in which various errors have been inserted, alongside its original
English text, an error report which you will need to fill in according to the guidelines below, and the
definitions and examples of the several errors inserted.

Guidelines on how to fill in the error report:

1. In the first column, fill out the line number where you spotted the mistake.

2. In the 2nd column, Error Type, choose from the drop-down menu the corresponding error type.
Categorize the errors carefully based on the definition and examples in the Definition and
Examples on the last page of this document.

3. In the 3rd column, Error, write down the actual error detected.

4. In the 4th column, Correction, insert the correction

5. In the 5th column, Notes, add notes/comments for your correction if you deem necessary

6. Save the test in the following format: PPT_x_Your name_Your language.doc

If your name is Sally Smith and you are completing test 2 in Dutch your file name would be:
PPT_2_Sally Smith_Dutch.doc

Once again, thank you for your time in completing the test. If you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to contact us.
Original Text Translation
As she did in her 2004 collection ―Don’t Let 1. Asemeni tehnicii abordată în colecţia din 2004
Me Be Lonely,‖ Rankine again works with a 2. „Don’t Let Me Be Lonely‖, Rankine foloseşte din
form she calls ―an American Lyric.‖ The 3. nou un stil pe care îl numeşte „poem liric
writing zigs and zags effortlessly between 4. american‖. Stilul lui oscilează cu uşurinţă între
prose poems, images and essays. This is the 5. poeme în proză, imagini şi eseuri. Aceasta e poeta
poet as conceptual artist, in full mastery of her 6. ca artist conceptual, la apogeul măiestriei ei
craft. And while the themes of this book could 7. artistice. Şi, deşi temele acestei cărţi ar fi putut
have been mined from any point in America’s 8. porni din orice perioadă a istoriei americane,
history, Rankine sets the whole collection 9. Rankine nu îşi ancorează puternic colecţia în
resolutely in the present. Contemporary 10. prezent. Conţinutul şi forma contemporane sunt
content and contemporary form mirror each 11. puse în oglindă
other. 12.
There are also several evocative internal 14. Există şi câteva monloguri interne evocatoare,
monologues that offer a kind of breathing 15. care oferă o gură de aer proaspăt între textele
space between the texts grounded in fact. 16. descriptive. Te aşezi, you oftezi. Te ridici, oftezi.
―You sit down, you sigh. You stand up, you 17. Oftarea este descărcarea îngrijorătoare a unei
sigh. The sighing is a worrying exhale of an 18. durere. Nu ai putea s-o denumeşti boală; şi, totuşi,
ache. You wouldn’t call it an illness; still it is 19. nu este exprimarea unui suflet liber. Cu ce altceva
not the iteration of a free being. What else to 20. ai putea să te semeni decât cu animalul din clasa
liken yourself to but an animal, the ruminant 21. celor gânditoare?‖ În cel mai bun caz, aceste
kind?‖ At best these monologues capture the 22. monologuri surprind condiţia liminală – ceea ce
liminal quality of being black and American 23. Du Bois a numit dubla conştiinţă – deşi, pe
— what Du Bois called double consciousness 24. alocuri, acestea alunecă spre o uşoară tautologie:
— though on occasion they lapse into slack 25. „Emoţia îşi pierde din trăire dacă descrie o lipsă a
tautology: ―Do feelings lose their feeling if 26. trăirii?‖
they speak to a lack of feeling?‖ 27.
Rankine has for the most part abandoned line 29. Rankine a abandonat în mare parte liniile de
breaks; she is like a painter abandoning 30. dialog. E asemeni unui pictor care-şi abandonează
representation in order to focus on canvas, 31. reprezentarea pentru a se concentra asupra pânzei,
color and light. In her world, enjambment, that 32. culorii şi luminii. În lumea ei, ingambamentul,
poetic technique of allowing a sentence to run 33. tehnica poetică prin care se permite unei
into the next line of poetry, often to create 34. propoziţii continuarea în versul următor, adesea
layered meanings, takes place between poems 35. folosită pentru a crea sensuri multiple, are loc
rather than between lines. 36. între texte mai mult decât între rânduri.
Rankine creates an intentionally disorienting 38. Rankne creează o experienţă ce dezorientează
experience, one that mirrors the experience of 39. intenţionat, oglinzi cu experienţa micilor
racial micro-aggressions her subjects 40. agresiuni rasiale pe care subiecţii ei o trăiesc. în
encounter. Race is both referenced and 41. text, se face referire la rasă şi, în acelaşi timp,
purposely effaced within the text. 42. aceasta e mascată.
―The real estate woman, who didn’t fathom 44. „Agenta imobiliară, care n-a înţeles că ar fi putut
she could have made an appointment to show 45. stabili o întâlnnire pentru a-ţi arăta casa, îşi ocupă
her house to you, spends much of the walk- 46. mare parte din timpul în care te învaţă spunându-i
through telling your friend, repeatedly, how 47. prietenei tale, în mod repetat, cât de confortabil se
comfortable she feels around her. Neither you 48. simte în preajma ei. Nici tu, nici prietena ta nu vă
nor your friend bothers to ask who is making 49. deranjaţi să o spuneţi cine o face să nu se simtă în
her feel uncomfortable.‖ 50. largul ei?‖
As Rankine pointedly writes, ―Just getting 52. Aşa cum subliniază Rankine: „Să ne înţelegeam
along shouldn’t be an ambition.‖ ―Citizen‖ 53. bine n-ar trebui să fie o ambiţie‖. „Cetăţeanul‖
throws a Molotov cocktail at the notion that a 54. aruncă un cocktail Molotov asupra conceptului că
reduction of injustice is the same as freedom. 55. o reducere a nedreptăţii e totuna cu libertatea.
Error Report #2

