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Sample / Guide Questions in Philippine History, et al

Name: _____________________ Course / Year: __________ Score: ____

Phil History Exam3 Sergio D. Mahinay, Jr. Schedule: _________

I. Instructions: Write the CAPITAL letter that corresponds to the correct /

best answer on the space provided at the left of the number. No
erasures are allowed.

___1. It was the immediate cause of the Spanish-American war of 1898.

A) Revolution in Cuba
B) Spanish declaration of war against America
C) Explosion of U.S. battleship
D) American newspaper stirring war against Spain

___2. He led the arrival of the American Squadron on the May 1, 1898 battle
of the Manila Bay.
A) William Gray
B) George Dewey
C) Spencer Pratt
D) Rounceville Wildman

___3. He was in command of the Spanish fleet on the May 1, 1898 battle of
Manila Bay.
A) Basilio Augustin
B) Patricio Montojo
C) Juan de Salcedo
D) Sebastian Cabot

___4. In Spain’s desperate effort to gain the support of the Filipinos against
the Americans, he established the Consultative Assembly whereby he
promised to grant reforms but failed.
A) Basilio Agustin
B) Patricio Montojo
C) Juan de Salcedo
D) Sebastian Cabot

___5. This peace agreement was drawn up in order to end the Spanish-
American War.
A) Treaty of Paris
B) Treaty of Hague
C) Treaty of Geneva
D) Treaty of Tordesillas

___6. (FOUR <4> points) The following series of events relative to the
Spanish – American War of 1898, namely: (1) Declaration of war by Spain
and America; (2) Explosion of U.S. Maine; (3) Signing of Treaty of Paris; (4)
Battle of Manila Bay, are chronologically arranged as follows:
A) 2,1,4,3
B) 2,1,3,4
C) 2,4,3,1
D) 2,4,1,3

___7. It ignited the War of Philippine Independence against the Americans.

A) The rise of the Biaknabato Republic
B) Calling by the Americans the Filipinos as “brown monkeys”
C) Shooting and killing of a Filipino soldier by an American soldier
D) Treachery by the Americans in depriving Filipinos from entering Manila

___8. He was an American soldier who shot and killed a Filipino soldier who
was crossing the San Juan bridge.
A) Elwell Otis
B) Wesley Merritt
C) Arthur McArthur
D) Robert Grayson

___9. This battle led to the death of a young general, Gregorio del Pilar, who
stood guard to intercept the American pursuers of Aguinaldo.
A) Battle of San Juan
B) Battle of Tirad Pass
C) Battle of Binakayan
D) Battle of Manila Bay

___10. He was the Filipino guide who betrayed the existence of a lonely path
at the other side of the Pass.
A) Peyton March
B) Samuel Young
C) Januario Galut
D) Lazaro Segovia

___11. He was General Emilio Aguinaldo’s messenger who fell into the hands
of the Americans that gave them the clue to the whereabouts of the general.
A) Hilario Placido
B) Cecilio Segismundo
C) Urbano Lacuna
D) Baldomero Aguinaldo

___12. (FIVE <5> points) The following significant events relative to the
capture of General Emilio Aguinaldo on March 23, 1901 at Palanan, Isabela,
namely: (1) Secret expedition on board Vicksburg; (2) Fall of General
Aguinaldo’s messenger in the hands of the Americans; (3) Oath of allegiance
of General Aguinaldo to the American government; (4) Arrest of General
Aguinaldo by General Funston; and (5) Disguise of macabebe scouts, are
chronologically arranged as follows:
(A) 1,2,3,4, and 5
(B) 2,1,4,5, and 3
(C) 5,4,3,2, and 1
(D) 2,1,5,4, and 3

___13. He declared that: “The Philippines are ours, not to exploit, but to
develop, to civilize, to educate, to train in the science of self-government.”
A) William Taft
B) Wesley Merritt
C) William McKinley
D) Franklin Roosevelt

