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Solid State Communications, Vol. 107, No. 11. pp.

673-679, 1998
Pergamon 0 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
0038-lG98/98 $ _seefront matter

PII: SOO38-1098(98)00215-4



Alan J. Heeger

Department of Physics and Materials Department, Institute for Polymers and Organic Solids, University of California,
Santa Barbara, CA 93106, U.S.A. and
UNIAX Corporation, 6780 Cortona Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93 117, U.S.A.

High performance photonic devices fabricated from conjugated polymers

have been demonstrated, including diodes, light emitting diodes, photo-
diodes, field-effect transistors, polymer grid triodes, light emitting electro-
chemical cells, optocouplers and lasers, i.e. essentially all the categories
which characterize the field of photonic devices. In many cases, semi-
conducting polymer-based devices have reached performance levels com-
parable to their inorganic counterparts. This short review focuses on recent
progress in the area of light emission from semiconducting polymers.
0 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Keywords: Semiconducting polymer, polymer LEDs, polymer lasers,

polymer photodiodes.

1. INTRODUCTION serve to tune the energy gap (through steric hindrance)

and hence the emission color.
Semiconducting (conjugated) polymers are a novel class
of materials that combine the optical and electronic
properties of semiconductors with the processing
advantages and mechanical properties of polymers There has been significant progress since the
[ 1, 21. Examples of polymers within this class include discovery of electroluminescence (EL) from semi-
poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV) and poly@-phenylene) conducting polymers [3] and the demonstration of
(PPP) and their derivatives; a few of the more important high efficiency EL emission [4]. The emission color
molecular structures are shown in Fig. 1. can be varied with relative ease by modification of the
Because of the sp2pZ bonding of these planar con- molecular structure (either main chain or side chain
jugated macromolecules, each carbon is covalently modification). Emission over the entire visible spectrum
bonded to three nearest neighbors (two carbons and a has been demonstrated with impressive efficiency and
hydrogen); and there is formally one unpaired electron brightness. By using a metallic polymer as the hole-
per carbon. In the case of PPV, the repeat unit contains injecting contact, robust and mechanically flexible LEDs
eight carbons; PPV is a semiconductor in which the were demonstrated [5]. Additional advantages include
p,-band is split into eight sub-bands. The energy gap, the ability to generate a uniform area of light and the thin
the a-r* gap, is the energy between the highest occupied profile of the thin film “sandwich” architecture [see
and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals. Fig. 2(a)].
When functionalized with flexible side chains, for Because of the ease of processing the semiconducting
example, MEH-PPV (see Fig. l), these materials become polymer (uniform films can be spin-cast from solution),
soluble in common organic solvents and can be pixelated column-row addressable displays can be
processed from solution into uniform, large area, optical fabricated by simply patterning the electrodes (the
quality thin films. As polymers, they are flexible and active polymer film needs no patterning); a process
easily fabricated into desired shapes. The side chains also which is simple and which promises to be cost effective


l-0-q Poly(p-phenylenevioyIcne), PPV

-\/ Rl

Soluble PPV derivatives

Q---J n

Poly(pphcayIene), PPP

4% I \
s n
Soluble polyrbiophene derintivcs
R-akyl, akyl pheayl or alkoxy group


Fig. 1. Molecular structures of conjugated polymers.

