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Inter- School Academic

and Athletic League In cooperation with


A. About the Competition:

1. The Science Challenge ’15 is a competition among different elementary and high school levels, and
AMA University – Quezon City Campus shall be the host for the said event on October 3, 2015,

2. This year’s competition is open to all ISAAL member-schools.

B. General Guidelines:

1. Contestants shall come from Grade One to Grade 10 (1 participant per grade/year level). The
participating schools MUST ensure that the delegates are bona fide pupils/students of their
respective schools by submitting the following:

a. Certificate of Enrollment signed by the school principal AND school registrar indicating
students’ full name, current age and grade/level and coaches’ full name. (Appendix A: Format
for Certificate of Enrollment)

b. Event fees per school are ₱ 500 for the Elementary Division and P500 for the High School Div.

2. The participating schools shall submit the official list of names of delegates along with the
requirements identified above on or before September 19, 2015 by email to the Academic
Coordinator, Sir Noli Calderon at . Only schools who have submitted their
requirements on time shall be allowed to join. Corollary to this, ABSOLUTELY no school shall be
allowed to join the Science Challenge ’15 if they register on the day of the actual event, even if
their student contestants are present at the venue (NO WALK – IN REGISTRATIONS).

3. Confirmation for joining the Science Challenge ’15 shall be recognized once ALL the school’s
necessary requirements are submitted to the ISAAL Acedemic Coordinator. Upon submission, a
number shall be assigned to the school. This number assignment shall be used by the AMA staff
in the tally sheets for record purposes; and shall thus be followed in the seating arrangement of
student representatives per room assignments during the contest proper.

4. There will be specific contest guidelines and criteria that will be followed strictly by all the
delegates. These will be released to the ISAAL member schools who may wish to participate.
5. The delegates should wear the complete academic uniform with their School ID.

6. The delegates from each participating school may be accompanied by a maximum of two (2)
coaches to the AMA campus, however, NO coach is allowed inside room assignment. The
coach/teacher should wear his/her official school ID and official faculty/school uniform for
purposes of identification. Absolutely NO parent shall be allowed to enter the Room
Assignments, Holding Area and/or Auditorium for the Science Challenge. In line with this,
it is expected that it is the duty of the school officials to advise the accompanying parents
that this is a CLOSED-DOOR COMPETITION. To assure compliance, the ISAAL Board
members / officers have an absolute right to disqualify the particular student contestant
of the erring parent.

7. The top TEN (10) scorers shall be declared winners and shall receive awards.

8. The Champion shall receive a gold medal and certificate; the winning school shall also receive a
trophy. The 1ST to 3RD Runners up shall have a gold medal and certificate; . The 4th to 6th
Runners-up shall have a silver medal and certificate. The 7th to 10th Runners up shall be given
bronze medals.
Inter- School Academic
and Athletic League In cooperation with


Each recognized school may send only ONE (1) contestant per year/grade level. They must be bona
fide pupils/students of the participating schools.


1. The coverage per Grade / Level shall be specified by the Host, AMA University.

2. The questions will be prepared by the faculty members of the AMA University which will be
screened and classified accordingly

3. The questions will be under the safekeeping of the Host until the start of the contest. Each
question will be placed in a short white envelope and will be placed in three boxes, one for each
category (Easy, Average and Difficult).


1. Inside the Contest Rooms, the students from the participating schools shall be asked to sit in
assigned seats according to their Registration number (assigned upon registration with the
ISAAL Treasurer).
2. Thirty (30) questions shall be given.

CATEGORY High School
Primary Intermediate
POINTS (Grades 7, 8, 9, IV POINTS
(Grades 1, 2, 3) (Grades 4, 5, 6)
Yr. HS)
10 EASY 2 15 sec 15 sec 15 sec 20
10 AVERAGE 3 30 sec 30 sec 30 sec 30
10 DIFFICULT 5 60 sec 60 sec 60 sec 50

The time allotted for each question shall not exceed the time allotted in each category. A bell
will ring once the time is up.
3. The questions shall be arranged in no particular order within a category. The final answer
and solution (whenever appropriate) shall be flashed on screen through LCD presentation.

4. The Quiz Master will read each question twice. The contestants can start writing given values
and solving the problems while the question is being read; but will only be allowed to write
down their answers on the tag boards after the Quiz Master has declared the word “GO!”.
The contestants must stop writing once the bell is rung, signifying that the time allotment
has elapsed.

NOTE: The answers given by contestants should be complete. Whenever appropriate and
whenever it is specifically asked, the correct units should be indicated. Absolutely NO
FRACTION of the allotted points shall be given in consideration for incomplete answers (All
or None Rule).

5. The correct answer and correct solution (whenever appropriate) shall be flashed on the LCD
ready for checking of the tag boards.

6. Question/s about the answers shall only be entertained before proceeding to the next
question. The Committee shall decide on the validity of the question or concern raised. The
Committee’s decision is final and irrevocable.

7. Only the contestants shall be allowed to raise questions .They should raise their hand and
wait until they are recognized before they raise their questions. Respect and diplomacy must
be exercised while presenting appropriate and pertinent concerns and clarifications.

8. In case of a tie, additional questions (Clincher) shall be given until the tie is broken.

9. There shall be at least one (1) ISAAL Officer who shall oversee the smooth flow of the Science
Challenge per room assignment.

10. Coaching and other forms of dishonesty are strictly prohibited and would mean
disqualification of the contestant.

11. The contestants shall be ranked according to their final scores.


Note: The following shall be provided by the host school and need not be brought by the
student contestants.

1. Tag boards (illustration board – black side) or

Magnetic board and board markers – personally brought by participant
2. Chalk
3. Eraser (dust/rag cloth) – You may also bring extra dust cloth for your students.


 Committee – head of the Basic Education Department and faculty members of AMA
 Quiz Master
 Watchers – from ISAAL
 Timer
 Scorers

Take note of Appendix / Attachment:

Appendix A: Format for Certificate of Enrollment
Appendix B: Student and Parental Consent forms
Appendix C: Student Tag
Appendix D: Coach Tag

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