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Unit title: U7 Investigating interactive media production and technology

Assignment title: Virtual Gallery (The Journey/life Assessor: Frazer McLeod

Assignment Launch 14/01/18 IV Date of Brief: 27/06/17
Assignment Deadline: 05/03/18 Project Number: 1

Intro image:

You are applying for a new position within a games company. They have requested that you provide a
presentation at interview in the form of a ‘digital virtual gallery’. The content needed provides an
opportunity for you to tell the story of your life, with subjects like; previous jobs, hobbies, special
interests, holidays, music, art, etc.
You need to create a space that engages the viewer and will best enable your audience to interact with
all your inclusions. It should be asset rich, containing lots of interesting experiences and elements that
will grab the attention of your audience.

Learning Outcome and Assessment Criteria (AC)

1. Be able analyse an interactive-based problem in creative media production.
2. Be able to use an integrated approach to interactive-based creative media problem solving and
3. Be able to evaluate interactive-based problem in creative media production.

AC: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1,2.2,3.1.

Practical Skills:
• Concept art
• 3D Modelling
• 3D Games Engine
• Presentation (Introduction to Professional Practice U3)

Evaluation / Reflection:
• Documented Peer and Self-Assessment
• Summative reflection

Evidence Required for Submission:
1. Blog of Development of all development material
2. Virtual Gallery (Your Journey/Lifestyle/Life story)
3. Reflection

Method of Submission:
Blog (Weebly) links with all the required content above. Completed interactive .exe file.


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