compared to the “pick and place” fabrication of Schematic of Pixellated Display

inorganic semiconductor emissive displays. A sketch of

the architecture of a passively addressed (column-row) Fig. 2. (a) The thin film “sandwich” architecture of
dot-matrix display is shown in Fig. 2(b). polymer light-emitting diodes. (b) The architecture of a
passively addressed (column-row) dot-matrix display
The polymer LED is a dual carrier injection device
fabricated with a semiconducting polymer as the light-
[6]. Electrons are injected from a low work function emitting layer.
cathode into the ?r*-band of the semiconducting polymer
and holes are injected from a high work function elec- The best LED performance is obtained from alkoxy
trode into the r-band. The oppositely charged carriers in derivatives of PPV. These polymer LEDs turn on below
the two bands meet with the polymer film and recombine 2 V (d.c.) and reach 100 cd/m* at 2.4 V (the brightness of
radiatively to give off light. Ideally, the work functions a color TV), 4000 cd/m* for V < 4 V (the brightness of a
of the cathode and anode are perfectly matched to fluorescent lamp) and over 10 000 cd/m* for V > 5 V.
the ?r*-band and the r-band, respectively. Generally, The luminance (L) vs voltage and current (I) vs voltage
however, the match is imperfect leading to barriers are shown in Fig. 3. The external quantum efficiency of
for electron and hole injection which occur via a these polymer LEDs has been improved to greater
combination of Fowler-Nordheim tunneling and than 2% ph/el with excellent reproducibility and the
thermionic emission. luminous efficiency is IS-l.8 cd/A; values which are
To get the light out, one of the electrodes, typically competitive with existing display technologies.
the anode, must be (semi)transparent. Two types of The operating life, the time needed for light emission
transparent anodes are used to fabricate high to degrade to half the initial value at constant current,
performance polymer LEDs: (1) Iridium/tin-oxide, ITO, has been a question of concern: Can lifetimes sufficient
(on glass or on plastic); (2) A bilayer electrode fabricated for commercial display products be achieved with
by spin-casting a layer of a semitransparent conducting polymers processed from solution? Until recently, there
polymer (e.g. polyaniline, PANI) onto the ITO-glass was skepticism that the level of purity required for
substrate. Although pure conducting polymer can be semiconductor applications could be achieved.
used as the anode, the higher sheet resistance limits the Recent progress at UNIAX has demonstrated that
active area; hence the bilayer (e.g. PAN1 on ITO) is high performance polymer LEDs can be fabricated
favored. Moreover, the bilayer electrode improves the with long operating life. At 400-500 cd/m* initial bright-
LED performance, enabling lower operating voltages ness, room temperature operating lifetimes of several
and longer lifetimes. thousand hours are obtained. The extrapolated lifetime at

i 3o
0 20

f 10

0 I2 3 4 5 6 I
Bias [V]

Fig. 3. Luminance (L) vs voltage and current (I> vs -10

voltage for polymer LEDs fabricated from a soluble -10 0 10 20 30

alkoxy derivative of PPV. Porltion[pm1

100 cd/m2 is in excess of lo4 h. Accelerated life- Fig. 4. OBIC scans (photovoltage vs x) showing built-in
time studies carried out at 85°C (initial brightness of electric field across the cell. The spatial profile of the
built-in potential is shown in the inset.
100 cd/m’) indicate in excess of 400 h to half brightness,
indicative of more than 200 000 h at room temperature
Since the n-type doped and p-type doped regions in
(independent measurements give an acceleration
the LEC (under bias) have relatively low resistivity and
factor of approximately 100 between 85°C and room
since symmetric contact electrodes can be used, LECs
temperature). Thus, polymer LEDs fabricated with
can be fabricated either in the sandwich configuration
materials processed from solution and spin-cast onto
[see Fig. 2(a)] or in a planar surface cell configuration
substrates can meet the requirements for commercial
with interdigitized electrodes. The latter offers potential
products with operating lifetimes in excess of lo4 h at
manufacturing advantages and enables direct imaging
display brightness.
of the junction. Electrochemical doping and junction
formation were confirmed using optical beam induced
current (OBIC) microscopy to probe the built-in electric
field and the built-in potential (Fig. 4) [8].
LECs provide an alternative approach to light Polymer LECs have typically been studied in the
emission from semiconducting polymers [7]. Polymer “dynamic junction” mode where the junction forms and
LECs utilize a polymer blend containing semiconducting decays with the external bias; in this case the device
polymer and solid electrolyte. At voltages above the remains in the neutral form during storage. Recent results
energy gap, electrochemical redox and the accompany- have demonstrated that polymer LECs can be operated
ing redistribution of ions from the electrolyte cause such that the p-i-n junction is created at an elevated
p-type doping near the anode and n-type doping near temperature (where ion mobility is high), while at the
the cathode; a p-i-n junction is created in-situ. Light is lower operating temperature (where ion mobility is
emitted from the insulating (i) region between the n- and negligible) the junction is frozen. Using an ion transport
p-doped layers. polymer with high glass transition temperature, frozen-
Because of the ohmic contacts between metal junction LECs can be operated at or even well above
electrodes and the p- and n-doped regions, electron and room temperature. Frozen junction LECs can be used for
hole injection are balanced. Thus, higher quantum pixelated emissive displays in which high bias voltage,
efficiencies are often observed in LECs than in LEDs low duty cycle and fast response are required. The
made with the same semiconducting polymer. Moreover, freeze-out of ion motion eliminates electrochemical
the same, stable electrodes can be used with any semi- reaction, thus enabling polymer LECs to be operated
conducting polymer. By contrast, recall that for polymer at high brightness (i.e.. at voltages well outside the
LEDs, the anode and cathode metals must be matched to electrochemical stability window).
the ?r- and ?r*-bands, respectively. Thus, for polymer
LEDs, different electrodes much be developed to
optimize emission from each new polymer (and
for each new color!). Red, green and blue (and broad-
band white) emission from polymer LECs have been Can “plastic” laser diodes be made from semi-
demonstrated with external efficiencies of 2-4%. conducting polymers? This question would have been

