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SYRACUSE HERALD-AMERICAN, Sunday, August 5, 1951

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How I Raised Myself From Failure

since, however, that many success-! IX WAS the same idea I first
ful men, prominent in public af- learned in baseball. I told. Fred
fairs, are haunted by the same) the story about Jesse Burkett end
fear*. . about "Reds" Wingo and mvself
As I look back on it now, I real- hitting 300 balU. Fred became' en-
ize what a fool I was, how many| thusiastic about the idea and In-
times I failed to take advantage!sisted that I deliver my talks lo

To Success: Some of Bettger's Secrets of opportunities, because I was him.

afraid to talk to important people. We kept on giving our talks LO
Calling on Archie Hughes was an each other, until we knew them
important step in my selling ca-j backwards. I got so that I loved
"""• , . . , • • to givo thern - l Canted to give a
I dreaded to go in to sec him.-jsales talk to everybody I met'
and was terrified when 1 got in. Hesult? 1 began making more
— INSPIRATIONAL — | If I hadn't admitted 1 was scared calls. When a salesman stops mak-
j l would have gone out of there ing enough calls, frequently the
Bush League Baseball real reason is that he has lo'st in-
That one experience helped me terest and enthusiasm for his own
to get into a higher income brack- sales story.
et. It showed me that this m a n j
j really was a simple, approachable A NEWSPAPER man culled

To Big Time Salesman"; ! man, after all. backstage one night to interview
Johii. Bairymore after his 56th per-
I 'HAVE been surprised to find formance of Hamlet, He had to
that many of the' ideas I've used wait nil hour and a half until afte-
in my business, I first learned in!rehears.-,!.

Career Told in Nutshell baseball When the great aetos finally ap-
For instance, while I was play- poartd. the reporter said: '"Mv.
ing with Greenville, S. C., the Bairymore, I'm surprised that you
manager, Tommy Slouch, said to would need ~aV rehearsal afte/56
mA one day: "Frank, if you could performances on Broadway. ""
Here are the personal experiences of one of tlie country's only h i t , , ihc big-league clubs you ic being acclaimed the "greatest
most siiccessful men. The principles of his .success can be applied would be alter you." Hamlet of a y ' t i m e and a genius of
by any man or woman in any business, says Dale Carnegie, noted I "Is there any way I could learn the stage-!"
consultant and author. I to hit?" 1 asked.
"I urge you to re-read many .times , . . to make a hifjlt "Listen," Barrymore said. "Do
"Jesse Burketi was no better
as no better you want to know the truth'
resolve that you will double the enthusiasm you put into your hitter tnan you,'' declared Tom. fi ve months, nine hours everv
. life . . . If you do . . . you probably will double your income
-• and your happiness," declares Carnegie, This is a condensation
of chapters from Frank Bettger's book: 'How I Raised Myself
From Failure to Success,' published by Prentice-Hall, Inc.
"BUKKETT MADE up his mind missed my calling, and thaf it was
By Frank Bettger he was going to learn how to hit," j a mistake for me ever to hava
SHORTLY AFTER I started out as a professional baseball said Tommy, "so he went out to!gone into acting. Yes, a year a"o
player, I got one of the biggest shocks of my life. the ball park every morning anclU wanted to quit, and now they are
That was back in 1907. I was playing for Johnstown, Pa., in hit three hundred balls. He paid calling me a genius. Isn't that
some boys a few nicklcs to chase ridiculous?"
the Tri-State League. I was young and ambitious—wanted to get I them while one boy pitched 'em I was in a slump at the time
to the top—and what happened? I was fired. up. Jesse didn't try to slug* the I road t h a t story. It prompted
.. My whole life might have been different if I hadn't gone to ball, but. he practiced a free, mo to ask our manager to let ma
smooth swing, until his timing be-1 give a sales demonstration be-
the manager and asked him why he fired me. came, perfect." fore oil!- agency. From the way
The manager said he fired me because I wa: That story sounded too good. ] he Jookt-d. I guess he'd never had
lazy! Well, that was the last thing I expected hin had to see it for myself. So I anyone ask for it before.
