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.4114120 15

whEt ss cata and where is !t now?

You can lind it in:
* filing cabinets
e spreadsheets

*folders ' ; -'i

* lists
* colleagues' menlories
4114t20 1 5

What does "man agi ng inforrnation"


G Making information work for us

e Making inforrrration useful

3 Avoidirg " accidental disorganisation"

e Making information easily accessible and integrated urith the

rest of our work

Data and Infcrrnation

How ard data and information related?
Dafa is r-aw fhcts
Step 2 l hc
Infirrnratior-r is data tlrat is organizc:d L( )r) I
]ll.lttt- ( x tr-aCls
and nrr:anir-rgful 1]ri' nrcurbt'r- clat ;r

liorr clisl<

C o rn irlrtcr-s pr-( )cess

data into
in fir r- nt ation

Step '1 I lre rncrnlrcr-

cl at.r, inclLrcl irrg a

phrrtogr-a1th, is r,'nlr:

arrcl slor-ccl orr tlrl h.ri-rl
.l i,.l<
4t14t20 1 5

Data and Infcrs^nation

What is a database?

Thq database environment

6 Ib be able to ftrnction, ?D organisation needs inlorrnatioil, e .g list
of books in a librar1,, cLr-stoll)€:r dctails ln a retail busincrss,
sipecificatiolls o1' cars ancl their corxponents f or a car- rrianr-rlacturer
@ Inf-ormation Irlav be defined as data representeC in a lrreanrr-rglirJ
fctrrn. Sarne clata shor,r.n in dillerent \\/a1,5 r,r,il1 provide drff'erent
ir-rlirrrn ation to clifl erer-r1-'e,],
@ A major requiretnent olt ar-lv compLlter s-vstem rs to store ar-rd
retrierre data in a r,rrr), that JS meaningful to the end user so thr:
core of an1, Inl'ormatiou s),.t"rn is data, r,rrhrch is tp Lje translorrned
rnto inlormatron through data modelling : .



DffiMTS Overview
GA isa
rofro are package designed to store and manage

: y Else & ntm ffise &KBege eEB€

Data duplication is reduced

Data entry, stor age and retrieval cos.ts
Security of dat; is tir.rlur.J


4t14t20 15

@ Data:Meanrngfui Itac1s, text,graphrcs, irnaEes, sound, r.iCecr
" s egm ents .

e Database : An orgaui zecl collectron of l ogrcal1v relatecl data . In

other r,r.ords, it is a place rvhere data can be stored and retrieved
'I'he data are held in a structured ltor-rn
so it is easv to find the
infbrrnation,you ne ed.

Information in a database is stored rn tables.

G Information: Data processed to be riseful in decision rrlaking.
@ Entity:This is anvthing yoLl r,rrant to stor-e information about An
itern, a place , a per-son.

De{initlons (cont'd)
@ Attribr-rte: An entity has attributes. These are the facts yoLl
knorry about the entitt. llse tl-re ter-m attr- jbute. rvhen referrinq
to lacts abctut the cntitl,
e T"ple:The combination of all the attr-rbutes IS

knor,vn as a ttrple, such,as all the data abor-rt

Table:A collection crf recorcls. made of- a set
Tl-re infrtrination )/or-r enter intcr tl-r e
columns. Tl-re
stored in a tablc:
@ Record: A record is a collection
single ro\4. anc] rnan)r .,drmns.
4t14t20 1 5

ata. A

f' data tl-iat

the field
on (i,

ffitffi pes ffiffid theEn urposes

Tcxt LIscd to stot-c alplianutnct-ic charactcrs (lcttcrs or- nurnbr:rs) u1; to 255
t:haractcrs. Examplcs includc nanrc, aclclrcss, phor-rc r-rr-urlbcr ancl c:otrntry

Nrrn-r bc:r- LIscd to store nunrbet-.s with or- witl-rout c{ccin-ral placc.s Exarnplr:s inc:luc]c
aqe, qLrantjty and avcragt:

LIst:rl to stot-c nroniv vulr,", Exarnpics inclr-rclc salary, pricc ancl rlisc,ourr-rt

Datc/ Tirn c: LIscd to stor"c datc/tir-nc ty,pc: r,aiucs, Exar-nplcs includr: clatc of irir-th,
pr-rrcl-rasc datc: ar-rcl datr: .f oir-rccl

Alrtonr-rmber Creates autonratic nunrbers, such a-( an ID number.

