Worksheet 1 - Listening

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Worksheet 1 - Listening

Adapted from:

1. Number the places in London in the order you hear them:

Buckingham Palace

London Eye

Tower Bridge

Big Ben

Houses of Parliament

Madame Tussauds, Museum

Tower of London

Oxford Street

2. Do you remember the information?

In pairs, choose an answer and then listen again and check if you are correct.

a) The tour of London takes _______ hours

 2
 3
 4

b) At Madame Tussauds Museum you can see ___________.

 maps of London
 models of famous people
 famous shops

c) Oxford Street is a famous street for ___________.

 drinking tea
 eating
 shopping
d) The Queen lives at ___________.

 Buckingham Palace
 Tower of London
 Tower Bridge

e) Big Ben is a ___________.

 tour guide
 clock
 bridge

f) You can see great views of London from ___________.

 Oxford Street
 Houses of Parliament
 London Eye

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