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Alloys Page 1

Topic IV. Alloys

Reference Integrated Chemistry Today, L.H.M. Chung, Book 1 pg. 236 – 242, 246

Objectives 2.4
– recognise that alloys are formed by the introduction of other elements into metals
– recognise the major constituents of the following alloys
(a) brass: copper and zinc
(b) steel: iron, carbon and other metals
(c) solder: tin and lead
(d) coinage metal: e.g. nickel and copper
(e) gold of different carats: gold, silver and copper in different proportions
– relate the use of the above alloys to their properties as compared with the pure metals (from given

Notes IV. Alloys

Alloy - Homogenous mixture of metal.

When a liquid metal is mixed with another liquid metal (or other substances), an alloy (solid metal solution) is
formed. Alloy is only a mixture but not a compound, because it does not have a fixed composition.
e.g. Different stainless steel has different amount of iron, chromium, nickel, carbon and other ingredients.
e.g. In mild steel, it contains iron and carbon only.

A. Structure of alloy

Alloy is usually harder than pure metal.

In pure metal, atoms are regularly arranged. When a force is applied, the atoms may slide over each other.

Addition of exotic atoms causes a distortion of the regular arrangement. This prevents the smooth sliding of atom
layers over each other. Thus, hardens the structure.
IV. Alloys Page 2

B. Constitutions of different alloys

Brass : Copper and zinc

Characteristic : Hard, resistant to corrosion
Use : 1. Water pipe – resistant to corrosion
2. Metal screw – hard

Steel : Iron, carbon and other metals

Characteristic : Strong, cheap and more resistant to corrosion
Use : 1. Major structure e.g. bridge, building

Solder : Tin and lead

Characteristic : Low melting point
Use : 1. Soldering metal

Coinage metal : e.g. Nickel and copper

Characteristic : High abrasion resistance and appropriate hardness
Use : 1. Coin - Strong but soft enough for the pressing the figure on it.

Carat gold : Gold, silver and copper

Characteristic : Harder and cheap than pure gold.
Use : 1. Jewelry - more durable than pure gold and easier to shape.

C. Use of alloy

Alloy Composition Properties Uses

Mild Steel iron, carbon strong but malleable making structures and
commodities like tools, magnets
Stainless Steel iron, chromium, nickel hard, very corrosion resistant for structural uses like car bodies,
bearings, cutlery
Brass copper, zinc golden appearance, malleable, making ornaments, buttons,
resist corrosion, harder than the screws and electrical fittings
pure metals
Duralumin aluminium, copper, light, strong and more corrosion making aircraft and spacecraft
magnesium, manganese resistant than aluminium
Solder lead, tin very low melting for welding
Bronze copper, tin golden appearance, resist making ornament
corrosion and wearing
Coinage metal 1. copper, tin, zinc soft enough to be minted, hard 1. copper, tin, zinc (copper coins)
2. nickel, copper enough not to wear away easily. 2. nickel, copper (silver coins)
Carat gold gold, silver, copper golden appearance, hard making ornaments, jewellery

Glossary alloy homogenous mixture imperfections exotic atoms constitutions brass steel
solder coinage metal carat gold mild steel stainless steel duralumin cutlery
IV. Alloys Page 3

Past Paper 95 I 6 b iii

Questions 96 I 8 b i ii
97 I 1 b 97 I 8 b iv
99 I 7 a ii iii

95 I 6 b iii
6b The table below gives some information about five metals.
Metal Abundance in the Price per kg ($) Relative resistance of corrosion Relative strength of metal
earth’s crust (%) (1 = least, 4 = most resistant) (1 = lowest, 3 = highest)
Al 8.1 170 3 1
Cu 0.005 140 3 3
Au 0.0000004 1100000 4 2
Fe 5.0 20 1 3
Zn 0.007 160 2 2
iii (1) Aluminium does not corrode easily. Why ? 3
(2) Aluminium is a principal material for making aircraft but its strength is relatively low. Suggest how the
strength of aluminium can be improved to make it suitable for making aircraft.
(1) Al reacts with oxygen in air to form a (thin) layer of oxide which is impervious (not permeable) to oxygen /
water and prevents the metal from further corrosion. 2 marks
(2) Alloying with other metals (e.g. Cu / Mn / Mg...) 1 mark
(Do not accept mix with other metals. Do not accept K / Na / Ca / Hg)
C (1) Most candidates did not mention that the oxide layer is impervious to oxygen or water.
(2) Some candidates used the term 'mixture of metals' instead of 'alloy'. A number of candidates wrongly thought
that anodization can improve the strength of aluminium to make it suitable for making aircraft.