to say. looked up the records: Only two Tha'; pun me on the spot, so I
playc-i-s -ever hacf batted over .400 rer.carsed it, and rehearsed, and
in more than one season. One of rehrar^ed. As my talk improver!,
"YOU E'RAG YOURSELF around the field like WHEN THE DOCTOR told Frank Bettger he - could them was Lajoie. The other was I put more punch into i t . ' I got
FRANK BETTGER at his desk. "Try looking straight Jesse Burkeit! more excited about it.
a veteran who has been playing ball for 20 years,' never play baseball again, lie left the major leagues to into the face of the next .person you meet with eager, I got so excited about the idea I SnorUy after I gave the
he told me. "Why do you act .that way if you'ri become otic of America's top salesmen.
not lazy?"
absorbed interest (even if it is your own wife).'' , tried to get a few of the other demonstration, I closed a large
players on the team to try it with sale th.tt 1 know I wouldn't have
"Well, Bert," I said, "I'm so nervous, so scared ance of being a good listener, "Right there," Jim went on, "it and now I wanted to try' the ma- My dazed head cleared, my hands me, but they told me I was crazy. made if I hadn't gone through
that I want to hide my fear from the crowd, and showing the other person you suddenly occurred to me that jors. and knees stopped shaking. Mr. BUT MY roommate. Ivy "Reds' a!! those rehearsals. Every time
especially from the other players on the team. I are sincerely interested in what here was the way 1 bought my The first "big shot" call •! made Hughes suddenly seemed to become Wingo, a catcher from Noreross, I hrive been asked to dramatize
a sales interview before any
hoped that by taking it easy, I'd get rid of m> he is saying, giving him all the first life insurance. I don't know was on Archie E. Hughes, president my f r i e n d . He obviously was Ga., said he'd like to try it. So we group, 1 have benefited more—
Bettger nervousness." eager attention and appreciation of the,' Foss-Hughes Company of pleased that 1 should regard him got hold of some boys who were
that he craves and is so hungry whether you realized what you Philadelphia. He was one of the as such an important individual. glacl to earn a few niclcles, and far mere, probably—than my
"Frank," he said, "it will never work. That's the thing for, but seldom gets! audience.
were doing, Frank, but the first leaders in the automobile industry A kindly expression came over went out. early every morning. •* # »
that is holding-' you down. Whatever you do after you leave time you called on me, I told you on the E a s t e r n seaboard. Mr. his face as he said, "That's per- Recit, and I each hit three hundred AiOT LONG before he died,
here, for heaven's sake, wake yourself up, and put some life Try looking straight into the that I was going to tell you the Hughes was a busy man. I had fectly all right. Take your time. balls.
and enthusiasm into your work!" face of the next person who speaks same thing I told every other in- tried several times -to get in to I've felt Ihe same way myself We put some pretty big; corns Kn'.ne Kockne, famous football
LO you, with eager, absorbed in- surance salesman who came to see see him. Finally I got an appoint- many times when I was a young on our hands, but outside of coa?!i of Notre Dame gave one of
terest (even if it is your own me: T don't believe in life insur- ment. man. Sit down and take it easy." that, it didn't hurt us a bit, and the most practical messages I've
I had been making $175 a month at Johnstown. After being wife), and see the magic effect it ance.' . AS HIS secretary ushered me HE TACTFULLY encouraged me we had a lot of fun doing it. ever; rearl. Here was his conclusion:
fired there, I went down to Chester, Pa., in the Atlantic League, has both on yourself, and the one "INSTEAD OF launching into a into his luxurious office I became to go on by asking me questions. That summer Reds and I were by' i'ou can't develop perfection
looking: in your mirror and
where they paid me only 525 a month/ who is doing the talking. long argument,•- like other sales- nervous. My voice trembled as I It was apparent if I had an idea both sold to the St. Louis Card-
There is nothing new about this. men did, you'merely asked. 'Why?' began to speak. Suddenly I lost my which he could use, he was def- inals. ' , congratulating your company for
Mcero said, 2,000 years ago: "As I explained why, you en- nerve completely and just couldn't initely going to help me make Now what has that got to do tatting you on. You've got to
- WELL, I COULDN'T FEEL very enthusiastic" on that kind of 'Th>;re is an art in silence, and couraged me to keep on by re- go on. the sale. with your business? Just this: Ten DRILL and DRILL and DRILL."
