J Cameron - The Witness January 2018

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January  25,  2018   THE  WITNESS | 15


Why what carbs you

at is important
Dedicated students 
R: Low GI foods place less strain on the body
few years, the glycaemic index
, sustained energy and balanced
r levels have become commonly
opics in most conversations that
ng to do with healthy eating. In-
cusing solely on the type and
arbohydrate in a food, the world
FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: As far as fruits go,
deciduous and citrus fruits have the lowest
GI rating. Make pears, apples, strawberries,
peaches, grapefruits, naartjies and oranges
some of your first choices.
Tropical fruits such as pineapple, banana,
paw paw and melons are intermediate in
rise to the occasion
is now focusing more on how the
lly responds to a food after it is
esponse to food is often very dif-
their GI rating, and they should be eaten in
smaller portions.
Most vegetables are low GI. However,
‘Foodie’ guests impressed 
that which was previously antic-
that contain carbohydrates are
make sure that you keep them healthy by
not adding butter, margarine or cheese
sauces to them.
by wedding feast, writes 
d broken down to release certain
sugar or glucose into the blood-
is glucose reaches the blood-
STARCHES: Traditionally these foods have
been blamed as the culprits for weight gain
and diabetes. However, sweet potatoes, rice,
arying rates, depending on the samp and most pastas are healthy options.
he food that is eaten. The downfall of this category is often eating
he University of Toronto coined too large a portion. The amount that you eat
“glycaemic index”, which is a must be balanced against your body size and IT’S  seldom  that  one  can  leave  one’s  school  two  weeks  ago,  and  the  in­
how foods affect the blood sugar activity levels. entire  wedding  feast  to  a  group  of  take  for  2018/19  started  two  days  lat­
eaten. The GI of food was deter- Although low-GI meals should be the ba-
e following way. A subject would sis for most of our eating, there are excep-
students  —  and  it  is  testament  to  er.  I  shall  introduce  you  to  the  new 
Enjoy 50some 
on of food containing grams cooked  or  raw  vegetables  with  lunch 
tions.and  supper 
For example everyday.
sportsmen or sportwom- the  quality  of  the  aspiring  chefs  at  students  in  the  upcoming  months. 
drate. The resulting fluctuations
PHOTO:  SUPPLIED en need higher GI snacks and drinks during Jackie  Cameron  School  of  Food  &  But  for  now  we  celebrate  the  2017/18 
ugar were then compared with and after endurance events.
s when the same subject con- Diabetics will need some intermediate GI Wine  that  I  could  do  just  that. students  who  are  doing  their  respec­

Basics for a heathy heart
grams of glucose. snacks after exercise to replenish their One  of  the  countless  highlights  of tive  workplace  practicals  with  re­
was expected to raise the blood energy stores.
most and was thus given the high- If you need to find out more about how the  meal  —  which  comprised  many  nowned  chefs  at  prominent  places 
f 100, with all the other foods be- to implement the GI in your daily eating interesting  and  tasty  delights  —  such  as  La  Colombe,  Constantia, 
elative to it. Foods with a rating pattern, contact a dietitian who can guide
n 55 are low-GI foods. A rating you in the correct portions and GI levels to
were  little,  individual  bread  boards.  Cape  Town  (Scot  Kirton);  Chef’s 
and 69 classifies the food as in- be used throughout your day. They  required  hours  of  hard  work  Table,  Umhlanga  Rocks  (Kayla­Ann 
GI and higher than 70 indicates
gh GI. Low-GI foods result in the
ctuations in blood sugar levels,
In a fortnight’s time we’ll look at how to
keep our eating habits in check during the
Christmas season.
and  today  I’m  sharing  two  of  the 
items  on  that  board.  It’s  an  irresisti­
Osborn);  Boschendal  Wine  Estate, 
Franschhoek  (Christiaan  Campbell); 
g the least strain on the body.

