Angeles, Jann Austine Zeus P. 01/18/18 11 STEM-J Assignment

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Angeles, Jann Austine Zeus P.



1.Introduction and Aim of the Study

o Some academic institutions will ask for the introduction and aim of the study to be
represented separately, while others will combine them into a single heading. The
introduction serves to put the paper into context. It should explain how the study was done
and what it is about. The aim of the study can be considered an extension of the
introduction and should clearly state the research problem.

Literature Review
o Qualitative research requires examination of existing research and information about the
chosen problem. To accomplish this, qualitative researchers must develop a research plan
that determines what sources they will use, such as libraries, databases or specific search
engines. Relevant documents are reviewed and carefully summarized. The final literature
review should briefly describe how the literature review was conducted and provide
summaries of documents relevant to the research problem.

Sample Description
o The individuals being studied are referred to as the sample. Certain characteristics are
usually identified as important to the research problem. Age, gender, socioeconomic status
and educational background are just a few examples of characteristics researchers might
need to identify in their sample. This section of the paper is often scrutinized for disparities.

Data Collection Methods

o Once a sample group has been identified, researchers must determine how they will obtain
information from them. Face-to-face interviews, phone interviews, surveys and group
discussions are all possible choices. Copies of research questions used are often included in
this section. Anecdotal records kept by interviewers are often kept and made available as

Data Analysis Methods

o Methods for analyzing data are highly varied and may, on occasion, incorporate quantitative
methods. When qualitative and quantitative methods are combined, it is referred to as a
mixed approach. It is important to describe how the information obtained from the sample
was managed. Examples include audio or video recordings, transcription, database storage
and written records.

o This section should include a direct report of the data. It should be succinct and impartial
without engaging in personal reflections or interpretations. Describe the data in detail
without drawing conclusions of any kind.

o The discussion section is closely related to, but still separate from, the findings. How this
section is presented will largely depend on the findings section. It is important to discuss
only relevant facts and abstain from attempting to interpret findings at this time.

o The conclusion serves to summarize the entire study and to suggest possible applications.
While it is still inappropriate to speculate, suggesting applications from the study are
encouraged and expected. Readers are usually interested to know how research findings can
be used in society.

o Abstracts are often the only portion of a study seen in academic search engines. It is
important to provide details on the study's background, goals, data sample, data collection
and a summary of the findings. In all, the abstract should be less than a page in length.

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