Mabruk Conf Adaptive ICC 2009

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Mabruk Gheryani, Zhiyuan Wu, and Yousef R. Shayan

Concordia University
Department of Electrical Engineering
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
email: (m gherya, zy wu, yshayan)

ABSTRACT [4] [6]. The above schemes often need near-perfect CSI feed-
back for adaptation calculation and consume large feedback
In this paper, we develop a new design for adaptation of lin- bandwidth. In practice, the channel estimation will exhibit
ear dispersion code. A new adaptive parameter called space- some inaccuracy depending on the estimation method. The
time symbol rate is applied in our design. We have studied the receiver will need time to process the channel estimate and
statistics of signal-to-interference-noise of a linear MMSE re- the feedback is subject to some transmission delay. The trans-
ceiver over a Rayleigh fading channel. The average BER for mitter needs some time to choose a proper code, and there
a given constellation using the MMSE receiver is calculated are possible errors in the feedback channel. All these factors
numerically. With the statistics as a guideline, two adaptive make the CSI at the transmitter inaccurate. Additionally, the
techniques using constellation and space-time symbol rate are feedback bandwidth is often limited. In these cases, adap-
studied, respectively. If constellation and space-time sym- tive schemes with a set of discrete transmission modes are
bol rate are considered jointly, more selection modes can be often more preferable. We can call them “selection-mode”
available. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that the average adaptation. At the receiver, the channel is measured and then
transmission rate of the joint adaptation can be improved in one transmission mode with the highest transmission rate is
this case. Simulation results are provided to show the benefits chosen, which meanwhile meets the BER requirement. The
of our new design. optimal mode is fed back to the transmitter.
Index Terms— MIMO,LDC, FRFD For selection-mode MIMO adaptation, the most conve-
nient adaptive parameter is constellation size for uncoded sys-
1. INTRODUCTION tems. For example, constellation adaptation, such as M-QAM,
is applied to space-time block code (STBC) [7] and to space-
The demand for bandwidth efficiency in wireless communi- time trellis code (STTC) [8]. The disadvantage of these schemes,
cations has experienced an unprecedented growth. One sig- is that they are not flexible for different rates, which is the key
nificant advancement to improve radio spectrum efficiency requirement in the future wireless communications. Addi-
is the use of multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) technol- tionally, the gap between the available transmission rates are
ogy [1]. Space-time (ST) codes are the most promising tech- often very large due to the use of discrete constellations [6].
nique for MIMO systems [2]. Due to battery life and device In this paper, we propose to apply linear dispersion code
size, the power available for radio communications is limited. (LDC) [9] [10] for adaptation. This is because it subsumes
Under this power constraint, adaptive technique can coop- many existing block codes as its special cases which allows
erate with MIMO technology to further exploit radio spec- suboptimal linear receivers with greatly reduced complexity,
trum [3] [4]. and provides flexible rate-versus-performance tradeoff [9] [11].
In an adaptive system, a feedback channel is utilized to With the application of LDC, a linear MMSE detector is more
provide channel state information (CSI) from the receiver to attractive due to its simplicity and good performance [13]. As
the transmitter. According to the feedback of CSI, the trans- a guideline, the statistics of SINR for LDCs with a MMSE re-
mitter will adjust transmission parameters, such as power al- ceiver is studied and the associated average BER is calculated
location, modulation, coding rate, etc. This is conditioned numerically. Since the LDC is applied, it makes ST symbol
by the fact that the channel stays relatively constant before rate available for adaptation. By adjusting this new parameter
the transmitter receives the CSI and then transmits next data together with constellation size, more available transmission
block accordingly. That is, the channel is “slow”. Many of modes can be provided. Hence, the throughput under a power
adaptive MIMO schemes have been proposed, such as water- constraint can be further improved while the target bit error
filling-based schemes [1] [5] and various beamforming schemes rate (BER) is satisfied.
2. ADAPTIVE SYSTEM MODEL USING LDC where H = IT ⊗H with ⊗ as the Kronecker product operator,
G = [m1 , m2 , . . . , mL ] will be referred to as the modulation
In this study, during one ST modulation block, the channel matrix and h̃i is the i-th column of H. e
is assumed to be the same as estimated at the receiver. Fur- In our design, a full-rate full-diversity (FRFD) LDC is ap-
thermore, the channel is assumed to be a Rayleigh flat fad- plied. However, ST symbol rate L/T and constellation size η
ing channel with Nt transmit and Nr receive antennas. Let’s will adapt to the channel. To achieve full rate, the following
denote the complex gain from transmit antenna n to receiver conditions shall be satisfied.
antenna m by hmn and collect them to form an Nr ×Nt chan-
nel matrix H = [hmn ], known perfectly to the receiver. The L = Nt T (5)
entries in H are assumed to be independently identically dis-
tributed (i.i.d.) symmetrical complex Gaussian random vari- GGH = I (6)
ables with zero mean and unit variance. That is,
In this system, the information bits are first mapped into ½
symbols. After that, the symbol stream is parsed into blocks 1 ∀i = j
of length L. The symbol vector associated with one modu- trace(MH
i Mj ) = (7)
0 otherwise
lation block is denoted by x = [x1 , x2 , . . . , xL ]T with xi ∈
Ω ≡ {Ωm |m = 0, 1, . . . , 2η − 1, η ≥ 1}, i.e., a complex Furthermore, to achieve full diversity, we shall maximize
constellation of size 2η , such as 2η -QAM). The average sym- the outage probability Pr (kh̃i k2 ≥ ²), the following lemma

