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Question Answer

In each of the following questions, out of the given alternatives, choose

the one that best expresses the meaning of the given word:- Sporadic

In each of the following questions, out of the given alternatives, choose

the one that best expresses the meaning of the given word:- Omnipotent
In each of the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning
to the given word:- Repeal
In each of the following questions, choose the word opposite in meaning
to the given word:- Equity
In each of the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose
the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence:- A formal eulogy
composition or speech expressing high praise of somebody-

The word \'Shrug\' indicating doubt or indifference is associated with- Shoulders

He is quite _ in dealing with people. diplomatic
They suffered much _ tornado had hit their village. since
Choose the wrong sentence: The land is belonged to an old lady
Choose the wrong sentence: His failure resulted for lack of attention
Choose the correctly spelt word:- Voluntary
.Choose the correctly spelt word:- Accelerate
Choose the correctly spelt word:- Tsunami
Which living in poverty,the poet had to _ a great deal of sufferings put up with
Wordsworth introduced the readers _ a new kind of poetry. to
_ his earlierstudy,the Professor\'s new study indicates a general warning
In contrast to
trend in global weather.
Only those who are not serious to their success work by _ and start. fits
Of the four alternatives given below, choose the word/words that best
fits into the underlined word given in the sentence: - One day \'women
willhave has so long been denied them _ leisure, money and room to
Crafty men condemn studies, simple men admire them and wise men
use them.
To end in smoke- To come to nothing
meaning of the given word:-IMPROVEMENT Betterment
In each of the follwing questions,choose the word opposite in meaning
to the given word:-LIABILITY
In each of the follwing questions,choose the word opposite in meaning
to the given word:-HATE
In each of the follwing questions,out of the four alternatives,choose the
one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence:-A song Hymn
embodying religious and sacred emotions-
In each of the follwing questions,out of the four alternatives,choose the
one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence:-Time after Dusk
twilight and before night-
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by selecting the most
appropriate alternative from among the four choices adherence
given:Parliamentary democracy demands discipline-to the rules.
Reason is the highest faculty-on human by their creator. bestowed
Rishan walks as if he-lame. were
one of the four sentences given in each question is grammatically
Laziness is detrimental for success
wrong. That alternative is your answer:-
one of the four sentences given in each question is grammatically
I intend going to Rajshahi
wrong. That alternative is your answer:-
Each of the following idioms is followed by some alternatives. choose
to keep calm
the one which best expresses its meaning:-To keep one\'s head-
To put the cart before the horse- to reverse the natural order of things
To read between the lines- to grasp the hidden meaning
I know him. He is known to me
A lion may be helped even by a little mouse. Even a little mouse may help a lion
Choose the correctly spelt word:- Supersede
The horror movic scared them out of their- wits
The people who carray a coffin at a funeral are called- Pallbearers
I have not heard from him__ for long
Honey is__sweet. very
Your conduct admits __ no excuse. of
He had a __ headache. bad
I shall not __ the examination this year appear at
They travelled to Savar__ on foot
He said that he __ be unable come. would
Naither Rini nor Simi __ qualified for the job. is
He said that he __ the previous day. had come
He watched the boat __ down the river. floating
\'Good\' is to \'bad\' as \'white\' is to__ black
\'Botany\' is to \'plants\' as \'Zoology is to__. animals
The bad news struck him like a bolt from the__ blue
When one is \'pragmatic\' he is being__ practical
\"Into the __ of death rode the six hundred.\" valley
\"To be or not to be, that is the__\". question
\"I have a __ that one day this nation will live out the true meaning of its
creed that all men are created equal\"
Who wrote the two famous novels , \'David Copperfiled\' and \'The Tale
Charles Dickens
Of Tow Cities\'?
Who wrote the plays , \'The Tempest\' and \'The Mid Summer Night\'s
William Shakespeare
A rocket flying to the moon does not need wings because _. space is airless
Rubber is notable for its _. elasticity
Tiger: Zoology :: Mars : Astronomy
Break : Repair :: Wound: Heal
Frightened : Scream :: Angry : Shout
He _ consciousness as a result of his hitting the car\'s dashboard. lost
Only after I _ home, did I remember my doctor\'s appointment. went
When they had their first child, they put _ a large sum for his education. aside