many benefits to eating low-GI
h should form the basis of most
e are a few:
• Sharon Hultzer is a
consulting dietitian.
She can be reached
ble  chilli  bites  and  patta  recipe  that 
Ramola  Makan,  the  proud  ambassa­
dor  of  Elba,  taught  me  many  years 
île  de  païn,  Knysna  (Markus  Farbin­
ger  and  Liezie  Mulder);  Foliage  Res­
taurant,  Franschhoek  (Chris  Eras­
energy levels;
concentration (including for at-

at eatsmart@
iburst.co.za ago.  We  use  Elba  cookers,  an  Italian 
designed­and­manufactured  brand,  in 
mus);  Reuben’s,  Franschhoek  (Reu­
ben  Riffel);  Fresh  Living  magazine 
the  school. (Justine  Drake);  Hartford  House, 
December  was  a  busy  month  with KwaZulu­Natal  Midlands  (Constant­
THE  start  of  a  new  year  often  signals increase? To get started, let’s focus on numerous  functions  for  the  students,  jin  Hahndiek);  Greenhouse  Restau­
fresh  determination  to  achieve  goals. just  three  dietary  changes. who  gained  valuable  work­place  ex­ rant,  Constantia  (Peter  Tempelhoff); 
Without  an  alteration  in  thinking  and Firstly, reduce the total fat content of perience,  and  happy  clients  proved  Test  Kitchen,  Cape  Town  (Luke 
ultimately behaviour, new achievements your meals. Even if “healthier” fats are our  prowess.  The  year  rounded  off  Dale­Roberts)  and  Marble,  Rosebank, 
may  never  be  realised.  Let’s  not  waste being used, it is important to use them with  Ben  Wessels’  and  my  wedding  Johannesburg  (David  Higgs).
time warming up to the idea of improv­ sparingly. Rather bake, grill, casserole or where  our  “foodie”  guests  were  as­ Here’s  to  a  happy,  super­busy  year
ing our health, but rather start today get­ microwave foods instead of frying. Use tonished  by  the  students’  commit­ for  us  all.
ting  the  basics  in  order. lean cuts of meat and trim off all excess ment  to  their  chosen  careers  —  they  I  always  look  forward  to  hearing 
A healthy heart is arguably one of the fat before cooking — that way you avoid were  super­impressed. from  you  so  please  communicate  via 
most vital factors in maintaining physi­ the  temptation. For  the  students  in  their  last  se­ e­mail  at  jackie@jackiecameron.co.za
cal  (and  emotional)  wellbeing.  In  hu­ Secondly, aim to increase the propor­ mester,  the  new  year  started  with  • Jackie  Cameron  is  the  owner  of 
mans, the heart starts to beat within a tion of mono­ and polyunsaturated fats the  internationally  recognised  Wine  Jackie  Cameron  School  of  Food  & 
couple  days  of  conception  and  has  to (almonds;  walnuts;  sunflower,  sesame &  Spirit  Education  Trust  (WSET)  Wine  in  Hilton,  KZN.
continue  unceasingly  from  then  on­ and pumpkin seeds; avocado, canola and course  with  Laurie  Smorthwaite  of  • Please  note  that  Jackie  Cameron’s 
wards.  Various  factors  can  place  this olive oil) to that of saturated fats (from Abingdon  Wine  Estate  in  the  Mid­ articles  and  recipes  will  now  appear 
hard­working  pump  under  additional animal products, palm oil and coconut lands.  We  await  their  results. in  The  Witness  on  the  last  Thursday 
strain and reduce its ability to keep work­ oil,  commercial  biscuits,  cakes,  choco­ The  2017/2018  students  left  the  of  the  month. PHOTO:  PETER  WICKHAM
ing effectively. In South Africa, cardio­ lates). Changing these proportions will
vascular  disease  (which  includes  heart help you to get the “bad” cholesterol lev­
disease  and  stroke)  is  second  only  to
HIV/Aids  as  a  leading  cause  of  death.
els down and reduce risk of heart disease.
The  third  change  that  will  improve
The  good  news  is  that  many  of  the your overall health is increasing fruit and
