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Atty. Crisostomo A. Uribe


I Tolentino, Civil Code, pp. 1-10 (1990 Edition)

Balane, The Spanish Antecedents of the Philippine Civil
54 PLJ 1st Quarter, p. 1


A. When do laws take effect?

Revised Administrative Code (RAC) Secs. 18-24
Exec. Order 200 Sec. 1 & 2

Pesigan v, Angeles, 129 SCRA 174, April 30, 1984

People v. Veridiano, 132 SCRA 523, October 12, 1984
Tañada v. Tuvera, 136 SCRA 27 , April 24, 1985
MRCA v. Court of Appeals, 180 SCRA 344 , December 19,
Yaokasin v. Commissioner, 180 SCRA 591 , December 22,
Commissioner of Customs v. Hypermix Feeds, G.R. No. 179579,
February 1, 2012 Nagkakaisang Maralita v. Military Shrine
Services, G. R. No. 187587, June 05, 2013

B. Ignorance of the law - NCC 3

Kasilag v. Rodriques, 69 Phil 217 ,

C. Retroactivity - NCC 4, NCC 5

cf. NCC 2252- 2269
Revised Penal Code (RPC) 22

Puzon v. Abellera, 169 SCRA 789 , January 31, 1989

Acosta v. Plan, 169 SCRA 591 , January 30, 1989
MRCA v. CA, supra
BPI v. IAC 164 SCRA 630 , August 19, 1988
Spouses Dacudao v. Gonzales, G.R. No. 188056, January
8, 2013

D. Waiver of rights - NCC 6

cf. NCC 301.

E. Repeal of laws - NCC 7

cf. 1987 Constitution, Art. XVIII Sec. 3

Guingona v. Carague,. 196 SCRA 221 , April 22, 1991

F. Duty to render judgment - NCC 9
cf. RPC. 5

G. Applicability of custom - NCC 11-12

cf. 1987 Constitution, Art, XII Sec. 5
Rules of Court Rule 129 (2) (3)

Martinez v. Van Buskirk, 18 Phil. 79 , December 27, 1910

H. Legal periods - NCC 13: Periods

Cf. Rules of court (ROC) Rule 28
RAC Sec. 31

Armigos v. Ca 179, SCRA 1 , November 6, 1989

Namarco v. Teczon, 29 SCRA 70 , August 27, 1969

I. Binding effect - NCC 15

Barreto-Gonzales v. Gonzales, 58 Phil. 67 , March 7, 1933

Tenchavez v. Escaño, 15 SCRA 355 , November, 29, 1965
Van Dorn v. Romillo, 139 SCRA 139 October 8, 1985
Pilapil v. Ibay-Somera, 174 SCRA 653 June 30, 1989

J. Human Relations - NCC 19-21

People v. Ritter, 194 SCRA 690 March 5, 1991

Ardiente v. Spouses Pastorfide, G.R. No. 161921, July 17,


A. Persons and Personality - NCC 37- 39

Concepts of person and personality

Classes of persons and there distinctions
Elements of civil capacity
Juridical capacity v. personality

Juridical capacity v. capacity to act

B. Commencement and termination of personality

1. Natural Persons
NCC 40- 41
1987 Constitution Art. II Sec. 12
P.D. 603 Art. 5; FC 164
RPC Arts. 256-259

Roe v. Wade (US) January 22, 1973

Geluz v. CA, . 2 SCRA 801 July 20, 1961
Quimiging v. Icao, 34 SCRA 13 , July 31, 1970
De Jesus v. Syquia, 58 Phil. 863 November 28, 1933

NCC 42
Limjoco v. Intestate Estate of Pio Fragante, 80 Phil. 776
April 27, 1948
Dumlao v. Quality Plastics, 70 SCRA 472 April 30, 1976
Eugenio, Sr. v. Velez, 185 SCRA 425 May 17, 1990

NCC 43
cf. ROC Rule 131 Sec. 3 1989 Revised code rules on

Joaquin v. Navarro, 93 Phil. 257 May 29, 1953

2. Juridical Persons

Public corporations
Private corporations

NCC 44- 47

Smith Bell v. Natividad, 40 Phil. 136 September 17, 1919

Barlin v. Ramirez, 7 Phil. 41 November 24, 1906


A. General rule : presumption of capacity

Standard Oil Co. v. Arenas, 19 Phil. 363 July 25, 1911


B. Restrictions on capacity to act - NCC 38-39

1. Minority

Age of majority R.A. 6809

Suffrage, Sec. 1 Art. V 1987 Constitution
Marriage FC 5; cf R. A. 6809

NCC 1327
NCC 1390 (1) 1403 (3) ; 1397, 1399
NCC 1489
NCC 1426-1427

Mercado v. Espiritu, 37 Phil. 215 December 1, 1917

Young v. Tecson, 39 O.G. 953
Bambalan v. Maramba, 51 Phil. 417 January 30, 1928
Sia Suan & Gaw Chiao v. Alcantara, 85 Phil. 669 March 4,
De Braganza v. De Villa- Abrille, 105 Phil 456 April 13,

