Research Participant Information Statement

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Research Participant

Information Statement

Research Study Title Beyond the physical: Exploring the psycho-social

impact of road traffic accidents on their survivors.
ACAP HREC Approval Number 367211117
Researcher’s Name Rebecca Nakhla
Researcher’s Relationship to ACAP Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy Student

(1) What is the study about?

You are invited to participate in a study that aims to capture the stories of
individuals who have been psychologically, emotionally, and/or socially affected by
a road traffic accident.
You are a possible participant in this study because you are over 18 years of age,
have been involved in a road traffic accident at some point in your life, were a
driver or passenger at the time of the accident, and have experienced severe
psychological, emotional, and/or social consequences as a result.
If you decide to participate, you will be invited to attend an interview – either face-
to-face or online – for approximately one hour, where you will be asked questions
about your experience after the road traffic accident, to capture how it has
impacted the psycho-social aspects of your life.
By participating, you may not directly benefit from the study, however, your
participation may create feelings of self-satisfaction through contributing to an area
that is currently under-researched and will give voice to people in similar
Given that you may be disclosing sensitive information, it may result in some
discomfort and distress. A debriefing will take place after the interview to ensure
you are feeling safe and a list of relevant support services will be provided if you
feel you need them.

(2) Who is carrying out the study?

The research is being conducted by Rebecca Nakhla/Postgraduate Student under the
supervision of Dr Cathy Bettman/Sydney Campus Academic Coordinator and Senior
Lecturer/Research Supervisor.
The research will contribute to Rebecca’s studies for the award of the Master of
Counselling and Psychotherapy degree course, being undertaken at the Australian
College of Applied Psychology.

(3) What does the study involve?

As a participant in this study, you will be involved in activities such as travelling to
the Navitas Professional Institute located in Melbourne’s CBD for a face-to-face
interview or participating online via Zoom or Skype. A consent form will need to be
signed prior to your one-hour interview, which will be audio-recorded and later
translated into written form (transcribed). Individuals participating by Zoom or
Skype will be required to scan a copy of this form, or send a photo, to the
researcher’s ACAP email address prior to the interview taking place. You will be sent
a copy of your transcript through email and will be invited to make any comments
or changes to your responses, to ensure that that your interview accurately reflects
your personal experience. Upon receiving this email, you will have two weeks to
return the transcript with any feedback. If you do not return your transcript within

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the two-week deadline, your transcript will be deemed accurate and will be included
in the data analysis.

(4) Will I incur any costs by participating in the study?

You may incur travel or parking costs to attend the Navitas Professional Institute
campus in Melbourne’s CBD.

(5) Can I tell other people about the study?

Yes. If you think you might know someone who would be interested in taking part
in this research study or would like to share your general experience with others.

(6) Will I receive the results of the study?

Once the study has been completed, you will be invited to receive a copy of the final
research report by email or by accessing the dedicated Facebook page.

(7) Confidentiality and disclosure of information

Any information that is obtained in connection with this study will be de-identified
and will remain confidential. Any information will be disclosed only with your
permission. However, any issues revealed requiring mandatory reporting will be
acted upon by my supervisor Dr Cathy Bettman, who will report it to the necessary
authority, as required by law.

(8) Can I withdraw from the study?

Participation in this study is voluntary - you are not under any obligation to consent
and - if you do consent - you can withdraw from the study at any time, up until two
weeks after receiving your interview transcript, without affecting your relationship
with the Australian College of Applied Psychology. You can withdraw your consent by
advising the researcher or by completing and returning the ‘Participant Withdrawal
of Consent Form’ that is supplied herein.

You may stop the interview at any time if you do not wish to continue. The audio
recording will be erased and the information provided will not be included in the

(9) How can I obtain further information?

When you have read this information, Rebecca Nakhla will discuss it with you further
and answer any questions you may have. If you would like to know more at any
stage, please feel free to contact either Rebecca Nakhla (researcher) or Dr Cathy
Bettman (research supervisor).

Researcher -
Research Supervisor -

(10) What can I do if I have a complaint or a concern?

Any concerns or complaints about the conduct of this study should be directed to
ACAP HREC Secretary
Australian College of Applied Psychology
Locked Bag 11, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Any complaint will be investigated promptly and you will be informed of the outcome.

This information sheet is for you to keep.

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