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ART 2 “Multiple Views” Drawing

o Develop a strong observational drawing practice.
o Practice using colored pencils in rendering form and value.
o Plan and organize your work; show progress over time.
o Utilize the genre of still life to communicate ideas and express yourself visually.


1. Brainstorm list of objects that you find interesting and show variety of texture,
line, value, shape, and space.
2. Bring in 3 interesting objects or take photos of an object from many different
angles. 25 photos minimum, printed large enough to draw from.
3. On a full page in you sketchbook create 15 small thumbnail drawings of one
object showing multiple views.
4. Choose the best 10 views and create final drawings in pencil or colored pencil.
Arrange each composition neatly on a final piece of 12x18. Include a ½” border
around each section.
5. Create a dynamic fractured drawing. Each view must show perspective,
strong contrast and depict a light source. Consider use of abstraction, emphasis,
color, balance, unity, and design.

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