Criminal Liability, RPC 12 (2) – (3); RPC 13 (2); PD 603

Secs. 189-204

2. Insanity

Effect on marriage, FC 45 (2)

Effect on contracts, NCC 1327, 1328
Criminal liability, RPC 12 (1)
Rule 101, Rules of court

US v. Vaguillar, 27 Phil. 88 March 13, 1914

Standard Oil v. Arenas, supra
People v. Rafanan, 204 SCRA 65 November 21, 1991

3. Deaf – Mutism

NCC 1327 (2), 807 & 820

4. Prodigality
ROC Rule 92 Sec. 2

5. Civil Interdiction
RPC 34, 41

6. Family Relations
FC 150; cf. FC 87

7. Alien age

8. Absence
NCC 381- 396

9. Insolvency Trusteeship
NCC 1491 & 1381


Juridical person, NCC 51

Natural persons, NCC 50; FC 68 & 69

Abella v. COMELEC, 201 SCRA 253 September 3, 1991


A. Effect and Retroactivity

E. O. 209 as amended by E.O. 227, RA 6809 and RA 7160

B. Repeal and Amendment

FC 253


A. Concept and nature

1 Tolentino 217-221

1. Definition
FC 1
NCC 52
Article XV Sec. 2, 1987 Constitution
Art. II, Sec. 12, 14
Art. XV

2. Nature
FC 1
Muslim Code (MC) (PD. 1083) Sec. 14
Rule 131 Sec. 3; NCC 220

3. Breach of promise to marry

NCC 19- 21; NCC 2176
MC 22

Cabague v. Auxillo, 92 Phil. 294 November 26, 1952

Domalagan v. Bolifer, 33 Phil. 471 February 8, 1916
Hermosisima v CA 109 Phil 629
Wassmer v. Velez, 12 SCRA 648 December 26, 1964
Estremos v. Ephan, (CA) 83 OG 4022 No. 35
Tanjanco v. CA, 18 SCRA 994 December 17, 1966
Baksh v. CA, G.R. 97326 Feb. 19, 1993

4. Not subject to stipulation – NCC 221

Panganiban v. Borromeo, 58 Phil. 367 September 9, 1933

In re Santiago, 70 Phil. 66 June 21, 1940
Selanova v. Mendoza, 64 SCRA 69 May 19, 1975
Lichauco-De Leon v. CA, 186 SCRA 345, June 6, 1990

B. Requisites

Pugeda v. Trias, 4 SCRA 849

1 Tolentino 222-269

1. Kinds of requisites, FC 2, 3, 5; cf. NCC 53

2. Kinds of non-compliance
3. Effect of non-compliance
4. Essential requisites

a. Legal capacity
(1)Gender, FC 2 (1)
(2)Age, FC 5; FC 35 (1); R.A. 6809, NCC 54 &
80 (1)
(3)Parental consent, FC 14; FC 45, NCC 61 &
85 (1)

Sison v. Te Jay Li (CA) 48 OG No. 9

b. Consent Freely Given

(1)mistake as to identity, FC 35 (5); NCC 86
(2)Insanity, FC 45 (2)
(3)Fraud FC, 45 (3); NCC 1338- 1344

(4)Force, intimidation and undue influence,

FC 45 (4); NCC 1335- 1337
(5)Physical incapacity, FC 45 (5)
(6)Affliction with STD. FC 45 (6)

5. Formal Requisites

a. Authority of the solemnizing officer

1. who are authorized
FC 7, 10, 31 & 32
NCC 56, 74, 76
1991 Local Gov’t Code, Sec 444 (b) (1)
455 (b) (1) (xviii)
2. how authorized
FC 7 (2)

Villar v. Paraiso, 96 Phil 659 March 14, 1955

Aranes v. Occiano, 380 SCRA 402, April 11, 2002

3. effect of absence of authority

FC 4; FC 35 (2)

b. Marriage Ceremony

1. Form, FC 3 (3); FC 6

Martinez v. Tan, 12 Phil. 731 February 5, 1909

2. Place FC 8, FC 28-29 FC 32-33

3. Marriage certificate, FC 6, FC 22

Madridejo v. Deleon, 55 Phil. 1 October 6, 1930

Macua v. Avenido, G.R. No. 173540, January 22, 2014

4. Duties of the solemnizing officer, FC 23-

5. Effect of irregularity, FC 4

c. Marriage license

(1)where to apply FC 9- 10
(2)requirements for issuance
a. Application, FC 11
b. Proof of capacity, FC 12-14, FC 21

c. Parental advice, FC 15
d. Marriage counseling FC 16
e. Publication FC 17
f. Investigation of impediments, FC 18
g. Payment of Fees FC 19
h. Family planning certificate, P.D. 965
(3)Place where valid, FC 20
(4)Period of validity, FC 20
(5)Duties of the Civil Registrar, FC 24-25
(6)Marriages exempt from license
requirement, FC 27-34

