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FGF21 Gene

Gene/SNP 1st Author Ethnicity Study MAF Disease P Value/OR Findings

Sample (n) Design Indian morbidity
Rs8381332 Timothy M. UK Biobank prospective 0.21 HTN this allele is more
Frayling,2017 study cohort strongly associated
with body fat
distribution, with
less fat in the
body, and higher
blood pressure
Audrey Y. European prospective 0.21 dietary FGF21 is a top
Chu,20133 ancestry cohort - macronutrient candidate for
Meta intake macronutrient
Analysis intake at this locus,
Shan Han Case – 0.21 NAFLD 3.116 (P- Association but not
Jiang,20144 Chinese(340) Control 0.232) significant
Susanna Danish, (6,514) cohort 0.21 Sweet Intake 1.08 (95% CI- statistically
Søberg, 20176 0.97–1.20) (P- significant
0.16) associations
between FGF21
rs838133 and
increased Sweet
rs1698114 Ruo-Han city of Xi’an cohort 0.4 bone mineral effect size (β) The minor allele
rs35650232 Hao,20177 and its 0.4 density in of 0.289 (rs490942-T) was
rs490942 neighboring areas 0.17 adults associated with
rs838131 (569) 0.4 increased BMD
rs1688263 0.4
rs116658961 Mei Han Case – 0.16 MS, DM, OB 1.41, 1.19, associated with a
Zhang,2012 Chinese(291) Control 1.84 higher risk of
obesity. We lack
the power to assess
the relationship
between FGF-21
variants and MetS
and diabetes
rs11665841, Mei Han Case – 0.16, MS, DM, OB No polymorphisms
rs3745706 Zhang,2012 Chinese(291) Control 0.35 were found in
rs11665841 (1 of
291) and
rs3745706 (2 of
rs2071699, Shan Han Case – 0.15 NAFLD 1.067, 1.244, Association but not
rs838136, Jiang,20144 Chinese(340) Control 0.4, 1.500 (P- significant for first
rs499765 0.4 0.039) two and
Significant for last
Rs8381475 Yoriko LA USA (811) The 0.3 Macronutrient dietary
Heianza, 2016 POUNDS Intake carbohydrate/fat
Lost Trial intake modified the
effect of the
FGF21 genotype
on changes in
central adiposity
body fat
among overweight
or obese

References -

1. Associations of Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Gene 3¢Untranslated Region Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms with Metabolic
Syndrome, Obesity, and Diabetes in a Han Chinese Population Mei Zhang,1 Li Zeng,2 You-Juan Wang,2 Zhen-Mei An, 1 and Bin
Wu Ying1 DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY Volume 31, Number 4, 2012 Pp. 547–552
2. A common allele in FGF21 associated with preference for sugar consumption lowers body fat in the lower body and increases blood
pressure. Authors Timothy M. Frayling
3. Novel locus including FGF21 is associated with dietary macronutrient intake Audrey Y. Chu Human Molecular Genetics, 2013, Vol.
22, No. 9 1895–1902 doi:10.1093/hmg/ddt032
4. The Single Nucleotide Polymorphism rs499765 Is Associated with Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver
Disease in a Chinese Population with Normal Glucose Tolerance Shan Jiang J Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics 2014;7:121–129
5. Macronutrient Intake–Associated FGF21 Genotype Modifies Effects of Weight-Loss Diets on 2-Year Changes of Central Adiposity
and Body Composition: The POUNDS Lost Trial - Yoriko Heianza Diabetes Care 2016;39:1909–1914 | DOI: 10.2337/dc16-1111
6. FGF21 Is a Sugar-Induced Hormone Associated with Sweet Intake and Preference in Humans Susanna Søberg Cell Metabolism 25,
1045–1053, May 2, 2017
7. Association between fibroblast growth factor 21 and bone mineral density in adults Ruo-Han Hao Endocrine