P −1 is introduced [14].
bol energy is assumed to be 1, i.e., 21η |Ωm |2 = 1. Each
block of symbols will be mapped by the ST modulator to a Lemma 1 Consider vi , , ∀1 ≤ i ≤ n, i.i.d. Gamma random
dispersion matrix of size Nt × T and then transmitted over variables with density p(x) = e−βx xα−1 Pβ
/Γ(α). Let ξ =
the Nt transmit antennas over T channel uses. The following [ξ1 , ξ2 , . . . , ξn ] with ξi for all i and b = i=1 ξi vi . Pr (b ≥ t)
model will be considered in this study, i.e., is Schur-convex in ξ for

L (nα + 1)(ξ1 + ξ2 + . . . + ξn )
X t≥ (8)
X= Mi xi (1) β
Noting that h̃i = Hmi , we have
where Mi is defined by its L Nt × T dispersion matrices
Mi = [mi1 , mi2 , . . . , miT ]. The so-obtained results can be Nr
extended to the model in [9]. With a constellation of size 2η , kh̃i k2 = hH H
m Mi Mi hm (9)
the data rate of the space-time modulator in bits per channel m=1
use is
where hm is the m-th column vector of HH . The following
Rm = η · L/T (2)
decomposition is assumed
Hence, one can adjust ST symbol rate L/T and constellation
size η according to the feedback from the receiver. Mi MH
i = UDU
At the receiver, the received signals associated with one
modulation block can be written as where D = diag[dn ], ∀n = 1, 2, ..., Nt . By Lemma 5 in [1],
since UH hm has the same distribution as hm , we need only
X consider Mi MH
i = D [1]. Then we have
Y = HX + Z = H Mi xi + Z (3)
i=1 Nt
X Nr
kh̃i k2 = dn |hmn |2 (11)
where Y is a complex matrix of size Nr × T whose (m, n)-
n=1 m=1
th entry is the received signal at receive antenna m and time
instant n, Z is the additive white Gaussian noise matrix with P
i.i.d. symmetrical complex Gaussian elements of zero mean For the power constraint, we have dn = 1. Without loss
and variance σz2 . It is often desirable to write the matrix input- of generality, we assume d1 ≥ d2 ≥ . . . ≥ dNt ≥ 0.
output relationship in (3) in an equivalent vector notation. Let P
vec() be the operator that forms a column vector by stacking By Lemma 1, since the random variable |hmn |2 in
the columns of a matrix and define y = vec(Y), z = vec(Z), (11) is identically chi-square distributed with 2Nr degrees
and mi = vec(Mi ), then (3) can be rewritten as of freedom, the outage probability Pr (kh̃i k2 ≥ ²) is maxi-
mized if all the eigenvalues of Mi MH i are equal [11]. With
e +z=
y = HGx + z = Hx h̃i xi + z (4) tr(Mi MH i ) = 1, it implies that di = 1/Nt , ∀1 ≤ i ≤ Nt . As
a result, for each i, kh̃i k2 has the same value.
In our design, the dispersion matrices are given by Then, the SINR of MMSE associated with xi is 1/σ̂i2 .
M(k−1)Nt +i = diag[fk ]P−(i−1) (12) 1 −1
γi = = h̃H
i RI h̃i (20)
for k = 1, 2, . . . , Nt and i = 1, 2, . . . , Nt , P is the permuta- σˆ2
tion matrix of size Nt and given by
µ ¶ Closed-form BER for a channel model with Gaussian noise
01×(Nt −1) 1 as (16) can be found in [15]. The average BER over MIMO
P= (13)
INt −1 0(Nt −1)×1 fading channel for a given constellation can be found as fol-
lows. " #
where fk denotes the k-th column vector of F. F = [fmn ] is
a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) matrix and fmn is calculated BERav = Eγi BER(γi ) (21)
by L i