Abbas v. Abbas, G.R. No. 183896, January 30, 2013

Borja-Manzano v. Sanchez, 354 SCRA 1, March 8, 2001

Ninal v. Bayadog, 328 SCRA 122, March 14, 2000
Republic v. Albios, G.R. No. 198780, October 16, 2013

C. Law Governing Validity

1 Tolentino 260- 263

1. General Rule on contracts

a. As to form, NCC 17
b. As to substantive requirements, NCC 15 & 17

2. Special rule in marriage

a. Lex Loci celebrationis, FC 26
b. Exceptions, FC 26 in relation to FC 35 (1), (4)
(5), 36-38
NCC 71
D. Presumption of marriage - NCC 220, Rule 131 Sec. 3

Perido v. Perido, 63 SCRA 97

Fiel v. Banawa, 76 O.G. 4 619

E. Void Marriages

1 Tolentino 270- 310

1. General rule, FC 4
2. Absence of requisites, FC 35, cf FC 234 (repealed by
R.A. 68 09)
3. Bigamous and polygamous marriages FC 35 (4), 39, 40,
41, 44 RPC 349

People v. Mendoza, 95 Phil. 645 September 28, 1954

People v. Aragon, 100 Phil. 1033 February 28, 1957
Tolentino v. Paras, 122 SCRA 525 May 30, 1983
Wiegel v. Sempio-Dy, 143 SCRA 499 August 19, 1986
Donato v. Luna, 160 SCRA 441 April 15, 1988
Terre v. Terre, 211 SCRA 6 July 3, 1992
Republic v. Granada, G.R. No. 187512 June 13, 2012
Republic v. Cantor, G.R. No. 184621, December 10, 2013

4. Subsequent marriage upon reappearance of absent


FC 41 in relation to FC 42-44
NCC 390 – 391, FC 55 (9), FC 101

Jones v. Hortiguela, 64 Phil. 179 March 6, 1937

In re Szatrow, 49 OG 243

5. Bad faith of both spouses under FC 44

6. Psychological incapacity

FC 36, cf FC 68- 73
Sempio-Dy, Major Changes Introduced by the Family
Code Appendix A.
Cases under Canon Laws

Republic v. CA and Molina, 240 SCRA 198, February 13,

Choa v.Choa, 392 SCRA 641, November 26, 2002
Barcelona v. Court of Appeals and Tadeo R. Bengzon, September 24,
Republic v. Quintero-Hamano, 428 SCRA 735, May 20, 2004
Republic v. Encelan, G.R. No. 170022 January 9, 2013

7. Incestuous marriage
FC 37 cf NCC 963 – 967

8. Marriages against public policy

FC 38; Compare FC 38 (9) with NCC 80 (6)
NCC 80(7), 82
Cf. NCC 963-967

9. Non – compliance under FC 53

10. Effect of nullity

FC 50-54; FC 40, compare with NCC rule

FC 237
RA 6809
FC 147- 140

Yaptinchay v. Torres, 28 SCRA 489 June 9, 1969

11. Who can invoke nullity –

Fujiki v. Marinay, G.R. No. 196049, June 26, 2013

Garcia-Quiazon v. Belen, G.R. No. 189121 July 31, 2013

12. Prescription
FC 39; FC 36 par. 2 in relation to FC 255; FC 42,
par. 2,
FC 237, for minors

13. Procedure in action for declaration of Nullity.

A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC Rule on Declaration of
Absolute Nullity of Void Marriages and Annulment of
Voidable Marriages

Republic v. Olaybar , G.R. No. 189538 February 10, 2014

(a) Requisite for valid remarriage FC 40

Wiegel v. Sempio- Diy, supra

Terre v. Terre, supra
Morigo v. People, 422 SCRA 376, February 6, 2004
Tenebro, v. Court of Appeals, 423 SCRA 272, February 18,
Capili v. People, G.R. No. 183805 July 3, 2013
People v. Odtuhan, G.R. No. 191566, July 17, 2013
Go-Bangayan v. Bangayan, G.R. No. 201061 July 3, 2013

(b) Support and custody pendente lite FC 49.

(c) Safeguards against collusion FC 48.
(d) No confession of judgment FC 48; cf NCC 2035

Jocson v. Robles, 22 SCRA 521 February 10, 1968

Tolentino v. Villanueva, 56 SCRA 1 March 15, 1974
F. Voidable Marriages:

1 Tolentino 270 – 310

1. Void v. Voidable marriages FC 4 cf. 45


2. Grounds for annulment

a. Absence of parental consent FC 45 (1), 47 (1);
RA. 6809
b. Insanity FC 45 (2), 47 (2)
c. Fraud; FC 45 (3), 46, 47 (3), NCC 1338- 1344
Buccat v. Buccat, 72 Phil. 19
Aquino v. Delizo, 109 Phil. 19.
Anaya v. Palaroan, 36 SCRA 97

d. Force, intimidation and undue influence

FC 45 (4) 47, (4) NCC 1335- 1337,
RPC 344 Last paragraph

Sison v. Te Lay Li, supra.

