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The 10 step proven system to

launch a successful beauty brand
…and the one thing you don’t need to do, to
get started!


Be clear on your vision & set effective goals

Having an idea of where it is you want to get to and what it would
be like to get there, will significantly help you to reach your desti-
nation. So it’s important to have a business vision!

Your business vision will help you to know (and remember) what it
is you want to achieve and experience, and why. It will help you to

1. Focused on the outcome

2. Positive about the possibility of achieving it
3. Clear about what needs to be done to realise it and
4. Motivated in times of need

Setting goals is important because if you don’t know where you

want to go, you will almost certainly NOT get there and by setting
goals you are actually turning your vision into reality, step-by-step.


1. Take a few minutes to sit quietly and imagine where you

want to be in 5 or 10 years time.

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What success do you want for your business? What will that give
you? How does it feel?
2. Set at least 3 twelve month goals related to what you want to
achieve with your business.


Get Supported
Starting and building a successful beauty business and brand is not
easy. It takes hard work (we won’t lie to you), motivation and a
strong desire to achieve! And at the same time, it is totally possible
to do!

Don’t try to do it all alone, don’t struggle and fumble in the dark,
wondering what to do next, what to prioritise, what to focus on.
You’ll get frustrated, confused, overwhelmed and feel like giving
up. And you don’t want that do you?


1. Find and work with a relevant business coach

2. Do a course that is industry-specific (check our website for the
next Build Your Beauty Brand course
3. Join our Grow Your Natural Skincare Business Facebook Master
mind group here:

By being supported, you will be guided every step of the way, so you
can get where you want to go faster, more directly and with less

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Research the Market

You need to know what brands are out there, what gaps in the mar-
ket there are and what prices other brands are charging.
Once you’ve done some research you can start to identify what gaps
in the market you could fill, think about what niche you want your
brand to fit into to and build your USP.

This will help you to stand out from the crowd, find, get and keep


1. Go out into the marketplace, to some real shops and look

around, play with some products, look at various brands in vari-
ous different shops.

2. Make some notes and take some photos (ask permission). Ask
yourself these questions as you’re looking:

What do you like and why?

What do you dislike and why?

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Create your capsule range

The NPD (New Product Development) process is something you will
always need to be investing your time and energy into if you want
your business to grow and succeed. Plus creating new products, is
part of the fun of building your own beauty brand too!

Your “Capsule Range” should start off small with just 3-5 products.

• Keeps things simple and enables greater focus

• Makes it easier to track, manage and administer everything
• Makes it easier to design & manufacture your products
• You’ll also more easily be able to identify, target and market your
brand & products to your ideal audience.


Write down ideas in answer to these questions.

1. What 3-5 products could you start with?

2. How do they create a coherent capsule range?

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Create your Name and Branding

Your branding is an important part of creating the overall look and
feel of your business and it’s products as well as how you get your
message across to your target audience.

Now, your overall brand name and design has to integrate (and be
consistent) with your:

• Business vision, values, ethics, mission

• Brand positioning, niche & USP
• Target audience (it has to appeal to them)

It’s also important to note that branding design includes:

• Brand logos and icons

• Company/brand colours
• Company/brand fonts/typefaces

Unless you’re a graphic or brand designer, one investment worth

making is to enlist the services of a designer. Its really not worth
scrimping on this if you want a professional looking brand.


Get an A3 Card and some coloured pens, ensure you have a smile on
your face because now it’s time to get into your creative spirit!

1. Write down all the words, phrases and ideas that come to you
when you think about your brand, business, products and cus-

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2. For at least the next week, write down any names, ideas, phras-
es that you come up with, see or hear as you go about your day
that really resonate with you, whether they are related to your
brand or not….Could be anything…something in a film, on TV, on
a poster, something someone says, something you read in a book
etc etc.

We honestly advise that you just keep adding to your A3 Card. Keep
thinking about and observing words, phrases and ideas as you go
about your day. Keep taking notes because over time your brand
name will emerge from this creative exploration!


Design your Products

Product Packaging Design takes the aim of the individual product,
the values of your brand, your personality and all other considera-
tions and conveys that visually through the overall design.

The design needs to have consistency across several products within

a range, i.e. the logo always appears top right, the font is the same
and the size of the product name is consistent, the colours are con-

This links all of the products in your brand together, so they look
like one brand and they look good all sitting together on a shelf or a

Product Packaging Design includes decisions on all elements of

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the design, i.e.

• Componentry (bottle/jar, cap, spray/pump mechanism, lid etc)

• Packaging (retail carton, labels, decoration, inner/liner etc)

You will need to research and source the componentry and work
with your graphic designer on creating the packaging designs (aka
artwork) for each product in your capsule range. This takes time so
get working on it while you’re formulating.


Get Feedback
Its so important to get some feedback from your target audience on
your products, packaging and branding before you take them to
market as if there’s something that they really dislike, its much bet-
ter to find out at this stage, where you can make alterations and
improvements and hopefully get a fantastic and successful range of
products to launch!

The best way to get feedback is through running a focus group,

which is a method of market research where you gather people in
your target audience together to try your products and answer
whatever questions you have about them.

By listening closely to your target audience you will get to know

them better, get to know their needs and wants and be able to use
their language back to them in your marketing too, so they feel
“she’s totally talking to me!” which can be very very effective.