___14. Owing to the exigencies of war, this form of government was

established by the Americans in the Philippines on August 19, 1898, the day
following the capture of Manila.
A) Civilian
B) Military

___15. He was the first Military Governor of the Military Government

established by the Americans in the Philippines.
A) Elwell Otis
B) Arthur MacArthur
C) Wesley Merritt
D) Franklin Roosevelt

___16. It was the greatest achievement of the Military Government

established by the Americans in the Philippines.
A) Pacification of the country
B) Suppression of nationalism
C) Extension of Bill of Rights to Filipino people
D) Laying down the foundation of Civil Regime

___17. This Commission was appointed by President McKinley to look into

the conditions in the Philippines and to recommend what kind of government
to be established.
A) Taft Commission
B) Otis Commission
C) Schurman Commission
D) Commission on Audit

___18. He was the first Civilian Governor of the Civilian Government

established by the Americans in the Philippines.
A) Henry Ide
B) William Taft
C) Luke Wright
D) Theodore Roosevelt

___19. It was one of the greatest achievements of the Civilian Government

established by the Americans in the Philippines.
A) Pacification of the country
B) Suppression of nationalism
C) Extension of Bill of Rights to Filipino people
D) Laying down the foundation of Civil Regime

___20. This law declared that during the duration of the Filipino-American
War, it was treasonable for any Filipino to advocate independence.
A) Flag Law
B) Jones Law
C) Sedition Law
D) Tydings-McDuffie Law

___21. This law was passed by American-controlled Commission which law

banned the public display of the Filipino flag.
A) Flag Law
B) Jones Law
C) Sedition Law
D) Tydings-McDuffie Law

___22. This political party that emerged during the duration of the Civilian
Government established by the Americans had the objective of keeping alive
the independence sentiment of the Filipino people.
A) Federal Party
B) Nationalist Party
C) Centralized Party
D) Progressive Party

___23. This political party that emerged during the duration of the Civilian
Government established by the Americans had pro-American activities.
A) Federal Party
B) Nationalist Party
C) Centralized Party
D) Progressive Party

___24. This law contained a preamble declaring that independence would be

granted to the Filipino people as soon as a stable government could be
established in the Philippines.
A) Flag Law
B) Jones Law
C) Sedition Law
D) Tydings-McDuffie Law

___25. He was the first Filipino who was appointed Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court under the Civilian Government established by the Americans
in the Philippines.
A) Florentino Torres
B) Gregorio Araneta
C) Cayetano Arellano
D) Benito Legarda, Sr.

___26. He was the first Filipino to become head of an executive department.

A) Florentino Torres
B) Gregorio Araneta
C) Cayetano Arellano
D) Benito Legarda, Sr.

___27. It was the greatest legacy of America to the Filipino people.

A) Stability
B) Uncertainty
C) Christianity
D) Democracy

___28. This language was propagated by the Americans and became the
language of instruction in all Philippine schools and universities.
A) Arabic
B) English
C) Spanish
D) Tagalog

___29. They were the American soldiers who became the first teachers of the
Filipinos in English.
A) Insulares
B) Parasites
C) Thomasites
D) Peninsulares

___30. They were the young bright Filipinos sent to the United States to
study in American colleges and universities.
C) Pegados
B) Pensionados
A) Illustrados
D) Discompiados

___31. This social right was acquired by the Filipino women during the
American occupation.
A) To acquire higher education
B) To work in factories and offices
C) To attend parties without chaperon
D) To vote and be voted upon in public office

___32. This economic right was acquired by the Filipino women during the
American occupation.
A) To acquire higher education
B) To work in factories and offices
C) To attend parties without chaperon
D) To vote and be voted upon in public office

___33. This civil right was acquired by the Filipino women during the
American occupation.
A) To acquire higher education
B) To work in factories and offices
C) To attend parties without chaperon
D) To vote and be voted upon in public office