risk factors for development of heart dis­ vegetable intake. Aim to eat five servings Makes:  about  40­50  (this  recipe  sunflower  oil,  for  frying
ease can be reduced by a change of lifes­ of fruits and vegetables (combined total) can  be  halved) Method: Makes:  six  rolls 10 ml fresh  coriander,  chopped amadumbie  leaves,  wash  and  dry. 
tyle. Some of the more common risk fac­ every day. Diets rich in vegetables and Ingredients: Heat  oil  for  deep­frying. Ingredients: 50 ml  sunflower  oil Lay  the  leaves  flat,  shiny  side 
tors include smoking, being overweight, fruit  have  been  shown  to  lower  blood 250 ml  gram  flour/chickpea  flour Mix  the  gram  flour,  cake  flour,  salt,  500 ml  gram  flour/chickpea  flour 2 ml bicarbonate  of  soda down  and  pointed  end  away  from 
being physically inactive, a high “bad” pressure and reduce risk of cardiovascu­ 125 ml cake  flour turmeric,  masala,  sugar  and  baking  250 ml  mielie  meal  (maize  meal) 40 ml  white  sugar you.
cholesterol  (LDL­cholesterol)  and  low lar disease (particularly stroke). Use a va­ Oryx  salt,  to  taste powder  together.  Add  the  oil  and  125 ml white  bread  flour 200 ml  vinegar Apply  a  thin  layer  of  batter  with 
“good”  cholesterol  (HDL­cholesterol), riety of fresh fruit or crunchy vegetables 2,5 ml turmeric,  fresh  if  possible mix  through.  Add  the  warm  water,  15 ml fine  salt 200 ml warm  water your  fingertips  on  the  entire  leaf. 
the  presence  of  diabetes  mellitus  and as tea­time snacks instead of the tradi­ 7,5 ml Durban  masala  to  make  a  coating  batter.  Add  the  2,5 ml turmeric  powder,  freshly  amadumbie  leaves  or  spinach  as  a  Fold  the  sides  to  meet  in  the  cen­
high  blood  pressure. tional biscuit break. Enjoy some cooked or  red  masala remaining  ingredients. grated  if  possible substitute tre.  Spread  some  more  batter  over 
Dietary  modification  plays  a  major or fresh vegetables with lunch and sup­ 5ml white  sugar Take  teaspoons  of  the  batter  and  5 ml ginger  powder sunflower  oil,  for  frying the  leaves.  Roll  up  tightly  like  a 
role  in  reducing  these  risk  factors  and per  everyday. 5 ml baking  powder drop  them  into  the  oil  (best  for  5 ml fresh  garlic,  grated Method: Swiss  roll,  wrap  in  plastic.
thus decreasing the likelihood of devel­ Let’s steer our food choices back onto 15 ml  sunflower  oil the  oil  to  be  on  a  medium  heat,  20 ml Durban  masala  or  hot  and  Combine  all  the  dry  ingredients  and  Place  in  a  pot  of  boiling  water  to 
oping  heart  disease.  To  achieve  these the  narrow  path  before  the  month  is 250 ml  warm  water as  you  don’t  want  the  outside  to  spicy  masala mix  together.  Add  the  oil  and  crum­ poach  for  15  minutes.
changes  we  need  to  navigate  some over, and get 2018 off to the best start 75 g  carrots,  peeled  and  grated get  too  brown  before  the  inside  is  10 ml garam  masala  or  hot  and  ble  together.  Add  the  remaining  in­ Allow  to  cool,  remove  the  plastic, 
murky waters. Why is it that with more possible. 100 g  potatoes,  peeled  and  grated cooked),  turning  them  around,  and  spicy  masala gredients  and  make  a  soft  spreadable  cut  into  slices  and  shallow­fry  well 
reduced­fat, trans fat­free and/or choles­ • Sharon  Hultzer  is  a  registered  45 ml  coriander,  chopped cook  until  brown  on  the  outside  10 ml cumin  seeds batter. on  both  sides.  Drain  on  paper  tow­
terol­free  products  available,  obesity dietitian  and  can  be  contacted  at  65 g onions,  grated and  cooked  inside. 15 ml desiccated  coconut Scrape  and  thin  the  veins  out  of  the  elling  and  serve.
and cardiovascular disease continue to sharonhultzer@gmail.com

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