money, but I began to act enthusiastic. After I was there three here is an eloquence in it, too." peating, 'Why, Mr. Walker?' There I stood shaking with fear. I didn't sell Mr. Hughes, but years later after 1 gave up base- Tr.at's what saved John Barry-
days, an old ball player, Danny Meehan, came to me and said: But listening has become a for- "The more I talked the more I Mr. Hughes looked up in astonish- I gained something which - later ball, and had been selling for a more1 from wanting to quit, helped
jotten art. Good listeners are rare. realized that I was on _the wrong ment. ' ' proved to be far more valuable couple of years, a big. handsome him to be acclaimed the great
"Frank, what in the world are you doing down here in a rank bush- *. . * * Then, without knowing it, I than the Commission I would' have Southerner named Fred Hagen. Hamlet ol his day.
side of the argument. Finally I
league like this?" ' ALL OF us would profit by ut- convinced myself that I was wrong. did 11 wise thing, a simple little made on that sale. I discovered this was transferred from our com- 'That's what raised Jesse Burkott
"Well, Danny;" I replied, "if I knew how to get a better job, .erihg this prayer .every morning: "You didn't sell me. I sold my- thing-that turned the interview simple rule. Here it is: ' When pany's Atlanta office, to Philadel- from a weak hitter to one of base-
I'd go anywhere." Oh Lord, help me,-to keep my big self. But I never knew just how from a ridiculous -failure to suc- you're scared . ,. . admit it. phia. ball's immortals.
mouth shut, until I know what I ,t happened until that night I cess. I stammered, "Mr. Hughes * * * Fred had a million-dollar smile Yes, that's,what helped me gst
A week later, Danny induced New Haven, Conn., to give me a am talking-,about; . . .Amen." uh . n o w that I'm This fear complex of being afraid and personality, but all his selling out of the minors and put me in
;alked too much ' down at Sky-
trial. • • , • There were Tmany times when I ~and. here, I'm so'nervous and scared to talk to important p e o p l e I experience had been among South- the majors in baseball, and in
•-. My first day in New Haven will always stand out in my mem- •ould have kicked myself in the "Now, Frank, the point of the I ciin't.talk!" thought was due to a lack of cour- ern farmers, so he had to develop selling.
ory as a great event in my life. No one knew me in that league, eeth for talking on and on, when story is this: Since I got back, prise, Even while I spoke, to my sur- age. I was ashamed of it. I tried some new sales talks. He began (CcpyriKht by Prentice-Hall, Inc. Dis-
my fear began to leave me. to keep it a secret. I have learned practicing them on me. tributed by United Feature Syndicate.
so I made a resolution that nobody would ever accuse me of being heshould have been able to see I've sat in my office and sold
man wasn't listening, but my more lumber, right ox'er the
- lazy. mind was so intent on what I was telephone, than I ever sold be- FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY ANYWHERE
ayir.g that it took too long for fore, just by asking 'Why?' So
FROM THE HITS'CTE I appeared on the field, I acted • like a lien to get it through my thick I wanted to let .you know in
' man electrified. I acted as though I were alive with a million bat- lead ention.
that he wasn't paying al- case you didn't already know
teries. I threw the ball around the diamond so fast and so hard JJany times there is a, parade of icy."