Line # Error Type Error Correction Notes

aunque el motel
aunque estos osos no no se parezca The verb “to bear”
12 Mistranslation - Major se parecen al hotel mistranslated as the
a los de El resplandor Overlook de El noun
Definition and Examples

Type of Error Definition Example

Capitalization Incorrect use of upper/lower case I don’t want to go. > i don’t want to go.
Lives change in five years. > Lives
Grammar/Syntax Grammatical or syntactical mistake
changes in five years.
Different translations used for the same term
Spanish text used in Brazilian
Incorrect/different language is used or left in
Incorrect language Portuguese file or English text left in
a file
Thai file
Major mistranslation that affects the meaning Sarah killed her husband. > Sarah did not
Mistranslation - Major
of the sentence and the overall plot kill her husband.
I cooked pot roast for tonight. > I cooked
minestrone for tonight. IMPORTANT: It
Minor mistranslation that may affect the
is not an error if the translator decided
Mistranslation - Minor meaning of the sentence but not the overall
to leave out unimportant information,
repeated or filler words or condensed
the translation.
She was our mole in the company. >
Literal translation - Major literal translation that affects the
'Mole' translated as an animal instead of
Major meaning of the sentence and the overall plot.
Hard word breaks no bones. > Word-to-
Minor literal translation that does not convey
Literal translation - word translation that would not convey
the correct intention of the speaker, joke or
Minor the meaning 'Words do not physically
sarcasm but not the overall plot.
Punctuation Error - Missing, unnecessary or incorrect You're not going to the prom? > You're
Major punctuation that alters the overall meaning not going to the prom.
Missing, unnecessary or incorrect
Punctuation Error - punctuation that may affect viewer’s reading We got invited to Michelle's party! > We
Minor experience but does not alter the overall got invited to Michelle's party.
Severe/important missing translation that He just won the lottery yesterday and
Severe missing
affect the meaning of the sentence and the was robbed an hour later. > He just won
overall plot the lottery yesterday.
Typos or spelling mistakes that are detectable
Typo/Spelling Error -
with spell-check or mistakes in proper nouns, James Cameron > James Camerrron
character or place names or in Main Title.
Typos or spelling mistakes that are not
detectable with spell-check but only by read-
Typo/Spelling Error - He pulled the cork from a bottle. > He
through. Or mistakes that are not in proper
Minor pulled the dork from a bottle.
nouns, character or place names or in Main
A musician was playing his friend's
Nonfluent/awkward Translation that sounds awkward or contains
trumpet. > A musician was blowing his
translation a poor choice of word
friend's trumpet.

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