The fifth consonant from the beginning of this sentence is the letter_. t
If the second day of the month is a Monday, the eighteenth day of the
month is a _.
I cannot _to pay such high prices. afford
Which sentence is correct ? This is a unique case
There is no alternative _training. of
\'Animal Farm\' was written by _. George Orwell
The word \'electorate\' means : a body of voter
New programs will be _ next week in Bangladesh Television. telecast
Who did write first English dictionary ? Samuel Johnson
The word \'disinterested\' means: neutral
We were waiting for the bus. The underlined part is. a noun phrase
Julia has been ill _three months. for
Many prefer donating money ..... distributing clothes. to
\'Light\' is to \'dark\' as \'cold\' is to _. hot
The verb of the word \'short\' is _. shorten
\"If winter comes, can spring be far behind?\" These lines were written
by _.
\'To get along with\' means : to adjust
The price of rice are _. rising
The word \'precedence\' means : priority
Rizvi requested Rini _ telephone to attend the meeting. over
He had written the book before he _. retired
Dhaka is becoming one of the _ cities in Asia. busiest
He has been ill - Friday last. since
He gave up - football when he got married. playing
Do not make a noise while your father - is sleeping
No one can - that he is clever. deny
He divided the money - the two children . between
'Out and out' means : Thoroughly
\'Maiden speech\' means . First speech
As the sun - , I decided to go out. was shining
The light have been blown - by the strong wind. out
If we want concrete proof, we are looking for - . clear evidence
What is the meaning of \'White Elephant\'? A very costly or troublesome possession
A person who write about his own life writers-. an autobiography
A \'pilgrim\' is a person who undertakes a journey to a -. holy place
The correct spelling is : Humorous
The word \'ecological\' is related to - . environment
\'Paediatric\' relates to the treatment of - . children
Chose the right word to fill the blank : Since his retirement, Mr.
Chowdhury, who was a teacher, has written four novels.
Chose the right word to fill the blank : I should appreciate it if you could
complet this work - Thursday.
Chose the right word to fill the blank : The proper functionof the press is
surely to - the man in the street with facts.
Stockings are _ socks long
Many students will now be starting to _ about their exams result. worry
She told me his name after he _ . had left
Climate is a _ of the environment. state
I finally killed the fly _ a rolled up newspaper. with
We must look pleased or else he\'ll be _ dissatisfied
The man died _ over eating. from
He advised me _ smoking . to give up
The expression \'after one\'s own heart\' means : To one\'s own liking
\'The day of my sistet\'s marriage is drawing near---\'. The underlined
word is a/an -
My father was in hospital for six weeks
Which is the following sentence is the correct one ?
during the summer
He intends to _ in the country for two months . stay
What are you so angry _ ? about
The parents become extremely _ when their son had not returned by
eleven o\'clock.
\"I _ remember the holiday I spent in your home,\" she said. always
He knew it was a avery _ operation, but he was determined to carry it
out .
\'Misanthropist\' means : A hater of mankind
First language means the _ language . natural
Shaheen would never have taken the job if _ what great demand it
he had known
would make on his time .
She has _ her hair a beautiful shade of brown . dyed
There are ___ dangerous drivers. a lot of
I have read the book ___ you lent me. that
Water boils ___ you heat it to 100 Centigrade. if
Tell me ___ that. who told you
I opened the door as soon as I ____ the bell. heard
I am looking for someone who ____ play the piano. can
Don\'t make a noise while your father ____. is sleeping
As the sun ___, I decided to go out. was shining
He gave up ____ football when be got married. playing
I have ____ interest in the matter. no
____ is not the only thing that tourists want to see. Scenery
Just now he ___ his dinner but he says he\'ll see you when he\'s finished. has had
The children were entrusted ____ the care of their uncle. with
He parted ___ his friends in tears. from
\"I\'ll have a cup of tea,\" my father said, \"because I\'m not hungry.\" My father said that he would have a cup fo
Which of the following sentences is the correct indirect speech? tea because he wasn\'t hungry
The expression \'Lingua France\' means: The common language
Choose the correct meaning: He raised his eyebrow at my exploration. Show surprise or disapproval
'Razzmatazz' means: A noisy activity
The antonym for \'Recalcitrant\'- Complaint
The synonym for \'Obdurate\'- Stubborn
He was sentenced __ death. to
The lady is not amenable __ reason to
He rescued the child __ danger. from
Meteorology is reveled to . . . Weather
The strike was called __ at last. off
Noureen will discuss the issue with Nasir ___ phone over
Some writer sink __ oblivion in course of time into
\"Call to mind\" means remember
\"Pass away\" means die
Pick the word that is synonymous with \'authoritarian\' autocratic
The word \"permissive\" implies liberal
Each of the sons followed __ father\'s trade. his
Subject – verb agreement refers to – number and person
The error in the sentence, ‘One of the recommendation made by the
committee was accepted by the authorities’ is –
‘The French’ refers to – The French people
If a person cannot stop taking drugs, he is – addicted to them
The word ‘officialese’ means – language used in offices
‘Succumb’ means – submit
We look forward ____ a response from you. to receiving
If a part of a speech or writing breaks the theme, it is called – digression
The expression ‘take into account’ means consider
কর্ত পক্ষ র্াকক তর্রস্কার কর঱ – The authorities took him to task
‘Such claim needs to be tested empirically’ means – The test should be based on experience
The idiom ‘put up with’ means – tolerate
In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar to – driving a car
The thief tried to _________ all traces of _________ which could link
him to the crime.
His ______ smile ______ all those who saw it. bright...dazzled
\'Protagonist\' indicates_ the leading character of actor in a play
I have some urgent business to attend _____ to
Tomorrow is to Yesterday as Sunday is to-- Friday
"John isn't sure that the meeting will be held tomorrow." "But I _____." am certain
verb of 'false' is ____. falsify
'September of Jessore Road' - কতবর্ার রচত়ির্া Allen Ginsberg
ARMY:LOGISTIC business:strategy
Although he has failed in the written examination, he is using "backstairs
Secret and unfair influence
influence" to get the job.
When he heard that he had once again not been select he "lost heart" became discouraged

In the armed forces, it is considered a great privilege to "die in harness" die while still working
I met him after a long time, but he game me "the cold shoulder" ignored me
One who possesses many talents - Versatile
List of the business or subjects to be considered at a meeting - agenda
State in which the few govern the many - Oligarchy
The study of ancient societies - Archaeology
That which cannot be corrected - Incorrigible
ATTEMPT - synonym Try
Stringent Rigorous
Adversity Misfortune
Alert Watchful
Brief - synonym Short
If somebody smuggle goods into the country, theose may be --- by the
customs authority.
My uncle decided to take -- and my sister to the market. mine
I saw a -- of cows in the field. herd
Catching the earlier train will give us the -- to do some shopping. chance