- that it almost knocked our infielders' hands apart. noughts passing across the mind
how you sold me my first pol-
Jim Walker is one of Philadel-
Once, apparently trapped, I slid into third base with so much if a man, and unless we give him phia's most successful lumbermen
" energy and force that the third baseman fumbled the ball and I L chance to do some of the talk- ind a busy man. I have always
! NEW . .
ng, we have no way of knowing been grateful to him for taking
•was able to score an important run. Yes, it was all a show, an •hat he is thinking. me aside to make me realize as I
' act I was. putting on. Experience has taught me -that never did before the power of this
DID IT WORK? It worked like,' vour talk is about as dead as last t is a good rule to make sure the .ittle word "why."
magic. My biggest thrill came the j year's turkey, ther fellow does a liberal share I am.amazed that many business
f the talking in the first half. people are afraid to use it.
following morning when I read in * * *
• a New Haven newspaper: YOU MAY be sitting quietly in Then when I talk I am more sure
your home 3f the facts and more likely to I TOLD this story in our lecture
an idea occurs to have
"This new player, -'Pep' Bettger, you . . . that idea begins to develop an attentive listener.
• has a barrel of enthusiasm. He in- . . . finally, you become consumed We all hate to be outsmarted, salesmen and others in various
courses a few years ago, and had
spired our boys. They not only won with enthusiasm . . ., nothing can lUtwitted, interrupted, cut off be- fields of activity all over the coun-
the game, but looked belter than at stop you. ore we finish, by some flannel- try tell me how they started us-
any time this season." Enthusiasm will help you over- mouth who knows what we are ng "why" the next day, and how

•;' Johnstown. Can you imagine the pier life.

'.expression on his face as he read
come fear, become more success- ;oing to say before we say it.
• ' • I mailed the newspaper clip- ful in business, make more money,
" ping to Bert Conn, manager of enjoy a healthier, richer and hap-

• * *, *
> his
You know the kind; he throws Tampa,
gear before
over, ex-
t helped them.
Let's just take one example. In
Fla., a machinery sales
agent got up in our school one
night and said: "When I heard
" abcut "Pep" Bettger, the dub FEW YEARS ago I made n plains to you where and why "Wr. Bettger talk., about 'why' last
i ', he'd tied a can to , three weeks sixA months' coast-to-coast lecturu you are mistaken, nnd straight- light i thought I'd be afraid to
; • before— for being lazy? tour with Dale Carnegie. ens you out before you can make use it. But this morning a man
.;• " * * * yourself clear. wa'ked into oUr place and priced
" . Within ten days, enthusiasm took We addressed audiences of sev-
I'nie from 525 a month to $185 a eral hundred people five nights By that time, you feel like a large machine. I told him it was
•inonth —it increased by income by eve;'y week—people anxious to im- traightening him out—with a left ?27,000. s
1 700 per cent Let me repeat— noth- prove themselves and'their ability and right uppercut to the chin! He said: 'That's too m u c h
• Ing but the determination to act to handle and deal with others. •* * * money for me.'
I said: 'Why?' .
• Rebuilt • Restored Bock to Factory New
"enthusiastic increased my income Thc-y were in varied occupations .THE MOST powerful .word in
•:700 per cent in ten days! 1 got'this stenographers, teachers, executives, he English language, I believe, is 'Because,', he said, 'it would
increase in pay not because I could homemakers, attorneys, salesmen. he little word "why"—but' it took never pay for itself.'
- t h r o w a ball better — or catch a hit I .had never madfe a lecture tour ne years of stupid stumbling to 'Why?' I asked.
: .better, not because I had any more before, and it was tho most excit- Ind it out. 'Do you think "it would?' he
; ability as a ball player. ing advanture of my life. When asked frankly.