Ruiz v. Atienza, (CA) 40 OG 1903
People v. Santiago, supra

e. Impotence, FC 45 (5), 47 (5)

Sarao v. Guevara, (CA) 40 OG 1st supp. 263

Jimenez v. Canizares, 109 Phil. 273 August 31, 1960

f. Affliction with STD

FC 45 (6), compare with FC 46 (3)

3. Who can seek annulment, FC 47

4. Prescription, FC 47
5. Procedure in annulment
a. support and custody pendente lite FC 49
b. safeguards against collusion FC 48
c. no confession of judgment FC 48; cf NCC 2035

Jocson v. Robles, supra

Tolentino v. Villanueva, supra

6. Effects of annulment FC 49-54, FC 237 for minors;

RA 6809

7. Marriage when one spouse is absent

FC. 41 – 44, compare with NCC 83, 85 (2) and 87 (2)
cf. RPC 349
Jones v. Hortiguela, supra
Lukban v. Republic, 98 Phil 574 February 29, 1956
Gue v. Republic, 107 Phil. 381 March 24, 1960

8. Marriage dissolved abroad, FC 26, DOJ Opinions,


Cases under NCC 15

9. Illegal Marriages
FC 4; FC 16
NCC 84
RPC 351-352

People v. Masinsin, (CA) 49 OG 3909


1 Tolentino 311 – 337

A. Concept and Historical Background

Benedicto v. Dela Rama 3 Phil. 34

1. Distinguished from separation in fact, cf FC 238-248

2. Agreement to separate, cf NCC 221 (1)

Alano v. Gapusan 71 SCRA 26

In re Atty. Rufillo Bucena 72 SCRA 14

3. Distinguished from absolute divorce

a. Divorce decreed abroad, FC 26

Tenchaves v. Escano, supra

Van Dorn v. Rommillo, supra
Pilapil v. Somera, supra
Garcia-Recio v. Garcia, 366 SCRA 437, October 2, 2001

b. Muslim divorce
MC 45-55

B. Grounds for legal Separation

FC 55, compare with NCC 97

1. Sexual infidelity or perversion

FC 55 (8) compare with NCC 97 (1)
RPC 333 and 334

Goitia v. Campos – Rueda, 35 Phil. 242

People v. Zapanta, 88 Phil. 688
Gandionco v. Penaranda, 155 SCRA 725

2. Drug addiction habitat alcoholism, lesbianism or

homosexuality, FC 55(5) compare with FC 46 (4)

3. Attempt on the life of the other spouse

FC 55 (9) compare with NCC 97 (2)

Munoz v Barrios, (CA) 51 OG 5247

C. Who can ask for legal separation?

FC 55, compare with NCC 99-100
D. When may petition be filed?
FC 57, compare with NCC 102, NCC 99

Contreras v. Macaraig, 33 SCRA 222 May 29, 1970

Lapuz v. Eufemio, 43 SCRA 177 January 31, 1972
Matubis v. Praxedes, 109 Phil. 709 October 25, 1960
Bugayong v. Ginez, 100 Phil 616 December 28, 1956

E. Effect of pungency of the petition

1. Right of consortium, FC 61 par. 1
2. Administration of property, FC 61, par. 2.
3. Support and custody pendente lite, FC 62 cf. FC 49;
FC 198

Yangco v. Rohde, 1 Phil. 404 October 13, 1902

4. Cooling-off period FC 58

De la Viña v. Villareal, 41 Phil. 13 July 31, 1920

Araneta v. Concepcion, 99 Phil. 709 July 31, 1956
Somosa-Ramos v. Vamenta, 46 SCRA 110 July 29, 1972
Lerma v. CA., 61 SCRA 440 December 20, 1974

F. Defenses
1. Consent; FC 56 (2), NCC 100

Matubis v. Praxedes, supra

People v. Sansano, 58 Phil. 73
People v. Schneckenberger, 73 Phil. 413 November 10,