Mcrlo Llsccl to storc trlot;l<s of'tcx1s lil<c notcs r-r1r to 655l(r ch.rr-actcri lorrq
Exar-nlrlcs inclr-rclt: {'renrar-l<.-" anc[ "1-lr-o jt't't iletrilr" d ,

)'cs,/ N cr L]scd fb'r storitrg a )/cs ()r t-ro valuc. Exatmplcs irx:lr-rdc "availat-:lc" ar-rd
l r)



Dffi S l\4ain sks


Create a database called Student Registry. Using the data in the table below, create a
table called'JSTIJDENTS" with the appropriate data types and field namesr Student ID,
Student #, First Name, Middle Initial (MI), Last Name, Date of Birth and Genderr Jch""l

Student ID Student # First Name MI Last Name Date of Birlh Gender

1 PL-8902-D Sebastien B Porter 2il211985 M
2 oT-0220-G Suzie D Hoak t}l5 t1 99 I F
3 AR-2483-I{ Antoinette Clark 4l l0l 1 986 F
4 KG-9002-T Koko P Domba 215t1990 M
5 MR-3280-K Janet o West 612t1986 F
6 LF-4842-G Catherine L Chang 6lr2l1987 F
7 TO-0222-T Nehemrah Dean 1212n 985 M
8 HG-9024-Y Sheryl B Ashburn rcn 11985 F
9 NE-73 64-G Santos M Pacheco 5t511988 M
10 FH-8828-R Mohamed D Husseini Usll988 M
11 TT-6271-S Dean F Chen 51211987 M
r2 cM-s992-F Ruby w DeGaram 10/t li 1988 F
13 ND-9800-G Carole Chance t0122t1990 F

1. , , Add another field named "Final Grade" with the appropriate data type. The
grades are: 45, 39, 67,20, 77, 84, 33, 92, 89,30, 55, 18, 89.

2. Make Student # the PrimaryKey.

3. Create a form in your database and call it "StudReg Form". Use this form to
populate the database from 13 to 20 records.

4. Create the following queries and name them appropriately:

a. Show the number.ofsludentswhose findl grades are above 50

b. Show the number of stgdents who are male
c. Show the number of students with last names starting with "D"
5. Create a report showing Student #, FirSt Name, MI,iLast Niryne,,Gender and Final
Grade. ,: . ': i

Create a database called Student Registry. Using the data in the table below, create a
table called *STUDENTS" with the appropriate data types and field names: Stud
Student #, First Name, Middle Initial 1Mt;, tast Name, bate of Birth and Gendey I p*

Student ID Snrdent # First Name MI Last Name Date of Birth Gender

I PL-8902-D Sebastien B Porter 21tzt1985 M
2 oT-0220-G Suzie D tloak rct5ll99l F
J AR-2483-H Antoinette Clark 4lw 1986 F
4 KG-9002-T Koko P Domba 21 5l 1 990 M
5 MR-3280-K Janet O West 612t1986 F
6 LF-4842-G Catherine L Chang 6lr2lt987 F
7 TO-0222-T Nehemrah Dean rzt2t1985 M
I HG-9024-Y Sheryl B Ashburn t\lt 11985 F
9 NE-73 64-G Santos M Pacheco sl5t1988 M
10 FH-8828-R Mohamed D Husseini U5t1988 M
t1 TT-6271-S Dean F Chen 51211987 M
t2 cM-5992-F Ruby w DeGaram l0ltl/1988 F
13 ND-9800-G Carole ** q- Chance 1012211990 F

1. ' 'Add another field named "Final Grade" with the appropriate data type. The
grades are: 45, 39, 67,20, 77, 84, 33, 92, 89,30, 55, 18, 89.