It was one day when a friend 'Why not? It has been a won-
returned home, I was eager to do f mine invited me to lunch with
• * TWO YEARS LATER, I was two things: get back to sellinj lim, that I really learned the derful investment for everyone
! playing third base for the, St. Louis aga'n and, tell everybody about my who has bought them,' I replied.
of this miracle-performing 'I couldn't afford it,' he said-.
. Cardinals and had multiplied • rny exciting experience. vord. v
; Income by 30 times. What did it? 'Why?' I asked.
My friend's name is James C.
. Enthusiasm alone did it; nothing •HIE FIRST man I called on was A'alkcr, president and principal Each time he offered an objec-
hut enthusiasm. the president of a wholesale and wner of Gibson-Walker Lumber tion, I asked him 'why.' He then
; - , Two years after that, while play- retail inilk and dairy products Company, Philadelphia. elaborated on his reasons. I let
'Ing against the Chicago Cubs, I company of Philadelphia. I had After we ordered lunch Jim him talk. He talked enough to find
• 3iad a bad accident. Picking up a pre\iousiy done considerable busi- aid: "Frank, I'll tell you why I that his reasons did not add up
swinging bunt while on a full 'run, nes.; with him. right, so he bought that machine •We also carry imported and
wanted to see you. Recently I It was o n e of the quickest
J' attempted to throw in the oppo- He seemed genuinely happy to went down to Skyland, Virginia,
; elte direction. Something snapped see fne. As I sat down opposite him on a stag party. We had a'great sales I ever made. But I know I domestic fabrics from the
. in: my arm. at his desk, . he offered me ' a time. We all stelp on cots at night wouldn't have made it if I had leading mills" other than
; That accident forced,.me to give cigarete, and said, "Frank, tell me in a large, one-room cabin. given him my usual long-drawn- those included w i t h our
.. up baseball. Thie seemed like" a all about your trip." out sales talk."
* * * special, w h i c h sell for
• great tragedy to me at the time, "All. Tight, Jim," I replied, "but WELL, TIIE first night, instead
'l&ut I now look back on it as one first, I'm anxious to hear all about of going right to sleep, we started SOMEONE ASKED me the othet slightly higher prices. How-
cf iho rr.ost fortunate events of mv /ou. W h a t have you been doing? talking day if I had ever been scared? ever, the labor cost would •
forth. One by
llife. How is Mary? Xnd how is your one they fell asleep until, finally, Scared is r.o word for it. I wa- be the same.
- v l returned home, and for the busJness?" "^ • • • terrified!
I was the only one left talking.
•"Tiext two years made my living as I listened with eagerness as -he Every time, I stopped talking It happened long ago when I was
v collector for an installment furni- talked about, his business and his the fellow next to me would say: struggling along eking out a bare
; tiire concern. After two dismal family.. Later he got to telling me 'Why, Jim? Why'—and like a fool existence "trying to sell life in- NO MONEY DOWN!
s I decided to try selling in- about a poker party he and his I would go on,, ahd go into more surance.'Gradually it dawned on
"_ stirance.
* * * +
wife had been in the night before. detail, until he snored. Then I me that if I wanted to become
more successful, I'd have to call
They had played "Red Dog." realizc'd he had been trying to sec on some bigger people and sell Factory
: Tin? MAGIC OF Enthusiasm
. u-orked for me in selling and in WELL, I HAD never hcnrrt of how long I could talk!" larger policies. In other words, I'd We Make Your Old Furniture ( i Workmanship
Wo both let out a big laugh. been playing In the bush leagues, Look at your old, worn out living roorn suite and then
.burvness. just as it had in baseball. "Red Dog," and'by that time. I Better Than It Was picture it brand new again in a sparkling new cover for
• '•>• I would not want to give any- would much rather have told him
• .body t;-.e impression that I think about my lecture tour and done When It Was New a change. Frame solid and springs all ret led 8 ways— 2 Money Snvinjf
i Price
• enthusiasm consists of fist-pound- some bragging about myself. WET BASEMENTS or WET WALLS new filler and factory expert finished to perfection—this
i ir.g . . . but if fist-p&undins is what But I laughed with him as he
you need to arouse yourself Inside. explained how the game-is played
of Concrete, Brick, Stone, Cinder or Concrete Blocks
can be yours NOW by sending it to the Estelle Furniture
Factory and the cost is SO LITTLE!