1 In our LDC design, we have

fmn = √ exp(−2πj(m − 1)(n − 1)/Nt ) (14)
i h̃j = hH H
m Mi Mj hm (22)
Since Mi is symmetric in our LDC design and kh̃i k2 has the
Since the LDC is linear, an MMSE detector can be applied
same value for each i as shown in the previous section, all the
as suboptimal receiver due to its simplicity and good perfor-
symbols has the same SINR, i.e., γ1 = γ2 = · · · = γL = γ.
mance [13]. The main goal of this section is to study the error-
Equation (21) can be written as
rate probability and the statistics of SINR for LDCs [9]- [11]
using linear MMSE receiver over a Rayleigh fading channel. Z
We consider a general system model as shown in Section BERav = BER(γ)PΓ (γ)dγ (23)
2. In our study, Nr ≥ Nt is assumed. Without loss of gen-
erality, we consider the detection of one symbol xi . Equation By using singular value decomposition (SVD), we have
(4) can also be written as
e H = P λj uj uH where u1 , . . . , uL−1 are orthogo-
e IH
H I j
e I xI + z
y = h̃i xi + H (15) j=1
nal vectors and {λi , ∀i = 1, . . . , L − 1} are eigen-values
e I is the matrix ob-
where xI is the rest of the symbols and H e IHe H . We assume λ1 ≥ . . . ≥ λr > λr+1 = . . . =
of H I
tained by removing the i-th column from H. e IH e H . Equation (20) can be
λL−1 = 0 and r is the rank of H I
A linear MMSE receiver is applied and the corresponding written as
normalized output is given by
 −1
x̂i = wiH y = xi + ẑi . (16)
γ = h̃H i
 λj uj uH 2 
j + σz I h̃i
where ẑi is the zero-mean noise term, which is approximated j=1
to be Gaussian [12]. The corresponding wi can be found as L−1
X |h̃H
i uj |
³ ´−1 =
h̃i h̃H λj + σz2
i + RI h̃i j=1
wi = ³ ´−1 (17) r L−1
X |h̃H uj |2 X |h̃H 2
h̃H h̃ h̃H +R h̃ i i uj |
i i i I i = + (24)
λj + σz2 j=r+1
where RI = H e IH
e H + σ 2 I. Note that the scaling factor
I z
1/[h̃H H
i (h̃i h̃i +RI )
h̃i ] in the coefficient vector of the MMSE Since the elements in h̃i are i.i.d. Gaussian distributed, the
receiver wi is added to ensure an unbiased detection as indi- complex random variables h̃H H
i u1 , . . . , h̃i uL−1 , conditioned
cated by (16). The variance of the noise term ẑi can be found on u1 , . . . , uL−1 , are also i.i.d. Gaussian distributed.
from (16) and (17) as The closed-form formula for the average BER in (23) de-
2 H pends on the distribution of γ, which is difficult to determine.
σ̂i = wi RI wi (18)
Here, the above average BER is calculated numerically. For
Substituting the coefficient vector for the MMSE receiver in example, the average BER for the BERav for 2η -PSK can be
(17) into (18), the variance can be written as written as
· ¸
1 2 ³p π ´
σ̂i2 = H −1 (19) BERav = Eγ Q 2η γ sin( η ) (25)
h̃i RI h̃i η 2
where {Θn , ∀n = 1, 2, . . . , N } is the set of transmission
8PSK−Numerical modes, RΘn is the rate of transmission mode Θn , BERΘn (γo )
is the BER of transmission mode Θn at SNR γo and BERtarget
is the target BER. Without loss of generality, we assume RΘ1 <
RΘ2 < . . . < RΘN . Θopt is the optimal transmission mode

