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READING (20 marks)

1 Choose the best title for paragraphs 1–4. Then choose the best title for the article.
1 Paragraph 1:
a Britannica and Encarta
b The heaviest encyclopaedia in the world
2 Paragraph 2:
a A new encyclopaedia on CD
b A new encyclopaedia
3 Paragraph 3:
a Jokes about Wikipedia
b Wikipedia isn’t perfect
4 Paragraph 4:
a Not many mistakes
b An encyclopaedia with too many mistakes
5 Article title:
a How Wikipedia changed the world of encyclopaedias
b How to use an encyclopaedia

The Encyclopaedia Britannica has always been a popular encyclopaedia. It has articles by over 4,000 writers on over
32,000 pages; there are 32 volumes and it weighs 58 kilogrammes. But the world of encyclopaedias changed in
1993, when Microsoft, the world’s largest computer software company, launched its own encyclopaedia, Encarta.
Microsoft had enough money to pay a large team of professional writers and programmers. Customers paid a lot of
money to buy it, on CDs or online. But after only eight years, the world changed again.
Wikipedia was launched in January 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. They didn’t pay for teams of writers –
they just waited for people to write for fun. They also didn’t pay people to check what others were writing – again,
everyone worked for free. And customers didn’t buy their encyclopaedia as books or CDs – it was all free on the
Internet. Nobody thought Wikipedia could compete with the other encyclopaedias. But it is now one of the largest
and most popular encyclopaedias.
Of course, there are problems. People sometimes write about subjects that they don’t really understand and don´t
have all the correct information. Some writers have very strong feelings about a subject, so readers aren’t sure if
they’re reading opinions or facts. Sometimes people invent facts or give false information which can make the people
they write about angry.
Fortunately, problems like these aren’t common. There are only a few mistakes in most encyclopaedias. There
are now good systems to look for problems and to fix them quickly. So when you find information in online
encyclopaedias, it is a good idea to check your facts somewhere else too.

2 Choose the best answer.

1 Why do you think customers were happy to pay a lot of money for Encarta?
a Because it was online.
b Because it was on CD.
c Because the quality and content was very good.

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2 Why do people write for Wikipedia?
a Because they get lots of money for writing.
b Because they don’t like other encyclopaedias.
c Because they love writing and they want to help.
3 Why was Wikipedia successful?
a Because Encarta had technical problems.
b Because Wikipedia was free.
c Because Wikipedia writers sometimes invented facts.
4 Why do some people get angry about Wikipedia articles?
a Because the writers have strong feelings.
b Because the articles are not interesting.
c Because the information may not be true.
5 Why does the writer say it’s good to check your facts somewhere else?
a Because all encyclopaedias on the Internet sometimes have mistakes.
b Because people do not usually fix problems.
c Because books are more reliable than online encyclopaedias.

3 Complete the sentences with the missing letters.

1 I want to create video games, but I don’t have a very good i g t n.
2 If you spend too long on the Internet, it can a t your health.
3 She didn’t get a good g e in the test because she didn’t study for it.
4 Be careful when you d l d programs from the Internet – you might get a virus.
5 He’s not fat – he’s just a little o w t.
6 Video games aren’t all bad: there are some a n s.
7 When I first played the game, I wasn’t good at it, but now I i e every time I play.
8 He’s really c t e – he has lots of good ideas.
9 Social networking has many b f s. You can learn a lot from your friends.
10 They make e c i l games for children to play in school, so they can learn.


4 Complete the sentences with compound nouns. Use one word from each box.

online key news internet smart computer games rooms banking phone address
email chat mobile bus mother- board in-law paper stop phone program

  1 She spends all her time on the Internet, and she loves online games .
  2 I read a everyday.
  3 I spend a lot of time sharing links and chatting with my friends in .
  4 I need your to send you an email.
  5 I can send emails from my .
 6 is the system that lets you use your bank account on the Internet.
 7 The is broken on my computer. I can’t type.
 8 My is my husband’s mother.

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  9 We can meet at the , and then get the bus into town.
10 A is a set of instructions that makes a computer do something.
11 Can I have your number please?


5 Correct one mistake in the underlined parts of the sentences below.
1 I am thinking that chat rooms are dangerous. I think that …
2 It’s seem to me that social media is very popular.
3 In my opinion that some video games aren’t suitable for children.
4 I think, that the Internet has made life easier.
5 I beleive that internet banking is better than traditional banking.
6 It seems too me that blogging may not be so popular ten years from now.


6 Use the word in brackets to join each pair of sentences.
1 I buy films online. I upload my own films.

(also) .
2 You can read people’s messages in that chat room. You can send messages.

(too). .
3 I use the Internet. I have an email account.

(and) .
4 I have a bank account online. I shop online a lot.

(too) .
5 I buy books on the Internet. You can buy videos on the Internet.

(also) .


7 Use the word in brackets to join each pair of sentences.
1 I have an email account. I don’t use it now. (but)

2 The Internet has many advantages. It also has some disadvantages. (however)

3 My friends use chat rooms a lot. I don’t like them. (but)

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4 Some video games are unsuitable for children. There are some good educational games.

5 Social media is very popular. It hasn’t replaced traditional media. (but)


8 Match the topic sentences (a–f) to the paragraphs (1–5). There is one extra sentence.
a Blogs are online diaries.
b Blogs have many advantages.
c Everyone can write comments on blogs.
d However, not all blogs are as good as others.
e I started my own blog five years ago.
f Most bloggers are just normal people.

1  They are a type of website which is very easy to change. New stories appear at the
top but you can still see older stories at the bottom of the page.
2  Often the conversations in the comments are the most interesting part of a blog.
People also add links to their own blogs in their comments, so it’s a good way to find new,
interesting information. If you write comments on other people’s blogs, you’ll meet some great
people, too.
3  They write because they have something to tell the world. They don’t get paid to
write, but the best bloggers can still make money. For example, some bloggers also write books.
People buy these books because they know the bloggers and like their work.
4  They are a good way to find out about very technical subjects like science and
technology. They are also very up-to-date. The writers are often experts and their ideas can be
very creative.
5  Some people don’t know anything about a subject but they still write about it!
Some blogs are also boring or badly written. However, if you are careful and you follow blogs that
lots of other people follow, you’ll probably find it very useful.


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