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Solar powered refrigerator

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Solar-powered refrigerators are most commonly used in the developing world to help
mitigate poverty and climate change. By harnessing solar energy, these refrigerators are able
to keep perishable goods such as meat and dairy cool in hot climates, and are used to keep
much needed vaccines at their appropriate temperature to avoid spoilage. The portable
devices can be constructed with simple components and are perfect for areas of the
developing world where electricity is unreliable or non-existent. [1] Other solar-powered
refrigerators were already being employed in areas of Africa which vary in size and
technology, as well as their impacts on the environment. The biggest design challenge is the
intermittency of sunshine (only several hours per day) and the unreliability (sometimes
cloudy for days). Either batteries (electric refrigerators) or phase-change material is added to
provide constant refrigeration.


 1 Environmental Impacts of Refrigerators

 2 History of Solar Refrigeration
 3 Technology
 4 Battery Supplemented Solar Refrigerator
 5 Portable Solar Powered Fridge
o 5.1 How it works
o 5.2 Usage
 6 See also
 7 Notes
 8 References

[edit] Environmental Impacts of Refrigerators

There is major environmental concern regarding conventional refrigeration technologies
including contribution to ozone layer depletion and global warming. Refrigerators which
contain ozone depleting and global warming substances such as chlorofluorocarbons
(CFC’s), in their insulation foam or their refrigerant cycle are the most harmful. After CFC’s
were banned in the 1980’s they were replaced with substances such as
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), which are ozone depleting substances and
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Both are environmentally destructive as potential global
warming chemicals. If a refrigerator is inefficient it will also contribute to global warming.
The use of solar energy to power refrigeration strives to minimize the negative impacts
refrigerators have on the environment.[2]
[edit] History of Solar Refrigeration
"In developed countries, plug-in refrigerators with backup generators store vaccines safely,
but in developing countries, where electricity supplies can be unreliable, alternative
refrigeration technologies are required”.[3] Solar fridges were introduced in the developing
world to cut down on the use of kerosene or gas-powered absorption refrigerated coolers
which are the most common alternatives. They are used for both vaccine storage and
household applications in areas without reliable electrical supply because they have poor or
no grid electricity at all.[4] They burn a liter of kerosene per day therefore requiring a constant
supply of fuel which is costly and smelly, and are responsible for the production of large
amounts of carbon dioxide.[5] They can also be difficult to adjust which can result in the
freezing of medicine.[6] There are two main types of solar fridges that have been and are
currently being used, one that uses a battery and more recently, one that does not.

[edit] Technology
 Conventional motor compressor refrigerator powered by solar photovoltaic produced
 Thermoelectric solid-state refrigerator powered by solar photovoltaic electricity.
 Absorption refrigerator in which the boiler heat is generated from concentrated
 Stirling engine refrigerator in which the compressor is mechanically driven by a
Stirling engine.

[edit] Battery Supplemented Solar Refrigerator

Traditionally solar-powered refrigerators and vaccine coolers use a combination of solar
panels and lead batteries to store energy for cloudy days and at night in the absence of
sunlight to keep their contents cool. These fridges are expensive and require heavy lead-acid
batteries which tend to deteriorate, especially in hot climates, or are misused for other
purposes.[7] In addition, the batteries require maintenance, must be replaced approximately
every three years, and must be disposed of as hazardous wastes possibly resulting in lead
pollution.[8] These problems and the resulting higher costs have been an obstacle for the use
of solar powered refrigerators in developing areas.[9]

[edit] Portable Solar Powered Fridge

A Portable solar powered fridge has been produced for use in the developing world. The
basic design uses the principle of evaporation.[10] The fridge is solar powered, but does not
require solar panels, and can be made from basic household material lowering the cost and
making access to the developing world easier. Without using any power the fridge can keep
perishable at a temperature of 6 degrees Celsius for days.[11] Also see zeer.

[edit] How it works

The refrigerator employs a combination of heat conduction and convection, requires no

electricity and can be made for commonly available material such as cardboard, sand and
recycled metal.[12] The device is composed of two cylinders. The inner metal cylinder is fitted
inside the outer cylinder which can be made from what ever the person has access to
including wood or plastic.[13] Space is left between the inner and outer chamber to be filled
with organic material which can include sand, wool or soil that is then saturated with water.
As heat from the sun evaporates the water, the inner chamber cools reducing and maintaining
the temperature at 43 °F (6 °C).[14]

[edit] Usage

The portable solar fridge is used in areas of Africa such as Zambia, Namibia, and South
Africa in areas where electricity is often not readily accessible to help preserve perishable
foods such as meat and dairy, however, is not yet being used for vaccines.[15] It is easily
transported and reduces negative environmental impacts but is limited by size and requires
the availability of water.

[edit] See also

 Renewable energy in developing countries
 Solar power in South Asia
 UN-Energy
 SolarAid

[edit] Notes
1. ^ (Lachut, 2009; Brook, 2009)
2. ^ (UNEP, 2005; Pedersen & Maté, 2006)
3. ^ (Burton, 2007)
4. ^ (Pedersen & Maté, 2006; Pedersen, Poulsen, & Katic)
5. ^ (Burton, 2007)
6. ^ (Pedersen, Poulsen, & Katic)
7. ^ (Burton, 2007; Pedersen, Poulsen, & Katic)
8. ^ (Burton, 2007)
9. ^ (Pedersen & Maté, 2006; Pedersen, Poulsen, & Katic)
10. ^ (PSFK, 2009)
11. ^ (Brooke, 2009)
12. ^ (Flahiff, 2009)
13. ^ (Greenlaunches, 2009; Ecofriend, 2009)
14. ^ (Brooke, 2009; Flahiff, 2009)
15. ^ (Flahiff, 2009)

[edit] References
 Burton, A. 2007. Solar Thrill: Using the sun to cool vaccines. Environmental Health
Perspectives. 115(4): 208–211
 Brooke, C. (2009, Jan. 8) Amazing solar-powered fridge invented by British student
in a potting shed helps poverty-stricken Africans. Mail Online. Retrieved January 30,
2009, from
 Ecofriend (2009, Jan. 8). Eco Tech: 21-year-old student invents portable solar-power
frige. Retrieved January 29, 2009, from
 (2009, Jan. 8) Portable Solar powered refrigerator cools like
human body. Retrieved January 29, 2009, from
 Pedersen, PH. Maté J. 2006. SolarChill vaccine cooler and refrigerator: a
breakthrough technology. Industria Formazione. Special International Issue:
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. No. 300, Suppl. 1(No. 6–2006):17–19
 Pedersen, PH., Poulsen, S., Katic, I. (n.d.) SolarChill—a solar PV refrigerator without
battery. Danish Technological Institute. Taastrup, Denmark: Solar Energy Centre, 1–
 Lachut, S. (2009, Jan. 8) A Portable, Solar-Powered Fridge for the Developing World.
PSFK. Retrieved January 29, 2009, from
 UNEP 2005. SolarChill: the vaccine cooler powered by nature. Paris, France: UNEP
Division of Technology, Industry and Economics, 1-16. Retrieved January 29, 2005,
 Flahiff, D. (2009, Jan. 12). Student Invents Solar-Powered Fridge for Developing
Countries. Inhabitat. Retrieved January 30, 2009, from
 Sanford A. Klein, Ph.D. and Douglas T. Reindl, Ph.D. Solar Refrigeration,

Retrieved from ""

Categories: Food storage | Solar powered devices

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