Corporation Law Cases Wk3 CompleteAF

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Corporation Law

Week 3
G.R. No. 108905 October 23, 1997 would deprive the right of voters to vote for fifteen (15)
members of the Board," and "it is undemocratic for a person or
GRACE CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL, petitioner, entity to hold office in perpetuity." Petitioner requested the
vs. chairman of the election committee to change the notice of
THE COURT OF APPEALS, GRACE VILLAGE election by following the procedure in previous elections,
ASSOCIATION, INC., ALEJANDRO G. BELTRAN, and claiming that the notice issued for the 1990 elections ran
ERNESTO L. GO, respondents. "counter to the practice in previous years" and was "in violation
of the by-laws (of 1975)" and "unlawfully deprive[d] Grace
MENDOZA, J.: Christian High School of its vested right [to] a permanent seat
in the board." 5

As the association denied its request, the school brought suit
Petitioner Grace Christian High School is an educational for mandamus in the Home Insurance and Guaranty
institution offering preparatory, kindergarten and secondary Corporation to compel the board of directors of the association
courses at the Grace Village in Quezon City. Private to recognize its right to a permanent seat in the board.
respondent Grace Village Association, Inc., on the other hand, Petitioner based its claim on the abovementioned proposed
is an organization of lot and/or building owners, lessees and amendment which, it contended, had become part of the by-
residents at Grace Village, while private respondents Alejandro laws of the association.
G. Beltran and Ernesto L. Go were its president and chairman
of the committee on election, respectively, in 1990, when this SEC: opinion; that the practice of allowing unelected members
suit was brought. in the board was contrary to the existing by-laws of the
association and to §92 of the Corporation Code (B.P. Blg. 68).
As adopted in 1968, the by-laws of the association provided as
follows: “The annual meeting of the members of the The association contended that the basis of the petition
Association shall be held on the first Sunday of for mandamus was merely "a proposed by-laws which has not
January…where they shall elect by plurality vote and by secret yet been approved by competent authority nor registered with
balloting, the Board of Directors…” the SEC or HIGC." It argued that "the by-laws which was
registered with the SEC on January 16, 1969 should be the
It appears, that on December 20, 1975, a committee of the prevailing by-laws of the association and not the proposed
board of directors prepared a draft of an amendment to the amended by-laws." In reply, petitioner maintained that the
by-laws, amending the annual meeting and the election of "amended by-laws is valid and binding" and that the
the board of directors, with the provision that, GRACE association was estopped from questioning the by-laws.
CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL representative is a permanent
Director of the ASSOCIATION. This draft was never HIGC: June 20, 1990; dismissing petitioner's action. The
presented to the general membership for approval. hearing officer held that the amended by-laws, upon which
Nevertheless, from 1975, after it was presumably submitted to petitioner based its claim, "[was] merely a proposed by-laws
the board, up to 1990, petitioner was given a permanent seat which, although implemented in the past, had not yet been
in the board of directors of the association. ratified by the members of the association nor approved by
competent authority""allowing the automatic inclusion of a
For fifteen years — from 1975 until 1989 — petitioner's member representative of petitioner as permanent director
representative had been recognized as a "permanent director" [was] contrary to law and the registered by-laws of respondent
of the association. But on February 13, 1990, petitioner association." The appeals board of the HIGC affirmed the
received notice from the association's committee on election decision of the hearing officer in its resolution dated September
that the latter was "reexamining" (actually, reconsidering) the 13, 1990.
right of petitioner's representative to continue as an unelected
member of the board stating that "it was the sentiment that all CA: Feb. 9,1993; affirmed the decision of the HIGC, no valid
directors should be elected by members of the association" amendment of the association's by-laws because of failure to
because "to make a person or entity a permanent Director comply with the requirement of its existing by-laws, prescribing
the affirmative vote of the majority of the members of the MIGUEL CORPORATION, EMIGDIO TANJUATCO, SR., and
association at a regular or special meeting called for the EDUARDO R. VISAYA, respondents.
adoption of amendment to the by-laws