2. Condonation; FC 56 (1)

Bugayong v. Ginez, 100 Phil 616 December 28, 1956


3. Recrimination; FC 56 (4)

Brown v. Yambao, 102 Phil. 168 October 18, 1957

4. Collusion
FC 60
FC 56 (3), (5), compare with NCC 101 and 231 (3)

Brown v. Yambao, supra

Ocampo v. Florenciano, 107 Phil. 35 February 23, 1960

5. Prescription
cf. Brown v. Yambao, supra
G. Court Procedure
FC 58-60

H. Effect of Decree of Legal Separation

1. Personal relations, FC 61, 63

2. Custody of children
FC 63 (3); FC 213
NCC 106 (3)
P.D. 603 (CYWC) Art. 17 par. 3

Matute v. Macadaeg, 99 Phil. 340 May 30, 1956

3. Property relations; FC 63 (2), FC 64

4. Support, FC 198
5. Use of surname; NCC 370-372

Laperal v. Republic, 116 Phil 672

6. Right to inherit - FC 63 (4)

7. Cost of litigation - FC 94 (10; FC 121 (9)

I. Reconciliation
1. How done, FC 65
2. Effects reconciliation, FC 66-67


1 Tolentino 338-355

A. Obligation to live together

FC 68; FC 72; RPC 11(2); RPC 247

Atilano v. Chua Ching Beng, 103 Phil. 255 March 29, 1958
Goitia v. Campos – Rueda, supra
Arroyo v. Vasquez de Arroyo, 42 Phil. 54 August 11, 1921
Ramirez-Cuaderno v. Cuaderno, 12 SCRA 505 November
28, 1964

B. Family Domicile

1. General rule: jointly

FC 69 par. 1, compare with NCC 110

Abella v. COMELEC, 201 SCRA 253 September 3, 1991

2. Exemption, FC 69 par. 2

C. Management and Family Support

FC 70-71

D. Exercise of Profession
FC 73, compare with NCC 117
Art. II sec. 14, and Art. XIII Sec. 14, 1987 Constitution
cf. NCC 113.


A. What made; governs marriage settlements

1. When made; modifications

FC 1; FC 76
(Modifications after marriage)
FC 66, 67, 128, 135, 136

2. Form of MS; registration requirement

FC 77

3. Celebration of marriage
FC 81

4. Who may enter into MS?

a. Minor, FC 78
b. Persons under civil interdiction
c. Incapacitated persons

FC 79, in rel. to NCC 38-39

B. Which law governs property relations?

1. Stipulation in marriage settlements

FC 81

2. If both Filipinos

3. Mixed marriage between Filipino and alien

4. If both aliens

5. Property located outside RP

FC 80 (2) and (3) in rel. to NCC 16
FC (3) in rel. to NCC 17

C. Donations propter nuptias

1. Definition, FC 82

2. Who may be donors?

3. What may be donated by the spouses?

a. Present property FC 84
b. Future property
FC 84; NCC 761
c. Encumbered property
FC 85
d. Donations in the marriage settlements
FC 81

4. Void donations by the spouses

FC 87
a. Donations during the marriage
b. Donations in common law marriages

Matabuena v. Cervantes 38 SCRA 284

c. Exceptions

5. Revocation of donations propter nuptias; FC 86


a. Revocation by donors, FC 86; NCC 765

b. By operation of law, FC 43; 44; 81

D. Absolute community of property (ACP)

1. When applicable, FC 75

2. Commencement, FC 88

3. Waiver during marriage, FC 89

4. Waiver after marriage, FC 89 par. 2

5. Suppletory Rules: co-ownership, FC 90; have NCC 484-


6. What constitutes ACP, FC 91?

a. All property at time of marriage

b. Property acquired subsequently
c. Winnings from gambling, FC as of NCC 164
d. Presumption of ACP, FC 93 of NCC 160

7. What is excluded from ACP, FC 92; FC 197: FC 95

Spouses Abrenica v. Law Firm of Abrenica, G.R. No. 180572, June

18, 2012

8. Charges of ACP, FC 94

a. Family expenses of FC 100 (3)

b. Debts of spouses
c. Subsidiary liabilities
d. Sole obligations of a spouse
e. Gambling losses, FC 95

9. Ownership, FC 90, FC 96 in rel. to NCC 206

10. Administration and enjoyment of ACP

a. Joint administration, FC 96; FC 90; NCC 486; NCC

b. Sole administration

(1)Incapacity FC 96
(2)Separation in fact FC 100 (3)

(3)Abandonment, FC 101
(4)Pendency of legal separation proceedings, FC

c. Disposition and encumbrance, FC 96-98

11. Effect of separation de facto, FC 100, of FC 239

12. Effect of abandonment, FC 101; FC 72

13. Dissolution of ACP, FC 99

a. Death, FC 103
b. Legal separation, FC 63 (2); FC 66
c. Annulment and declaration of nullity, FC 50 in rel. to
FC 43 (2)
d. Judicial separation of property, FC 134-138

14. Effects of dissolution

a. Liquidation procedure, FC 102

b. For cause other than death, FC 43 (2); FC 63 (2)
c. Termination due to death, FC 104

15. For marriages before FC, FC 104

Delizo v. Delizo, 69 SCRA 216

16. Support during ACP liquidation

E. Conjugal Partnership of Gains

Ballados v. CA, November 19, 1990

Jocson v. CA, 170 SCRA 333 February 16, 1989
Ansaldo v. Sheriff, 64 Phil. 115
Castro v. Miat, 397 SCRA 271, February 11, 2003

1. When CPG commences and applies

a. Marriages under FC, FC 107 of FC 88

b. Marriages before FC, FC 105 (2) of FC 256
c. When applicable, FC 105 of FC 74-74
d. Suppletory rules, FC 108