Fate smiles -- those who untiringly grapple with stark realities of life. on
Identify correct spelling Psychology
Correct spelling Enthusiastic
correct spelling - Precedence
correct spelling Paleontology
correct spelling Taxidermist
Charlatan - synonym Imposter
Compensation - synonym Reward
Benevolent - synonym Compassionate
Bizarre - synonym Strange
Linguist - synonym Polyglot
I prefer tea --- coffee. to
Raju -- here yesterday. came
I --- a reply to my letter in the next few days. expect
Where is the --- post office? nearest
I would like -- information. a piece
Bake the cakes -- they are finn to the touch. until
Fierce - antonym meek
Which of the following are SYNONYMS for the word MISGIVING worry; hesitation; qualm
Don't talk to him about politics because it's like _____ rag to a bull. red
Did you hear the story about the woman who said she could tell the
Which word MOST NEARLY matches the antonyms: illiterate;
unschooled; uneducated; ignorant
PRODIGAL - synonym thrifty
She is fond ________ music. Of
What is the full form of SMS? Short Message Service
This cup is different ............ the others. than
A person who writes dictionaries is a – Lexicographer
Library is to book as book is to? page
His office is ________ the top of the stairs at
adept - synonym all of these
Antonym of DIFFUSE concentrate
Antonym of MULTIFARIOUS lacking diversity
Select best alternative of "I have butterflies in my stomach" I am nervous
Had I been in your situation, -- the offer. I would have accepted
An image on a national flag can symbolize political ideas that --- express. would otherwise take many words to
Choose the best alternative - We should give a "wide berth" to bad
Keep away from
Choose the best alternative - The bank charges an "exorbitant" rate of
Identify the incorrect word/phrase - A "more" sense of "ethics" and
"integrity" is expected of a "physician".
Identify incorrect word/phrase - In an "epidemic", "unprotected"
children remain "lesser" "vulnerable"
Best alternative - One whose attitude is: "eat, drink and be merry" - Epicurean
Select the correctly spelt world Giraffes
Correct spelling - Influenza
DENTURE:TEETH scarf:head
SCRIPT:PLAY score:symphony
Far Cry - means Long distnace
I absolve you -- blame. from
Which is NOT correct? 'How many _________ are there? furnitures
The airport is ___________ on the edge of the city, next to the
APPLE : FRUIT Rose : Flower
Identify the correct Phrases and Clauses in the inverted comma. He went
Adverb phrase
"down the road".
Identify the correct Phrases and Clauses in the inverted comma..The boy
Adjective phrase
"from the village" informed this.
Identify the correct Phrases and Clauses in the inverted comma. He
Noun phrase
insisted on "my going there".
Identify the correct Phrases and Clauses in the inverted comma. "A
Appositive phrase
famous doctor", Mr. X, advised this.
Identify the correct Phrases and Clauses in the inverted comma. 26,
Noun phrase
percent of "California residents" do not speak English.
He did it "under the influence of" politics. Prepositional phrase
They called on me "over and over again". Adverb phrase
The boat is sailing “down” the river Preposition
“Either” of the pencils will do. Pronoun
He has given me “enough”. Noun
“But” me no buts. Verb
The patient is “much” better today. Adverb
He went “up” the hill. Preposition
Say what kind of sentence the following is?- You always speak the truth Assertive

Say what kind of sentence the following is?- Our president may live long Assertive
Say which one is correct transformation of the following sentence into
None but Allah can help us.
negative- Allah alone can help us.
He driinks half ____ glass of milk. a
_____ Thousand years are needed to conquer him i bet. a+b
The patient has a severe cerebral _____. pain
A 13 year old is not ____ to vote an election. old enough
The hen has ____ ten eggs. laid
You don't need to ____ ! i am not deaf ! shout
I wish i could ____ several languages. speak
A ____ happens when a person is awake. day dream
"To be partial to something" means to ____. like it
Which is not an acceptable adjective form of the verb "very" ? variful
Select the right word for "A speech made without previous preparation" : extempore
FEATHERS : PLUCK :: wool : shear
Setting : stone :: socket : bulb
Music : Guitar words : typewriter
Oxygen : Respiration :: sunlight : photosynthesis
Stove : Kitchen :: sink : bathroom
Wealth : Luxuries :: ticket : admission
Angle : Degree :: area : square inch
Ship : Harbor:: car : garage
Lend : Borrow :: dictate : govern
Chair : Bench :: rule : yardstick
Smoke: Pollution :: war : death
Request : Refusal :: try : failure
Confidence : Deception :: hostility : kindliness
Gazelle : Swift :: swan : graceful
Affirm : Hint :: charge : insinuate
It was good ____ her to tell us. of
The family____ divided in their opinions. are
Either he or his brothers ____ guilty. are
The walls of our house have been painted ___green. no preposition
Choose the correctly spelt word : Leisure
A new house ____________ at the corner of the road. is being built
Blue chip is A first class equity share
The changes in the organization were so gradual that they seemed
almost _____________?
Inter-bank short-term lending and
What do you understand by the term "Call Money"?
The rebels sought to overcome the ________ of strength of the
government forces by guerrilla tactics.
Inept is the opposite of: Skillful
The people in my class are all very ____. a+c
Money mainly serves as a_ Medium of exchange
CRUMB : BREAD splinter : wood
Select the correctly spelled out words Millennium
Select the correctly spelled out words Irrelevant
Select a word having opposite of - "DISREGARD" heed
Select the correctly spelled out words License
She takes_____her father. after
I enjoy watching serials ______ TV. on
Panacea means___? Cure all
Paradise Lost was written by___? John Milton
What is the verb of the word 'ability'? enable
Ata ali walks as if he___ lame. were
It is time(open) the door. to open
Could I have a ___ of ice cream? scoop
I know better. 'BETTER' is__ adverb
Synonym for "Extempore" - Impromptu
Synonym for "Menacing" Alarming
Antonym for "Oblige" Bother
Antonym for "Cynical" - Gullible
select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the given
We were as surprised as Rahman
sentence: "We were no more surprised than Rahman"
Select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of given Our neighbour has never invited us into his
sentence: "Not once has our neighbour invited us into his house." house
Choose a suitable word/phrase to fill in the blanks of the given sentence.
Travelers --- their reservation well in advance if they want to visit the St. had better get
Martins island.
Choose the suitable word/phrase to fill the blanks. After food has been
it should be stored
dried or canned -- for later consumption.
choose the word/phrase that best retains the meaning of the underlined
word/phrase in the given sentence - Despite being a brilliant scientist, he make his ideas understood
does not seem to "get his ideas across"
choose the word/phrase that best retains the meaning of the selected
word/phrase: What may be considered "courteous" in one culture may gracious
be arrogant in another.
identify the incorrect word/phrase in the following sentence: 'Every'
man or woman 'should' vote 'for' the candidate of 'their' choice.
Identify the incorrect word/phrase: A doctor may be able "to diagnose"
a problem "perfect" but he may not able to find a drug "to which" the perfect
patient "will respond"
identify the incorrect word/phrase: - According to experts a good way
"to" "improve" listening skill in "by" "watch" television, specially news watch
and documentaries.
Choose the pair of words that expresses a relationship similar to that of
Butcher: baker
the given pair: WORDS:WRITER
Choose the pair similar to the given pair: Patron:Support Counselor:advice
Choose the similar relationships like given: Heart::Human Engine::Car
Choose the meaning of the given expression: "No news is good news" It is likely that nothing bad has happened

