Ans Key

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1. 3.0 cm; 3.

8 cm
2. 3.14 kg/s
3. -5k
4. Voltage
5. 0N
6. 40kph
7. Accelerating in the same direction
8. 0J
9. -3Q on the outer surface
10. 1second
11. 0 N-s
12. 6400 turns
13. Acceleration
14. 2.6particle has constant linear momentum
15. 400W
16. A bus moving at 120km per hour speed
17. If the currents are parallel, the two wires will attract each other
18. 0J
19. 5.20 m/s
20. I only
21. Decrease by a factor of sqrt(2)
22. Proportional to the negative displacement
23. Ampere-maxwell Law
24. 0 kg-m2
25. Power
26. 100.0 J
27. 0.0 N/C
28. moment
29. 25e
30. 0J

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