at SNR γo .

Below, we consider the average transmission rate using
the proposed adaptive algorithm. Let γΘn denote the mini-
mum SNR satisfying the following condition.

0 5 10
15 20
γΘn = arg min[BERΘn (γ) ≤ BERtarget )] (29)

Fig. 1. Numerical and simulation results for LDC with That is, for the SNR region γΘn ≤ γ ≤ γΘn+1 , the trans-
MMSE receiver mission rate RΘn (i.e., the transmission mode Θn ) should be
selected while the target BER is satisfied.
and for rectangular 2η -QAM can be written as Then, the average transmission rate is
" Ãr !# N Z
4 3η γ X γΘn+1
BERav = Eγ Q (26) R̄ = RΘn pΓ (γ)dγ (30)
η 2η − 1 n=1 γΘn

where Q(·) denotes the Gaussian-Q function. Here, the above where pΓ (γ) is the probability density function (PDF) of the
average BER is calculated numerically. In Fig. 1, numerical SNR γ and γΘN +1 = ∞. Maximization of the average trans-
and simulation results are compared for 8PSK over 3 × 3 and mission rate R̄ can be solved using Lagrange multipliers. How-
4PSK over 4 × 4 fading channels, respectively. As can be ever, due to the structure of both the objective function and
seen, the numerical and simulation results match very well. the inequality constraint, an analytical solution is extremely
difficult to find. Therefore, we will find the SNR region cor-
responding to each transmission mode by measurement.
In our simulations, we assume Nt = Nr = 4 and use the
The general idea of selection-mode adaptation is to maximize dispersion matrices defined in section 2. First, we perform
the average transmission rate by choosing a proper transmis- constellation adaptation alone with a fixed ST symbol rate.
sion mode from a set of available modes. Based on some Secondly, we perform the ST symbol rate adaptation alone
certain strategy, the transmitter is informed by the receiver to with a fixed constellation. Finally, we will consider these
increase or decrease the transmission rate depending on the two parameter jointly to maximize the average transmission
channel condition, i.e., CSI. For selection-mode adaptation, rate meanwhile maintaining the target BER, which is equal to
the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) will be considered as a proper 10−3 in our design examples.
metric. The corresponding adaptive algorithm is proposed as
follows. 4.1. Adaptation Using Variable Constellations
1. Find the SNR, say γo , at the receiver; Although the system design for continuous-rate scenario pro-
vide intuitive and useful guidelines [6], the associated con-
2. Find the BERs of each mode at the obtained SNR γo
stellation mapper requires high implementation complexity.
from BER curves by experiment;
In practice, discrete constellations are preferable. That is,
3. Select a proper transmission mode with the maximum Q only takes integer number, such as Q = 1, 2, 3, ..... For
rate while satisfying the target BER; and a given adaptive system, we can adjust the constellation to
maximize the transmission rate meanwhile keeping the target
4. Feed back the selected mode to the transmitter. BER satisfied. The proposed adaptive algorithm is applied
to the case. Here, we only consider BPSK (Q = 1), QPSK
We can formulate the selection of transmission modes as (Q = 2), 8PSK (Q = 3) and 16QAM (Q = 4) as examples.
follows. That is, Θn ∈ {BP SK, QP SK, 8P SK, 16QAM } with a
Θopt = arg max RΘn (27) fixed ST symbol rate. The optimal transmission mode is se-
{Θn ,∀n=1,2,...,N }
lected by the proposed adaptive algorithm, i.e., by equation
subject to (27) and (28). Simulation results are shown in Fig. 2, where
BERΘn (γo ) ≤ BERtarget (28) each subfigure has its own ST symbol rate.
10 10
0 0
10 10