___34. This political right was given to the Filipino women during the
American occupation.
A) To acquire higher education
B) To work in factories and offices
C) To attend parties without chaperon
D) To vote and be voted upon in public office

___35. Among the Filipino way of life that was influenced by the Americans
A) Diet limited
B) Manners Filipinized
C) Native dress adopted
D) Family life deteriorated

___36. One of the main features of Filipino literature in English was that:
A) They were Filipino in sentiments
B) They were Arabic in sentiments
C) They were English in sentiments
D) hey were Spanish in sentiments

___37. He / she was the first Filipino poet in English to attract attention.
A) Zoilo Galang
B) Carlos Romulo
C) Clemencia Joven
D) Fernando Maramag

___38. He / she wrote the first Filipino short story in English.

A) Zoilo Galang
B) Carlos Romulo
C) Clemencia Joven
D) Fernando Maramag

___39. He / she wrote the first Filipino novel in English.

A) Zoilo Galang
B) Carlos Romulo
C) Clemencia Joven
D) Fernando Maramag

___40. He / she was the first Filipino to win distinction in English journalism.
A) Zoilo Galang
B) Carlos Romulo
C) Clemencia Joven
D) Fernando Maramag

___41. The introduction of this theatrical art during the American regime
marked the eclipse of the Filipino theatre.
A) Talkies
B) Zarzuela
C) Pantomine
D) Moro-moro

___42. This church that arose during the American regime was founded by
Isabelo de los Reyes.
A) Baptists
B) Methodist
C) Aglipayan
D) Presbyterians

___43. It was the first American newspaper to appear in the Philippines.

A) Bounding Billow
B) Philippine Herald
C) The American Soldier
D) The Manila Daily Bulletin

___44. It was the greatest single factor that caused the phenomenal
development of the Philippine economy during the American regime.
A) Free Trade
B) Galleon Trade
C) Tenancy system
D) Encomienda system

___45. These factors contributed to the development of Philippine

transportation during the American regime.
A) Introduction of airplanes
B) Bringing in of motor vehicles
C) Construction of more roads
D) All of the above

___46. He is considered the greatest Filipino sculptor of contemporary times.
A) Juan Luna
B) Felix Hidalgo
C) Guillermo Tolentino
D) Fernando Amorsolo

___47. He / they was / were the luminary in Filipino music who succeeded in
conserving the kundimans against the inroads of foreign music.
A) Calixto Llamas
B) Bonifacio Abdon
C) Nicanor Abelardo
D) All of the above

___48. He was the first Filipino director of the Bureau of Science during the
American times.
A) Dr. Angel Arguelles
B) Dr. Miguel Canizares
C) Dr. Joaquin Maranon
D) Dr. Eliodoro Mercado

___49. The following activities enriched the recreational life of the Filipinos
during the American times, except:
A) Cockfighting
B) Radio broadcast
C) Silent movies
D) Physical education

___50. To the numerous fiestas and holidays celebrated by the Filipinos,

America added more holidays such as:
A) Good Friday
B) Cry of Balintawak
C) Todos los Santos
D) Pilgrimage to Antipolo

___51. At the beginning of the American regime, this government agency was
established to safeguard the public health of the Filipino people.
A) Bureau of Fire
B) Bureau of Health
C) Department of Health
D) Philippine National Bank

___52. It is known in Philippine history as the libertarian struggle by force of

reason and justice.
A) Katipunan
B) Independence Mission
C) Mission Impossible
D) Revolutionary Government

___53. This law provided for a 10-year transition period under the
Commonwealth of the Philippines, preparatory to the granting of
A) Flag Law
B) Jones Law
C) Sedition Law
D) Tydings-McDuffie Law

___54. He was elected the president of the Constitutional Convention which

task it was to draft the 1935 Philippine Constitution.
A) Claro M. Recto
B) Teodoro Sandiko
C) Narciso Pimentel
D) Ruberto Montinola