WON the petitioner’s representative has a right to sit in the Facts:

board of directors of the respondent as a permanent member
On October 22, 1976, petitioner, as stockholder of respondent
San Miguel Corporation, filed with the Securities and Exchange
Held: Commission (SEC) a petition for "declaration of nullity of
amended by-laws, cancellation of certificate of filing of
amended by- laws, injunction and damages with prayer for a
No. The board of directors of corporations must be elected
preliminary injunction" against the majority of the members of
from among the stockholders or members. There may be
the Board of Directors and San Miguel Corporation as an
corporations in which there are unelected members in the
unwilling petitioner. He has the ff causes of action:
board but it is clear that in the examples cited by petitioner the
unelected members sit as ex officio members, i.e., by virtue of 1. That the Board in amending the by-laws, had no authority
and for as long as they hold a particular office. But in the case to do so because it was based on the a 1961 authorization
of petitioner, there is no reason at all for its representative to and the amendment being contested was in 1976, and the
be given a seat in the board. Nor does petitioner claim a right authorization should have been based on votes made
to such seat by virtue of an office held. In fact it was not given according to the 1976 shares, not the 1961 shares,
such seat in the beginning. It was only in 1975 that a proposed
2. The authority granted in 1961 had already been exercised
amendment to the by-laws sought to give it one.
in 1962 and 1963, after which the authority of the Board
ceased to exist,
Since the provision in question is contrary to law, the fact that
for fifteen years it has not been questioned or challenged but, 3. Membership of the Board changed since 1961, there are 6
on the contrary, appears to have been implemented by the new directors,
members of the association cannot forestall a later challenge 4. That prior to the amendment of the by-laws, he had all the
to its validity. Neither can it attain validity through qualifications to be a director (he was a substantial
acquiescence because, if it is contrary to law, it is beyond the stockholder) and the amended by-laws disqualified him
power of the members of the association to waive its invalidity. and deprived him of a vested right to be voted,
For that matter the members of the association may have
formally adopted the provision in question, but their action 5. That the corporation has no inherent power to disqualify a
would be of no avail because no provision of the by-laws can stockholder from being elected and therefore it is an ultra
be adopted if it is contrary to law. It is probable that, in allowing vires and void act.
petitioner's representative to sit on the board, the members of On October 28, 1976, in connection with the same case,
the association were not aware that this was contrary to law. It petitioner filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
should be noted that they did not actually implement the an "Urgent Motion for Production and Inspection of
provision in question except perhaps insofar as it increased the Documents", alleging that the Secretary of respondent
number of directors from 11 to 15, but certainly not the corporation refused to allow him to inspect its records despite
allowance of petitioner's representative as an unelected request made by petitioner for production of certain documents
member of the board of directors. It is more accurate to say enumerated in the request, and that respondent corporation
that the members merely tolerated petitioner's had been attempting to suppress information from its
representative and tolerance cannot be considered stockholders despite a negative reply by the SEC to its query
ratification. regarding their authority to do so. But the request was denied
because the request was said to have been made in bad faith.
Nor can petitioner claim a vested right to sit in the board on the
basis of "practice." Practice, no matter how long continued, Respondents filed their answer to the petition, denying the
cannot give rise to any vested right if it is contrary to law. Even substantial allegations therein and stating, by way of
less tenable is petitioner's claim that its right is "coterminus affirmative defenses that "the action taken by the Board of
