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Ev: He was not
interested in other ships
and he did not greet
other whalers from
other ships. He only
asked them if they had seen the white whale.
2. Rude/selfish
Ev: He scolded Captain Boomer for being a coward. He
chased Captain Boomer out from The Pequod.This was
because Captain Boomer refused to join Captain Ahad to
kill Moby Dick.
3. Angry
Ev: He was angry towards Captain Boomer and shouted
at him when he refused to join him in killing Moby Dick.

1. A good family man

EV: He thought about his family and Captain Ahab’s wife

and child. He was worried for Captain Ahab’s family.
Captain Boomer

1. Friendly
Ev: He smiled to the whalers and
Captain Ahab on The Pequod.
2. Commander of the ship, The Samuel
3. Wise
Ev: He wanted to live so he did not
join Captain Ahab to take revenge
against Moby Dick even though he lost
his arm after battling against Moby
1. Dutyful/responsible
Ev: He spotted the whale from
the top of the ship and informed
the other whalers.

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