without content little more than a year ago. However,

with the recent emergence of semiconducting polymers
as laser materials, an active research effort has emerged
worldwide in pursuit of this goal [9- 1 I]. Semiconduct-
ing polymers offer important advantages as potential
laser materials:
‘Z 3--
0 High photoluminescence efficiency: 2 /
0 Low self-absorption;
0 Emission wavelengths that span the visible
0 Easily processed into optical quality thin films;
475 52.5 575 625 t 175
and Wavelength (nm)
0 Electrically pumped in a diode configuration. 175

The high PL efficiency and large cross-section for 150.1 Cb) O O 0

stimulated emission persist to high coucentrations; in
contrast to traditional laser dyes, conjugated polymers
function as high gain laser materials in the solid state,
neat and undiluted.
Thin semiconducting polymer films with glass
(n = 1.5) on one side and air (n = 1.0) on the other, 5 50--
function as asymmetric planar waveguides. As wave- 3 0 0
guided light travels through the gain medium, the 25-- 8

identity is amplified and grows as exp(gl), where g is

nmm .m mm- n
0 :
the gain coefficient and 1 is the distance traveled. When 0.1 i lb 100 1000
gl& 1, the linewidth of the spectrum of light emitted Energy (14
from the waveguide is significantly narrowed (“gain
Fig. 5. (a) PL spectra of BuEH-PPV at excitation
narrowed”) and centered about the wavelength where energies above (10 PJ per pulse) and below (0.09 PJ
the net gain is maximum. Gain narrowing through per pulse) the threshold for gain narrowing. (b) Gain
amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) was observed narrowing occurs in a BuEH-PPV film above a threshold
for more than a dozen different semiconducting polymers of 0.2 pJ/pulse; for comparison, a 2.6% (by weight) of
when optically pumped in planar waveguides. Typical DCM laser dye in polystyrene has a gain-narrowing
threshold 1000 times higher.
data for BuEH-PPV are shown in Fig. 5. PL spectra were
collected by pumping with 435 nm laser pulses (pulse
width -10 ns, beam size diameter -1 mm at the emission characteristics of laser dyes, but with the
sample). Figure 5(a) shows the PL spectfa at excitation substantial advantage of having a much higher density
energies above and below the threshold for gain narrow- of chromophores in the solid-state. Consequently
ing. The effect of strong optical pumping is dramatic: the they offer significantly higher gain and lower threshold
broad PL emission is significantly narrowed with peak energies.
centered near the gain maximum of the polymer. The When waveguiding is turned off by various means
evolution of the linewidth as a function of the excitation (e.g. film thickness below cutoff, or use of a substrate
intensity is shown in Fig. 5(b), with a well defined with index of refraction greater than that of the polymer),
threshold for gain narrowing at around 0.2 pJ/pulse. gain narrowing is suppressed [ll, 121. Waveguiding is
Gain narrowing of BuEH-PPV and the laser dye critical to thin film ASE: the optical path of the emitted
DCM suspended in films of polystyrene were directly light does not exceed the gain length without aid from the
compared (using DCM concentration optimized for waveguide. In such waveguides, there is amplification by
maximum PL efficiency and film thickness with optical stimulated emission, but there is no resonant feedback
density comparable to that of the reference BuEH-PPV mechanism for imposing a well-defined optical mode
film). Although the DCM concentration is more than lo2 with the corresponding properties of coherence and
higher than used in typical dye lasers, the threshold for directionality. To obtain lower thresholds and to generate
gain narrowing in BuEH-PPV is lo3 times lower than coherent laser light it is necessary to have a resonant
that of the comparison DCM film [see Fig. 5(b)]. Thus, structure. “Plastic” lasers have been made in two forms;
conjugated polymers emerge as a unique class of thin film microcavity lasers [lo, 121 and thin film
laser materials: they provide the intense absorption and distributed feedback (DFB) lasers [ 13, 141.