choose the meaning of the given expression: "A bird in hand is worth Take what you have got readily available
two in the bush." rather than expecting better in the future
The sentence "Who would have thought Shylock was so unkind"
Which do you think is the nearest in meaning to ‘proviso’: stipulation
Antonym of ‘dogma’ is unbelief
Synonym of ‘apex’ is: zenith
‘To smell a rat’ means: to suspect a trick or deceit
Antonym of ‘tedious’ is: refreshing
‘Pediatric’ relates to the treatment of: children
Identify one of the underlined words or phrases that must be changed in
order for the sentence to be correct: "Joseph’s story" is "a" clinical by the fear
portrayal of "man as an animal" trapped "by the fear" and hunger.
The doctor suggested that the patient --------- weight. lose
Our friends will --------- for two nights. put us up
The ozone in the upper layers of Earth’s atmosphere is beneficial, --------
animal and plant life from dangerous ultraviolet radiation.
Once the audience began to applaud and laugh at his jokes, Monem felt
more ---------.
We drove ---------- the river for an hour -------- turned north before we
towards, but
reached it.
There is --------- in one of front teeth. decay
Which one is the correct spelling? dyeing
Synonym of ‘paradox’ is: contradiction
If I found a bag in the street, I would take it
Choose the correct sentence
to the police.
He used the phrase “you know” so often
Choose the correct sentence
that I finally said, “No, I don’t know,”
Choose the correct sentence Why have you done this?
Which one is the correct expression? Congratulations
Government has been entrusted____elected politicians. to
Hard labour ____ health. tells upon
Nila always ............ black shoes. wears
Find out the antonym of 'Dexterity'? clumsiness
"Justice delayed is justice denied" was stated by_ Gladstone
Choose the correct antonym of 'Sluggish'_ animated
Find out the correct spelling_ Lieutenant
We would like to vote__ the liberal candidate. for
The synonym of 'embellish' is adorn
The verb of 'beauty' is beautify
The idiom 'let things slide' means- ignore
Choose the correct spelling indigenous
The correct translation of ‘রতববার ঵ইকর্ বৃতি ঵ইকর্তি঱’- It had been raining since Sunday.
The word 'constraint' means limitaion
The expression 'to look after' means to take care
The antonym of ‘stubborn’ is agreeable
What is the meaning of the expression “bottom of my heart”? core of my heart
The word ‘desperation’ is a/an noun
I’d like ------ information, please. some
Yoga is ------ a good exercise for ------ breathing considered, controlling
A man ----- by a speeding bus while he was crossing the road. was run over
He ----- prefers ----- speak very little. himself, to
It ----- heavily when he ----- up. was snowing, woke
Misuse of ----- energy has ----- destruction. atomic, wreaked
There is ----- milk in the bottle. very little
I have ------ him to give ----- smoking. told, up
The groom arrived at the community centre exactly ----- time. on
He hates ----- kept ------. to be, waiting
Choose the correct sentence: It is you who are to leave.
Choose the correct sentence: He suspected that something was wrong.

Choose the correct sentence: The jury are arguing among themselves.
True happiness consists __ contentment. in
He was divested __ all power. of
Synonym of 'procrastinate'__ Delay
True happiness consists __ contentment. in
He was divested __ all power. of
It costs about sixty dollars to have a tooth ___________ . filled
'Be that as it may' means However
The adjective of ‘rigidity’ is ------. rigid
It was so dark that the security guard could not see ------. anyone
------- the rain, the cricket match was not cancelled. In spite of
The proposal was tentative means, the proposal was ------. indefinite
The synoym of ‘pandemonium’ is ------. commotion
The word ‘amenable’ means --------. agreeable
The antonym of ‘blasphemous’ is -------. respectful
Some of my relatives have left -------- Canada ------- to find jobs. for, hoping
I’d ------- a blue bedcover ------- a green one. prefer, to
Choose the English translation of “স঴াভাগ্যক্রকম পকরর বাক঴ আতম উঠকর্
Fortunately I could get into the next bus.
The adjective of word ‘mother’ is --- motherly
Identify the word or phrase that is not correct . After she "had brought"
"himself" a new car, "she sold" "her" bicycle
Identify the word or phrase that is not correct . Please "give me" "a few
a few sugur
sugur" and "some biscuits" "if you have any" left.
His reply was not only prompt _______ complete . but also
We had better _______ the schedule of the examination. The right
option for the gap is -
The antonym of “Panic” is - relax
The synonym of “Nepotism” is - Favouritism
Near the White House there is a famous landmark _____ the
Washington Monument.
Which one of the following sentences is correct? Rintu was hanged for murder
If he had come in time, he could have met
Which one is the correct sentence?
‘The English’ means - The English people
I prefer swimming to ____ walking
I wish I _____ dead. Fill in the gap were
How fast the boy runs! The underlined word is - adverb
The antonym of ‘boost’ is restrain
All his dreams were nipped in the bud. – here ‘nipped in the bud’ means - destroyed at the beginning
His words are susceptible __ flattery. Fill in the gap- to
Choose the best alternative to the selected text Your courage is "as
as great as that of any other person
great as any other person" in defending your country.
Choose the correct alternative to selected text Neither Mr. Karim nor his
is invited to speak at the seminar
friend "are invited to speak at the seminar"
Choose the correct alternative of selected text "When one eats in this When you eat in this restaurant, you often
restaurant, you often" find that the prices are high. find
Which of the selected items is wrong I had "a" enjoyable "time" "at" the
party "last" night.
Which of the selected word/phrase is wrong Kabita "intends" to
"starting" her own "software" business in a "few" years.
Identify the wrong word/phrase "The" majority "to" the "news" is about
"violence" or scandal.
Identify the incorrect word/phrase "Do" you "know" the student "who"
books "were" stolen?
Identify the incorrect word/phrase "When" our vacation, we "plan" to
spend three "days" scuba "diving."
The Bangladesh cricket team ________ with a victory against England bounced back