with the existence of the association." Directors on September 18, 1976 resulting in the amendments
is valid and legal because the power to 'amend, modify, repeal
or adopt new By-laws' delegated to said Board on March 13,
G.R. No. L-45911 April 11, 1979
1961 and long prior thereto has never been revoked,
withdrawn or otherwise nullified by the stockholders of SMC".
JOHN GOKONGWEI, JR., petitioner, Also said that the power of the Board to amend the by-laws are
vs. broad, subject only to existing laws, that in August 1972, the
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, ANDRES M. Universal Robina Corporation (Robina), a corporation engaged
SORIANO, JOSE M. SORIANO, ENRIQUE ZOBEL, in business competitive to that of respondent corporation,
ANTONIO ROXAS, EMETERIO BUNAO, WALTHRODE B. began acquiring shares therein until September 1976 when its
total holding amounted to 622,987 shares for URC and one right, viz.: "to object thereto in writing and demand
543,959 shares for CFC, "conducted malevolent and malicious payment for his share." Under section 22 of the same law, the
publicity campaign against SMC " to generate support from the owners of the majority of the subscribed capital stock may
stockholder "in his effort to secure for himself and in amend or repeal any by-law or adopt new by-laws. It cannot be
representation of Robina and CFC interests, a seat in the said, therefore, that petitioner has a vested right to be elected
Board of Directors of SMC", that in the stockholders' meeting director, in the face of the fact that the law at the time such
of March 18, 1976, petitioner was rejected by the stockholders right as stockholder was acquired contained the prescription
in his bid to secure a seat in the Board of Directors on the that the corporate charter and the by-law shall be subject to
basic issue that petitioner was engaged in a competitive amendment, alteration and modification.
business and his securing a seat would have subjected
Although in the strict and technical sense, directors of a private
respondent corporation to grave disadvantages;
corporation are not regarded as trustees, there cannot be any
On May 6, 1977, this Court issued a temporary restraining doubt that their character is that of a fiduciary insofar as the
order restraining private respondents from disqualifying or corporation and the stockholders as a body are concerned. As
preventing petitioner from running or from being voted as agents entrusted with the management of the corporation, they
director of respondent corporation and from submitting for should act for the collective benefit of the stockholders.
ratification or confirmation or from causing the ratification or
The doctrine of "corporate opportunity" is precisely a
confirmation of the amendment. SEC held that petitioner
recognition that fiduciary standards could not be upheld
should be allowed to run as a director but that he should not sit
where the fiduciary was acting for two entities with
as such until SEC has decided on the validity of the by-laws in
competing interests. It is not denied that a member of the
Board of Directors of the San Miguel Corporation has
Respondents reason out that petitioner is engaged in access to sensitive and highly confidential information.
businesses competitive and antagonistic to that of respondent
It is obviously to prevent the creation of an opportunity for an
SMC and that the Board realized the clear and present danger
officer or director of San Miguel Corporation, who is also the
in competitors being directors because they would have easy
officer or owner of a competing corporation, from taking
and direct access to SMC’s business and trade secrets.
advantage of the information which he acquires as director to
Issue: promote his individual or corporate interests to the prejudice of
San Miguel Corporation and its stockholders, that the
Whether or not the provisions of the amended by-laws of
questioned amendment of the by-laws was made. Certainly,
respondent corporation, disqualifying a competitor from
where two corporations are competitive in a substantial sense,
nomination or election to the Board of Directors are valid and
it would seem improbable, if not impossible, for the director, if
he were to discharge effectively his duty, to satisfy his loyalty
>Whether or not there is a vested right of a to both corporations and place the performance of his
stockholder to be elected as director corporation duties above his personal concerns.