Chemerin – RARRES2 Gene

Gene/SNP 1st Author Ethnicity Study MAF Disease P Findings

Sample (n) Design Indian morbidity Value/OR
rs171736081 Eman T. Egyptians cross- 0.17 metabolic P- chemerin
Mehanna,2015 100 healthy sectional syndrome 0.0001* rs17173608 gene
subjects and study OR - polymorphism
100 metabolic 0.351 may increase
syndrome susceptibility
patients to metabolic
rs17173608 Ana Carolina Proença southeastern case-control 0.17 Obesity OR-2.94 Not associated
rs4721 da Fonseca,20174 Brazil (332) cross- 0.4 P-0.354 with an increased
sectional OR-1.54 risk for obesity
study P-0.190 andobesityrelated
rs17173608 Mohammad southeast Iran case‐control 0.17 metabolic OR-2.03 rs17173608 gene
Hashemi,20125 (151) study syndrome (1.22– polymorphism
3.40) P- may contribute to
0.007 susceptibility to
MeS in Zahedan,
southeast Iran.
rs17173608 Zahra Movahed,20156 Shiraz in case‐control 0.17 PCOS OR-2 rs17173608
southeastern study (1.2-3.2) polymorphism in
Iran (150) P-0.005 the chemerin
gene is associated
with PCOS
rs17173608, Karsten Müssig,20098 Tübingen case‐control 0.17 Obesity P-.0011 rs17173608
rs4721, Family Study study 0.4 associated with
rs3735171 (337) 0.35 WHR and SNP
associated with
visceral adiposity
rs7806429, Leay-Kiaw Er2 Taiwanese Cohort 0.35 Metabolic and 0.008, chemerin levels
rs4721, (600) 0.4 Inflammation- 0.0002, were significantly
rs17173608, 0.17 Related 0.331, associated with
rs3735167, 0.35 Diseases 0.238, rs7806429,
rs10282458 0.37 0.482 rs4721,
rs3735167, and
rs17173617 Han-Wei Southern Han case-control 0.38 Type 2 Diabetes X-3.060 rs17173617 was
Huang,20163 Chinese design P-0.216 not signifcantly
(571) different in
T2DM and
control group
rs7806429 Anke Tonjes,20147 Europe(total N cohorts 0.35 Circulating Serum Effect – variation in the
= 2,791) Chemerin -0.048, RARRES2 locus
SE-0.009 in the regulation
P- of circulating
3.30x10-3 chemerin
References -

1. Association of chemerin Rs17173608 and vaspin Rs2236242 gene polymorphisms with metabolic syndrome in Egyptian women
Eman T. Mehanna Endocr Res, Early Online: 1–6
2. Pleiotropic Associations of RARRES2 Gene Variants and Circulating Chemerin Levels: Potential Roles of Chemerin Involved in
the Metabolic and Inflammation-Related Diseases Leay-Kiaw Er
3. Association of Polymorphisms in STRA6 and RARRES2 Genes with Type 2 Diabetes in Southern Han Chinese Han-Wei Huang
BioMed Research International Volume 2016, Article ID 6589793, 7 pages
4. Adiponectin, Retinoic Acid Receptor Responder 2, and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ Coativator-1 Genes and
the Risk for Obesity Ana Carolina Proença da Fonseca
5. Association between chemerin rs17173608 and vaspin rs2236242 gene polymorphisms and the metabolic syndrome, a
preliminary report Mohammad Hashemi Gene 510 (2012) 113–117
6. Influence of chemerin rs17173608 polymorphism on polycystic ovary syndrome susceptibility Zahra Movahed Taiwanese
Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 54 (2015) 280e283
7. Genome Wide Meta-analysis Highlights the Role of Genetic Variation in RARRES2 in the Regulation of Circulating Serum
Chemerin Anke Tonjes PLOS Genetics | 1 December 2014 | Volume 10 | Issue 12
8. RARRES2, encoding the novel adipokine chemerin, is a genetic determinant of disproportionate regional body fat distribution: a
comparative magnetic resonance imaging study Karsten Müssig Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 58 (2009) 519–524

Fetuin-A – AHSG Gene

Gene/SNP 1st Author Ethnicity Sample Study MAF Disease P Value/OR Findings
(n) Design Indian morbidity
rs4917 Jurcikova L,20131 Czech interventional 0.21 Obesity P-0.56 did not fnd
districts(2500) study any association
with obesity
rs4917 Katie N. Mexican (641) Cohort 0.21 Circulating p = 0.0113 rs4917 T allele
rs2518136 Robinson,20173 0.39 Triglycerides carriers had
higher TG..
rs2248690, Eva Fisher,20094 EPIC-Potsdam, Cohort 0.2 Fetuin-A P=0.0001 All AHSG
rs2070633, Germany,(27,548) 0.4 Plasma Levels SNPS were
rs2070635, 0.4 and associated with
rs4917 0.21 Cardiovascular fetuin-A plasma
Diseases levels.
rs4917 CT
showed the
rs4917 Catharina Stockholm, Cross - 0.21 increased P- 0.0008 rs4917 is
rs2077119 Lavebratt, 20055 Sweden (93) Sectional 0.4 adipocyte 2- associated with
adrenoceptor increased
function adipocyte 2-
rs2248690 Afshan French case-control 0.2 Type 2 Diabetes P -0.008, rs1071592
rs2077119 Siddiq,20056 Caucasians study 0.4 OR- 1.27 presented
rs4917 (1500) cohort 0.21 significant
rs2518136 0.39 evidence of
rs4918 0.2 association with
rs1071592 0.14 type 2 diabetes
rs11540663 0.03