Before you entered the classroom, you ______ the teacher’s permission should have sought
Select the correctly spelled out words Correspondence
Select the correctly spelled out words Diagnosis
He is in a bellicose mood. Bellicose means ? quarrelsome
He died--- diarrhoea of
He will leave for--- USA. the
Which of the sentence is correct? i had better not be late.
I am not bad--- tennis. at
Choose the correct alternative to correct the sentence. He ………. to see
would have come
us if he had been able to do .
What is the synonym of competent ? Capable
What is antonym of jovial ? Jealous
What is antonym of Gentle ? Rude
Choose the correct answer. How long did you wait ? Till he came
Choose the correct sentence - The man who said that was a fool
Choose the correct sentence - Each of three boys got a prize
Choose the correct sentence - I asked javed if he had passed
Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentence. He had a
severe attack
_______ of fever.
What kind of noun is girl ? Common
What kind noun is Cattle ? Collective
`syntax' means - Sentence building
Choose the correct sentence - He was hanged for murder
Choose the correct sentence - The rich are not always happy
What is the synonym of `Incite' ? Instigate
What is the antonym `Honorary' ? Salaried
Who is poet of the Victorian age ? Robert Browning
Who is the author of `For Whom the Bell Tolls' ? Ernest Hemingway
Fill in the blanks He has assured me_______safety ? of
May Allah help you. What kind of sentence is this ? Optative
A rolling stone gathers no moss. what rolling' is ? Adjective
Which is the noun of the word beautiful ? Beauty
Hold water means - Bear examination
The greater the demand, ___________ the price. the higher
She is beautiful but she is __________ her mother. not so beautiful as
She is the best dancer. She dances _______ than anyone. more beautifully
Price for bicycles can run ___________ T.k 2,000.00 as high as
If we had a boat, we ________ the river. would cross
Who is the greatest modern English Dramatist? George Bernard Shaw
Who is the modern philosopher who was awarded Nobel Prize for
Bertrand Russell
Who is the author of 'A Farewell to Arms'? Ernest Hemingway
Who is the most famous satirist in English literature? Jonathan Swifts
What is the synonym of 'Delude'? Deceive
what is the noun of the Word 'Waste'? Wastage
What is the antonym of 'Queer'? Orderly
What is the adjective of the word 'Heart'? Heartening
What is the verb of the word 'Shortly'? Shorten
Choose the correct sentence: Let you and him be witnesses
Choose the correct sentence: The police were informed of the matter
Who, which, what are: Relative pronoun
Choose the correct one: Misspell
Fill in the blanks :What is the time ---------- your watch? by
Fill in the blinks: “Give my ___to him”. Compliments
“Caesar and Cleopatra” is- A play by G. B. Shaw
select the meaning of the word 'stagflagation' - economic slow down
what is the meaning of the word 'scuttle ' - abandon
what is the meaning of the word 'stanch' - put an end to
what is the meaning of the word 'belated ' - Tardy
what is the meaning of the word 'sequence'? to follow
what is the meaning of the word 'euphemism'? in offensive expression
'The Rainbow 'is -. a novel by D.H. Lawrence
'Tom Jones' by Henry Fielding was first published in -. the 1st half of 18th century
Anything 'pernicious' tends to injure or destroy. something which has no
such harmful effect is -.
Do not worry, English grammar is not_ to understand._ which of the
too difficult
following does best fit in the blank space?
We(not have) a holiday since the beginning of the year. which of the
have not had
following verb forms does best complete the above sentence?

If I were you, I (handle) the situation more carefully. which of the

would handle
following verb forms does best complete the above sentence?
It's time(you, realize) your mistakes. which of the following verb forms
you realized
does best complete the above sentence?
We have recently entered ---- an agreement with Inland co-operative
society? which of the following does best fit in the blank space?
The boy from the village said, "I ---- starve then beg".-which of the
would rather
following best completed the above sentence?
It is too difficult to tolerate bad temper for long. which of the following
put up with
phrases does best replace 'tolerate' in the above sentence?
I have never seen such a slow coach like you, this small work has taken
a very lazy person
you three full month. what does the idiom 'a slow coach' mean?
A speech full of too many words is- A verbose speech
To meet trouble half way means- To be puzzled
What is the meaning of the idiom ‘a round dozen’? A full dozen
What is the meaning of ‘soft soap’? Flattry for softmotives
You should "show good manners" in the company of young ladies-
Behave gently
Which is the appropriate phrase for the underlined expression above?
Trying unitedly we were able to have our project approved 'against'
strong oppositions. which of the following says nearly the same as In the teeth of
'against' above?
Not many people can commit such a heinous crime 'in cold blood'. What
In cool brain and calculeted thought
does the quoted idiom mean?
People who assume that no evil can befall them are foolishly- Complacent
One who unduly forwards in rendering services for others is not
generally liked in society- Which of the following words represents truly Officious
the character of the person mentioned here?
What kind of man is quite the opposite type of “supercilious”? Affable
How many eggs have your hens _ this month? laid
Can you tell me where ________? Mr. Ali lives
Now-a-days many villages are lit ----- Electricity. Which is the correct
preposition in the above blank?
The second anniversary celebration of our college will be held on
December,15. which of the following is the correct phrase for ‘will be comes off
‘Dog day’ means- hot weather
The speaker failed to make the audience-to him patiently.-Which of the
following is the best form of pronoun in the above sentence?