2. Make Student # the PrimaryKey.

3. Create a form in your database and call it "StudReg Form". Use this form to
populate the database from 13 to 20 records.

4. Create the following queries and name them appropriately:

a. Show the number.ofstudei{tswhoie fin'al grades are above 50

b. Show the number of students who are,rnale
c. Show the number of sfudents with last names starting with "D"

5. Create a report showing Student #, First Name, MI, ta$t X*r,.C"oOer and Final
Grade. Y -'
. r' ': ' '. '', .' :
.1,: ', ' :
' ' ' 'I
'. ,'i : . '.


G&rsE 11

Creds a ddafuase di[s* VIDEOS.
rtif t Creats ttle *ust*rnrer infsfination table structwe using the field qpecifications defined in the
tablebels+v; .l'i
Alt table $tttct$res fer this exereise must be meated in the VIDEOS database.

Tabte Name: Cuetamer

Field H,fiffii* Snts Type $ire Feseription _Caption

Custorlex m Te,qf 3 3-digit unique aumber Customer ID
Last liama Text Euter lastName Last Name
First lfar::c Text 15 Enter First Name FirstName
Address Tcet 5$ Address
Birth Dstn *ate.tTirne EnterlTrylmm,dd Date ofBirth
H*rne Tel Te..Et 14 Hsrfi* t*:lephone Home Telryhone
Tetr Text lSI Erork t*lqhone $[ork Telephone
HmniI Text 4S Email Addrass Email Address
Cr*d'er Text I kIorF Ge.nder
tr$*rk Plece Tert 4S Place of emplq,rnent Place of emplolmrant

3. IWske t** Custqmer ID fietd the primarykey.

4. 8ntry Yes i$ the Reqrfifed property af dre Last Name, First Name and Ge'nder Fields.

i*$ * the Birth Date field;ryry/ruddd to iuput the birth dates year, month and day.
s, {Jee lrryut Masks for the'Home telephoae and Work Telephone fietds. The krput Masks
should be{999} 999-99W" \
?,, Ents lkf or S for t$* Yalidation Rule field of the Gender field.
s. S*ter Tht only vslid ertrlm *re III or F in the Validation Text of he Gemder field.
#, EntwYes in the Required praperty af the Gender field.
I#. $ave the t*ble as Cuxtomer,
in the table'
*m.*t* th* Txpe, Type and Re*tal tahle structures using the field information defined

YabIe IIEHte: TsF+

a- \lake the Tapeid field the prinrary key"

b. En:er yes in the Required properft of the Title field,
and Decimals to
c, Selhe Fleld Size p.ope*yof in" ir,tirut*s field to double, Fo mat the Fixed
d- s*tthe cast ficld Data ?3pe to cu$ency and Decimal to 2.
€- *f flrc Fihld sis* d"-, of the gty nirc to Double, Format to Fixed 'nd Decimals to 0.
8' #a+e ttr*e teh}* *'s TBP#.
Tabtre $sms: TaPe

Snts T:'Pr $ize $escriptiqtr Captior

Fi*Id ffanmt
Tnpetd Text 6* Tapeid
Text 5S" Enter Title Title
3 2-digit 0o_&_ Typecode
4 Rating Rated
Rat'.erl Te+l$
h{inutes Minutes
Stims Irl*mb'rr
Cost Per Tape Cost Per T3Pg
Quantity in stqgK_ Quantilv in_Etock

H H$,rrl*I T3'P*

:l*ltr Ib. ak* TIF***de fretd the Snmnrylp'.
ttre BescriptiCIn field"

tt* - Hs*ter yes t* ttr*, Knquir*d FdFerft'of

i. $a*"* th* *S'l* ms T3Pe"


* ;t!


the field
size .,r.^^
of rne e&ail n^t.t
-^ -


qrrrl rrfE
CU,STonrn,b a_-

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