rs2248690 I. Dahlman,20047 Stockholm, Cohort 0.2 adipocyte odds ratio associated with
rs2077119 Sweden (291) 0.4 insulin action 1.5, insulin-mediated
rs4831 0.14 p =0.05 inhibition of
rs4917 0.21 lipolysis and
rs11540663 0.14 stimulation of
rs4917 MAJKEN K. 2,893 Caucasian cohort 0.21 Fetuin-A p- 0.72 AGHG strongly
rs2248690 JENSEN, 20138 and 542 African 0.2 Levels, p- 0.73 associated with
American Fasting Glucose lower
Levels, and Risk plasma fetuin-A
of Type 2 but were
Diabetes not associated
with FBG,
prevalent diabete
rs4917, Axel Feldkirch, cross- 0.21 coronary OR0.94 [0.80– No significant
rs2248690, Muendlein,201211 Austria. sectional 0.2 atherosclerosis 1.09] 0p-.391 direct
rs2518136, study 0.39 OR1.03 association
rs2077119 including 0.4 [] p- between AHSG
1,649 patient 0.708 variants rs4917,
OR0.93 [0.80– rs2248690, and
1.07] p-0.297 rs2518136
rs2248690, K. Müssig, 200910 T ü bingen, cohort 0.2 Regional All SNPs AHSG does not
rs4831, Germany (321) 0.14 Body Fat were appear to
rs2070635, 0.4 Distribution significantly influence
rs4917, 0.21 associated with regional body fat
rs1071592 0.14 AHSG levels distribution
(p < 0.0001),
except for
rs4831 (p =
rs2593813 Catharina Swedish men case-control 0.28 Leanness and rs2593813 is
rs4917 Lavebratt, 200512 0.21 Obese more common
rs4918 0.2 among lean than
among obese
and overweight
Swedish men
rs4918 Shanshan Ma, Han Chinese case-control 0.2 ischemic P-0.006** rs4918
201313 (380) study stroke OR-1.378 associated with a
risk for ischemic
stroke in a
Northern Han
rs4918 György Hungarian cross- 0.2 Obesity in RR=1.067, The rs4918
Temesszentandrási, sectional Healthy Persons 95%CI=1.053– minor variant is
20169 comprising and 2.651, p=0.015 associated with
cohort 1 (81 in Patients with lower TNFa and
healthy ) and Myocardial adiponectin,
cohort 2 (157 Infarction higher leptin
patients with levels in healthy
previous MI) persons, and
more favorable
parameters of
obesity in cohort
rs2077119, Gitte Andersen, Danish (7863) case-control 0.4 Type 2 Diabetes P-0.03 AHSG
rs2518136 20082 0.39 and P-0.02 variation
Dyslipidemia associated with
type 2 diabetes
and components
of the metabolic

1. Lack Of Association Between Variants Within The Ahsg, Hcrt And Npy2r Genes And Anthropometrical Parameters In Czech Post
Monica Study Jurcikova L BJMG 16/1 (2013) 63-68
2. AHSG Tag Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associate With Type 2 Diabetes and Dyslipidemia Studies of Metabolic Traits in 7,683
White Danish Subjects Gitte Andersen DIABETES, VOL. 57, MAY 2008
3. Circulating Triglycerides and the Association of Triglycerides with Dietary Intake Are Altered by Alpha-2-Heremans-Schmid
Glycoprotein Polymorphisms Katie N. Robinson J Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics 2017;10:75–83
4. Association of AHSG Gene Polymorphisms With Fetuin-A Plasma Levels and Cardiovascular Diseases in the EPIC-Potsdam Study
Eva Fisher Circ Cardiovasc Genet December 2009 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.109.870410
5. Polymorphism of the AHSG gene is associated with increased adipocyte 2-adrenoceptor function Catharina Lavebrat Journal of Lipid
Research Volume 46, 2005
6. A Synonymous Coding Polymorphism in the 2-Heremans-Schmid Glycoprotein Gene Is Associated With Type 2 Diabetes in French
Caucasians Afshan Siddiq DIABETES, VOL. 54, AUGUST 2005
7. α2-Heremans–Schmid glycoprotein gene polymorphisms are associated with adipocyte insulin action I. Dahlman Diabetologia (2004)
8. Genetically Elevated Fetuin-A Levels, Fasting Glucose Levels, and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes MAJKEN K. JENSEN Diabetes Care
36:3121–3127, 2013
9. Human Fetuin-A Rs4918 Polymorphism and its Association with Obesity in Healthy Persons and in Patients with Myocardial
Infarction in Two Hungarian Cohorts György Temesszentandrási Med Sci Monit, 2016; 22: 2742-2750
10. AHSG Gene Variation is not Associated with Regional Body Fat Distribution – A Magnetic Resonance Study K. Müssig Exp Clin
Endocrinol Diabetes 2009; 117: 432 – 437
11. Are AHSG polymorphisms directly associated with coronary atherosclerosis? Axel Muendlein Clinica Chimica Acta 413 (2012) 287–
12. AHSG gene variant is associated with leanness among Swedish men Catharina Lavebratt Hum Genet (2005) 117: 54–60
13. Association of AHSG Gene Polymorphisms with Ischemic Stroke in a Han Chinese Population Shanshan Ma Biochem Genet (2013)

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