.Automatic Seed Plantation Robot

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DOI 10.4010/2016.

ISSN 2321 3361 © 2016 IJESC

Research Article Volume 6 Issue No. 4

Automatic Seed Plantation Robot

Prashant G. Salunkhe1, Sahil Y. Shaikh2, Mayur S. Dhable3, Danis I. Sayyad4, Azeem S. Tamboli5
Professor1, UG Scholar2, 3, 4, 5
Department of E&TC
SITRC, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
prashant.salunkhe@sitrc.org1, imsmasher.sahil@gmail.com2, mayurdhable88@gmail.com3,
danish7051@gmail.com4, azeem.tamboli92@gmail.com5

This paper presents an Automatic Seed Plantation Robot which is based on electronic and mechanical platform that performs
advance agriculture process. We have developed an electromechanical vehicle which is steered by DC motors to drive wheels.
The farm is cultivated by the automated system, depending on the crop considering particular rows & specific columns. The
spacing between two seeds in a column has to be entered manually. Proximity sensor is used to measure the rotation of wheels.
To detect the obstacle in the path of the vehicle IR LED with TSOP receiver is used and turning position is also depend on this
sensor. To check whether seed container is empty or not LDR sensor is used. All the operations are monitored and control by PIC
microcontroller using sensors. The programming of this microcontroller is done in assembly language. LCD display is used to
show seed count.

Key Words: Electromechanical, Robotics, DC motors, Proximity sensor, IR LED, TSOP receiver.


As we know economy dependency of our country is on As we all know the main requirement in the industry or any
agriculture. As India is agricultural country about 65 percent firm is man power. So the main objective of our project is to
of peoples are farmers. In recent scenario number of changes reduce the need of man power.
are occurring in agriculture methodology like seed sowing,
pesticides and irrigation. For developing our economical The agriculture sector is the one where not only number of
condition it must necessary to increase our agricultural labours are required but also they must have the required skill
productivity and quality also. Out of them Seed plantation is set for farming. Need of labours can be accomplish by
one of the most important and day-to-day job of the farmers. automating the process of seed sowing.
The conventional method for seeding is manual one but it
requires more time and more efforts. The “Seed plantation” is one of the most important and day-
to-day job of the farmers. Conventional method suffers from
Manually seed plantation method suffers from various various problems. The main aim of our project is to reduce the
problems. The tendency of manual work is going on reducing. human effort, time requirement and to increased accuracy of
The man power shortage is one of the biggest problems faced the seed plantation project design.
continuously to all farmers. Due to labour shortage the
plantation cost should be increased. So it is not economically III.BLOCK DIAGRAM
beneficial for all farmers.
The vehicle has wheels the rotation of this wheels measures
Now a day’s instrumentation and control system plays an the distance covered by the vehicle. This wheel is a tyre of our
important role. So we develop a system for “seed plantation vehicle. The notch at the wheel is sensed by sensor. The
robot” using microcontroller which is very economical and distance will be sensed by a proximity sensor. The specific
beneficial. Due to automation the work become easiest, pulses are generated. The proximity sensors are nothing but
errorless and it saves money also. the pulse generator. These pulses are digitized by specific
circuitry and then sent to central processing unit i.e.
Our system is nothing but the four tyre vehicle which is Microcontroller unit. This unit may be a microcontroller, PLC
driven by geared DC motor. According to microcontroller etc. but being field operation the microcontroller is preferred,
program, after some distance or some time instant the seed because it can be operated on battery. Still if required, the PC
should be dropped through the nozzle, which is operated by and PLC can be used. The block diagram of this system is
relay. Nozzle size is depends on the diameter of the seed. shown in above figure. The two valves are used. One for
Same operation is repeated after some time delay. So there is capturing the seeds & another for pushing the seed. These
no more labour work. It gives information about weather valves are operated by relay.
conditions for seed plantation. Hence all the problems of
conventional method are overcome by using this system.

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, April 2016 4661 http://ijesc.org/
As motor rotates vehicle moves forward, sv1 will be
on and the sv2 will be off, the seed will be dropped
below. The operation will be repeated. It is distance based
function. The number of seeds planted will be shown on
LCD display.

A rotating wheel is made up of iron or plastic and used

to measure the distance between two seeds planted. A
rotating wheel has a notch at specific point. After crossing
that notch the proximity sensor sense and pulse is
generated. That pulse is digitized by digitizer circuit. This
pulse is applied to microcontroller unit.
Microcontroller operates on the pulses which then
drives the relay driver. Relay should be ON or OFF the
valve. One valve is for capturing the seed and another is
for pushing the seed. The distance base operation is used
for capturing and pushing the seed. The basic principle of
seed plantation is given below

• One rotation of wheel = Distance covered by


= Circumference of wheel.
= One pulse generated.

• Distance based operation is used.


Figure 1. Block Diagram of Seed Plantation Robot I. Obstacle Is Present: - If obstacle (like hard stone)
is present in the path of the vehicle, then
Moving the vehicle in the forward direction is very infrared sensor along with TSOP receiver is
difficult task, as we know the farm does not have the plane get triggered. So the microcontroller
path or it may contain many obstacles. For changing the path understand that it’s time to turn the vehicle in
of vehicle in case of obstacle IR sensors is used. Infrared 270o in the forward direction and again come
sensor is used at the edge of the vehicle which gives the back in the same column to process it further.
instruction to microcontroller for controlling the motion of the Figure 3 shows the trajectory of robot if the
wheels. obstacle is present.


Figure 3. Trajectory of vehicle

II. Completion of ploughed land: - Vehicle moves up to

the Dyke in the same column if there is no obstacle
in the path. At this position vehicle take a turns like
90o right→ 90o left (or vice versa depending on
condition) and occupies the next column and move
Figure 2. Working Principle forward in reverse direction. Now it again check
for first condition and move further. And it
continuously follow these two conditions. When
the vehicle moves in forward direction the seed get
burned at a particular distance.

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, April 2016 4662 http://ijesc.org/
method of farming requires more people and still
accuracy is less. Using this system the accuracy is
increases with less/no man power. The time required with
system to do the work done is very less compared to
conventional method.

We are extremely happy to present the paper on
“Automatic Seed Plantation Robot”. We are thankful to
Prof. P. G. Salunkhe for encouragement and support that
he has intended. We have jointly made every possible
effort to eliminate all the errors.

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International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, April 2016 4663 http://ijesc.org/

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