My uncle has three sons, ---- work in the same office.-which of the
all of whom
following is the best form of pronoun in the above sentence?
What is the meaning of the word ‘intrepid’? fearless
What is the meaning of the expression ‘bottom line’? The essential point
The holding of more than one office at a
The word ‘plurality’ means-
`Bootleg’ means to- smuggle
Which of the following is a correct sentence? He was too clever to miss the point
The ‘poet laureate’ is- the Court poet of England
Which of the following school of litarary writings is connected with a
Comedy of Humours
medical theory?
Who of the following was both a poet and painter? Blake
Are you doing anything special --- the week-end? at
What is the synonym of ‘incredible’? Unbelievable
What is the antonym of ‘famous’? Obscure
plebiscite is a term related to Politics
People always remember patriots -Which of the following is the best The patriots are always remembered by
passive form of the above sentence? the people
Who wrote ‘Beauty is truth,truth is beauty’? Keats
Many islands make up- an archipelago
"By and by" means- slowly
The readers like ---- better than mine. his and hers
The government is considering ---- a new international airport. building
Many a .......... tried to complete the work man has
You're right ......... an extent. You haven't thought about the big picture.
So, really, you're only half right.
No sooner ......... I shut the door, when the telephone rang. had
The teacher has little control _____ his students. (appropriate
Feed the baby ______ milk. (appropriate preposition) on
Get the poem __________ heart. by
The examination ______ before I reached the hall. had started
He is ___ six feet. about
I'm going to .......... school in order to obtain education. no article
The poetry of imran is not clear and easity accessible but rather vague
and ____
Our annual sports came --yesterday. off
How did you come -- this picture? by
Which one is the correct sentence ? open at page 50
Put some sugar___tea into
He learned to read and write quite - - - in his life. late
I would rather have done the work
Correation: I would rather do the work yesterday.
I hope she GETS THROUGH her exams next week. passes
Do you have any trouble ___ English prepositions? with
We're FED UP WITH the bad weather. very tired of
When do you "do the washing up?" - select best meaning clean the dishes
When you were young did anybody warn you ___ the dangers of
Should petrol taxes be raised ___ protect the environment? to
As a student she has just enough money to "GET BY ON." - what is the
live simply
meaning of highlighted words
I'm sorry I didn't TAKE IN what he said understand
An officer or post with little or no work but high pay---- is known as Sinecure
The business has lost a lot of orders recently and is going through a
......... time.
Choose the appropriate preposition to fill in the blank. Do not get angry
with me! I am _____ your side.
choose the word or phrase that is most nearly similar or opposite in
meaning to the word given in the question: INFRINGE
choose the word or phrase that is most nearly similar or opposite in
meaning to the word given in the question: BROCHURE-

choose the word or phrase that is most nearly similar or opposite in

meaning to the word given in the question: EQUIVOCAL-

choose the word or phrase that is most nearly similar or opposite in

Not certain
meaning to the word given in the question: ILLUSIVE-
Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to the expressed
seamstress : scissors
in the original pair: CARPENTER : SAW-
Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to the expressed
Event : memories
in the original pair: FIRE : ASHES-
Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to the expressed
gulp : sip
in the original pair: STARE : GLANCE-
Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the
sentence as a while: Although a few years ago the fundamental fact
established __ question
about the Milky Way seemed fairly well ___ now even its mass and
radius have come into ___.
Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the
sentence as a while: Because she had a reputation for __ we were querulousness - affably
surprised and pleased when she greeted us so __

Choose the set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the
sentence as a while: A __ statement is an __ comparison;it does not blatant-overt
compare things explicitly,but suggest a likeness between them.

Choose the word or phrase that best fill the blank space to complete
the sentences: If a ruby is heated it ___ temporarily loose its color.

Choose the word or phrase that best fill the blank space to complete the
Mathematics teachers
sentences: All of the people at the NAM conference are ___ .

