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Do brewers need a starch

modification index?
HARTONG INDEX AT 45 °C (VZ 45 °C) AS A QUALITY CRITERION | A major drawback of this method was the
large amount of time involved [17]. There
This contribution is a review of scientific investigations of the was consensus that the carbohydrates were
Hartong Index at 45 °C (VZ 45 °C) and a discussion of the respec- the key to the modification index and that
the modification process during mashing
tive findings. In a previous publication, the authors subdivided was influenced by the totality of enzymes
issues arising into three major breakdown processes i.e. proteolysis, present in the malt and the degree to which
the substrate could be attacked, whereby
cytolysis and amylolysis in the malting and brewing process [16]. – in this case – the propensity to attack was
This article summarises the outcome of the investigations and criti- equated to malt modification [12]. Hartong
[13] was furthermore of the opinion that
cally discusses the question whether VZ 45 °C is a useful specifica- the modification index or the individual
tion for assessing malt quality. relative extract indices provided a possibil-
ity of assessing brewing quality and also of
pinpointing the causes of potential malt de-
SINCE VZ 45 °C has been developed be-
tween the 1930’s and 1950’s by Hartong
and Kretschmer [15], it has become a widely
l Historical background and
technological position
In the 1930’s, VZ 45 °C was developed as
In 1939, Hartong [14] regarded VZ
45 °C as an index for the enzyme poten-
accepted specification for assessing quality part of a process for determining modifica- tial of barley. In 1953, Hartong and Kret-
of barley malt. In brewing technology, an tion properties of malt in the laboratory of schmer [15] modified the analysis method.
excessive difference especially between the Hartong [11]. He selected four tempera- 25 °C was replaced by 20 °C, and the 85 °C
Kolbach index and VZ 45 °C is regarded as ture stages (25 °C, 45 °C, 65 °C and 85 °C) mash was replaced by the 80 °C mash. In
a quality defect [1]. Despite the fact that this for mashing isothermally for one hour. The addition to the Hartong Index, the various
index is taken very seriously, its informa- 25 °C mash was to provide information individual indices are also taken into ac-
tion value is controversial and remains in about previously modified extract and the count. Special significance is accorded to VZ
doubt. activity of the phytase (a phosphate este- 45 °C as it assesses both production as well
In recent times, new breeds of barley va- rase), the 45 °C mash assessed proteolytic as enzymatic power of malt. It closed a gap
rieties such as Annabell and Pasadena have activities, the 65 °C mash measured the ac- in malt analysis. 36 per cent was quoted as
become available. These give rise to malt tivity of all enzymes and the 85 °C mash cov- standard. If VZ 45 °C is below the standard,
with a low VZ 45 °C though good brewing ered extract modification as a consequence the malt has been weakened enzymatically
quality results. The sensory tests in the con- of starch gelatinisation. The four indices due to improper treatment. This affects pro-
text of the Berliner Programm led to excel- were averaged, 60 was deducted, and they teolytic enzymes in particular. As of that
lent results, and the beers scored compara- were defined as modification index. Table 1 time, the fine-coarse difference, the cold
tively well in the staling test ([2],[3]). shows an assessment of the modification in- extract index, the longitudinal section and
Against the backdrop of the currently dex according to Hartong. VZ 45 °C were sufficient to describe malt ad-
widespread infusion mashing with high
mashing-in temperatures, the question
arises whether VZ 45 °C is still a suitable cri- ASSESSMENT OF THE MODIFICATION INDEX IN
terion for assessing quality of malt for use ACCORDANCE WITH HARTONG
in brewing.
Hartong Index Malt assessment
0 - 3.5 decreasing undermodification
Authors: Dr.-Ing. Matthias Keßler, Saaten-Union 4 - 4.5 standard modification for draught beers
GmbH, Isernhagen, Dr.-Ing. Stefan Kreisz, 5 ideal modification
Novozymes A/S, Denmark, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Martin 5.5 - 6 appropriate modification for bottled beers
Zarnkow, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Back, Faculty 6.5 - 10 increasing overmodification
of Technology of Brewing I, Scientific Centre for
Nutrition, Land Use and Environment,Technical Table 1
University of Munich-Weihenstephan, Freising