To fabricate a microcavity laser, a thin film of a.

semiconducting polymer was sandwiched between a Pu,mp
highly reflective (> 99%) distributed Bragg reflector
(DBR) and a thin silver layer [lo, 121. Above the
threshold for lasing, the emission peak nearest the gain
maximum (-550 nm for BuEH-PPV) [ 121 grows in
intensity more rapidly than the other cavity modes as
the pump energy increases. Moreover, a clear increase in
Si SubtraM
the directionality of the lasing mode is observed above
threshold. The mode ratio, defined as the ratio of the
integrated power of the lasing mode to that of one of
the (non-lasing) cavity modes, increases abruptly at b.
threshold and reaches 100 above threshold [12].
Thus, vertically emitting single mode microcavity
lasers can be fabricated from semiconducting polymers.
Unfortunately, because of losses from the metallic mirror
etc., the threshold for lasing in microcavities is not
significantly lower than the threshold for gain narrowing
through ASE in simple planar waveguides.
An alternative way to create a resonant structure is
to incorporate a periodic modulation of the refractive
index (a diffraction grating) into the substrate so that
1 I t I , 8 I I I
light is Bragg reflected. DFB lasers of this type offer 0 50 too 150 200 250 300 350
stable single mode emission at the Bragg wavelength, Pump Energy (nJ)

h Bragg = hff& where hff is the effective refractive

Fig. 6. (a) Schematic of the DFB laser structure and
index of the waveguide and A is the period of the grating. pumping configuration. (b) Total output power at all
Optically pumped DFB lasers with a conjugated polymer wavelengths from the edge as a function of pump energy.
(BuEH-PVV) as the gain medium have recently been
demonstrated [13, 141. beam of green light was emitted from the edge of the
DFB lasers were made by spin casting 150-350 nm sample. Since the light was being emitted from a region
thick films of BuEH-PPV from xylene solutions onto having dimensions of approximately 0.2 X 200 pm,
gratings in 1 pm thick Si02 layers that were grown by the output beam was highly divergent in the direction
plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) of the substrate normal due to diffraction, but only
on silicon wafers [Fig. 6(a)]. The gratings had periods of slightly divergent in the substrate plane. The beam
170- 185 nm and were made by holographic lithography was collected by a 10 cm focal length lens, dispersed
[15] and reactive ion etching with CHFX. The grating with a 0.15 m focal length monochrometer using either
depths, characterized with atomic force microscopy, a 300 or 2400 lines/mm grating and detected with a
ranged from 15-30 nm. A 1 pm thick layer of thermoelectfically cooled CCD camera.
polymethylglutarimide (PMGI) was spin-cast over the The dependence of output energy emitted from the
BuEH-PPV to serve as a cladding layer which reduces edge vs pump energy clearly exhibits a lasing threshold
scattering and protects the BuEH-PPV from exposure to at 60 nJ/pulse [Fig. 6(b)]. Below threshold the spectrum
air. After spin-casting the polymer films, the silicon is quite broad (and arises from spontaneous emission)
substrates were cleaved to remove the non-uniform while above threshold the spectrum is dominated by a
edge bead region. very narrow line and is from DFB lasing (Fig. 7). Higher
Samples were photopumped with 10 ns pulses of the resolution spectra show that the narrow line is actually
first and anti-Stokes line (435 nm) from a high pressure two lines, each of which has a linewidth of 0.2 nm
H2 cell which was pumped by 532 nm light from a (Fig. 7).
frequency doubled, 10 Hz, Q-switched Nd : YAG laser; The observation of two narrow lines is strong
the energy per pulse was controlled with calibrated evidence for DFB lasing and rules out ASE, which results
neutral density filters. An adjustable slit and a cylindrical in peaks with linewidths of 6 nm or more. Further
lens were used to shape the beam into a 200 pm X 1 mm evidence for DFB lasing was obtained by studying a
stripe. The samples were pumped at normal incidence collection of samples with different grating periods (and
with the long direction of the stripe perpendicular to the with no grating). Above a threshold pump energy of
grooves in the substrate grating [Fig. 6(a)]. A strong 130 nJ/pulse, samples without gratings all exhibited a