Choose the word or phrase that best fill the blank space to complete the
to have passed his driver's test
sentences: Almost everyone fails ___ on the first try.
'Existentialism' কী? একটি দালততিক মর্বাদ
The product is made -- pure gold. of
I will have the IT company ------- my computer repaired
I got my washing machine ----- my shirt cleaned
He made all of us- laugh
An "erratic" person is one who is---- unreliable
Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that
stimulate : cool down
expressed in the original pair. EXCITE : CALM
Each question below consists of a related pair of words. Select the pair
that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the detain : dispatch
original pair. DELAY : EXPEDITE
Each question below consists of a related pair of words. Select the pair
that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the penury : wealth
original pair. ANARCHY : GOVERNMENT
Each question below consists of a related pair of words. Select the pair
that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the diagnosis : cure
original pair. VACCINE : PREVENT
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: ‒
glass is, for all practical purposes, a solid, its molecular structure is that Although
of a liquid.
The intensive search was conducted by the detectives to locate those
had escaped
criminals who ‒ .
The intellectual can no longer be said to live ‒ the margins of society. beyond
According to the conditions of my scholarship, after finishing my degree
the University will employ me
If a substance is cohesive, it tends to ‒ . stick together
He stopped his car ‒ when the light turned red. abruptly
The influence of the technological revolution in ‒ and ‒ the
concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the few should worry accelerating ‒ intensifying
us all.
Few people would care to take the negative side of the proposition that
oppressed ‒ scorned
the women of the world are ‒ and ‒.
Anger, even when it is ‒ has one virtue, it overcomes ‒. sinful ‒ sloth
The word ‘dilly-dally’ means: waste time
The passive form of the sentence “some children were helping the The wounded man was being helped by
wounded man” ‒ some children
He has acceded - -my request to
I spent - -with the patient some time
I count - -your help upon
Trees have - - off their leaves cast
If a person is 'grandiloquent' in his speech,he does not speak judiciously
Sorry, I can't repay you this week. I'm completely ___ . broken
Can you put me ___ for the weekend? up
He objects ___ treated like a child. to being
Quarry:marble mine:coal
lubricant:friction muffler:noise
An antonym of 'advancing' is retreating
'Minstrel' means a wandering poet
There's......dust on these books. a lot of
I wish I.. . . . . a king. were
I entrusted her _________ the work. with
The spider scrambled hurriedly ___________ a corner. to
Salam hit ___________ an excellent idea. upon
The committee had an inquiry ________ the case. into
He sat ___the fire with me. by
They provided him___food. with
The car ran___a dog. over
No sooner had he seen the train _ _ he started running Than
He went after we had left.Here after is – conjunction
Eager:Indifferent enthusiastic:halfhearted
Lengthen : Prolong stretch : extend
Delay : Retard slow down : hold up
Submissive : Disobedient observe : defy
He fantasized ‒ winning the lottery about
The Parthenon is said ‒ erected in the Age of Pericles. to have been
while his brother was discussing the effects
As they waited, Rahim argued against war ‒
of pollution
The Olympic games were watched by ‒ billions of people all over the
The tree has been blown ‒ by the strong wind. off
A reward has been announced for the employees who ‒ hard. have worked
To ‒ the arrival of spring, Bangladesh Television ‒ a special function. celebrate : organized
Submission- Yielding Complaint- Acquiescent
Vacilate- Hesitate Irresolute- Indecisive
Assert- Dissent Affirm- Object
Distort- Twist Harmonize- Balance
He has paid the penalty __ his crimes __ five years in prison. for, with
The path ___ paved, so we were albe to walk through the park. had been
In spite of my requests, he did not __. get off
The children studied in a class room __ windows were never opened. whose
To stay healthy, we must plan to have a balanced __. diet
We must keep our fingers __ that the weather will stay fine for the
picnic tomorrow.
They have __ their support for our case. pledged
Chosse the correct meaning of the following words: Cul-de-sac dead end
Parcel means Postage
Rumminant means Cud-chewing nimal
If I had known you were coming ___. I would have gone to the station.
Choose the correct option: Even as harvesting was goin on ___. the rainy season began
Which phrase contains words opposed to each other in meaning? Reproduction and death

Find out the correct translation: ঴কা঱ সেকক গুঁতি গুঁতি বৃতি ঵কে। It has been drizzling since morning.
A person whose ‘head’ is in the ‘cloud’ is- a day dreamer
Identify the correct sentence: She had faith in and hopes for the future.
Javed was so exhausted that he was lying
Choose the correct tense:
down for a sleep
A synonym for resentment is- anger
The captain left the boat, because it ___. turned over
One should be careful about ___ duty. one’s
Three-fourths of the work __ finished. has been
We waited unitl the plane ___. took off
Chosse the correct sentence: Rahim ate almost the whole fish
She argued ___ me about the marriage. with
Identify the correct passive form- Open the window. Let the window be opened
Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom- Swan song Last work
Similar relationship expressed in the pair: Conscious- Careless Careful- Indifferent
Select similar to: Handy useful
Select not similar word to given word: Viable that will work
Choose the correct meaning of the following words:: Gullible willing to believe anything or anyone
The second World War broke __ in september, 1939. out
The government gave __ the demands of the people. in
The ministers arrived __ a decision last night. at
I thought that __ was the last one. the prettiest one of all
I don’t think you will have any difficulty __ a driving license. to get
Please __ the necessity of arriving early. emphasise on
At least one of the students __ full marks every time. gets
My wife reminded me __. of my appointment
The team is __ eleven players. made up of
We need two hundred dollars __ this to pay for everything. besides
My friend always goes home __ foot. on
In order to improve farming methods, we need __. machinery
My uncle arrived while I __ the dinner. was cooking
I decided to go __ with my friend as I needed some exercise. for a walk
Choose the correct alternative: I don’t mind __ with the cooking but I am
not going to was the dishes.
His father came to see him _____. off
______, Leisure promotes health, efficiency, and happiness. If used wisely
Harvard _____ a school for men, but now it is co-educational, serving as
was used to be
many women as men.
The word flame means: fire
What is the antonym of "Zeal"? apathy
The sentence with correct punctuations- Maria, my student, is on leave today
The antonym for ‘inimical’- friendly
The synonym for ‘efface’- rub out
The best passive form of the sentence: ‘we don’t like idle people’ - Idle people are not liked by us
The correct sentence of the followings: The Nile is the longest river in Africa
When a person says he’s `all in’ it means . He is very tired
`Bill of fare’ is - A list of dishes at restaurant
A ‘bull market’ means that share prices are- rising
Industrial shares considered to be a safe
‘Blue chips’ are-
‘Blockbuster’ means: A powerful explosive to demolish buildings
Any one of the following pairs are literary collaborators- Shelly and keats
The correct sentence of the followings - A new cabinet has been sworn in Dhaka
The last word of the proverb . Handsome is that
Browning was the composer of any of the following poems - Andrea del sarto
The right word to fill in the gap of the following sentence : Give her a
in case
telephone number to ring ____ she gets lost.
The synonym of `Franchise’ - Privilege
The correct spelling is - Humorous
`Equivocation’ means - Two contrary things in the same statment
Persona-non-garta লব্দ ঴মতি সয তবকল঳ সক্ষকে প্রকযাজ্য - কূটিীতর্তবদ
will you turn.....the switch for me? on
The word ‘imbibe’ means : To drink
The word ‘homogeneous’ means: Of the same kind
The synonyme of ‘genesis’ is- beginning
The correct passive of “Sheila was writing a letter” is - A letter was being written by Sheila
Which of the following sentence is correct? One of my friends is a lawyer
Which of the following sentences is correct? The shirt which he bought is blue in colour
Which of the following sentences is correct? Why have you done this?
Which of the following sentance is a correct proverb? Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
Which of the following sentences is correct? I forbade him to go
In which century was the Victorian period? 19th century
Shakespeare is known mostly for his- plays
Something which is obnoxious means that it is- Very unpleasant
Something that is ‘fresh’ is something- In fairly good condition
A fantasy is- An imaginary story
An ordinance is- A law
Three score is - Three times twenty
The antonym of ‘indifference’ is - Ardour
Sanction লব্দটির অেত ? Authorisation
Synonym of ' sticky ' ? Adhesive
'In a nutshell' means - Briefly
Choose the correct sentence. Both.
That was a great match. I'll never forget ____ Ronaaldo score that goal. to see
The police is looking ........ the case. into
Can i have___milk in my coffee,please? some
The antonym of the word "private " is— public
Choose the correct sentence. The meeting was adjourned for a week.
Ambition is —of his life. part
Every driver must be held—his own crime. Responsible for
The danger of long-term use of vitamins and herbs ___ still unknown. is