___55. The 1935 Constitution of the Philippines was approved by:

A) William Taft
B) William McKinley
C) Franklin Roosevelt
D) Theodore Roosevelt

___56. By an overwhelming majority, the Filipino people elected him as the
President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines.
A) Sergio Osmena
B) Manuel Quezon
C) Emilio Aguinaldo
D) Raymundo Melliza

___57. The National Language that was adopted during the Commonwealth
Government was based on:
A) English
B) Spanish
C) Tagalog
D) Cebuano

___58. They were the signatories of the Tripartite Pact, also known as the
Axis Powers of 1940.
A) Italy, Japan and Russia
B) Germany, Italy and China
C) Germany, Italy and Japan
D) Italy, Japan and Philippines

___59. Some of the unfriendly acts of America towards Japan included:

A) Imposition of oil embargo
B) Demand for withdrawal of forces from China
C) Freeze of Japanese assets
D) All of the above

___60. Military preparations in the Philippines for World War II included –

A) Blackout practices
B) Establishment of evacuation centers
C) Organization of air-raid drills
D) Induction of 100,100 Filipinos into the USAFFE
___61. Civilian preparations in the Philippines for World War II included –
A) Teaching first-aid courses
B) Induction of 100,000 Filipino soldiers into the USAFFE
C) Intensification of military training of the Filipino youth
D) Sending to the Philippines additional U.S. troops enforcement

___62. The war between America and Japan was commenced by:
A) U.S. declaration of war against Japan
B) Germany declaration of war against America
C) Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor
D) U.S. bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

___63. It was the first point in the Philippines to be bombed by the Japanese
squadrons a few hours after the Pearl Harbor attack.
A) Leyte
B) Davao City
C) Clark Field
D) Manila City

___64. It marked the doom of the Philippines and the coming to an end of the
organized resistance against Japanese invasion of the Philippines.
A) Fall of Bataan
B) Fall of Corregidor
C) Escape of Quezon
D) Escape of MacArthur

___65. In response to the wishes of the American president, President

Manuel Quezon, with his wife and War Cabinet, left Corregidor by –
A) Train
B) PT boats
C) Submarine
D) Army plane

___66. General Douglas MacArthur left Corregidor by –

A) Train
B) PT boats
C) Submarine
D) Army plane
___67. He was the American commander of the Bataan force who
surrendered to the Japanese invaders in order to stop carnage and further
A) General Edward King
B) Lt. Masaharu Homma
C) General Douglas MacArthur
D) Lt. General Jonathan Wainwright

___68. For his heroic refusal to collaborate with the Japanese military
authorities, he was condemned to die.
A) Jorge Vargas
B) Dr. Jose Laurel
C) General Manuel Roxas
D) Chief Justice Abad Santos

___69. He was named by the Japanese invaders as the chairman of the

Philippine Executive Commission to organize the puppet government.
A) Jorge Vargas
B) Dr. Jose Laurel
C) General Manuel Roxas
D) Chief Justice Abad Santos

___70. He was elected the President of the Japanese-sponsored Republic of

the Philippines.
A) Jose Laurel
B) Sergio Osmena
C) Masaharu Homma
D) General Manuel Roxas

___71. It was one of the consequences of the Japanese presence in the

A) Stability
B) Uncertainty
C) Christianity
D) Democracy

___72. It was the chief organ of the Japanese Propaganda.

B) Makapili
C) Kalibapi
D) Hukbalahap

___73. He led the arrival of the 174,000 American troops on October 20,
1944 landing at Leyte.
A) Harry Truman
B) William McKinley
C) Douglas MacArthur
D) Theodore Roosevelt

___74. On August 6, 1945, the first atomic bomb was dropped on –

A) Tokyo
B) Hirohito
C) Nagasaki
D) Hiroshima

___75. Unable to carry on the struggle, and at the public behest of Emperor
Hirohito, Japan finally surrendered unconditionally on –
A) August 6, 1945
B) August 15, 1945
C) August 9, 1945
D) September 2, 1945