Held: In the absence of any legal prohibition or overriding public

policy, wide latitude may be accorded to the corporation in
The validity or reasonableness of a by-law of a corporation in
adopting measures to protect legitimate corporate interests.
purely a question of law. 9 Whether the by-law is in conflict with
The test must be whether the business does in fact compete,
the law of the land, or with the charter of the corporation, or is
not whether it is capable of an indirect and highly unsubstantial
in a legal sense unreasonable and therefore unlawful is a
duplication of an isolated or non-characteristic activity.
question of law. This rule is subject, however, to the limitation
that where the reasonableness of a by-law is a mere matter of
judgment, and one upon which reasonable minds must G.R. No. 125778 June 10, 2003
necessarily differ, a court would not be warranted in
substituting its judgment instead of the judgment of those who INTER-ASIA INVESTMENTS INDUSTRIES, INC., Petitioner,
are authorized to make by-laws and who have exercised their vs.
INC., Respondents.
Any person "who buys stock in a corporation does so with the
knowledge that its affairs are dominated by a majority of the
stockholders and that he impliedly contracts that the will of the
majority shall govern in all matters within the limits of the act of
incorporation and lawfully enacted by-laws and not forbidden Facts:
by law." On September 1, 1978, Inter-Asia Industries, Inc. (petitioner),
Pursuant to section 18 of the Corporation Law, any corporation by a Stock Purchase Agreement3 (the Agreement), sold to Asia
may amend its articles of incorporation by a vote or written Industries, Inc. (private respondent) for and in consideration of
assent of the stockholders representing at least two-thirds of the sum of P19,500,000.00 all its right, title and interest in and
the subscribed capital stock of the corporation. If the to all the outstanding shares of stock of FARMACOR, INC.
amendment changes, diminishes or restricts the rights of the (FARMACOR).4 The Agreement was signed by Leonides P.
existing shareholders, then the dissenting minority has only
Gonzales and Jesus J. Vergara, presidents of petitioner and WON the letter of the president of the petitioner is not binding
private respondent, respectively. on the petitioner being ultra vires.
Under paragraph 7 of the Agreement, petitioner as seller made
warranties and representations. The Agreement was later
The general rule is that, in the absence of authority from
amended with respect to the "Closing Date," originally set up at
the board of directors, no person, not even its officers,
10:00 a.m. of September 30, 1978, which was moved to
can validly bind a corporation. A corporation is a juridical
October 31, 1978, and to the mode of payment of the purchase
person, separate and distinct from its stockholders and
members, "having x x x powers, attributes and properties
expressly authorized by law or incident to its existence."
The Agreement, as amended, as providedprivate respondent
may retain the sum of P7,500,000.00 out of the stipulated
Being a juridical entity, a corporation may act through its board
purchase price of P19,500,000.00; that from this retained
of directors, which exercises almost all corporate powers, lays
amount, private respondent may deduct any shortfall on the
down all corporate business policies and is responsible for the
Minimum Guaranteed Net Worth of P12,000,000.00; and that if
efficiency of management, as provided in Section 23 of the
the amount retained is not sufficient to make up for the
Corporation Code of the Philippines.
deficiency in the Minimum Guaranteed Net Worth, petitioner
shall pay the difference within 5 days from date of receipt of
the audited financial statements. Under this provision, the power and responsibility to decide
whether the corporation should enter into a contract that will
bind the corporation is lodged in the board, subject to the
Respondent paid petitioner a total amount of P 12,000,000.00.
articles of incorporation, bylaws, or relevant provisions of
law. However, just as a natural person may authorize
to the financial report11 dated November 28, 1978 submitted by
another to do certain acts for and on his behalf, the board
SGV, it appears that FARMACOR had, for the ten months
of directors may validly delegate some of its functions and
ended October 31, 1978, a deficit of P11,244,225.00.12 Since
powers to officers, committees or agents. The authority of
the stockholder’s equity amounted to P10,000,000.00,
such individuals to bind the corporation is generally
FARMACOR had a net worth deficiency of P1,244,225.00. The
derived from law, corporate bylaws or authorization from
guaranteed net worth shortfall thus amounted to
the board, either expressly or impliedly by habit, custom
P13,244,225.00 after adding the net worth deficiency of
or acquiescence in the general course of business:
P1,244,225.00 to the Minimum Guaranteed Net Worth of
A corporate officer or agent may represent and bind
the corporation in transactions with third persons to
The adjusted contract price, therefore, amounted to
the extent that [the] authority to do so has been
P6,225,775.00 which is the difference between the contract
conferred upon him, and this includes powers as, in
price of P19,500,000.00 and the shortfall in the guaranteed net
the usual course of the particular business, are
worth of P13,224,225.00. Private respondent having already
incidental to, or may be implied from, the powers
paid petitioner P12,000,000.00, it was entitled to a refund of
intentionally conferred, powers added by custom and
usage, as usually pertaining to the particular officer or
agent, and such apparent powers as the corporation
Petitioner thereafter proposed, by letter13 of January 24, 1980, has caused person dealing with the officer or agent to
signed by its president, that private respondent’s claim for believe that it has conferred.
refund be reduced to P4,093,993.00, it promising to pay the
cost of the Northern Cotabato Industries, Inc. (NOCOSII)
Apparent authority is derived not merely from practice. Its
superstructures in the amount of P759,570.00. To the proposal
existence may be ascertained through (1) the general
respondent agreed. Petitioner, however, weiched on its
manner in which the corporation holds out an officer or agent
promise. Petitioner’s total liability thus stood at P4,853,503.00
as having the power to act or, in other words the apparent
(P4,093,993.00 plus P759,570.00) exclusive of interest.
authority to act in general, with which it clothes him; or (2) the
acquiescence in his acts of a particular nature, with actual
On April 5, 1983, private respondent filed a complaint against or constructive knowledge thereof, within or beyond the
petitioner with the Regional Trial Court of Makati, one of two scope of his ordinary powers.
causes of action of which was for the recovery of above-said It requires presentation of evidence of similar act(s) execu
amount of P4,853,503.00 plus interest. ted either in its favor or in favor of other parties. It is not
the quantity of similar acts which establishes
RTC: in favor of private respondent apparent authority, but the vesting of
CA: same same, recon; denied siya bes a corporate officer with power to bind the corporation.

