An Allometric Model To Estimate Fluid Requirements in Children Following Burn Injury

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Pediatric Anesthesia 2010 20: 305–312 doi:10.1111/j.1460-9592.2010.03273.

An allometric model to estimate fluid requirements

in children following burn injury
J . M A R K A N S E R M I N O M B B C h F R C P C , F F A ( S A ) , C H R IS T IN E
A . V A N D E B EE K M B A A N D D O R O TH Y M Y E R S M S c
Department of Anesthesiology, British Columbia’s Children’s Hospital and University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Section Editor: Prof. Brian Anderson

Objectives: To evaluate the ability of an allometric 3 ⁄ 4 Power Model
combined with the Galveston Formula (Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula) to
predict fluid resuscitation requirements in children suffering burn
injuries in comparison with the frequently used Parkland Formula
and Galveston Formula using the Du Bois formula for surface area
estimation (Galveston–DB Formula).
Aim: To demonstrate that the Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula is clinically
equivalent to the Galveston–DB Formula for the estimation of fluid
requirements in pediatric burn injury cases.
Background: Fluid resuscitation requirements differ in children
suffering burn injuries when compared to adults. The Parkland
Formula works well for normal weight adults but underestimates
fluid requirements when indiscriminately applied to pediatric burn
patients. The Galveston–DB Formula accounts for the change in body
composition with age by using a body surface area (BSA) model but
requires the measurement of height. The allometric model, using an
exponent of 3 ⁄ 4, accounts for the dependence of a physiological
variable on body mass without requiring height measurement and
can be applied to estimate fluid requirements after burn injury in
Methods: Comparisons were performed between the hourly calculated
fluid requirements for the first 8 h following 20%, 40%, and 60% BSA
burns using the Parkland Formula, the Galveston–DB Formula and
Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula for children 2–23 kg.
Results: In children less than 23 kg, the fluid requirements predicted
by the Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula are well correlated with those
predicted by the Galveston–DB Formula (R2 = 0.997, P < 0.0001) and
are much better than of the predictions made with the Parkland
Formula, especially for children <10 kg.
Conclusions: For the purposes of clinical estimation of fluid require-
ments, the Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula is indistinguishable from the
Galveston–DB Formula in children 23 kg or less.

Correspondence to: J. Mark Ansermino, Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia, British Columbia’s Children’s Hospital, 4480 Oak
Street, Room 1L7, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6H 3V4 (email:

 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 305

306 J. M . A N S E R M I N O E T A L .

Keywords: fluid requirements; burn injuries; anesthesia, pediatric;