PNB v. Quintos, 46 Phil. 370


2. What is excluded from CPG?

a. Brought as exclusive property, FC 109 (1)

Laperal v. Katigbak 10 SCRA 493

Barciles v. GSIS, 128 SCRA 53

b. Acquired by gratuitous title during marriage FC 109 (2) of

FC 113; FC 115

Veloso v. Martinez, 28 Phil. 255

c. Acquired by redemption, FC 109 (3)

Plata v. Yatco 12 SCRA 716

Lim v. Garcia, 7 Phil. 320

d. Purchased with exclusive money, FC 109 (4) of FC


3. Administration of exclusive property

a. By the spouse-owner, FC 110
b. By the other spouse, FC 110 2nd par. FC 142, FC 75

Veloso v. Martinez, supra

Manotok Realty v. CA, 149 SCRA 372

4. Encumbrance / disposition of exclusive property FC 111-

112, of FC 236,
Amended by RA 6809

Palanca v. Smith-Bell, 9 Phil. 131

Lim Quenco v. Cartagene, 71 Phil. 163

5. What constitutes CPG?

a. Definition, FC 106
b. Presumption of CPG, FC 116

Torela v. Torela, 93 SCRA 391

PNB v. CA, 158 SCRA 435
Magallon v. Montejo, 146 SCRA 252
Cuenca v. Cuenca, 168 SCRA 335
Dela Pena v. Avila. G.R. No. 187490, February 8, 2012
Andrade v. Tan, G.R. No. 171904 and 172017 August 7,

c. What are included in CPG FC 117

Zulueta v. Pan AM, SCRA 1

Mendoza v. Reyes, 124 SCRA 154 (1988)

d. If property bought by installments FC 118

(Under NCC: Castillo v. Pasco, 11 SCRA 102)

e. Credit due, FC 119

f. Improvements on CPG property

Calimlim v. Fortun 129 SCRA 675 (1984)

Maramba v. Lozano, 20 SCRA 474

6. Charges upon and obligations of CPG, FC 121

a. With consent

Javier v. Osmena, 34 Phil. 336

Vda. De Sta. Romana v. PCIB, 118 SCRA 330
DBP v. Adil, 161 SCRA 307 (1988)

b. Without consent
Luzon Surety v. de Garcia, 30 SCRA 111 (1969)
BA Finance v. CA 161 SCRA 608
Carlos v. Abelardo, 380 SCRA 361, April 9, 2002

c. Personal debts, FC

People v. Lagrimas, 29 SCRA 153

d. Winnings from gambling, FC 123 (cf FC 95)

7. Ownership, administration, enjoyment and disposition

a. Joint administration, FC 124 (cf FC 96)

NCC: Ysasi v. Fernandez 23 SCRA 1079

b. Sole administration

(1)Incapacity, FC 124
(2)Separation in fact, FC 100 (3)
(3)Abandonment, FC101

(4)Pendency of legal separation proceedings, FC 61

b. Disposition and encumbrance, FC 124-125 of FC 97

NCC: Felipe v. Heirs of Aldon, 120 SCRA 628

Aguilar-Reyes v. Mijares 410 SCRA97, August 28, 2003

8. Effect of separation de facto, FC 127 (cf, FC 100); of FC


9. Effect of abandonment, FC 128 (cf. FC 101)

De la Cruz v. De La Cruz, 22 SCRA 333

10. Dissolution of CPG, FC 126

a. Death, FC 126 (1)

b. Legal separation, FC 63 (2), FC 66
c. Annulment and declaration of nullity, FC 50 in rel. to FC
43 (2)
d. Judicial separation of property, FC 134-138

11. Effect of dissolution, FC 129

a. Liquidation procedure, FC 129
b. Cause other than death, FC 129; FC 43 (2), FC 63 (2)
c. Termination due to death: FC 130 (cf. FC 104)

Beumer v. Amores, G.R. No. 195670 Dec 3, 2012

12. For marriages before FC, 131

13. Applicability of rules of court, FC 132

14. Support during CPG liquidation, FC 133

Santero v. CFI, 153 SCRA 728

F. Regime of Separation of Property

a. When applicable
(1)In the marriage settlements, FC 143-146
(2)When mandatory, FC 103 & FC 130
(3)Reconciliation in legal separation FC 66 (2)

b. Property covered, FC 144


c. Administration
(1)By owner, FC 145
(2)By other spouse, FC 142

d. Family expenses, FC 146

G. Judicial Separation of Property

1. When possible, FC 134

2. For sufficient cause, FC 135, cf . FC 55 (10)

Garcia v. Manzano, 103 Phil. 798

3. Voluntary separation of property, FC 136 of FC 74-75, FC


Lacson v. San Jose-Lacson, 24 SCRA 837

4. Effects of judicial separation of property

a. Liquidation of CPG or ACP, FC 137 par. 1

b. Support pendente lite, FC 137 par.2
c. Regime after JSP, FC 138 of FC 66 (2)
d. Binding effect on third parties, FC 139-140; of FC 66(2)