There (be) ___ a lot of evidence that vitamin-rich foods are beneficial. is
Most people (be) ___ able to get all the vitamins they need in the foods
they eat.
A daily diet that ___ foods from the 4 groups should supply all the
nutrients a person needs.
Because of his success as a comedian , director were loath to consider
If you're worried about the problem,you should do something ...... It. about
Patrick is a fast runner.I can't run as fast as ....... . A+C
Sally is doing OK at the moment.She has ........ . quite a good job
Sarah couldn't meet us, ....... was a pity. which
Sky : Bird :: Water: ? fish
The team is made _____ 11 players. up of
Nice day ______? all of above
He is — European. a
'Panic seized the writer' বাকযটির passive from ঵কব— The writer was seized with panic.
The bird sings sweetly. বাককয 'sweetly' লব্দটি ঵কে— An adverb
A person about whose past nothing is
'Dark horse' এর অেত ঵কে—?
That meat smells a bit ____ to me. Iffy
Idiom "Burning Question" Means: গরুত্বপূর্ত তব঳়ি
His assignment is akin —— mine. to
Rony has been cured —— his disease. of
The meaning of ’come to light’ is— to publish
’At draggers down’ means—— on the point of fighting
Find out the antonym of ’facilitate.’ obstruct
The synonym of ’Precarious’ is—— risky
The antonym of ’docile’ is—— unruly
The synonym of ’aversion’ is —— fragile
I enjoy —— out for field work. going
It is time you—— for a new job. looked
Few could have ___ the ___ results of our season; we won seven games
predicted, stellar
and lost only two.
The Padma abounds ___ hilsha fish. with
The board of directors were not fooled by the manager's ___ arguments;
specious, untenable
his plan was obviously ___.
Anger may be compared ___ fire. to
'An early bird' means- an early riser
It ___ a great shock to everyone because he had not said a word for 10
The Tames flows ___ London. through
She is good ___ lawn tennis. at
I ___ here since 1980. have been living
The streets would be wet, if it ___ rained
If I ___ you, I would never do it. were
The baby ___ because it is hungry now. is crying
Water is changed ___ vapour. into
Jamal and I ___ to school. walk
Do not leave ___ I come. until
If you make delay, you ___ the train. will miss
Racket :Tennis ::? Bat:Cricket
The verb of the word ’economy’ is—— Economize
I congratulate him ____ his bright result. on
"All at once "means suddenly
"For good" means permanently
"A man of letter" means A scholar
"Millennium" is a period of—years. 1000
He is— punctual —efficient. neither, nor
He at once agreed — my proposol. to
Give the opposite gender of 'Doctor ' Lady doctor
সকািটি collective noun? Soldiers
Nobody — Alam knew the way. but
The opposite of the word "flexible " is — rigid
Who is author of India wins freedom ? Abul Kamal azad
The literary work 'Kuble Khan'is -. a verse by Coleridge
T.S. Eliot was born in -. U.S.A
what was the real name of the great American short story writer
William sydeney porter
They are taking ------the matter. over
He was turned ---- from the school. out
He deals --- rice. in
He deals --- me very well. with
The plan has been hanging --- for a long time. up
His patience bore him --- in that crisis. up
He always acts --to my advice. up
The teacher called -- the names of his pupils in the class. over
His hard labor will carry him ---. through
He walked round the house- bare foot. in
Which is the correct? His information is false.
Which one is correct sentence? His circumstances are good.
He takes no interest ... politics. in
the writer of "A good muslim" tahmima anam
When you first meet someone, you usually shake them _____the hand. by
His evidence does not bear___ the charge. out
"INSANE" means- Crazy
Which is the both a noun and a verb? brush
The antonym for "Harbinger"- wastrel
Which is correct spelling ? Bouquet
Which is correct spelling ? Assignment
Synonym of the "Encounter"__ Battle
Antonym of the "Doctrine"__ Error
Synonym of the "Heed"__ Notice
Who is the Victorian genius? Above all
What is the synonym of 'Aroma'? fragrance
He is not interested ____ cycling. in
‘evaluating’ means Assessing
The man was --- for murder. hanged
Which is the plural form of the word 'Hero'? Heroes
What is The Synonym of Plethora? Abundance
Ghost Writer এর মাকি তক? তযতি কাত঵িী, আটিতকক঱, বই বা তরকপাটত ত঱কেি
ডু রান্ড ঱াইি বডতাকরর দদর্ঘতয কর্ তক.তম? ২৬৪০
The climate is congenital ----- health to
You had better --------here. stay
FUND:EMBEZZLED Writing:plagiarized
"Out post " পতরভা঳া সকািটি? ফাুঁতি
Fill in the blank of the following sentence with the right form of verb. if I
_____ a king!
N.B stands for - Nota bene
What is the masculine gender of "mare" ? Stallion
Sentences can be broken down into:. clauses
Event: Memories Fire : ashes

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