allometric 3 ⁄ 4 Power model; Parkland formula, Galveston formula

(3). The calculation takes into account total BSA burn

and patient weight to give an appropriate fluid
In the immediate postburn period, alterations in administration rate:
vascular permeability and the imbalance of osmotic
forces cause significant fluid and protein losses. 4 ml  weight (kg)  % BSA burn
Moyer et al. (1) proved the contribution of the Na+ ¼ volume (ml) of Lactated Ringer0 s for first 24 h
ion in the intracellular and extracellular distribution
of electrolytes and water during the initial period of The Parkland Formula can work well for the
burn resuscitation and advocated the early use of average adult patient when the burn size is well
balanced salt solutions. Fluid resuscitation within estimated; however, this formula can potentially
the first 24 h following burn injury is critical for overestimate fluid requirements in the obese subject.
pediatric patients whose burns are estimated to It can also grossly underestimate fluid requirements
cover more than 10% of their total body surface area when indiscriminately applied to pediatric burn
(BSA). In these cases, the goal is the maintenance of patients (4). Pediatric patients (especially those < 20
vital organ function at the lowest immediate or kg) have a significantly different body composition
delayed physiological cost. Too little fluid can cause with a larger surface area and extracellular volume
hypoperfusion, while too much fluid may lead to (5) relative to weight compared to adult patients.
edema, which will cause tissue hypoxia.
Clinicians rely on a handful of commonly known
formulae to estimate the amount of fluid required, The Galveston formula
where the inputs are the weight of the patient and An alternative formula to calculate fluid needs for
the estimated percentage of BSA that is burned. children is the Galveston Formula, which is based on
These fluid resuscitation calculations must be made BSA rather than weight. The BSA model, first
rapidly and accurately, but it is well known that proposed by Du Bois and Du Bois (6), has been
these formulae serve only as guidelines to fluid widely used as a more accurate alternative to the per
replacement therapy. Evaluation of the clinical kg model for scaling drug doses for children out of
condition of the patient and monitoring of clinical infancy. Body surface area is calculated from height
parameters, such as urine output, are important and weight:
guides to adequate resuscitation. However, the
formulae do provide a starting point for fluid BSA ¼ weightðkgÞ0:425  height (cm) 0:725  0:007184
administration in the first few hours followed by
adjustments based on the clinical response to fluid In 1980, Carvajal (7) advocated that this formula
resuscitation. Formulae-based guidelines are partic- for estimating BSA should be part of a safe, accurate,
ularly helpful for clinicians who do not routinely and effective fluid resuscitation program for patients
deal with burn injuries or when expert burn advice of all ages (4). This model accounts for the change in
is not immediately available. body morphology with age also but requires the
additional measurement of height.
The BSA model is better than estimating fluid
The Parkland formula
requirements based on weight alone and is conse-
The Parkland Resuscitation Formula was introduced quently widely used in pediatric burn centers. How-
by Baxter in 1974 (2). Safe and easy to calculate, the ever, the Galveston Formula, where BSA is calculated
Parkland Formula is the most commonly applied by the Du Bois formula (Galveston–DB Formula), is
guideline for initial fluid resuscitation worldwide complicated by requiring a measurement of height,

 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Pediatric Anesthesia, 20, 305–312


which is fraught with inaccuracies when performed homeotherms, poikilotherms, and unicellular organ-
in the acute care setting. More often than not, the isms (8).
patient is in a position such that clinicians must Allometric modeling may be used to scale main-
provide an estimate, often inaccurate, of the head to tenance drug doses, drug clearances (PWR = 3 ⁄ 4),
toe height. Furthermore, the surface area model blood volume, vital capacity, and tidal volume in
assumes that the relationship between surface area children (PWR = 1) (13). The BSA model originally
and fluid distribution in adults and children is developed by Du Bois is believed to reflect extracel-
similar. This assumption does not fit observations lular fluid (ECF) volume (14). However, a nonlinear
(8). Infants have short stumpy legs with large trunks model using an allometric exponent of 3 ⁄ 4 on
and heads. In a similar way, obese adults do not weight, which was not considered in the original
have the same geometric proportions as nonobese study by Friis-Hansen (14), has been shown to have
adults. an improved fit compared to the original data. A
Galveston Formula using a BSA based on an allo-
metric 3 ⁄ 4 power scale (Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula)
3 ⁄ 4 allometric scaling
would appear, therefore, to offer the opportunity to
Allometric growth is unequal growth in one part of develop a universal formula for estimation of fluid
an organism relative to growth of the whole organ- requirements after burn injury.
ism. Size affects rates of all biological structures and
processes from cellular metabolism to population
dynamics. The dependence of a biological variable,
Y, on body mass, M, is typically characterized by the To calculate the BSA for the Galveston–DB Formula,
allometric scaling law: the average weight for length tables from the Centre
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were
Y ¼ kMðPWRÞ used to construct a table of average weights and
heights of male and female children from 2 to 23 kg
The value of PWR has been the subject of much at half-kilogram intervals (15). The intervals and
debate (9,10). The most common variable investi- weights were determined by the data in a standard
gated is the basal metabolic rate (BMR), with some CDC chart.
advocating a PWR value of 2 ⁄ 3 and others advocat- Comparisons were performed between the calcu-
ing a value of 3 ⁄ 4. BSA can be estimated using a lated fluid requirements per hour for the first 8 h
PWR value of 2 ⁄ 3, and Sarrus and Rameaux (11) put following 20%, 40%, and 60% BSA burns using the
forward the empirical theory that the rate of heat Parkland Formula, the Galveston–DB Formula, and
production of large and small animals is in propor- the Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula for children 2–23 kg.
tion to their respective surface areas. In 1932, Keibler Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to mea-
(12) established that in all species, including sure correlation. The formulae are shown in Table 1.
humans, the log of the BMR plotted against the log In estimating the BSA using the 3 ⁄ 4 allometric scale
of body weight produces a straight line with a slope for the Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula, we employed a
(PWR) of 3 ⁄ 4. Explanations for this phenomenon standard weight of 75 kg and a BSA of 2 m2, values
vary, but this exponential function is the same for that represent the average adult model:

Table 1
Formulae for calculating hourly fluid requirements

Estimated replacement volume in 1 h

Parkland formula weightðgÞ  % area burned  14
Galveston–DB (Du Bois) formula 5000 ðmlÞ  % area burned  BSA ðDuBoisÞ
h ðm Þ  16i3=4
weight ðkgÞ
Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM (3 ⁄ 4 Power Model) formula 5000 ðmlÞ  % area burned  adult BSA ðm2 Þ  adult weight ðkgÞ 16
Estimated maintenance volume in 1 h
Parkland formula None
Galveston–DB (Du Bois) formula 2000 ðmLÞ  BSA ðDuBoisÞ
h ðm Þ  16i3=4
weight ðkgÞ
Galveston-34 PM (3 ⁄ 4 Power Model) formula 2000 ðmlÞ  adult BSA ðm2 Þ  adult weight ðkgÞ 16

 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Pediatric Anesthesia, 20, 305–312

308 J. M . A N S E R M I N O E T A L .

BSA (m2 Þ ¼ adult BSA (m2 Þ The fluid requirements predicted by the Galves-
 ð3=4Þ ton-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula are well correlated with those
weight (kg)
 predicted by the Galveston–DB Formula (R2 = 0.997,
adult weight (kg) P < 0.0001) (Figures 2a, 3a, and 4a). Compared with
weight (kg) ð3=4Þ both the Galveston–DB Formula and Galveston-3 ⁄ 4
75 PM Formula, the data show that the Parkland
Formula grossly underestimates fluid requirements
in children with smaller burns and overestimates
requirements as the burn size increases. In addition,
For the purposes of clinical estimation of BSA in in patients weighing 12 kg and under, the Parkland
children <23 kg, the 3 ⁄ 4 allometric scale is indistin- Formula displays a significant percentage of differ-
guishable from the Du Bois Formula (Figure 1a,b). ence compared with the Galveston–DB Formula



Figure 1
(a) Comparison of body surface
area (BSA) calculated by the Du
Bois Formula and the 3 ⁄ 4 Power
Model. (b) Percent difference
between the BSA calculated by
the Du Bois Formula in compar-
ison with the 3 ⁄ 4 Power Model.

 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Pediatric Anesthesia, 20, 305–312




Figure 2
(a) Comparison of the Parkland
Formula, the Galveston–DB
Formula, and the Galveston-3 ⁄ 4
PM Formula for male children
with 20% body surface area
(BSA) burn. (b) Percent difference
between the volume of fluid per
hour (ml) generated by the
Parkland Formula and the
Galveston–3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula in
comparison with the Galveston–
DB Formula for male children
with 20% BSA burn.