5. Revival of property regime after JSP, FC 141 of FC 67

6. Transfer of administration of exclusive property, FC 142

H. Property Regimes of Unions without Marriage

Review: FC 35-38; 53 FC 41, 44, FC 45

1. Unions under FC 147

Maxey v. CA, 129 SCRA 187 of NCC 144

Salas, Jr. v. Aguila, G.R. No. 202370, September 23,

2. Unions under FC 148 of FC 50 in rel. to FC 43 (2) and

FC 50

Juaniza v. Jose, 89 SCRA 306

Gomez v. Lipana, 33 SCRA 615

Vda. De Consuegra v. GSIS, 37 SCRA 315

Yap v. CA, 145 SCRA 229
Carino v. Carino, 351 SCRA 127, February 2, 2001
Go-Bangayan v. Bangayan, G.R. No. 201061 July 3, 2013
Ventura, Jr. v. Spouses Abuda, G.R. No. 202932, October
23, 2013


A. What governs family relations, FC 149?

Alavado, City of Tacloban, 139 SCRA 230

Arroyo v. CA, 203 SCRA 753

B. Family Relations FC 150-151

Cf. NCC 2035; ROC Rule 6 Sec. 1 ( j )

Gayon v. Gayon, SCRA 104

Wainwright v. Versoza, 26 SCRA 78
Heirs of Favis Sr. v. Gonzales, G.R. No. 185922 January
15, 2014


A. What constitutes the family home (FH)

B. Who may constitute the family home, FC 152, FC 161?
C. When deemed constituted, FC 153
D. When terminated, FC 153 compare with FC 159
E. Beneficiaries, FC 154
F. Exemptions, FC 155, FC 160

Modequilio v. Breva, 185 SCRA 766

Siari Valley v. Lucasan, 109 Phil 294
Spouses De Mesa v. Acero, Jr. G.R. No. 185064, January
16, 2012


A. Paternity and filiations in general, FC 163

B. Legitimate children, FC 164

Perido v. Perido, 63 SCRA 97

De la Purrta v. CA, 161 SCRA 661
Tan v. Trocio, 191 SCRA 764

1. Conceived during marriage cf. ROC rule 131 Sec. 5

2. Born during marriage
3. By artificial insemination
4. Terminated marriage under FC 42 in rel. to FC 43
5. Void marriage under FC 54 in rel. to FC 36 and FC
6. Voidable marriages
7. Adopted children
8. Legitimated children
9. Rights of legitimate children, FC 173-174 cf. NCC
364, 374, 376

Moore v. Republic, 8 SCRA 282

Naldoza, Republic, 112 SCRA 658

Ligitimes of NCC 888, NCC 979

D. Illegitimate children

1. Under NCC
2. FC 165
3. Rights of illegitimate children, FC 175-176

Mangulabnan v. IAC, 185 SCRA 760

Osmena de Valencia v. Rodriguez, 84 Phil. 222

E. Action to impugn legitimacy

1. Grounds, FC 166

a. Physical impossibility of access

Andal v. Macaraig, 69 Phil 165

Macadangdang v. CA, 100 SCRA 73
Tan v. Trocio, 191 SCRA 764

b. Biological or other scientific grounds

Jao v. CA, 152 SCRA 359

Amurao v. CA, 168 734

2. Contrary declaration by mother, FC 167


Chua Keng Giap v. PAC, 18 SCRA 18

3. In subsequent marriages, FC 168, 169

4. Presumptions FC 170, 171

Lim v. IAC, 166 SCRA 451

5. Prescription
6. Who may impugn

Liyao, Jr. v. Tanhoti-Liyao, 378 SCRA 563, March 7, 2002


Gotardo v. Buling, G.R. No. 165166, August 15, 2012

Perla v. Baring, GR No. 172471, Nov. 12, 2012

1. Of legitimate children, FC 172-173

a. Record of birth

Reyes v. CA, 135 SCRA 439

Castro v. CA, 173 SCRA 658
Mendoza v. IAC, 152 SCRA 445

b. Final judgment declaring filiation

Ramos v. Ramos, 61 SCRA 284

c. Admission in a signed public document

Lim v. CA, 65 SCRA 160

d. Signed and handwritten private instrument

Ranas v. Ranas, 64 SCRA 260

e. Open and continuous possession of status

Mendoza v. CA, . September. 24. 1991

2. Of Illegitimate Children, FC 175


Vda de Alberto v. CA, 173 SCRA 436

Baluyot v. Baluyot, 166 SCRA 606
Paterno v. Paterno, 186 SCRA 630

Compulsory recognition

Cf. RPC 345

RPC 46. 59

Gapusan v. CA, 185 SCRA 160

People v. Rafanan, 182 SCRA 811
People v. Rizo, 189 SCRA 265
Demsey v. RTC, 164 SCRA 364
Mendoza v. CA, supra.
People v. Barranco, 177 SCRA 103

