Discussions Group 2

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Discussions Group 2

Fasilitator : Fahri Faisal

Leader : Jumatun Munawarah
Secretary 1 : Laily Syuhad
Secretary 2 : Nisa Kurniawati
Members : Betty Astuti
Galuh Arum Adri
Joniko Efrezon
Nadia Setyasih
Nouval Rizki Amanda
Puspita Gustiana
Stela Monika
Syepti Yunita
Trigger 3 (Verbal Communication and nonverbal
Communication/ Intercultural communication)
WHO team worked hard to help natural disaster in Yogyakarta. After two months living in
Yogyakarta, Jimmy, one of the young doctor volunteers from Australia to feel comfortable to live
there. Cultural and social life there turned out to attract the attention of Jimmy. Although he is
often confronted with obstacles to communicate, Jimmy also has begun to be familiar with the
social and cultural life of society. Jimmy always maintain personal relationships with the community
to be harmonious. If you do not understand a term usually Jimmy uses cues to interact. If there is
an opportunity, Jimmy asked for help Jono (the natives) to teach him the Indonesian language.
However, Jimmy is still looking for information on how he can take care of permits to work in
Indonesia, especially in Wasior, Papua.

Difficult Term
• Volunteer

 People who do something with voluntary (not indentured or forced)

• Signal

 everything that related with code

• Interaction

 Mechanism in which particles interact with each other, and can not be explained by the
interaction of other basic

• Interpersonal

 Relation between two persons who has deep and clear relation.

• Interpersonal

• Cultural Interaction

• Culture

The Problem
• Resistance Communications in cultural difference, Ianguage, and social life
Analysis of the problem

Cross Cultural Communication

Kind Interpersonal Resistance

Verbal Non verbal

“Cross cultural Communications effectively influence is interpersonal.”
Differences of Indonesia Culture and Australia Culture

• Respect the equal worth, dignity and individual freedom

• Freedom of speech and association

• Freedom of religion and secular goverment

• Support for parliamentary democracy and the rule of law

• Equality under the law

• Equality of men and women

• Equality of opportunity

• Peacefulness

• A spirit of egalitarianism that embraces tolerance, mutual respect, respect and compassion to
those who are in trouble.

• Pressure on the privacy and respect it.

• Bonds of friendship strong individual, but a sign of general stability.

• Individuals are more important than the group. Individuals are responsible for their own actions.

• The importance of efficiency and complete tasks with minimum hassle. Attitudes are very direct
and opens.

Komunikasi Antarbudaya by DR. Deddy Mulyana, M.A. and DRS. Jalaludin Rakhmat, M. Si


• Pressure on sociability or "togetherness reciprocity". Physical and emotional closeness with

other people outside a friend.

• The group is more important than individual

• The importance of maintaining a lifestyle that is smooth and graceful, the pressure on the
correct shape and modesty.

Komunikasi Antarbudaya by DR. Deddy Mulyana, M.A. and DRS. Jalaludin Rakhmat, M. Si

• Yogyakarta is still very thick with Javanese culture.

• Still cling to the tradition

Characteristics of Cross-Cultural Communication
• There are two or more cultures are involved in communication

• There is a road or a common goal of eventually creating a communication

• Cross-cultural Communication generate profit-making and loss between two or more cultures
are involved,

• Cross-cultural communication, both individually braided and woven community members in

groups or adult can be done through the media,

• Not all cross-cultural communication is generating feedback, this depends on the interpretation
and acceptance of a culture is involved, willing or not affected,

• When two cultures fused because of the influence of communication is woven it will generate a
new culture, and this is called acculturation,

http://wordpress.pengertian-dan-karakteristik-komunikasi cross-cultural /

Factors Influencing Cross Cultural Communications

1. Personal Factor

• Psychological Factor

• Personal factor’s as self identity

2. Interpersonal Factor

• Characteristic intercultural that influence to interaction

• Credibility problem

• Degree of equality between communicator and communicant

• Capability to convey interpersonal verbal message

• Capability to convey interpersonal non-verbal message

Verbal Communication
Verbal communication is a form of communication delivered by communicator to communicant in
written or verbal (language).
Every language has rules:
• Phonology: how to vote combined to form words
• Semantics:

How to combine words to form sentences

• Syntax: the meaning of the word
• Pragmatic: how language is used


Nonverbal Communication
• Nonverbal communication is a form communication using symbols of nonverbal.

• PARALANGUAGE: the manner of speaking and writing language

• Appearance: face, eyes, hair, body, dress etc.

• GESTURE: moving

• Touch (Haptic)


Intercultural Communication
• F. Carley H.Dood (1982) :

Intercultural communication is the sending and receiving of message within a context of cultural
differences producing differential effects.

• Young Yun Kim (1984) :

Intercultural communication, refers to the communications phenomenon in which participant,

different in cultural background, come into direct or indirect contact which ane another.


How to Communicate Across Cultures Can be Effective

• Understand ourselves according to cultural background and also try.

• Understand others according to his point of view.

• Try interpret a person's behavior from their glasses (empathy).

• Don’t assume if it does not understand.

• Treat each person individually

• Don’t feel has its own standards and applied to cultures
is different.

• Don’t passively aware of cultural differences, or even avoid difference

• Communication will effective if occur equality comprehension between communicator and


Ways To Build Trust With Patients

• The attitude is, for instance eager, close, and show an interest.

• Prudent in considering the patient's situation with his feelings, show respect, and to avoid the

• Avoid the behavior, attitudes or words that offends.

• Be tolerant and non judgmental.

• Responsible, caring, and understand the patient's disease state.

Resistances In Cross Cultural Comunication


Etnosentrisme defined as trust group inheren superioritas or own culture.


Difficulty of communications will emerge from stereotype ( stereotyping), namely people

generalizing pursuant to a few/little information and form people assumption pursuant to them
membership in an group.


Prejudice is inequitable attitude to someone or an group.


Rasialisme is an emphasis race or weigh against consideration of rasial.

Cross-Cultural Communication Barriers
Kind of cross-cultural communication barriers :

• Below waterline

• Above waterline

• Physical

• Cultural

• Perceptual

• Motivational

• Experiantial

• Emotional

• Linguistic


The Way to Overcome Barriers The Cross-Cultural

• Maintaining open communication climate

• Determined to uphold the ethics of communication

• Understanding intercultural communication difficulties.


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