8PSK BPSK 3 Layer 2 layer

4 layer 10
−1 3 layer
16QAM 10
−1 8PSK 1 layer 4 layer
16QAM 2 layer 10
−2 1 layer
10 −2



−2 −3
10 10

10 −3


10 −4

−4 −6
−4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 10 10
−2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

(a) L/T = 1 (b) L/T = 2 (a) BPSK (Q = 1) (b) QPSK (Q = 2)

0 0 0 0
10 10 10 10

BPSK BPSK 1 layer 3 layer

QPSK QPSK 2 layer 1 layer
8PSK 8PSK −1
3 layer −1

16QAM −1
16QAM 4 layer 2 layer
4 layer



−2 −2 −2
10 10 10


−3 −3 −3
10 10 10


−4 −4 −4
10 10 10
−5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35


(c) L/T = 3 (d) L/T = 4 (c) 8PSK (Q = 3) (d) 16QAM (Q = 4)

Fig. 2. Adaptive Constellation. Fig. 3. Adaptive ST symbol rate.

4.2. Adaptation Using Variable ST Symbol Rate adaptation. The joint adaptation is performed by choosing the
best pair of constellation size and ST symbol rate. The avail-
In other existing schemes, only the orthogonal designs, such able transmission modes are increased. That is,
as Alamouti scheme, are applied as the ST modulation. In this
case, the most convenient adaptive parameter is the constel- Θn ∈ {(BP SK, TL = 1), ..., (BP SK, TL = 4),
lation size. For our adaptive scheme, the application of LDC (QP SK, TL = 1), ..., (QP SK, TL = 4),
makes another adaptive parameter available, i.e., ST symbol (8P SK, TL = 1), ..., (8P SK, TL = 4),
rate. In this subsection, we fix the constellation size but adjust (16QAM, TL = 1), ..., (16QAM, TL = 4)}
the ST symbol rate for adaptation. Additionally, one advan-
tage of using ST symbol rate is that it is easier to change ST We can reduce the gap between the selection modes further
symbol rate than constellation size for adaptation. The pro- by adding more choices of the transmission rates. For the
posed adaptive algorithm described by (27) and (28) can be target BER, a scheme with the joint adaptation can improve
applied to ST symbol rate adaptation. the average transmission rate significantly as compared to the
two techniques in the previous subsections.
Note that, this system with 4 transmit antennas can have
We conclude the result in Table 1. In the following con-
16 choices of ST symbol rates, i.e., ( 14 ← · · · → 16 4 ). For L

convenience and less complexity, we use 4 choices, i.e., TL = text, γQT denotes the SNR associated with the transmission
1, 2, 3, 4. That is, Θn ∈ { TL = 1, TL = 2, TL = 3, TL = 4} mode with 2Q constellation and TL ST symbol rate.
with a fixed constellation. In the following context, the in- From the simulation results, we have the following obser-
teger of TL is referred as “layer”. The simulation results are vations:
shown in Fig. 3, where each subfigure has its own constella- • If the ST symbol rate is reduced, the slope of the as-
tion. sociated BER curve becomes steeper, which suggests a
larger diversity;
5. JOINT ADAPTIVE TECHNIQUE • If the constellation size is reduced, the BER curve will
shift to left with the similar slope, which suggests the
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