96 I 8 b i ii
8b The diagram below shows a ten dollar coin which is made of two alloys, X and Y.

i (1) What is an alloy ? 3

(2) State TWO properties of an alloy that make it suitable as a coinage metal.
(1) An alloy is a (solid) mixture of two or more elements of which at least one is a metal / a (solid) mixture of
metals 1 mark
(2) Any TWO of the following:
It should be soft enough /easy to be minted / stamped (moulded)
It should be corrosion resistant / chemically unreactive / lone lasting / durable
It should be hard enough to resist it from wearing away 2 marks
C Most candidates did not give a precise meaning of the term 'alloy'. Some candidates even wrote that an alloy is a
compound formed by two or more metallic elements.
ii When compared with using only one alloy, using two alloys to make the ten dollar coin has certain advantages
and disadvantages. Give ONE advantage and ONE disadvantage of using two alloys to make the coin.
Advantage: more attractive (beautiful) / prevent forgery / can easily be distinguished from other coins 1 mark 2
Disadvantage: difficult to make / more expensive / possibility of X detaching from the coin 1 mark
(Accept any reasonable answer)
IV. Alloys Page 4
97 I 1 b
1 For each of the tasks listed in the table below, decide which substance on the right is the best to use to accomplish
the task. Explain your answer in each case.
For each of the following, award 1 mark for the correct choice and 2 marks for the explanation; (must involve a
sense of comparison); disregard the explanation for a wrong choice. i.e. zero mark is given to a wrong choice.
Task Substance
1b To make the body of an aircraft aluminium, duralumin, 3
stainless steel
duralumin 1 mark
Stainless steel has the highest density / is too heavy for making aircraft 1 mark
or, duralumin is lighter than stainless steel / has a lower density than stainless steel. (1 mark)
duralumin is more corrosion resistant / (mechanically) stronger than aluminium. 1 mark
C Most candidates chose the correct substances to accomplish the tasks in (b), but they failed to give sound
arguments to explain their choices. In making their arguments many candidates cited properties of the substances
chosen, e.g. duralumin is light and strong. They did not compare these properties with those of the other
substances. This indicated that these candidates were weak in presenting arguments based on known facts.

97 I 8 b iv
8b Read the following paragraph concerning chromium and answer the questions that follow:
The Greek word "chroma" means colour. Many chromium-containing compounds and chromium containing
gemstones are beautifully coloured. The oxidation number of chromium in its compounds can be +2, +3 and +6.
iv Suggest TWO ways in which chromium can be used to prevent the corrosion of iron. 2
making stainless steel / alloy 1 mark
chromium-plating 1 mark
C In part (iv), only a few candidates correctly pointed out that making stainless steel is one of the ways in which
chromium can be used to prevent the corrosion of iron.

99 I 7 a ii iii
7a The table below lists the key components of three alloys.
Alloy Key components
bronze copper, tin
steel iron, carbon
solder tin, metal X
ii Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon. Explain, in terms of structure, why the addition of carbon to iron can
enhance the strength of iron.
iii Solder is an alloy of tin and metal X.
(1) What is X ?
(2) Explain why solder, but not tin or X, is used for joining electrical wires.

96 36
B 36 Which of the following metals is/are present in solder ?
(1) copper
(2) lead
(3) iron
A. (1) only
B. (2) only
C. (l) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only

98 40
A 40 Brass is commonly used for making ornaments because
(1) it has an attractive appearance.
(2) it can resist corrosion.
(3) it is softer than copper.
Which of the following combinations is correct ?
A. (1) and (2) only
B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

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