___76. The formal ceremony of Japan’s surrender, which also marked the
end of War of America with Japan, was held on –
A) August 6, 1945
B) August 9, 1945
C) August 15, 1945
D) September 2, 1945

___77. The Third Republic of the Philippines was inaugurated on:

A) July 4, 1946
B) June 9, 1945
C) January 9, 1945
D) October 20, 1944
___78. He was the first President of the Third Republic of the Philippines.
A) Carlos Garcia
B) Elpidio Quirino
C) Manuel Roxas
D) Ramon Magsaysay

___79. He contained the threat of HUKBALAHAP.
A) Carlos Garcia
B) Elpidio Quirino
C) Manuel Roxas
D) Ramon Magsaysay

___80. He brought the government close to the people.

A) Carlos Garcia
B) Elpidio Quirino
C) Manuel Roxas
D) Ramon Magsaysay

___81. He adopted the “Filipino First Policy.”

A) Carlos Garcia
B) Elpidio Quirino
C) Manuel Roxas
D) Ramon Magsaysay

___82. During his administration was enacted the first “Land Reform Law.”
A) Fidel Ramos
B) Corazon Aquino
C) Ferdinand Marcos
D) Diosdado Macapagal

___83. He / She declared Martial Law accordingly to “save the Republic.”

A) Fidel Ramos
B) Corazon Aquino
C) Ferdinand Marcos
D) Diosdado Macapagal

___84. He granted amnesty to the officers and members of RAM (Reform the
Armed Forces Movement).
A) Fidel Ramos
B) Corazon Aquino
C) Ferdinand Marcos
D) Diosdado Macapagal

___85. He / she was the first President of the Republic of the Philippines who
assumed power by people power.
A) Fidel Ramos
B) Corazon Aquino
C) Ferdinand Marcos
D) Diosdado Macapagal

___86. He / She was the man / woman of the hour.

A) Gloria Arroyo
B) Benigno Aquino
C) Noli de Castro
D) Joseph Estrada

___87. He was the longest lived President of the Philippines.

A) Jose Laurel
B) Manuel Quezon
C) Sergio Osmena
D) Emilio Aguinaldo

___88. Sergio Osmena, the then Vice-President of Manuel Quezon,

succeeded as President of the Philippines because Quezon –
A) Died of sickness
B) Resigned from office
C) Met a fatal accident
D) Was impeached from power

___89. He was the first President of the Philippines who was elected through
national election.
A) Jose Laurel
B) Manuel Quezon
C) Sergio Osmena
D) Emilio Aguinaldo

___90. He was the first Visayan President of the Philippines.

A) Manuel Roxas
B) Joseph Estrada
C) Sergio Osmena
D) Emilio Aguinaldo

___91. He was the President of the Philippines who organized the KALIBAPI.
A) Jose Laurel
B) Ferdinand Marcos
C) Emilio Aguinaldo
D) Ramon Magsaysay

___92. He / She was the President to win second term.

A) Fidel Ramos
B) Corazon Aquino
C) Ferdinand Marcos
D) Diosdado Macapagal

___93. He / she was first President who have oath-taking outside Luzon.
A) Gloria Arroyo
B) Benigno Aquino
C) Noli de Castro
D) Joseph Estrada

___94. He is the first President of the Philippines who is a bachelor,

unmarried and has no children.
A) Fidel Ramos
B) Benigno Aquino
C) Sergio Osmena
D) Manuel Quezon

___95. Sen. Benigno Aquino, Jr. is like Dr. Jose Rizal because he (Aquino)
was –
A) Tried by military court
B) A victim of Martial rule
C) Killed in full public view
D) Executed by a firing squad

___96. It is the oldest city in the Philippines.

A) Cebu
B) Manila
C) Davao
D) Cotabato

___97. It is not a composite city of National Capital Region (NCR).

A) Manila City
B) San Juan City
C) Valenzuela City
D) San Fernando City

___98. CALABARZON (Region 4-A) is an acronym of its composite cities and

provinces namely: Calamba City, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, Quezon and –
A) Bohol
B) Bulacan
C) Cavite
D) Romblon

