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Invention Journal of Research Technology in Engineering & Management (IJRTEM)

ISSN: 2455-3689 Volume 1 Issue 12-Version-2 ǁ October. 2017 ǁ PP 09-17

Correspondence and Isomorphism Theorems for Intuitionistic

fuzzy subgroups
B Venkat Rao , 2,K Lakshmi
1 ,2
Basic Science and Humanities Department, Aditya Institute of Technology And management, India

ABSTRACT:The aim of this paper is basically to study the First Isomorphism Theorem, Second Isomorphism
Theorem, Third Isomorphism theorem, Correspondence Theorem etc. of intuitionistic fuzzy/vague sub groups of
a crisp group.
KEY WORDS: Intutionistic fuzzy or Vague Subset, Intutionistic fuzzy Image, Intutionistic fuzzy Inverse Image,
Intutionistic fuzzy/vague sub (normal) group, Correspondence Theorem, First (Second, Third) Isomorphism

Zadeh introduced the concept of Fuzzy Subset of a set X , as a function µ from X to the closed interval [0,1] of
real numbers. He defined µ as the membership function which assigns to each member x of X its membership
value, µx in [0, 1]. In 1983, Atanassov[1] introduced intutionistic fuzzy subset extending the concept of fuzzy
subset, defined as A = (µA , νA ), where µA , νA are functions from the set X to the closed interval [0, 1] of real
numbers such that for each x ∈ X , µ(x) + ν (x) ≤ 1, where µA is called the membership function of A and ν A is
called the non-membership function of A. Gau and Buehrer[6] in 1993, introduced the same concept with a
different name called Vague subset. Thus intutionistic fuzzy subset of a set or vague subset of a set are same. In
1989, Biswas[7] introduced the notion of intutionistic fuzzy subgroup or if/v-subgroup of a group and studied
some of its properties. In 2004, Hur-Jang-Kang[15] developed the concepts of if/v-normal subgroup of a group
and Huretal.[10,11,16] continued their studies of the same. In Huretal.[16], they established a one-one
correspondence between, if/v-normal subgroups and if/v-congruence’s. In 2003, Banergee-Basnet[6] explored
the notions of if/v-subrings and if/v-ideals of a ring. The same year Hur-Jang-Kang[10] introduced and studied
the notion if/v- subring of a ring. In Huretal.[17,18] continued their studies of if/v-ideals. In Huretal.[18], they
introduced and studied the notions of if/v-prime ideals, if/v-completely prime ideals and if/v-weakly completely
prime ideals. With regard to generalizations of topological structures on to the intuitionitic fuzzy/vague sets, one
can refer to the bibliography at the end of this paper for several interesting articles; we are not particularly
mentioning any one of them as our emphasis in this paper now is mainly the study of generalizations of
algebraic structures on to the intuitionitic fuzzy/vague sets. Coming back to the studies of intuitionistic
fuzzy/vague subgroups of a group, Feng[8] and Palaniappan etal.[22] initiated the study intuitionistic L-fuzzy/L-
vague subgroups of a group. Looking at all these and other papers, one thing which becomes evident is that
various (lattice) algebraic properties of if/v-images and if/v-inverse images which, incidentally, not only play a
crucial role in the study of both Intuitionistic L-Fuzzy Algebra and Intuitionistic L-Fuzzy Topology but also are
necessary for the individual/exclusive development of iv/f-Set Theory, are not yet studied, although these
concepts were existing since long. In one paper, we made an exclusive and somewhat detailed study of these
(lattice) algebraic properties of if/v-images and if/v-inverse images under a crisp map for if/v- subsets that take
their truth values in the closed interval of real numbers, [0,1]. In this paper, we apply parts of the above Theory
to generalize such results as First Isomorphism Theorem, Second Isomorphism Theorem, Third Isomorphism
theorem, Correspondence Theorem etc.. For any set X, the set of all if-subsets of X be denoted by A(X ). By
defining, for any pair of if-subsets A = (µA ,νA ) and B = (µB , νB ) of X , A ≤ B iff µA ≤ µB and νB ≤ νA , A(X )
becomes a complete infinitely distributive lattice. In this case for any family (Ai )i∈I of if-subsets of X , (∨i∈I Ai
)x = ∨i∈I Ai x and (∧i∈I Ai )x = ∧i∈I Ai x. For any set X , one can naturally associate, with X , the if-subset (µ(X) ,
ν(X) ) = (1, 0), where 1 is the constant map assuming the value 1 for each x ∈ X and 0 is the constant map
assuming the value 0 for each x ∈ X , which turns out to be the largest element in A(X ). Observe that then, the
if-empty subset φ of X gets naturally associated with the if-subset (µφ ,νφ ) = (0, 1), which turns out to be the
least element in A(X ). Let A = (µA ,νA ) be an if-subset of X . Then (νA , µA ) is also an if-subset of X , thus for
any if-subset A = (µA , νA ) the if-complement of A, denoted by Ac is defined by (ν A , µA ). Observe that Ac = X
− A = X ∧Ac. Throughout this paper the capital letters X, Y, Z stand for arbitrary but fixed (crisp) sets, the small
letters f, g stand for arbitrary but fixed (crisp) maps f : X → Y and g : Y → Z , the capital letters A, B, C, D, E,
F together with their suffixes stand for if-subsets and the capital letters I and J stand for the index sets. Ingeneral

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whenever P is an if-subset of a set X , always µP and νP denote the membership and non-membership function of
the if-subset P respectively. Also we frequently use the standard convention that ∨φ = 0L and ∧φ = 1L .

II. Homomorphisms And Isomorphisms Of Intuitionistic Fuzzy/ Vague-Subgroups

In this section, we begin with a result on if/v-(inverse) image of an if/v-normal sub- group. Then we go on to
introduce various notions of if/v-homo(iso)morphisms. Finally, in the end we show that ηA = B implies ηA∗
≤ B∗ , under certain conditions. Theorem 2.1: For any pair of groups G and H and for any pairs of if/v-
subgroups A, B of G and C , D of H , for any group homomorphism η: G → H such that A is an if/v-
normal subgroup of B and C is a if/v-normal subgroup of D,

1. ηA is an if/v-normal subgroup of ηB.

2. η−1 C is an if/v-normal subgroup of η−1 D.

Proof: (1): Since A, B are if/v-subgroups of G, ηA, ηB are if/v-subgroups of H . Further, A ≤ B implies
ηA ≤ ηB. So ηA is an if/v-subgroup of ηB. Since (a) ηu = x, ηv = y impliy uvu −1 ∈ η−1 (xyx−1 ) and (b) A
is an if/v-normal subgroup of B, we get that

Hence ηA is an if/v-normal subgroup of ηB.

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⊆ η(A∗).Therefore η(A∗) = B∗.NA

III. Correspondence and Isomorphism Theorems for Intuitionistic Fuzzy/Vague-Subgroups

In this section, first we generalize the First Isomorphism Theorem. Then we move onto the Correspondence
Theorem, the Second Isomorphism Theorem and the Third Isomorphism Theorem in that order.

First isomorphism theorem :

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Correspondence Theorem

Proof: Since the set of all if/v-(normal) subgroups of G is a complete lattice, the proof follows from the previous

Second Isomorphism Theorem

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Now we show that the above η, in fact, defines a if/v-weak isomorphism be

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Third Isomorphism Theorem

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