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— UU CHAPTER 1 ThisIsGeography 11 o ele Homoosine,an equal area projection (b) Robinson, an uninterrupted projection (2) Mercator, 2s BHD ow 3: To largely preserve the size and shape of landmasses, however, the projection in Figure 1-13a forces other distortions: = The Faster and Western hemispheres are ‘separated into two pieces, a characteristic known as __ interruption. | The meridians (the vertical lines), which in Seay converge at the North and South poles, not converge at all on the map. Also, they do rm right angles with the parallels (the lines), wp jection (Figure 1-13b) is useful for dis- the oceans. Its major disadvan- ng space to the oceans, the land areas ‘interrupted maps of the same size. (Figure 1-13c) has several ad- d very little, direction is consis- Its greatest disadvantage rrted toward the poles, ‘much larger than they America of the two.

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