Wort analyses Beer analyses
n = 36 total nitrogen high molecular weight nitrogen FAN Foam (NIBEM) Filterability (Gmax) Viscosity
r [mg/100 ml] [mg/100 ml] [mg/100 ml] [s] [g] [mPa × s]
VZ 45 °C 0.08 -0.08 -0.02 0.01 0.23 0.14
Tale 2

equately. The Hartong methods of analysis and poor yeast propagation that in turn has If VZ 45 °C is a cytolytic parameter, it
were simply meant to put assessment on a a negative influence on clarification, aroma has to correlate with an index measuring
more solid footing. This index is nowadays and shelf life. He quoted a limit value of at cytolysis. If this is not the case, there has to
known as the “modification index accord- least 36 per cent for VZ 45 °C and values be a relationship with a wort or beer qual-
ing to Hartong” or as “Hartong Index” (HI). over 40 per cent for good colloidal stability ity characteristic that describes cytolysis.
According to Hartong and Kretschmer, VZ of a beer. Otherwise, VZ 45 °C cannot be regarded as
45 °C values and VZ 25 °C values below the Based on investigations by Lie and Rasch a cytolytic index.
standard values of 36 per cent or 25 per cent [19], VZ 45 °C correlates with the FAN con- If VZ 45 °C is an amylolytic parameter, it
may cause problems during lautering, fer- tent of wort. According to the findings of has to correlate with an amylolytic activity,
mentation, clarification, filtration and shelf Bellmer [7], a VZ 45 °C of 38 to 40 per cent a parameter describing the product or the
life. This is attributed to weakened activity guarantees that yeast is adequately supplied substrate. ␣-amylase and ␤-amylase are
of proteolytic enzymes resulting from im- with assimilable nitrogen. the most important amylolytic activities.
proper kilning. In summary, it can be said that all au- Fermentable sugars and dextrins are prod-
Piratzky [22] was of the opinion that the thors are of the opinion that VZ 45 °C pro- uct parameters. The physical properties of
HI is influenced by the modification of grain vides information on malt modification. In starch are understood to be substrate pa-
structure to a limited extent but that it still brewing science, modification processes rameters.
provides a suitable measure of enzymatic are understood as referring both to physi-
activity. He regarded VZ 45 °C in particular cal as well as enzymatic modification. Ac- lPhysical properties of barley starch
as the most informative index. Scriban [24] cordingly, these processes are influenced by Starch is the main component of barley, ac-
concluded from his investigations in 1963 enzymatic activities, physical parameters counting for 55 to 65 per cent of dry mat-
that extract at 45 °C and pH value of the (e.g. temperature) as well as by properties ter. It is present in the form of large (A-type,
same wort provide comprehensive informa- of the substrate as such. Indices describing 10 - 25 µm) and small (B-type, 1 - 5 µm)
tion on the malt, the ␣-amylase content be- a modification process always encompass starch granules. Standard barley starch is
ing described particularly well. This is con- several factors. composed of 20 - 30 per cent amylose and
tradicted by Kretschmer [18] who assessed If VZ 45 °C is a measure of proteolysis, 70 - 80 per cent amylopectin. Gelatinisation
␣-amylase activity on the basis of VZ 80 °C. there has to be a relationship between VZ temperature for barley starch is 61 - 62 °C,
In 1967, Kretschmer [18] established a 45 °C and one of the proteolytic indices of small granules gelatinise only at 75 - 80 °C
correlation between an inadequate VZ 45 °C malt or a wort or beer quality characteristic. [21]. The structure in particular, i.e. the
chain length, as well as the degree of branch-
45 ing of amylopectin is responsible for physi-
cal properties and thus for gelatinisation
y = 1,0174 x - 4,0274 temperature. Depending on the measuring
r2 = 0,9952
r = 0,9976 principle used, gelatinisation temperature
n = 16
may vary by some degrees [23].

l Amylolysis during malting and

VZ 45 °C PF [%]

30 Germination during mashing takes place
predominantly below gelatinisation tem-
perature so that starch is hydrolysed enzy-
matically very slowly ([8],[20],[21]). Dur-
ing kilning, temperatures above gelatinisa-
tion temperature arise. In the case of pale
25 30 35 40 45 50
malt, with water content in the grain less
VZ 45 °C [%] than 20 per cent [20], starch can no longer
be gelatinised. During mashing in the brew-
Fig. 1 Correlation between VZ 45 °C and VZ 45 °C PF house, starch that has been attacked enzy-



55 amylolysis. Being an index of amylolysis, VZ

45 °C should describe either the amylolytic
y = -2,2384 x + 180,62 enzymes, the products of amylolysis or the
r2 = 0,7075
50 r = -0,8411 educt of amylolysis.
n = 48
Investigations have shown that there is
no significant correlation between VZ 45 °C
45 and the amylolytic activities of ␣-amylase
VZ 45 °C [%]

