554 Book Reviews Pressure Vessel Design: Nuclear and Chemical

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Pressure Vessel Design: Nuclear and Chemical word "nuclear" in the subtitle, will be disap-
Applications. By John F. Harvey. D. Van Nostrand pointed. The character of the book is that of a
Co., Inc., Princeton, N. J., (1963). 274 pp. 177 general introductory treatment of pressure-vessel
figures. $9.75. design with only occasional glimpses of the pecul-
iar pressure-vessel problems arising in nuclear
According to the preface, it is the intent of the power-plant design. The subtitle, though in no way
book to present a text from a designer's viewpoint wrong, nevertheless may be considered as some-
to take students or engineering graduates through what misleading.
the first practical design considerations encoun- The second point is, that the book gives only
tered in pressure-vessel design for nuclear and limited aid to more keenly interested readers in
chemical process applications. the pursuit of further information. It would, of
After an introductory chapter there follows a course, be wrong to expect a book essentially de-
lucid treatment of elementary topics of elastic- signed as a text to have simultaneously the
stress analysis of pressure vessels, including the character of a reference work with an extensive
most frequently encountered discontinuity-stress bibliography. But even a list of advanced or
problems, which shows well the author's practical specialized books encompassing about a dozen en-
experience in teaching. The clear readability tries would have served the purpose; the compre-
should enable a beginner, acquainted only with ele- hensive book of S. B. Kantorowitsch Die Festigkeit
mentary strength of materials and simple calcu- der Apparate und Maschinen filr die chemische
lus, to learn the subject with reasonable ease from Industrie Moscow 1952 and Berlin 1955, M. Ess-
the text alone. The relevant chapters are con- linger's book Statische Berechnung von Kessel-
cluded by a series of problems with some guidance boden Berlin 1959, two volumes of the Springer-
to the solution and indication of the results. Series on chemical engineering, recent British
A further chapter deals with the properties of books dealing with reactor pressure vessels, are
pressure-vessel materials: behavior beyond the such examples. The failure to include such hints
elastic limit; effect of cold-working, elevated to the international literature is inconsistent with
temperatures and irradiation on material proper- the advice given to the designer (on p. 249) to keep
ties; mechanical and thermal stress fatigue; cor- abreast of literature, since "the cheapest research
rosion and surface coatings; etc. The descriptive is that which has already been done." (Believe it
treatment given to each of these diverse, important or not, aside from several modern areas of engi-
topics is a bit too concise, to be well balanced with neering science, there are more classical fields of
the presentation in the other parts of the book. engineering in which quite useful literature has
However, this is counterbalanced in that this chap- been published outside the United States. Despite
ter is better equipped with well-chosen references this fact, it is a rather general feature of Ameri-
than the other parts of the book. can books on engineering to breed in the average
The following chapter on design-construction student or engineer a pronounced opinion of
features draws the attention of the prospective de- national self-sufficiency.)
signer by giving due emphasis to the meaning of Despite the mentioned deficiencies, the re-
stress-concentration factors encountered in ves- viewer wholeheartedly recommends this text-book
sels at openings, pipe attachments, supports, etc. to students as a well organized, clearly written
However, students certainly will be disappointed and self-contained introduction to pressure-vessel
by the scarcity of typical illustrative design ex- design, excellently suited for self-study. Without
amples of structural details of actual pressure doubt, teachers in this field also will find the book
vessels for nuclear and chemical process pur- of valuable aid. It certainly deserves widespread
poses. An introduction to economic considerations use. The book is very well illustrated.
in the design of pressure vessels, discussing
simple techniques for first design approaches, and Thomas Jaeger
a short description of fabrication methods closes Essen-Heisingen
the book. Nordschleswig - Strasse 26
No book can satisfy everybody in every respect, Germany BRD
and thus the reviewer desists from listing a series
of minor complaints, which may be categorized as
only a matter of his personal taste. However, About the Reviewer: Thomas Jaeger graduated
there are two particular points of displeasure from Dresden Institute of Technology as Diplomin-
which shall not be concealed. First, engineers al- genieur in Civil Engineering in 1956, and in 1963
ready experienced in conventional pressure-vessel received a cum laude Dr.-Ing. degree from Berlin
design and searching for specific information on Technical University. He is author of a book
nuclear applications, who may be attracted by the Grundziige der Strahlenschutztechnik, Springer-

Verlag, Berlin 1960, which is in the process of habilitation scholarship granted by the German
being published in English translation by McGraw- Research Society for doing theoretical work main-
Hill, In collaboration with A. Sawczuk he has ly in the area of ther mo elastic and thermovisco-
authored Grenztragfahigkeits-Theorie der Platten, elastic analysis of thick-walled vessels. He is
Springer- Verlag, Berlin 1963. Lecturer on Nuclear Structural Engineering at
During recent years he has ivorked at the Insti- Berlin Technical University, and Editor of the
tute for Reactor Development of the Nuclear Re- forthcoming international scientific-engineering
search Center at Jiilich. At present he holds a journal NUCLEAR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING.


Reactor Development programs at Ar-
gonne National Laboratory have need
of an M.S. or Ph.D. in Applied Mechan-
ics, Structural Mechanics, or Aeronauti-
cal Engineering to deal with problems
in stress analysis and advanced structural
design. Work to include stress problems
in unique components, application of
engineering mechanics techniques to
creep, fatigue, thermalstress, creep rup-
ture, and iridation damage in nuclear
reactors. Background should contain
working knowledge of component, fab-
rication, construction of steel and con-
crete facilities and procurement of
engineering materials. No less than five
years of qualified experience. Send
resume to:
Professional Placement P-4
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, Illinois 60440

^ — Operated by the University of Chicago under
contract with The United States Atomic Energy Commission.


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