(Figures 2b, 3b, and 4b). The predictions of the Galveston Formula (Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula),
Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula are much closer to the predicted hourly fluid requirements are comparable
predictions based on the Galveston–DB Formula to models based on the estimation of BSA or fluid
than the Parkland Formula. The percent difference requirements from height and weight, such as the
between the Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula and the Galveston–DB Formula. There appears to be no
Galveston–DB Formula predictions remains constant added benefit from including an additional variable,
for each weight calculated across the three percent- height, into the calculation. Body surface area has
ages (20%, 40%, and 60%) of BSA burns investi- previously been calculated using the Boyd Formula,
gated (Figures 2b, 3b, and 4b). which also omits height in its calculation. The Boyd
Formula (16) uses weight as an independent variable
(17), but its complexity prohibits routine use:
BSA cm2 ¼ 4:688  W 0:81680:0154logðW Þ
A 3 ⁄ 4 allometric scaling of body weight provides
an accurate estimate of BSA. When used in the where W is the body weight in g.

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310 J. M . A N S E R M I N O E T A L .



Figure 3
(a) Comparison of the Parkland
Formula, the Galveston–DB
Formula, and the Galveston-3 ⁄ 4
PM Formula for male children
with 40% body surface area
(BSA) burn. (b) Percent difference
between the volume of fluid per
hour (ml) generated by the
Parkland Formula and the
Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula in
comparison with the Galveston–
DB Formula for male children
with 40% BSA burn.

The common problem of underestimating burn as the Parkland Formula, mathematical errors can
resuscitation volumes in smaller children when occur. Steady progress toward decision support
using the Parkland Formula, as shown by Carvajal systems in the clinical environment has made it
in 1994, can be avoided with the use of an allometric increasingly possible to apply more complex math-
scale (4). This is demonstrated when fluid volumes ematical formulae to every day clinical problems. In
are predicted by the Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula, addition, the ready availability of personal digital
which does not underestimate fluid requirements in assistants would enable emergency physicians to use
small BSA burns nor overestimate fluid require- the Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula to predict fluid
ments in larger BSA burns as found with the requirements for all burn patients, based on weight
Parkland Formula (Figures 2a, 3a, and 4a). The alone, regardless of height.
Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula, unlike the Parkland When defining an allometric 3 ⁄ 4 scale model, the
Formula, is not an easy calculation that can be ideal characteristics (a standard height and weight)
handwritten on the medical record of the burn must be defined. We used 75 kg and 2 m2 and did
patient. However, even with a calculation as simple not correct for sex. A change in these values will

 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Pediatric Anesthesia, 20, 305–312




Figure 4
(a) Comparison of the Parkland
Formula, the Galveston–DB
Formula, and the Galveston-3 ⁄ 4
PM Formula for male children
with 60% body surface area
(BSA) burn. (b) Percent difference
between the volume of fluid per
hour (ml) generated by the Park-
land Formula and the Galveston-
3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula in comparison
with the Galveston–DB Formula
for male children with 60% BSA

make a small change in the calculation but should Formula in computerized systems, avoiding the
not be of substantive clinical relevance. The differ- increased risk of error through the need to measure
ence in volume calculation between subjects is likely height.
to be much larger than the differences introduced by Allometric scaling could also find application in a
changes in the ideal characteristics. number of other areas of burn care. This could
The Galveston-3 ⁄ 4 PM Formula still attempts to include the calculation of energy requirements,
estimate BSA before applying a calculation identical calculation of drug doses, and estimation of fluid
to that employed when the BSA is estimated from losses during surgery. Although the Galveston–3 ⁄ 4
height and weight. This allometric scaling of body PM Formula compares well with the Galveston–DB
proportions provides an accurate estimate of BSA Formula across BSA burn sizes (Figures 2b, 3b, and
(Figure 1a,b) and consequently fluid requirements 4b), its ability to improve patient outcome has not
following burn injury (Figures 2a, 3a, and 4a). We been tested. The true test of any regime would be to
suggest this as an alternative to the Galveston–DB demonstrate a superior degree of resuscitation and

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312 J. M . A N S E R M I N O E T A L .

improved survival. We have not attempted to do this 5 Friis-Hansen B. Water distribution in the foetus and newborn
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