G. Legitimated Children

1. Who may be legitimated, FC 177

2. How legitimating takes place, FC 178, FC 180
3. Retroactivity and effect, FC 180-181
4. Action to impugn, FC 162
5. Rights of legitimated, FC 179

Lazatin v. Campos, 92 SCRA 250
Cervantes v. Fajardo, 169 SCRA 575
Republic v. Court of Appeals, 255 SCRA 99, March 15,

A. Who may adopt

1. Age and capacity required, FC 183
2. Husband and wife jointly, FC 185-186

Republic v. CA & Bobiles, January. 24, 1992

In re: Petition for Adoption of LIM, G.R. Nos. 168992-93,
May 21, 2009

3. Need for consent, FC 188

Santos v. Aransanzo, 16 SCRA 344
Daoang v. Municipal Judge, 159 SCRA 369
Nieto v. Magat, 136 SCRA 533
Duncan v. CFI, 69 SCRA 298

Cang v. Court of Appeals, 296 SCRA 128, September 25,


4. Aliens as adopters

Bobanovic v. Moniks, 142 SCRA 485

Pardo de Tavera v. Cacdac, 167 SCRA 686

B. Who may not adopt, FC 184

C. Who may be adopted FC 183, FC 185

In re Adoption of Edwin Villa, 21 SCRA 399

D. Who may not be adopted, FC 187

E. Effect of adoption

Cervantes v. Fajardo, supra

1. Status, FC 189 (1)

2. Parental authority, FC 189 (2), FC 186

In Re: Habeas Corpus of Angelie Cervantes, 1169 SCRA


3. Succession, FC 189 (3)

F. Effect on testate succession, FC 190

G. Rescission of adoption
1. By the adopted, FC 191
2. By the adopters, FC 192
3. Affect of rescission, FC 193


A. What comprises support, FC 194

B. Who are obliged to provide support?
Pelayo v. Lauron, 12 Phil 453
Sanchez v. Zulueta, 68 Phil. 110
Reyes v. Ines-Luciano, 88 SCRA 803

C. Source of support, FC 197-195 cf. FC 40, 70, 94, 122.

Lerma v. CA, 61 SCRA 440 December 20, 1974


D. Order of Support
E. Manner and Time of Payment, FC 200-204

Canonizado v. 127SCRA 610

F. Amount of support, FC 200-208

G. Support pendente lite, FC 188


A. Concept of Parental Authority, FC 209

B. Transfer of Parental Authority, FC 210 cf. CF 234
C. Who exercises Parental Authority, FC 211-213?

Hontiveros v. IAC, 132 SCRA 745

Unson v. Navarro, 101 SCRA 183

D. Substitute Parental Authority, FC 214-216, FC 233

E. Special Parental Authority, FC 218-219, FC 233

CF. FC 221 In Rel. To NCC. 2180

Exconde v. Capuno, 101 PHIL. 843

Palisoc v. Brillantes, 41 SCRA 548
Amadora v. CA, 160 SCRA, 315
Salvosa v. IAC, 166 SCRA 274
St. Mary’s Academy v. Carpitanos, 376 SCRA 473,
February 6, 2002


ROC RULE 130 SEC. 25 CF. SECS. 22 & 23

G. Parental Authority Over the Children’s Person, FC. 220-222

Medina v. Makabali, 27 SCRA 602

Luna v. IAC, 167 SCRA 7

*Disciplinary measures, FC 223-224

H. Parental Authority Over the Child’s Property, FC 225-227

Linda v. CA,. 212 SCRA 725


I. Suspension or Termination of Parental Authority

1. Permanent termination, FC 228 cf. RA 6809

2. Non-permanent termination, FC 229 cf. FC 193
3. Suspension of Parental Authority, FC 231-232

Chua v. Carandang, 27 SCRA 791

4. Revival


A. Cause of emancipation, FC 234 as amended

B. Effect of emancipation, FC 236 as amended cf. FC 15, NCC


XIX. SURNAMES, NCC 364-330, RA 8805

Naldoza, v. Republic, supra

Johnston v. Republic, 7 SCRA 1040
Llaneta v. Agrava, 57 SCRA 29
Tolentino v. CA. 162 SCRA 66 (1988)
Legamia v. IAC, 131 SCRA 479

XX. ABSENCE, NCC 381-396, FC 41

Reyes v. Alejandro, 41 SCRA 65

Eastern Shipping v. Lucero, 124 SCRA 425
Tol-Noquera v. Villamor, 211 SCRA 616


Eugenio v. Velez, supra.



Republic v. Sayo, 188 SCRA 634

Republic V. Valencia, 141 SCRA 462
Republic V. Marcos, 182 SCRA 223

Labayo-Rowe v. Republic 168 SCRA 294

January 25, 2016cau

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