densities of 100 A/cm2 were reported at the MRS

I I ,
meeting (Boston, 1996) in electrically pulsed polymer
Above threshold
LEDs when operated in pulsed mode with low
duty cycle; the corresponding peak brightness was
lo6 cd/m2. Similar results were obtained for PPV. Con-
struction of the polymer diode within a high-Q resonant
549 551 553 555 557 structure should provide the required reduction in the
Wavelength (nm)
threshold necessary to achieve electrically pumped
Below threshold - - . .-
\ ,-lCL --- .--_.r. _“yl, lasing.
_’ The features that make semiconducting polymers
_,.*’ L *--a._
attractive as laser materials have wide applicability.
500 550 600 650 For example, recent progress in GaN technology has
Wavelength (nm) enabled the development of compact, bright and highly
Fig. 7. Spectra taken below (dashed line) and above efficient blue LEDs and blue laser diodes using InGaN
(solid line) lasing threshold. The below threshold quantum well structures [16]. By combining the high
spectrum was multiplied by a factor of 30. The grating efficiency PL from semiconducting polymers with
period was 170 & 1 nm, the BuEH-PPV film thickness the emission from InGaN LEDs, hybrid LEDs can be
was 200 Ir 200 nm, the calculated neff was 1.62 t 0.02 fabricated which emit white light or light of any color;
and the calculated 1Bragg was 55 1 _+ 6 nm. Inset: A high
the InGaN LED provides the blue component and,
resolution spectrum taken above threshold showing two
narrow laser emission lines (full width at half maximum simultaneously, serves as the short wavelength pump
of 0 2 nm). source for exciting the PL of the polymer film(s) [ 171.
White, green, green-yellow and yellow emitting InGaN/
narrow peak centered at 560 nm which was abrupted to polymer hybrid LED prototypes have been demonstrated
ASE. The wavelength of ASE was always 560 nm simply by dip-coating pre-packaged blue LEDs in the
because the luminescence spectrum peaks near there; appropriate polymer solutions.
560 nm is the wavelength where the net gain is highest. The achievement of compact hybrid lnGaN/polymer
Samples with gratings all lased in two closely spaced electrically pumped laser diodes with colors that span
modes with linewidths of 0.1-0.3 nm (FWHM) at the the visible spectrum is an attractive possibility. By
wavelength predicted by Bragg equation. By adjusting improving materials and resonant structures and or by
the grating period and BuEH-PPV film thickness, the using InGaN laser diodes (already demonstrated and
lasing wavelength was systematically varied from 540 to expected to be commercially available in the near
583 nm, thus proving that the lasing results from the future) [ 161 electrically pumped hybrid lasers with a
distributed feedback and demonstrating that conjugated full range of colors can be anticipated.
polymer lasers can be tuned to lase over a wide range of
wavelengths. The threshold for lasing can be lowered
substantially by improving the quality of the waveguide
to reduce losses (both scattering losses and residual Since the discovery that semiconducting polymers
self-absorption). can be doped over the full range from insulator to metal
[18, 191 processable conjugated polymers have been
extensively developed. Scientific progress has made
available semiconducting and metallic polymers which
are both stable and processable. This progress has
The observation of optically pumped lasing in enabled applications in two principal areas:
undiluted thin films of conjugated polymers offers the
( 1) Processable conducting polymers and con-
promise of diode lasers with such polymers as gain
ducting polymer blends with relatively high
media. To realize this promise, however, carrier concen-
electrical conductivity [20] (the counter-ion
trations sufficient to produce lasing must be demon-
induced processability of polyaniline [2 1I);
strated by electrical pumping. Based on the photon
(2) Device applications with semiconducting
densities at threshold with optical pumping and assuming
(undoped) conjugated polymers.
an electroluminescence quantum efficiency of a few
percent, the transient current densities necessary to Conducting polymers and conducting polymer blends are
reach the threshold for gain narrowing in planar wave- targeted for bulk applications (e.g. electrostatic charge
guides are estimated to be a few thousand A/cm* dissipation and electromagnetic shielding) and for use as
(depending on the quantum efficiency for EL). Current transparent electrodes.

As summarized in this short review, light-emitting 5. Gustafsson, G., Cao, Y., Treaty, G.M., Klavetter,
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Acknowledgements-I thank the members of my A.J., Appl. Phys. Lett., 72, 1998, 1536.
research group and my colleagues at UNIAX for 15. Ng, W., Hong, C. and Yariv, A.. Holographic
the many contributions and insights that are briefly Interference Lithography for integrated Optics,
summarized in this short review. The work at UCSB IEEE Trans. on Elec. Dev., ED-25, 1978, 1193.
has been supported by the Office of Naval Research. 16. Nakamura, S. and Fasol, G., The Blue Laser Diode.
The Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1997.
National Science Foundation. 17. Hide, F., Kozodoy, P., DenBaars, S.P. and Heeger,
A.J., Appl. Phys. Lett., 70, 1997, 2664.
18. Chiang, C.K., Fincher, C.R., Park, Y .W., Heeger,
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