(r = 0.2961; n = 48) and diastatic power

(r = 0.1493; n = 48). Final attenuation (r
40 = 0.2666; n = 48) and extract (r = 0.2170;
n = 48) can serve as indices describing the
product of amylolysis. Both do not correlate
35 with VZ 45 °C. As VZ 45 °C does not corre-
late with either the amylolytic enzymes or
with the products of amylolysis, there has to
30 be a correlation with starch.
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
Gelatinisation temperature [°C] Native starch is hydrolysed enzymati-
cally very slowly below gelatinisation tem-
Fig. 2 Gelatinisation temperature plotted against VZ 45 °C perature ([10],[25],[26]). Gelatinisation
temperatures of samples tested range be-
tween 57.6 and 65.1 °C and thus clearly
matically during germination or injured same is VZ 45 °C protein-free (VZ 45 °C PF). above 45 °C. Thus, starch modified during
during milling is mainly hydrolysed up until VZ 45 °C PF has a highly significant corre- the 45 °C mash comprises starch granules
reaching gelatinisation temperature ([9], lation (r = 0.9976; n = 16) with VZ 45 °C which have been pre-modified enzymati-
[10], [21], [25]). Investigations have shown (see Fig. 1). Though the modified protein cally during malting or damaged during
that, in the congress mashing process, only has an influence on the absolute value of VZ milling.
a small quantity of high molecular weight 45 °C, it does not alter anything regarding When assuming that VZ 45 °C describes
starch is present after reaching the 70 °C the relationship of individual samples one the portion of starch that can be attacked
rest ([8],[20]). In view of the partly very to another. enzymatically, the question arises whether
high gelatinisation temperatures, small there is a relationship with the degree of
starch granules are partly not broken down Is VZ 45 °C an index of cytolysis? modification of cell walls. When taking
and get into the wort [21]. VZ 45 °C does not correlate with any cyto- the model of cell wall structure of the en-
lytic index of malt. The question whether dosperm according to Bamforth [6], cytolysis
lResults VZ 45 °C is an index of cytolysis can be an- precedes amylolysis. Samples with a low VZ
The results presented here are a summary of swered without any doubt by looking at the 45 °C could thus be undermodified cytolyti-
the studies on VZ 45 °C published by Keßler Annabell variety. It has a relatively low VZ cally. As mentioned, this contradicts what
et al. [16]. The material and methods used 45 °C but has good cytolytic properties. This has been found to apply to the Annabell
have also been described in these investiga- has been repeatedly confirmed in the an- variety. Starch of barley malt samples with
tions. nual investigations on variety approval car- a high VZ 45 °C can be attacked enzymati-
ried out by the German Varieties Authority cally more readily than that of samples with
Is VZ 45 °C an index of proteolysis? ([4],[5]). The Annabell variety has above- a low VZ 45 °C. Reduced susceptibility to at-
VZ 45 °C does not correlate with any proteo- average filterability despite a low VZ 45 °C tack starch granules does not correlate with
lytic index (FAN of congress wort, soluble (see [16]). It can thus be concluded that VZ higher amylolytic activity, this is in line with
nitrogen, degree of protein modification). 45 °C is not an index of cytolysis. the findings of Slack and Wainwright [25].
Moreover, there is no relationship between Based on the 48 samples tested (6 vari-
VZ 45 °C and the quality characteristics of VZ 45 °C is an index of amylolysis eties from 8 locations), a relationship be-
wort and beer shown in Table 2, based on 91 per cent of components dissolved in tween gelatinisation temperature and VZ
the investigations of the Malting Barley As- 12 ° wort are carbohydrates, 6 per cent 45 °C may be suggested (Fig. 2). With a coef-
sociation [2] in the context of the Berliner are proteins. The remaining 3 per cent are ficient of correlation of r = –0.8411, there is
Programm. In order to address the issue as made up of minerals and a multiplicity of a highly significant correlation. This corre-
to whether VZ 45 °C is a proteolytic parame- other substances. 99.5 per cent of carbohy- lation confirms the thesis that VZ 45 °C is an
ter, one can look at the influence of modified drates are starch breakdown products [21]. amylolytic index. But it is unlikely that VZ
protein on calculation of VZ 45 °C. VZ 45 °C When ignoring modified protein and the 45 °C is solely determined by gelatinisation
is the ratio between the extract of the sam- other components, VZ 45 °C describes the temperature.
ple mashed at 45 °C and the extract of the ratio between starch breakdown products
congress wort. If protein content is deduct- of the isothermal 45 °C wort and starch lDiscussion
ed from the two samples, the protein-free breakdown products of congress wort. Ac- The results indicate that VZ 45 °C is an
extract will result. The ratio formed from cordingly, VZ 45 °C should be an index of amylolytic index as it is the ratio of starch



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schaftliche Station für Brauerei München 13. Hartong, B. D.: Die Brauqualität des sis of Large Starch Granules from Bar-
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lReferences 49, pp385 – 389. pp74 – 77.
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