SC: Certiorari
G.R. No. 144767 March 21, 2002 Petitioner's argument is untenable. Even assuming that he was
in fact appointed by the General Manager, such appointment
DILY DANY NACPIL, petitioner, was subsequently approved by the Board of Directors of the
vs. IBC.11 That the position of Comptroller is not expressly
INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING mentioned among the officers of the IBC in the By-Laws is of
CORPORATION, respondent. no moment, because the IBC's Board of Directors is
empowered under Section 25 of the Corporation Code 12 and
KAPUNAN, J.: under the corporation's By-Laws to appoint such other officers
as it may deem necessary. The By-Laws of the IBC
categorically provides:

Petitioner states that he was Assistant General Manager for
Finance/Administration and Comptroller of private respondent
Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) from 1996 until The officers of the corporation shall consist of a President,
April 1997. According to petitioner, when Emiliano Templo was a Vice-President, a Secretary-Treasurer, a General
appointed to replace IBC President Tomas Gomez III Manager, and such other officers as the Board of
sometime in March 1997, the former told the Board of Directors Directors may from time to time does fit to provide for.
that as soon as he assumes the IBC presidency, he would Said officers shall be elected by majority vote of the
terminate the services of petitioner. Apparently, Templo Board of Directors and shall have such powers and
blamed petitioner, along with a certain Mr. Basilio and Mr. duties as shall hereinafter provide (Emphasis supplied).
Gomez, for the prior mismanagement of IBC. Upon his
assumption of the IBC presidency, Templo allegedly harassed, The Court has held that in most cases the "by-laws may and
insulted, humiliated and pressured petitioner into resigning until usually do provide for such other officers,"14 and that where a
the latter was forced to retire. However, Templo refused to pay corporate office is not specifically indicated in the roster of
him his retirement benefits, allegedly because he had not yet corporate offices in the by-laws of a corporation, the board of
secured the clearances from the Presidential Commission on directors may also be empowered under the by-laws to create
Good Government and the Commission on Audit. Furthermore, additional officers as may be necessary.15
Templo allegedly refused to recognize petitioner's employment,
claiming that petitioner was not the Assistant General An "office" has been defined as a creation of the charter of a
Manager/Comptroller of IBC but merely usurped the powers of corporation, while an "officer" as a person elected by the
the Comptroller. Hence, in 1997, petitioner filed with the Labor directors or stockholders. On the other hand, an "employee"
Arbiter a complaint for illegal dismissal and non-payment of occupies no office and is generally employed not by action of
benefits. the directors and stockholders but by the managing officer of
the corporation who also determines the compensation to be
Instead of filing its position paper, IBC filed a motion to dismiss paid to such employee.16
alleging that the Labor Arbiter had no jurisdiction over the
case. IBC contended that petitioner was a corporate officer As petitioner's appointment as comptroller required the
who was duly elected by the Board of Directors of IBC; hence, approval and formal action of the IBC's Board of Directors to
the case qualifies as an intra-corporate dispute falling within become valid,17 it is clear therefore holds that petitioner is a
the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange Commission corporate officer whose dismissal may be the subject of a
(SEC). controversy cognizable by the SEC under Section 5(c) of P.D.
902-A which includes controversies involving both election
LA: Illegally dismissed si petitioner and appointment of corporate directors, trustees, officers, and
managers.18 Had petitioner been an ordinary employee, such
NLRC: dismissed: unable to give appeal bond. Motion for board action would not have been required.
recon: denied
As to petitioner's argument that the nature of his functions is
CA: certiorari; reversed LA and NLRC decision recommendatory thereby making him a mere managerial
officer, the Court has previously held that the relationship of a
person to a corporation, whether as officer or agent or
employee is not determined by the nature of the services
performed, but instead by the incidents of the relationship as
WON petitioner was appointed by respondent's board of they actually exist.
directors as comptroller. This finding is contrary to the
common, consistent position and admission of both parties.
Further, respondent's by-laws does not include comptroller as
one of its corporate officers.


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