3 Satisfaction
i Guaranteed
Hitr. I am overwhelmingly for it. and how much fun you gel out. ol|
• ,1 know tnis: When I force myself
" to nt:t enthusiastic, I soon feel en- He seemed to have a grand time Made Lastingly Dry »nd Beautiful with ARMOR COAT Phone 3-7(19 or the Nearest Office
• •tlwlastic. and when I started to leave he Listed below, and our interior decorator will call
: '„' During my 32 years of sellinp., said: "Frank, we've been consid- ARMOR COAT job; UP tc 18 rears old reported still sood. Protected Eneland'* wiih samples, day or evening. No obligation.
h*ve seen enthusiasm double and ering insuring the superintendent Wartime Underground Borne Shelter: and Underground Factory Walls. L««t-
inelj Protect*. Decorates and Repairs all Porous Masonry and Stone Surfaces OSWEGO. ..Phone Syracuse 3-7119 WATERTOWN. . .Phone Syr. 3
inside or outside, either below or above ground level. No excavation needed. Reverse Charge or Wrile Reverse Charre or Write 2000 laii St., Syrscuw
tre'cle ' 'he income of dozens of!o£ our plant. What would 525,000 Tested water pressure resistant up to 100 Ibs. per square inch certified by Gov- £000 Lodi St.. Syrnctue
•salesmen, and I have seen,the lark|cost on his life?" ernment Licensed Laboratory. Millions added to property values in various UTICA ............. Phone 2-5481
countries durlnft past 20 years. White and t beautiful colors. Washable, BINGHA1WTON ...... Phone 3-1345 Or Writ* «33 — 2>« Gene*ee St.
of it cause hundreds of salesmen) scrubliahlc «nd oBorless. 10 Its. lit 14.00 make 5 KMs, costinB only SJ.Ofl p?r 128 Chen an to St.
to tail. I never did .get ft chance to sai. IOC Ibs. maS« 20 cals. costins only SI.80 Mr m»l. All shipments F.o.B. ELMIRA ____ Phone liyracu.-e 3-7119
Enthusiasm is by far the highest talk about myself huft I left Rochester, >! Y. For parcel post add abou! 2'Sc Ber Ib. Write. u> for free ONEONTA..Phon€, Syracuse 3-7119 Reverv Chart' or Write 'itiOOl-aiH St.. Syracuse
instructive literature. Manufacturers, Upholsterers, Decorators
aw quality on earth, probably be there with « nice order which DEALERS WASTED
Keverce Charre ftr Write
SOOO l,o<ii St.. Syracuse AUBURN . ..____. . . .Phone 2-0213
,cau.-e it is one of the rarest; yet ii I'm pretty sure some other of Distinction
Is <•>•,>•> of the most contagious, salesman hatf.soM, bnt proliibly RAPPL & MOEN1G CO. FACTORY, MAIM OFFICE, SHOWROOMS HORNELL. ..Phone Syracme 3-7119 ITHACA ........ Phone Syr. 3-7119
*. If you are enthusiastic, your talked himself out of. Reverse Chirte nr Write Reverse Charges or Write
Jisfoner ts very likely to become This tatifrht me a lesson which 1381 Ea«l Ridge Road Rochester 21, N. Y. 2000 LODI, CORNER POND ST., SYRACUSE £000 Ce-di Stj. Syraeme 20fW Lodi St.. Syracuse
enthusiastic. Without enthusiasm TVS had to learn: the import-

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