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1. How can you reach people who fit the criteria of your target au-
dience and ask them questions or get them to try your formulas
or products?

2. What answers would you like to get from them?

3. What questions do you think you should ask?


Price for Profit

Pricing your products for profit is one of the hardest things to get
right, especially when starting out.

Profit is essentially the difference between your sales income and

your total costs. So you have to control your costs as well as sell
your products for the best price.

Costs: You should be able to calculate the cost of making a product.

You add up all the costs such as the ingredients, the bottle, the la-
bel and box and divide by the number of products you’ve produced,
relatively simple.

Remember, you also need to take into consideration the other

places that you spend money too! Design work, printing, stationary,
equipment, product testing & certification, insurance and advertis-
ing/marketing…and you need to think about your time too :)

Income: this may come from selling your products direct to cus-

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tomers either through your own website or at fairs and events, or
this may come from selling through retailers - which will buy from
you at a much lower price but offers a way to sell higher volumes.

The difference between the two is your profit margin! This needs to
be at a level where you make money and can pay yourself.

To begin with though, keep it simple!


Put together a nice simple excel spreadsheet to track your income

& expenditure

If you don’t know how to do that, I am sure you can find someone
who can help…you can even find good video tutorials online! Check


Get Marketing
Marketing is an absolutely crucial part of running a successful busi-
ness. Every business owner needs to make friends with marketing
and make it a priority every single week (if not every day!) to un-
dertake some kind of marketing activity.
Marketing is essentially about:

1. Getting and keeping customers

2. Telling people about your products
3. Inviting them to buy them

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There are many many ways to market your brand and products;
through social media, blogging, PR, email newsletters, through
Joint Venture partners, through your retail partners, YouTube,
Facebook ads, your own website if you have one, awards and com-
petitions, trade fairs, customer fairs/events, word of mouth, loyalty
schemes, promotional activity and more!

The good news is that many of the methods listed above are either
free or won’t cost a lot. Most will cost you time but not much or any
money if you do it yourself. You can certainly get going with your
marketing on a very limited budget.

The marketing methods you choose must make sense when related
to your target audience.


Research and brainstorm the answers to these questions:

1. Where do your target audience hang out, online or offline?

2. What social media do they use?
3. What magazines do they read?
4. What blogs do they read?
5. These answers will help guide you to which marketing methods
will be best for you to use, to reach them.

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Sell, Sell, Sell

In order to build a successful brand you need to be consistently and
regularly selling your products. You can do this through retail part-
ners or direct from you to your customers, you can do either both
online and offline too.

You need to be selling your brand through several outlets, not just
one and growing your brand through increasing these outlets and
your sales in each outlet all the time.

Top Tip: get your brand stocked in retailers as soon as you can.
They do a lot of the hard work of finding customers, for you and
you’ll be able to increase your sales and volumes of sales so you’ll
have income to invest in developing more products.


Which retailers (online and stores) would you love to have your
brand stocked and why?

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The one thing you don’t need to get started


Your own website!

Yes you heard that right! You are better off selling your products
through retailers than on your own website, because they do all the
work of building traffic for you (both into a store and to an online
store) which takes time and effort.

We hope that this guide has got you thinking about

the steps YOU can take to launch your successful
beauty brand!

Whats next?

1) Every now and then we’ll send you more tops tips direct to your inbox to help
you grow your successful business

2) Join our online mastermind ‘Grow Your Natural Skincare Business’ (hosted on
Facebook). Be inspired and have your burning questions answered by an expert!

© Goodness&Wonder Ltd 2015 . All rights reserved.

About the Author

Hilary Crisp (known as Hils to most!) is an ex-

pert in the business and marketing arena of
beauty and skincare, having worked as a
marketer for premium beauty brands for
more than 15 years. Hils is the Course Tutor
for our Build Your Beauty Brand course.

Hils’ specialism is new business development –

working with smaller brands such as The Organic
Pharmacy to expand their distribution into retailers
and prestigious high end department stores such as Harvey Nicholls,
John Lewis, House of Fraser and Harrods.

Her expertise also includes:

• Launching and marketing brands, collections and products

• Developing new products and collections
• How to price products and increase profit margins
• Helping brands increase their distribution and get stocked by re-
tailers; both online and in high end department stores
• Working with designers and suppliers of componentry, packaging
and formulations.

Hils has worked with countless different niche brands, across all
‘beauty’ categories; skincare, colour cosmetics, fragrance, home
fragrance and toiletries. Notably, she has worked with The Organic

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Pharmacy, a truly exciting, high quality, beautiful, ethical, and
award-winning organic lifestyle brand. Other skincare brands she
has worked with include Nuxe, La Prairie and Nickel; designer
brands include DVF (Diane von Furstenburg) colour cosmetics and
Designers Guild home fragrance; and quirky, creative brands such as
Lolita Lempicka fragrance.

With this professional experience, plus a degree in Business and

Marketing, her personal passion for organic products and eco/green
lifestyle, and the skills gained through her recent transition into a
new career of coaching, Hils is the perfect person for us to be work-
ing with; to help, guide and support you to create and build your
very own natural beauty brand.

© Goodness&Wonder Ltd 2015 . All rights reserved.

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