___99. It is numerically the first region in Visayas.

A) Central Visayas
B) Eastern Visayas
C) Western Visayas
D) Northern Visayas

___100. It does not belong to Region-VI.

A) Capiz
B) Iloilo City
C) Antique
D) Cebu City

___101. It is numerically the first region in Mindanao.

B) Northern Mindanao
C) Davao Region
D) Zamboanga Peninsula

___102. SOCCSKSARGEN (Region XII) is an acronym of its composite city
and provinces, which include South Cotabato, North Cotabato, Sultan
Kudarat, Sarangani and –
A) Maguindanao
B) Koronadal City
C) Cotabato City
D) Campostela Valley

___103. It does not currently belong to the Autonomous Region in Muslim

Mindanao (ARMM).
A) Maguindanao
B) Cotabato City
C) Lanao del Sur
D) Lanao del Norte

___104. North Cotabato is located in -

B) Region XII
C) Region XIII
D) Caraga Region

___105. Katingawan, the name of one of the barangays of Midsayap, is

derived from the Muslim word “matungaw,” which means –
A) Sad
B) Cool
C) Odor
D) Melt

__106. The word “Kapin” from the word Kapinpilan, the name of one of the
barangays of Midsayap, stands for –
A) Coffee
B) Alliance
C) Friend
D) Addition

___107. The word Dado, the name of one of the barangays of Alamada,
means –
A) To plow
B) Nothing is left
C) Cannot be done
D) Dinorado, a variety of rice

___108. The word Bulanan, one of the barangays of Midsayap is a

combination of two words, namely –
A) Moon plus rain
B) Moon plus stars
C) Moon plus road
D) Moon plus creek

___109. Kitacubong stands for –

A) Profit earned
B) Meeting place
C) Group of people
D) Seeing under cover

___110. Malamote is a combination of two words, namely –

A) Dry plus pale in color
B) Many plus a variety root crops
C) Many plus pale in color
D) Dry plus a variety of root crops

___111. Manaulanan is a combination of two words, namely: Mana and

ulanan, which respectively stands for –
A) An old lady and rain
B) A name of a Datu and rain
C) Inheritance and richness
D) Inheritance and overflowing

___112. Midpapan stands for –

A) Flat surface
B) Dead on the floor
C) Young father
D) Middle of the road

___113. Raradangan, the name of one of the barangays of Alamada means –

A) Nearby place
B) Happy and luxury walk
C) Joyful shouting
D) Connections of streams

___127. Sadaan, the name of one of the barangays in the municipality of

Midsayap, Cotabato means –
A) To plow
B) Dead on the floor
C) Fresh water fishes
D) Connections of streams

Thank you for not cheating.


II. Instructions: Provide the information as needed.

A. The Philippines During the American Occupation:

1. How was General Aguinaldo Captured?

2. What were achievements of the Civil Government established by the Americans
in the Philippines?
3. Give FIVE (5) consequences of the American presence in the Philippines,
explain each briefly.

B. The Philippine Peaceful Struggle for Independence:

1. What was the most remarkable “Independence Mission” of the Filipinos sent to
America? Why?
2. Give FIVE (5) achievements of the Commonwealth government. Explain each

C. The Philippines During the Spanish Occupation:

1. What war preparations were made by President Manuel Quezon in the
2. Describe the Fall of Bataan and the Death March to Tarlac.

D. The Sovereign Philippines:

1. Giver the Three (3) major programs of the following administrations:

a. Manuel Roxas; b. Elpidio Quirino; c. Ramon Magsaysay; d. Carlos Garcia; e.
Diosdado Macapagal; f. Ferdinand Marcos; g. Corazon Aquino; h. Fidel
Ramos; i. Joseph Estrada; j. Gloria Arroyo; k. Benigno Aquino III; l. Rodrigo


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